Material Empire

Chapter 200: There are 2 brushes

Yang Xinyu didn't break his word. He didn't even wait until the next day to work. Instead, he called the director of the Municipal Industry Bureau's home as soon as he returned to his residence and informed the director of the Fan Xue he saw in the restaurant today. Bad behavior.

The Director was not particularly surprised by what Yang Xinyu reported, but rather surprised by Yang Xinyu reporting the incident in person. In fact, the leaders of the Industrial Bureau are generally aware of what is wrong with their cadres. Some things will not be unreasonably dealt with by a cadre unless someone deliberately raises it. However, since Yang Xinyu called the phone to his own home, the director naturally paid much attention to it.

Early the next morning, when Fan Xue arrived at the instrument company, he received a call from the Industry Bureau and asked him to talk to the director's office. Fan Xue rushed to the Industrial Bureau in a car, but when he came out again, the car no longer belonged to him. He was transferred to the Trade Union of the Industrial Bureau at the same level, supposedly to give play to his specialty of caring for the welfare of female employees.

When Fan Xue was lonely and frustrated, Qin Hai took Xia Yangjie and took a long-distance bus to Dongyao Plastic Products Factory in the suburb of Pujiang.

"Welcome Secretary Qin!" Liu Yaozhong and Jiang Qiaoyun and other six or seven people were already waiting at the factory gate. When Qin Hai and Xia Yangjie came over, he hurried forward two steps and greeted him warmly.

"Hello Mr. Liu, is this Engineer Zhou?" Qin Hai shook hands with Liu Yaozhong, and then turned his attention to a man in a wheelchair behind him.

"Dong Yi, this is Secretary Qin." Jiang Qiaoyun pushed the wheelchair forward, and introduced Zhou Dongyi on the wheelchair.

"Hello, Secretary Qin, what happened yesterday, Yao Zhong and Qiao Yun told me. Thank you Director Yang and your help, and thank Secretary Qin for coming to us to inspect our company." Zhou Dongyi said in a gentle tone. Qin Haidao expresses his gratitude, and his face is somewhat reserved with intellectuals.

"Zhou Gong is polite." Qin Hai and Zhou Dongyi also shook hands and returned him a smile with the same hold.

"Let's talk to my office ... Sorry. Secretary Qin, our factory is too small to have a special conference room ..." Liu Yaozhong said sorry.

Qin Haidao: "We are here to inspect, if Director Liu will not mind. Can we first visit Zhou Gong's laboratory, and we can also watch and talk in the laboratory."

"It's all right." Zhou Dongyi agreed quickly, in fact, this also accorded with his idea. He believed that if Qin Hai was a knowledgeable person, he would have been more confident in Dongyao factory after seeing his laboratory.

Qin Hai also introduced Xia Yangjie to everyone. I heard that Xia Yangjie was a teacher at Pujiang Jiaotong University, and Zhou Dongyi immediately got close to him. Everyone knows that after talking, Zhou Dongyi originally graduated from Pujiang Jiaotong University, of course. That was almost 20 years ago.

Under the guidance of Liu Yaozhong, the group came to a small yard at the corner of the factory. Liu Yaozhong said that this small yard is the laboratory of Dongyao Plant. The accident that caused Zhou Dongyi's injuries happened in this small yard, when a wall was blown out of a large hole. but. Now that the small yard has been repaired, no trace of the accident can be seen.

The small yard has seven or eight rooms, including laboratories, drug warehouses, reference rooms, etc., which are quite formal. It can also be seen from this that Liu Yaozhong really attaches great importance to scientific research. A small factory can actually make the laboratory conditions so superior.

"The original intention of the factory manager Liu and me to run this factory was to hope to occupy a certain market with unique technology. Then we would use the profits obtained from the market. Develop new technologies so as to form a virtuous circle and eventually become a Large companies with high technology as their core competitiveness. "

In the laboratory, Zhou Dongyi unabashedly introduced Qin Hai and Xia Yangjie's grand ambitions.

"Yeah, yeah, in fact, I'm just a farmer and I don't know anything about technology. If it wasn't Dongyi. I would definitely not dare to come out and run this factory, let alone make the factory a certain scale." Liu Yaozhong echoed and said .

After hearing the words of the two partners, Xia Yangjie couldn't help but cast a glance at Qin Hai. He remembered that Qin Hai had been talking about such a business model before, and he had never seen such a living in the suburbs of Pujiang City. example.

Qin Hai remained calm. "So, so far, I don't know if the goals of Liu Chang and Zhou Gong have been achieved."

"Well, blame this **** accident!" Liu Yaozhong sighed. "It's also blame that I chose a wrong person and found a nephew from a distant house to help Dong Yi as an assistant. The child is not good at art, if it is not Dong Yi's death Then the child was finished. As a result, the child was saved, but Dong Yi was injured like this. "

Zhou Dongyi hurriedly said, "I blame me for this, because I didn't give him a clear explanation of the operation process. After all, he is just a high school graduate, and he doesn't understand anything about polymer chemistry."

"This kind of experiment, how can you let a high school graduate do it? How can you find some college students who have systematically studied chemical engineering knowledge in the university?" Xia Yangjie criticized.

Zhou Dongyi said: "I know this, but now college students who are willing to work in a township enterprise like ours? It is also blame that I am too anxious, and I want to hurry up to make several new products, otherwise I will not hand over these experiments. Someone else. "

Liu Yaozhong also followed with self-criticism: "I urged Dongyi to push too hard ... We only had two products developed by Dongyi before, and my father asked grandma to open up a little market and the accumulation was too slow. I thought, If there are more products, maybe the market will be bigger, so it will be easier for us to recruit talents. "

Everyone you say to me, rush to take responsibility for yourself. Qin Hai and Xia Yangjie, who stood aside, heard their helplessness from these words: The township enterprises themselves do not recruit people, cannot recruit talents, and cannot find business, so they can only struggle and slow Slow accumulation.

In that year, there were so many township and village enterprises like Dongyao Factory. Some of them depended on technology or business capabilities to make their best efforts. Most of them could only be reluctant to survive. In the end, they could not escape the fate of bankruptcy.

"Director Liu, Gong, I have a general understanding of the situation in your factory. Now let's talk about the cooperation. The situation on our side, I also introduced to Director Liu and Ms. Jiang last night, no I know what your intentions are for this cooperation. "Qin Hai stopped talking with Liu Yaozhong and others and went directly to the topic.

Liu Yaozhong glanced at Zhou Dongyi. Zhou Dongyi cleared his throat and said, "Let me start. Last night, Yao Zhong and Qiao Yun came back and said what you meant. We studied it overnight and had some ideas, please ask Secretary Qin and this engineer to advise.

Secretary Qin is from the Pusang localization office. To cooperate with our factory is nothing more than the processing of automotive plastic parts. I sorted it out here. The plastic parts used in cars are roughly divided into the following categories: The first category includes plastic parts such as wheel covers, mirror frames, dashboards, horn covers, and grocery boxes. Their common feature is dimensional stability. Better. Good mechanical properties, easy to process, and some can be adapted to electroplating. Such a plastic material should be an acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer, which is abs plastic ...

The second type is the lampshade on the car. It is required to be transparent, high in strength, and easy to be molded. Such materials are mainly polystyrene ... "

Zhou Dongyi held a few pages of handwritten materials and talked eloquently. His face was completely out of the cold, making it difficult to imagine that he was a disabled man who had just lost his legs. When it comes to the performance and limitations of various plastics, he has almost no hesitation, and some strength and toughness data can be disclosed at will.

"No, Zhou Gong. How many years have you studied cars?" Qin Hai couldn't help asking questions.

Of course, what Zhou Dongyi said was clear to both Qin Hai and Xia Yangjie. After all, they did what they did. However, Zhou Dongyi is not engaged in automobiles, and it is not shocking to be able to summarize these contents as if I have read the internal materials of the China Nationalization Office.

After hearing Qin Hai's question, Zhou Dongyi smiled proudly. He said: "Actually, I did n’t study much about cars. After Yao Zhong came back to talk about this yesterday, we immediately went back to an acquaintance to borrow a Pusang car to study overnight. We wrote down every part related to us There are some places where the summary is not in place, and the two leaders will be asked to advise. "

"It's not easy ..." Qin Hai sighed. Zhou Dongyi's explanation made people feel that it is not surprising that he has such a recognition. It is rare that they have such a spirit, they can find someone to borrow a car to study overnight, and organize various materials to such a fine degree. Compared with the slackness of the state-owned enterprises they have inspected before, Qin Hai's positive attitude is the most valuable.

"So, let's talk about your conclusions." Qin Hai interrupted Zhou Dongyi's narration. He didn't need to listen to these common sense introductions. He wanted to know what Dongyao Factory had planned after considering so many things. .

Zhou Dongyi said: "After we sorted out the plastic parts used in the car, we felt that there are several materials that we can do and can achieve better performance requirements."

"You talk about it." Qin Haidao.

Zhou Dongyi said: "The first type ~ ~ is a wire sleeve in a car. It is now made of soft polyvinyl chloride. It is characterized by softness, good dielectric properties, and unique flame resistance. .But now the wire sleeve used in Pusang cars is different from the soft polyvinyl chloride commonly used in the market. I compared it with the old-fashioned Jeepley wire sleeves in the countryside and found that the wire sleeves on Pusang cars are deformed and aged. Are significantly lower, which is obviously specially treated. "

"What special treatment?" Qin Hai asked with interest. He certainly knew that Pusang's automotive wire sleeve was made of special polyvinyl chloride material, and it was exactly the special material he had hoped that Jinnan Chemical Plant could develop. However, Zhou Dongyi was able to compare and find the difference. There are indeed two brushes.


These two days have been busy ... Is this reason a bit pale? No amount of explanations are cover-ups. Who believes that there is no update? So don't explain, update to go. Bandai said something, there was a written obscene dress ... No, it was Xiaoyanbai of "Medicine", threatening to exceed the orange on the monthly monthly ticket list, and then he really passed. Orange is very unconvinced. Although he wrote "Medicine" is really good, the previous book "Super Fat Exchange System" is even more god-made, but why can we bully people? If Orange is quick to update, do you want to vote for Orange to overtake him? In other words, the monthly ticket list is an important thing ...

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