Material Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 649: The air in Jintang is so fresh

Green mountains and green water?

The Chief Minister read the word Qin Hai said, groaned for a while, silently wrote these four words on the note paper in front of him, and then said, "I've heard of you promoting environmental protection in Jintang. The Planning Commission reported this to me, and I did n’t quite understand it at the time. By the way, I have also seen the environmental protection public interest advertisement sponsored by your company. It seems that I have invited a young singer to speak for me? My granddaughter She likes that singer very much. Every time she puts out an advertisement, she will watch it. What is the name of the singer, I can't remember ... "

Speaking of which, the chief patted his head gently, showing a loving smile on his face. It was obvious that he had a bit of doting on his little granddaughter, and also because he couldn't remember the name of the singer's favorite singer. Feeling annoyed.

Qin Hai smiled and said, "The singer who spoke for her was called Qin Shan, and she was my sister, and she was my sister. It was my idea to let her speak for environmental protection and public welfare."

"Yes, that's Qin Shan." The chief said happily, "Why, is she your sister? Is she a sister?"

"My sister." Qin Hai responded.

"Well, that's great. I have to find you to go through the back door. Can you help me get a signed photo of your sister? This is the task that my granddaughter gave me. I don't complete her task. She I won't take a walk with me. "The chief said to Qin Hai in a serious manner.

Qin Hai sweats: "Secretary, this thing ... You can arrange for an individual to do it? As far as I know, Xiao Shan's autographed photos are less than ten thousand and five thousand each year. What do you want for one Difficult? "

"This private matter, how can I let the staff do it?" Said the chief with a slight look. At this moment, he looked nothing like a big leader in charge of the lifeline of the country, but more like an old grandfather next to him who was helplessly entangled by his little granddaughter.

It's a joke to say that the director can't even get a signed photo of a little singer. There is just no suitable opportunity. He is also inconvenient to let the staff under his command to do such a childish thing. I heard that Qin Shan was Qin Hai's younger sister, and Qin Hai sat in front of himself again, and the head of state brought up the matter. He mentioned it at this time. One is to meet a requirement of the young granddaughter by the way, and the other has a close relationship with Qin Hai. Show your own side.

"No problem, I'll just let Xiaoshan send you a copy." Qin Hai said in a big bag.

With such an episode, the serious atmosphere in the cabin suddenly became active, and even the secretary sitting on the side of the record smiled. The secretary knows that, although the head will be very approachable on many occasions, there is still a big difference between this kind of closeness and the people in the ordinary scene. To Qin Hai, the head has clearly shown an elder's appreciation and affection for juniors, an attitude that many high-level officials cannot enjoy.

Next. Qin Hai also introduced to the director the development of various materials such as polymers, ceramics, composite materials, nano-materials, application fields, technological prospects, etc. He originally had different insights from ordinary people. In addition, in these years, he has been in the materials industry. Grinding in the middle, and some of the opinions expressed, are enough to make the think tanks around the head of government feel ashamed. The Chief Minister listened very carefully, and his mind also formed a lot of policy ideas on this field.

The two-hour flight hurried past, and neither the speaker nor the listener felt the passage of time. Until a staff member gently pushed open the door of the cabin and reported to the chief that the plane was about to land, the chief interrupted Qin Hai's words and said, "Xiao Qin. Let's talk about this today. Listen to you today I have benefited a lot from this. The knowledge of materials is too deep, and I ca n’t understand much. However, I understand what you conveyed, that is, materials are the cornerstone of the entire country ’s industry and a century-old foundation. This principle requires Let more leaders know. In a few days, when you find it convenient, I would like to ask you to tell other leaders to let everyone know the importance of this field. "

Qin Hai responded quickly: "The chief is very polite, when do you need me to talk. Just tell me at any time. I dare say anything convenient or inconvenient about what the chief tells me."

"Well. Then find a time that is suitable for everyone." The chief said, and then. He turned to the secretary again and said, "Go and see if Ji Lao is rested. If he is rested, ask him to come over and let us get off the plane together."

The secretary left the cabin and accompanied Ji Ming early. The chief stood up and said to Ji Mingchu with an apology: "Ji old, sorry, I patronized Xiao Qin on this way and did not accompany you."

At the beginning of Ji Ming, he waved his hand and said, "I am an old man, what do you need to accompany? It is more meaningful for you to listen to Xiao Qin more about his industry. What about Xiao Qin? Right? "

"Very good." The Chief Minister did not hesitate to express his beauty, "I have been thinking just now, which ministries and commissions should be assigned to such talents. But then I think that he is now worth billions and his career is now During the ascent period, I am afraid that he would not be willing to change to a minister? "

Qin Hai continued to say, "The chief is overreputed. I just had to take the shit. I have mastered some material patents and made some easy money. I really want me to go to the government to take care of the stalls. Make a mess of things. "

"There is a specialization in the surgery industry, and let Xiao Qin be a cadre of the government organization, which is wasted, and he may not be able to do these things." Ji Mingchu said.

"Ji Lao is right. I was incapable of doing these things. Now the administrative affairs in our group are also managed by my old leader, the factory manager Ning Zhongying. I don't want to take over him." Qin Hai took the time to make an advertisement for the future Laozhangren. This time the feeding ceremony was of high specifications. Group executives such as Ning Zhongying and Song Hongxuan have also rushed to Jintang to wait. According to normal procedures, Ning Zhongying It is estimated that you can get a chance to shake hands and take a photo with the head.

The head said that he wanted to put Qin Hai to which ministry, but he just said casually. It is really necessary to transfer a private entrepreneur to a ministry to be an official. There are still many things involved, and a successful entrepreneur may not be able to become a wise official. He chatted a few more gossips with Qin Hai and early Ming Dynasty. The plane had already landed at Jintang Airport. The head of the government mocked Ji Ming early and walked to the cabin door. Qin Hai followed them closely.

A leader of Shannan Province and Jintang City has been waiting at Jintang Airport for a long time. As soon as the plane stopped, everyone rushed forward in the order of their positions, and then they witnessed this scene in person: Ji Lao, walking down the gangway with a smile, and beside them, followed by a young man who was horribly outrageous.

"Who is this young man?" Some officials who didn't know Qin Hai whispered to colleagues around him.

"You don't even know him? This is Chairman Qin Haiqin!"

Those who say this are generally cadres in Jintang City. Throughout Jintang, no cadre at or above the branch level knows Qin Hai.

"This is Qin Hai?" Those who had previously asked, although they did not know Qin Hai, could not fail to know the name Qin Hai. They came to Jintang today to participate in the feeding ceremony of a large-scale ethylene project. How can they not know who the owner is.

"He actually came down with the head and ranked in front of Director Wang?" The most shocking thing is naturally Qin Hai's ranking. This trip came with the head of the same plane. In addition to Qin Hai and the early period of Ji Ming, there were also Wang Hongsheng, deputy director of the Planning Commission, and some senior staff around the head. In the eyes of everyone, these staff and Wang Hongsheng are worth letting the whole Shannan Province looks up at the existence, but who can think of it, Qin Hai is the one behind him.

After seeing the head off the gangway, the provincial leader, led by Secretary of the Shanxi Province Mei Jiansheng, drove up, shook hands with the head and the Ji Mingchu one by one, shook the two hands, and then it was Qin Hai's turn. When everyone shook hands with Qin Hai, they added a bit of strength and looked directly at Qin Hai's eyes, trying to get some hints from Qin Hai in this way.

Qin Hai knows what everyone is thinking, and knows that he has stolen the limelight of Wang Hongsheng and others ~ ~ Of course he also understands that this is a reward given to him by the director. Although the head did not tell you anything clearly, everyone knew the position of Qin Hai in the mind of the head through this scene. In the future, at least in Shannan Province, if anyone wants to embarrass Qin Hai, they must weigh it first.

"I didn't expect that the air in Jintang would be so fresh." When the chief walked side by side with the commercial car parked by Mei Jiansheng, it seemed that he inadvertently sucked his nose, looked up at the sky, and issued A sentence of inexplicable emotion.

"Fresh air?" Mei Jiansheng said for a moment, then smiled, "Yeah, yeah, Jintang is a good place. I heard that they are still applying for the UN Livable City certification."

"Isn't Jintang a well-known chemical industry city? There is no smell in the air for the chemical industry. It's not easy. The leaders of Jintang should put a lot of effort in this area, shouldn't they invite them to come together? Talk about it? "The chief said to Mei Jiansheng like ordinary La.

Mei Jiansheng began to realize that the previous words of the Chief Executive were definitely not casually spoken, but that he really had some interest in the air in Jintang. He turned his head and shouted to Chen Yili, the secretary of Jintang, who was behind seven or eight steps: "Comrade Yili, come here and take a car with us. The chief wants to tell you about your experience in environmental protection." to be continued)

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