Material Empire

Chapter 195: Upscale restaurant

After the report was completed, the members of the working group went their own ways. Watermark Advertisement Test The investigation of Jintang by watermark advertisement test is only part of their work. They will continue to investigate in other places in the next step, so some homework must be done first.

Near the end of work, Qin Hai, who was sorting out the information, received a call from Yang Xinyu from the office.

"Is it Xiao Qin? Are there any arrangements after work?" Yang Xinyu asked in a gentle tone on the phone.

"... No." Qin Hai was a little confused for a moment, wondering what Yang Xinyu meant.

"If there are no arrangements, come to my office and come to me after work. I invite you to dinner." Yang Xinyu said.

"Is there anything?" Qin Hai asked strangely. Yang Xinyu was sent from Pucheng to work in Pujiang. His family are all in Jingcheng, so he is also a bachelor in Pujiang. He usually eats in the cafeteria with everyone. He specially invited his subordinates to eat such things, at least Qin Hai met for the first time.

"Nothing, I just want to find someone to chat with." Yang Xinyu said and hung up.

Putting down the phone, Qin Hai was a little calm. The leader invites you to dinner for no reason, and asking the people to drink tea with the relevant departments seems to have a different meaning, but it is a good feast. Without much thought, Qin Hai could guess that Yang Xinyu's invitation to eat had something to do with his previous report to Yang Xinyu. Even though other people couldn't see Qin Hai's consideration in this matter, Yang Xinyu must have been watching this.

Since Yang Xinyu chose to talk to himself by eating, Qin Hai naturally couldn't let others know. He dragged in the office until after work, and waited for everyone else to finish. Then he packed his things and came to Yang Xinyu's office.

"Director Yang, I'm here." Qin Hai said at the door.

"Oh. Wait a moment, I finish writing this line of words." Yang Xinyu didn't lift his head, hurriedly wrote something on a document in front of him, and put on his cap. Close up the documents. He stood up and smiled and asked, "How's that, it doesn't affect your date with the subject?"

"Hehe. My subject doesn't know in which kindergarten to take a small class yet ... Director Yang will pick people. If you invite Xiaolu to accompany you for dinner, they are really not available." Qin Hai also answered with a smile.

"Why, Xiao Lu and Xiao Xia are really in love?" Yang Xinyu inquired quite gossip.

Qin Haidao: "It can only be said that it sparked a little spark. People who are so stylish on Xiaolu will actually be the same nerd as Lao Xia, which is really shocking."

Yang Xinyu shook his head and said, "You don't understand. Because Xiaolu is a fashionable woman, she likes more stable and reliable lads. This is called a complementary personality. Xiao Qin, you are still young. When you start to find someone, Got it."

"Director Yang really is the love field ... well, it really is rich in experience. I will learn more from Director Yang in the future." Qin Hai decisively swallowed the two words behind "love field". The leader is joking with you, that is to show that he is approachable. You must not take the leader as a buddy who can say nothing. The consequences of joking over the leader are serious.

The two talked about a very light topic, and together they came out of the small building of the localization office. When he came to the street, Yang Xinyu asked Qin Hai, "Xiao Qin, I'm not familiar with Pujiang. Do you know where there is a good restaurant? Well ... it's a little higher grade."

"Have you invited other guests?" Qin Hai asked.

"No, just the two of us," Yang Xinyu said.

"The two of us ... just find a place to eat, right?" Qin Haidao. When he wanted to come, Yang Xinyu invited him to eat only a form. The real purpose was to talk to him about his work. Since it was only a form, why should he find a high-end place?

Yang Xinyu shook his head: "The days are different today, so we have to find a more upscale place."

"Okay ... but I'm not familiar with Pujiang. When I was running colleges and scientific research institutes with Xiaolu some time ago, Xiaolu told me a restaurant on Huaihai Road. It is said that the grade is very high. Where is it going? "Qin Haidao.

Yang Xinyu said: "Listen to you, you lead the way, I will pay for it."

Qin Hai looked around, and just saw a taxi approaching in front of him, he came forward and waved his hand, stopping the car. He opened the door of the back seat and said to Yang Xinyu, "Director Yang, please get in the car."

Yang Xinyu smiled slightly and got into the car. Qin Hai closed the door and sat in the front passenger seat, telling the driver the name of the restaurant. The driver really knew the place, nodded, and drove on the road.

Yang Xinyu watched Qin Hai's proficient behavior when negotiating with the driver and asked, "Why, Xiao Qin, do you often take a taxi in Pujiang?"

Qin Hai turned around and smiled bitterly: "How dare I go to those colleges and universities with little lanes, it ’s hard to walk without pipes, they are all on the bus, and sometimes I just want to buy a bike and ride it. The office has a good reputation, but it ’s really a stunt in fund management. I heard that all things except receiving foreign guests are not allowed to take a taxi. "

"It's right to pick the door." Yang Xinyu said, "The country's finances are very difficult, and our localization office has limited funding. What can we do without picking the door?"

Qin Hai laughed: "This is also the result of Director Yang's adherence to the principle. You should know that many departments allow subordinate companies to help reimburse taxi fares. We have so many collaboration units below the Localization Office, just find a few It is enough for each unit to share it, so that everyone can live a more relaxed life. "

Yang Xinyu replied calmly: "You're right ... my old concept really needs to be changed."

When the car arrived at the restaurant, Qin Hai paid for the fare. The driver habitually took out the invoice and prepared to write an invoice to Qin Hai. Qin Hai waved his hand and said, "No, I pay for it personally, and I have no place to reimburse you when you issue the invoice."

"Oh, you two, please go." The driver put away the invoice and greeted him politely.

The two got out of the car and met the high-end restaurant Lu Xiaolin introduced. The restaurant seems to have been around for some years. It should be built in the era of imperialism. It is completely Western-style. Through the large glass windows, you can see that it is beautifully decorated. Not the same, so Qin Hai mistakenly thought he was back in Madrid.

"Director Yang, how is it here?" Qin Hai asked with a smile. Yang Xinyu said he wanted to find a high-end place, but this place seemed too high-end, and he didn't know if Yang Xinyu could accept it.

Yang Xinyu looked at the restaurant's furnishings, his face hesitated, but he smiled and said, "Since it's here, let's go here ... Dude, I'm afraid I'll eat half a month's salary for a meal here? "

"Otherwise, let's change to another one." Qin Hai suggested that he knew Yang Xinyu had always been frugal and very principled. Since he said it was a private invitation to Qin Hai for dinner, he would definitely not use public funds. Eating half a month's wages at a meal is too extravagant for a payroll.

"No need, just here." Yang Xinyu said, stepped forward and opened the restaurant door. The waiter rushed forward, asked the number, and led them to a two-seater seat by the window.

"I've come to this kind of restaurant several times for banquets for foreign guests. Things like ordering are all handled by the road, I don't understand. Otherwise, Xiao Qin, you can order." Yang Xinyu put The waiter handed the menu to Qin Hai and told him.

The high-end restaurants of that era were very common in the eyes of future generations. Qin Hai opened the menu and ordered a few medium-grade dishes. It was estimated that the price was about sixty to seventy yuan, which should be more appropriate. He hesitated in his heart. Should he rush to pay the bill when the bill was settled, after all, he was a million-dollar man, and Yang Xinyu had so much money to invite him to dinner, and he couldn't bear it.

"Come to the wine bar." When the waiter recorded the name of the dish and turned to leave, Yang Xinyu suddenly added.

Qin Hai was really shocked this time, he nodded to the waiter, motioned the waiter to write the red wine, then turned his head, watching Yang Xinyu and asked: "Director Yang, what is going on today, is it really true today? Is it any special day? "

"It's not special." Yang Xinyu laughed. "I just suddenly remembered that today is my birthday. At this time in the past, my family's wife cooked a bowl of longevity noodles for me. I'm busy with work this year and can't go back. Beijing has had a birthday, so I decided to come out and celebrate it myself. "

"It was like this ..." Qin Hai was a little surprised, "Why didn't you say it earlier ~ ~ I could have called my colleagues in the office, and everyone would celebrate it with you."

Yang Xinyu said: "No, I don't always like to shock everyone for my own affairs. By the way, there are rules in our party that leading cadres don't want to live, don't give gifts, less toast, and less clap. I invite you to accompany me today We are not the relationship between leaders and subordinates, but ordinary friends. Drink some wine and chat between friends. This is not against the discipline. "

"This rule seems to be old, right?" Qin Hai laughed. "How many people will do this now?"

Qin Hai hasn't encountered many things like doing birthdays and gifts. But when it comes to toasting and clapping, has Qin Hai seen less? Just on this trip to Jintang, he didn't know how many drinks he had been toasted. You must know that his identity is only a secretary of the working group, and he has no visible real power. If it was Yang Xinyu's level, toasting people would be able to drain a mile.

After hearing Qin Hai's words, Yang Xinyu smiled lightly and said, "Yeah, it's all outdated rules. However, some things still have to be inherited. We are old, Xiao Qin, these traditions You can't lose it. "

Having said that, he looked at Qin Hai with clear eyes, and his eyes contained thousands of words.

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