Material Empire

Chapter 183: I'm here to play.

Almost everyone believes that the two young people from the Localization Office did not understand what everyone was saying, because everyone did not intend to make them understand from the beginning. If the person coming is not Qin Hai and Lu Xiaolin, but someone who is a bit heavy like Yang Xinyu, the teachers may not be so mean, after all, they all claim to be cultural people, and they are reasonable. However, the Localization Office did not send a leader over, but sent two young crickets who were too young to be justified, and everyone felt despised. Everyone thinks that it is a shame to learn their own belly without hitting the faces of these two young people severely.

After everyone yanked their expertise in Yunshan, they hoped to see the embarrassing expressions on Qin Hai and Lu Xiaolin's faces. It is better to be ashamed to indicate that they have not learned enough and need more advice from teachers. This will make everyone angry. It will be flat. But these two young people didn't even understand a little humanity, but just said something "inspiring".

Did you hear clearly? The little young man named Qin said that it was only "some" inspiration, not "very" inspiration. This is almost not taking everyone's words to heart. Well, now that you are inspired, let ’s talk about what inspired you. You can recapitulate the concept that everyone said by 10%, and everyone will let you go. If you don't understand these words, hum, you're insulting yourself.

All people held this idea and looked at Qin Hai and Lu Xiaolin with playful eyes, waiting for them to answer. Qian Rongrong will be a bit uneasy. Of course, he can hear everyone's intentions. Although he also has some disdain for Qin Hai and Lu Xiaolin, he is holding down the official letter from Pujiang City Government. Don't look at the monk's face, he still has to look at the Buddha's face, right?

"Mr. Yuan, Mr. Zhang, don't be critical. You are all doing cutting-edge research. Secretary Lu and Secretary Qin do practical work. How can you understand your thoughts so quickly. The content is also quite complicated, I'm afraid it's not easy for you to master all of it at once, in fact, even I heard a little confused.

Let's go back and sort out what everyone said today, write a briefing paper and provide it to the localization office, and then analyze it slowly to see what are the merits of the two, how about the two? Qian calmly talked on both sides with a mouth, thinking of finding a step down for Lu Xiaolin and Qin Hai.

"I didn't understand it earlier, so we don't have to waste time here." The old Yuan was proud and said cheerfully: "If you want to understand the situation of polymer materials, I can send you a copy I wrote "Introduction to Polymer Materials" for you to learn slowly. This book is still quite popular. Generally, you can read it with high school education. "

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. Anyway, you are all in Pujiang. You can also come and listen to the class. We are all very welcome." The teacher next to me also hurried and everyone laughed.

Hear these ridicules. Lu Xiaolin flushed with anger. She is a second-generation official. She was arrogant. It is not easy not to bully others. Who would have thought that she was being bullied today. The most worrisome is that in the face of this bullying, she has no way to fight back, because people are right. She did not understand anything.

"Xiao Qin, let's go." Lu Xiaolin covered her mouth with her laptop and whispered to Qin Hai.

"Why?" Qin Haidao looked at Lu Xiaolin's face, and whispered, "Why, angry?"

"I'm so angry." Lu Xiaolin said.

Qin Hai smiled and said, "Well. Then I'll take it easy for you."

"Don't ..." Lu Xiaolin quickly yanked Qin Hai's clothes under the table, and her first reaction was that Qin Hai was about to meet the old fists.

Qin Hai ignored Lu Xiaolin's persuasion. He looked at Lao Yuan and said with a smile: "Ms. Yuan's good intentions. We have a heartfelt mindset. However, we are not using the teaching materials of Yuan Yuan for the time being. From a conceptual point of view, your understanding of polymer materials is still at the level of the 1960s abroad, and the knowledge is slightly outdated, I am afraid it will not help us much. "

"What did you say!" Lao Yuan stunned for a second before he understood Qin Hai's words, and he couldn't help anger. As a scholar, of course, he knew that his knowledge was a little bit outdated, and the age was in line with what Qin Hai said. In Qin Hai's words, Lao Yuan must have been ashamed if he was in the mouth of an academic leader, but in the mouth of such a little fart, Lao Yuan felt completely angry.

"Secretary Qin, you said that my knowledge is stale? Then explain to me what my knowledge is stale! In the presence of Director Qian today, if you do not make this clear, I will ... I will ... …Humph!"

Old Yuan narrowed his eyes, trying to find a threatening word to scare Qin Hai. However, he even said "I will," and he still couldn't find a valid threat. If Qin Hai was his student, he could threaten him by linking his subjects; if Qin Hai could not beat him, he could threaten him by force. It's a pity that Qin Hai is neither his student nor the one he can beat, so he only snorted heavily to show that he was angry and had serious consequences.

"Secretary Qin, what do you mean by this?" Qian Congrong's face was also a little ugly. Teachers made it difficult for Qin Hai. He didn't think it was appropriate, but Qin Hai turned his back on each other and said that the teachers' knowledge in his name was outdated, which made him even more unacceptable.

Qin Hai opened his notebook and said calmly: "Mr. Yuan just said a lot about the characteristics of polymer materials. I recorded it. Mr. Yuan talked about ten aspects, of which nine aspects were about polymers. One of the advantages of materials as structural materials is the advantages of functional materials, and it is the most unknown aspect.

As we all know, when polymer materials first appeared, they were mainly used to prepare structural materials such as fibers, films, and plastics. But from the mid-1960s, developed countries began to pay more and more attention to the role of polymer materials as functional materials, including their resistance. Thermal properties, electrical conductivity, biochemical functions, etc., are the main development trends of polymer materials for a long time to come.

For example, according to the information we have, the United States is currently developing automotive engines that use all plastic molding. The weight of such engines can be reduced by more than half compared to cast iron engines. The manufacturing process is all molded or injected, and the production cycle is greatly shortened. At the same time, plastic engines have less vibration and noise, and their overall performance is better than metal engines.

To manufacture this metal engine, the heat resistance of engineering plastics needs to be solved first, which involves the field of functional materials. On this issue, we would like to hear the opinions of teachers. Unfortunately, you seem to lack such academic sensitivity, especially ... Teacher Yuan. "

"This ..." Lao Yuan's face suddenly turned purple. Qin Hai said that it was exactly his weakest place. Of course, he knows that polymer functional materials are an important development direction, but he doesn't have much success in this area, such as heat-resistant materials and conductive materials. He knows them, but he does n’t know why, so he did n’t Dare to say more. Qin Hai accused him of stale knowledge with this article, so that he really had no room to refute.

"Secretary Qin, it is not objective for you to say this. Teacher Yuan himself is engaged in structural materials, and he does not know much about functional materials. What is strange?" Teacher Zhang hurried out to save the scene, "What I just said, With regard to the issue of organic electronic materials, may I ask Secretary Qin, do you think what I said is helpful to you? "

Qin Hai shook his head: "Mr. Zhang, you speak very well, but IMHO, the ones you just said are too low-end."

"What, low-end?" Teacher Zhang's face also changed. "You say that I am low-end, then you talk about what is the high-end in your mind!"

"Organic conductors and superconductor crystals with low-dimensional characteristics; air stability and durability mechanisms of conductive polymers; organic polymer nonlinear optical materials; organic polymer ferromagnets ... these are our concerns. Teacher Zhang, you do n’t seem to be involved in these fields. The research you are doing is actually outdated. ”Qin Hai shook her head, with a regretful expression on her face, as if a sigh was sighing that her graduate student was not up to expectations. general.

"I, I, I ... who said that I do n’t want to get involved in these areas, but where does the money come from? Where does the equipment come from? I want to apply for a topic on the relationship between crystal structure and ferromagnetism, but I still ca n’t apply. Can this blame me? "The teacher Zhang was stunned all at once. There was no Zhang madness when he just reported his name to show off his knowledge.

Qin Hai ignored the teacher's excuse, and turned his face to the other teachers, starting to comment on their speeches one by one:

"Some of the polymer performance issues Mr. Li just talked about are not comprehensive enough. In fact, the current international research hotspot should be the blending modification theory of polyamides, polycarbonates, polyesters and polyphenylene sulfide ... ... "

"Mr. Tang is a fiber material? Can I ask Mr. Tang to pay attention to the basic research of high specific strength, high specific modulus, and high breaking strain fiber materials ~ ~ These are our concerns. At the same time, it is also a cutting-edge topic in the world ... "

"Teacher Wong……"

Every time Qin Hai talked about a person's head, the person's complexion turned blue, and his hands and feet couldn't help shaking. They did not want to jump up with Qin Hai's theory, but helpless Qin Hai's comments were stable, accurate, and ruthless. Each comment in the commentary was the soft underbelly of the other side, which made the other side hurt his bones at once.

Qian Congrong's face also became more and more ugly. He had no longer the slackness of Lu and Qin. In his heart, he muttered a sentence repeatedly:

Nima, where did these two come to seek advice, it is clear that they are here to play!


Announce loudly: I am back!

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