Material Empire

Chapter 198: Have the opportunity to drink tea

Hearing Qin Hai's questioning, Fan Xue hesitated. He instinctively felt that the young man in front of him was not easy to deal with. If he was entangled with him, he would not be an opponent either in reasoning or fighting. Thinking of this, he turned his head to Liu Yaozhong and asked with a dark face: "Director Liu, what's going on, is this person you arranged?"

Liu Yaozhong was startled and quickly waved: "Manager Fan, don't get me wrong, I don't know him at all."

After all, he said to Qin Hai again with a bit of pleading: "Young man, you may have some misunderstanding of our side, you can leave this thing alone ..."

Qin Hai smiled coldly and turned to Jiang Qiaoyun. "Sister, don't cry, I can see that you are also coerced by others. You don't have to be afraid of them, a factory manager, a **** manager, can't make a big wave. You Let's go first, you can rest assured that if they dare to embarrass you, someone will help you. "

Jiang Qiaoyun looked up and looked at Qin Hai with tears in his eyes, and said, "Comrade, thank you very much ... Director Liu will be nice to me, I ..."

She was willing to excuse Liu Yaozhong, saying that she had come to this banquet voluntarily. But as a woman with a bit of tradition, facing such harassment, how can she say the word voluntary?

"Yeah!" Liu Yaozhong saw this situation, knowing that today's events can be considered a smash in the pot. Even if the young man can be persuaded, this table wine cannot continue to drink. Letting Jiang Qiaoyun come, was originally a puppet in Liu Yaozhong's heart, and now seeing Jiang Qiaoyun crying so sad, and still speaking for him, Liu Yaozhong only felt that he was really a beast.

"Mr. Fan, he is probably drunk ..." Liu Yaozhong reluctantly accompanied his smile and said to Fan Xue, "Xiao Jiang is also a bit drunk. Otherwise, let's get here today ... the case of the meter, another day I Then ask Manager Fan to see how you are. "

Liu Yaozhong also knew in his heart that after today, I am afraid that there will be no "change in heaven". The order of the meter is definitely to be beaten. But what has happened so far, what else can he do? Is it really necessary to let his friend's wife wait for the Fan Xue to greet him?

He looked up at Qin Hai, not knowing whether he should hate this young man or thank him. If this young man doesn't show up, he really doesn't know what kind of requirements Fan Fan will make next, and then how will he respond? Perhaps, this way of ending this ridiculous feast. Is the most suitable.

Fan Xue's face was as black as if it were going to rain. Foreplay had done so much. When he was about to enter the substantive content, he was suddenly poured a cold water down, and this was the most depressing thing in life. He sat in his seat and stared straight at Qin Hai, thinking of any way he could clean up this ignorant young man.

During this meeting, Qin Hai has sorted out the relationship between the characters at the scene. Previously, he thought that Liu Yaozhong and Fan Xue joined forces to force Jiang Qiaoyun to submit. Sounds now. Jiang Qiaoyun and Liu Yaozhong had a tacit understanding, and Liu Yaozhong was helpless. There is something hateful, but it is also poor. Knowing this, he set his sights on Fan Xue.

"This leader, can you tell me, which leader in your door is you? You are so upset, do you know the discipline inspection of your unit?" Qin Hai said leisurely.

"You ..." I heard the word discipline inspection. Fan Xue couldn't calm down, he stood up and walked out with his legs raised. As he walked past Liu Yaozhong, he snorted heavily and said, "Director Liu. You must give me an account of what happened today!"

"is it?"

A man blocked Fan Xue's way and said to him coldly.

"Who!" Fan Xue was really annoyed. Which passer-by ran out and quarreled? Next time there is such a thing, we can no longer choose this kind of high-end restaurant. The people in the high-end restaurant have a sense of excess justice and make people unhappy to engage in hidden rules!

"Fan Xue, you have a decent head." The person directly opposite broke Fan Xue's name.

"You ... Yes ... It's Director Yang ..." Fan Xue took a closer look and couldn't help but startled. The wine he just drank and the hormones he had secreted suddenly turned into cold sweat. He knew that he was real here Hit the iron plate.

Yang Xinyu is the executive deputy director of the Pusang Automobile Localization Office and is familiar with the heads of various industrial companies. But Fan Xue's contact with Yang Xinyu was earlier than that. When Yang Xinyu was still the deputy director of the Ministry of Machinery, Fan Xue was the director of Pujiang First Instrument Factory. Yang Xinyu went to his factory to inspect it. He has worked and criticized some of his work mistakes.

Fan Xue knows that Yang Xinyu has a great influence in the Municipal Industry Bureau. The director of the Industry Bureau and Yang Xinyu are also brothers and sisters. The instrument industry company is only a less important company under the Industrial Bureau. As long as Yang Xinyu goes to the director to wry his mouth, the manager Fan Xue is considered to be the end.

"Director Yang, what happened just now is a misunderstanding ... The factory director Liu and Comrade Jiang Qiaoyun are good friends. We are in a private party, just chatting and joking." Fan Xuezhi Wuwu Di explained, and at the same time he slammed Liu Yaozhong desperately with his eyes, hoping that he could come out and say something good for himself.

"Uh ... this director, Manager Fan said, is true, we are friends drinking ..." Liu Yaozhong also stammered. At this time, he still did not dare to offend Fan Xue, this is not only a question of whether he can get an order for the instrument shell, but whether it will offend Fan Xue's entire network.

Yang Xinyu glared at Liu Yaozhong and reprimanded: "Don't think that others can't see it. You don't have to justify him here. If you want to justify, you can go to the discipline inspection of the Municipal Industry Bureau tomorrow. Fan Xue, I will honestly report your question to the Pujiang Industry Bureau. I hope they will see what their cadres look like! "

After all, he turned and walked outside the restaurant, leaving Qin Hai and others behind. In surprise, Liu Yaozhong pulled Qin Hai and asked, "Comrade, what's going on ... Do you know this director, can you explain to him ..."

Qin Hai smiled hesitantly and said, "Our director made it very clear. If you want to explain, go to the Municipal Industry Bureau to explain it tomorrow. As for this manager Fan ... Congratulations, you have the opportunity to go to the discipline inspection for tea It's ... "

Speaking of this, Qin Hai himself turned away, but he couldn't go far because Yang Xinyu went out without paying the bill, and the waiter could only pull Qin Hai to pay the bill, which was in line with Qin Hai's original idea.

Watching Yang Xinyu and Qin Hai leave, Liu Yaozhong turned back timidly to see Fan Xue. Fan Xue's face was green and red for a while, and when Liu Yaozhong looked at him, he stomped his foot in annoyance and scolded: "The surname Liu, I'm terribly miserable by you!"

Qin Hai paid the bill and chased out of the restaurant, only to see Yang Xinyu squatting alone on the side of the road, smoking smoke. At this time, the sky was completely dark, and what Qin Hai could see was only a somewhat aging silhouette, and a light but dark cigarette butt, looking so dreary in the neon lights across the street.

"Director Yang, why are you so angry?" Qin Hai walked to Yang Xinyu, also squatted down, and asked quietly. In his impression, Yang Xinyu has always been a bit elegant and elegant. This performance just now is too intense.

Yang Xinyu glanced at Qin Hai and said, "Xiao Qin, you really let me down."

"I ..." Qin Hai couldn't figure out what was wrong.

Yang Xinyu said, "I asked you to ask, you really just asked. Why are you so big, why not give Fan Xue a treat!"

"Uh ..." Qin Hai was speechless. What happened to Lao Yang today, it would be so violent. In fact, Qin Hai really had the urge to turn Fan Xue into a pig, but Yang Xinyu didn't say clearly, how dare he do it in a large court? Besides, even if Yang Xinyu asked him to slap him, he had to think about it. After all, beating people is illegal, as is beating bad people.

Yang Xinyu's remarks were actually an angry statement. He didn't know how he could hold back the anger in his heart, perhaps because he had just talked to Qin Hai, which made him hate the style of some officials, and Fan Xue just hit his muzzle. .

He knew that Fan Xue was not accidental. Responsible persons in some units can rely on the materials or procurement rights in their hands, and they can indeed act in front of the units that have their own needs. After all, power is too concentrated, and all resources are deployed through power ~ ~ rather than relying on the market to allocate it. Qin Hai just said that it is necessary to introduce private scientific research institutions and break the monopoly of government-run scientific research institutions. With competition, the influence of power can be greatly eliminated, and this scene, as seen today, will not appear.

"Xiao Qin, do something bold for a technical service company. The market needs you like this, otherwise we can only watch the maggots like Fan Xue raging." Yang Xinyu said Shen Sheng.

Qin Hai understood Yang Xinyu's thoughts and said, "Director Yang, even if there is no administrative privilege, the privilege of capital will also be evil. However, having more choices is always a good thing, at least, it can make those who People who are willing to submit to power have other opportunities. "

"You're right, all we have to do is give everyone more choices." Yang Xinyu nodded.

At this time, Liu Yaozhong and Jiang Qiaoyun walked out of the restaurant. They looked around and found Yang Xinyu and Qin Hai, who were squatting on the side of the road, and came over quickly. Liu Yaozhong hesitated again and again, and spoke to Yang Xinyu with a tone of unease:

"Director ... I still want to explain to you today. Can you give us a chance?" (To be continued ...)

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