Material Empire

Chapter 453: Carnival of Materials

Working with ministries and commissions, Qin Hai is not the first time. However, this time with the State Planning Commission, Qin Hai opened his eyes. The ability of the Planning Commission to allocate resources is truly unthinkable for ordinary people. After a notice, relevant units across the country are agitated.

To engage in a material science and technology exhibition, the chief expert naturally couldn't make it to Qin Hai, and even Chen Heqian could only stand aside. Wang Hongsheng invited teachers, seniors, and others from the Academy of Sciences, as well as seven or eight other middle-aged experts in various fields. Most of them also held titles like academicians. Chen Heqian and Li Linguang have not yet reached the peak of their academics at this time, and they have only a low profile in front of these big cattle.

Qin Hai had dealt with these cattle in the previous life, and had a good personal relationship with some of them. In this life, although everyone did not know him, his humility, cleverness and practicality still moved all the experts. Old people like Shi and Li are old seniors in the material industry. They are always young and good at helping young people. Seeing that Qin Hai had some understanding of materials science, and he was rare without the impetuousness of young people, he naturally appreciated him. When Wang Hongsheng asked them how to organize the exhibition, they inadvertently said: What Qin Hai did was very much in accordance with their wishes, and let the young man do it.

With such a precious sword, Qin Hai would be more convenient to act. The vast majority of those in the country who are at the forefront of materials research have a relationship with the cattle. Qin Hai pulled the tiger's skin as a banner, issued an offer to them, and asked them to take out their most proud products, pack them in accordance with Qin Hai's requirements, and prepare to participate in the exhibition. Naturally, these people dare not violate.

In the circle of materials science, except for a few young scholars who are in the military industry department or some other important departments, most of the rest have been captured by Qin Hai to the Anhe Materials College. Therefore, this time the material exhibition, Qin Hai left enough space for the School of Materials. After more than a year of construction, Anhe Material College has been promoted by a large amount of funds, and has produced many dazzling results, and it is time to be reviewed.

Regarding the format of the exhibition, Qin Hai had a lot of brains. Many of the exhibition projects that he designed, in addition to the materials involved, also required various post-processing, and some even invited professionals in advertising and art to provide creativity. Tossing down like this, two or three months passed.

In Qin Hai's view, spending months preparing for an exhibition is too inefficient. But in Wang Hongsheng's eyes, this is already a very fast pace. The planning committee system used to organize some large-scale exhibitions in the past. It took more than half a year to prepare for it, because only in this way can it be perfect and fully demonstrate the strength of an authoritative department.

In the spring of 1992, the first National New Material Technology Exhibition was grandly opened in the Beijing Exhibition Hall. The news spread immediately attracted the attention of the industry and the media worldwide.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we are now in front of the Jingcheng Exhibition Hall in Beijing, China, to introduce you to the grand event of the first National New Material Technology Exhibition in China. Unlike previous Chinese exhibitions, this exhibition brings us One of the outstanding impressions is that it is not like a technology exhibition at all, it is more like a carnival, yes, this is a dazzling carnival! "

American Fox TV reporter Joris held a microphone and stood on a large open field in front of the exhibition hall, reporting on the spot with an exaggerated tone. After a few years of ice, China's relations with the West have begun to thaw. Taking the opportunity of this material technology exhibition, the Chinese government issued invitation letters to key enterprises and media in western countries on behalf of several ministries and commissions, asking them to send someone to visit. In fact, both the invitee and the invitee understand that this is just a step that both parties can accept. With such a visit, subsequent contacts become natural.

From this perspective, the significance of this exhibition is not limited to material technology or economic activities. There are also deep political considerations behind it. Of course, this problem was considered by Wang Hongsheng, and Qin Hai and others did not know.

Joris also received an invitation from China. Before he set out, he made up his mind and made only a glimpse of this so-called material technology exhibition. His focus will be on stalemate with the West for a few years. China's status quo. It is not unreasonable for him to think in this way, because the editors of Fox TV think that a material technology exhibition must be boring, and the coverage of such exhibitions is simply impossible to earn ratings for TV stations.

However, when Joris came to the exhibition site, he was immediately attracted by the form of the exhibition. Looking at various ingenious designs, the word subconsciously emerged in his mind: carnival.

That's right, this is exactly what Qin Hai hopes to achieve, a carnival that fully displays the charm of materials technology.

The square outside the exhibition hall was covered with a layer of crystal-colored glass overnight. Unlike the glass that people usually see, this glass looks very soft and extremely bright. Under the sun, the entire square exudes a dreamy light, making people feel intoxicated. What makes people most curious is that although there are countless people stepping on these glass floors, as long as the cleaner wipes them with a moist mop, they will appear as good as new.

In the center of the square stands a group of animal sculptures made of the same glass, with a sign of the same material next to it. On the sign, a detailed introduction is written, telling the audience that this glass is called microcrystalline glass, which has the advantages of both glass and ceramics, high hardness, corrosion resistance, and beautiful appearance, suitable for all kinds of architectural decoration.

There is no doubt that many housewives have been conquered by this crazy beautiful glass before they can leave the progress hall. They pulled their husbands and whispered that they must decorate the kitchen and bathroom with such materials in their newly allocated houses, because only such materials can be worthy of their new home.

Walking across the square, there is a place in front of which says "Ticket Exchange". Visitors are given paper invitations, and they will exchange them here for official visit tickets. Joris and his colleagues came here, took out the invitations, and after checking, the staff handed each of them a thin card.

"This is your visit ticket. All the places where you need to verify your visit ticket may be passed with this card." The pretty female college student in charge of the reception introduced them to them fluently in English.

Joris is a sensational person and will not miss any chance to tease girls. Seeing the card in his hand as thin as a cicada, he pretended to be innocent and asked, "Beautiful lady, what I want to say is, can this card be folded?"

"Yes," the girl replied with a smile, "if you have the ability to fold it up."

"Really?" Joris froze, then tried to start folding the cards in his hand. Unlike the girl's prediction, he folded the card into two folds very easily, but just when he was about to show it off, he found that the card unfolded naturally and returned to its original state. No creases are visible.

"Oh, this is amazing!" Joris exclaimed, and then proceeded with the experiment. Seeing this, the camera reporter around him also lowered the camera and began to fold the card in his hand. But no matter what method they used, they couldn't keep the folded shape of the card, nor could they leave any creases on the card.

"You don't have to work hard, this is our newly developed high-toughness polymer material, let alone you fold it by hand, even if it is pressed once with a roller, it will remain flat." The girl said with a smile.

"This is really a good thing. If you use it to print photos, or make business cards, or make playing cards ... Yes, it can also be used to print elementary school textbooks. Mom never has to worry about the corners of my books. ... "Joris exaggerated.

The girl pouted, smiled, and gestured with her hand, saying, "Two sirs, you can go in. By the way, the door of the progress hall is held by a magnet. If you can hold the door directly without the help of a ticket Hit it, then you will get the 'Hercules' trophy awarded by the exhibition organizing committee. "

"What do you mean?" Joris was confused. How could the exhibition organizer encourage visitors to knock on the door?

Joris' confusion was resolved in a minute ~ ~ At the entrance, they saw a dozen shoulder-high fence gates, all of which were closed. Outside every door, challengers are trying brute force. These people first tried to push the door to **** the milk, then took two steps back and hit the door with their shoulders. I don't know who is so considerate. I even installed a leather pad on the door. I am afraid that the person who hit the door hurt his shoulder.

After failing to hit the door several times, the impulsive person began to kick with his feet. It's not that they don't talk about rules, it's because there is a steel plate less than one meter high on the door, and a footprint is clearly painted on it, which is clearly a place for people to step on.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm !!!"

The clashes have attracted countless onlookers, and there are still a lot of enthusiasts. However, all the challengers eventually came back, and had to pull out their vouchers with blushing faces and swipe through the gate. Strange to say, so many people tried their best to open the door, and opened it lightly with a swipe of a card, making people feel like the actions of everyone just now.

Joris followed the others and looked at the door, staring. It turns out that these doors are attracted to the door frame by a magnet, and that magic magnet is actually the size of a fingernail.

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