Material Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 663: How could this be

It is very particular about which laboratory to go to for experiments first. Dancing eBook

According to Zhang Shengying's idea, the serenity data is wrong, because the magnetometer of the serenity laboratory has been manipulated. In this case, if you go to Serenity's lab to do this set of experiments, the results will be consistent with the data that Serenity currently uses. In addition, even if different results are obtained in other laboratories, experts will think that tranquility is only deceived by the equipment, and the responsibility lies on the equipment and not on the tranquility.

In turn, first go to Du Xiangwang's laboratory for experiments, because Du Xiangwang's magnetometer is good, the results will naturally be different from the results in the serenity paper, which is enough to prove that serenity created on the data Fake. Since then, even if Tranquil finds that her magnetometer is malfunctioning, everyone will not believe her explanation, but only think that she deliberately destroyed the magnetometer to cover up the previous fraudulent behavior.

Because of this difference, Zhang Shengying insisted on going to Du Xiangwang's laboratory for verification experiments.

To this extent, Du Xiangwang, as the chairman of the defence, had no choice. He cast an inquisitive gaze at tranquility, and got a positive smile. He didn't know if Tranquility was well-informed or ignorant, but since there was no other opinion about Tranquility, and Meng Qilong went to the defence site to supervise the matter himself, he could only agree with Zhang Shengying's proposal.

"That being the case, everyone will come to my laboratory to take a look. It seems that our defense method will also change in the future. Some experimental data need to be verified on-site during the defense to avoid any mistakes made by the students. Leave regret. "Du Xiangwang grinned, trying to ease the atmosphere with a joke.

It is a pity that everyone present couldn't laugh because the incident was too serious this time. Regardless of the results of the experiment, one of Tranquility and Zhang Shengying had to be beaten. Except for Zhang Shengying himself, everyone hopes that Zhang Shengying is wrong, not serenity. One is because tranquility is the pride of the school. Once the data is found to be false, the school's face cannot be damaged, and the second is that everyone is disdainful of Zhang Shengying's approach. It is a shame for Beijing University to calculate his own students in this way.

The party came to the laboratory with Du Xiangwang. Du Xiangwang greeted everyone to sit down, and then said to Tranquility, "You can start the experiment now, all the materials and equipment you need. You can use it." 800 novel network Www.800Book.Net provides Txt free download) "

For this group of experiments to be conducted by Tranquility, ferric arsenic test specimens are needed. Du Xiangwang is currently doing research on iron-based superconductivity, and there are exactly samples of this material in the laboratory. Tranquil has also done experiments in Du Xiangwang here. She is very familiar with the materials and equipment in the laboratory. She smiled and smiled to everyone, and then put on a white lab coat for experiments. To operate.

Zhang Shengying didn't take a seat. She stood aside, staring at every move quietly. Beware of what quietness does. She can see that everything that Quiet has done is completely in line with the norms, and is completely consistent with the experimental design scheme introduced in the thesis, and no flaws can be found.

Other experts sat aside, and some people knew the experimental procedures, so they could naturally see the doorway. There are also a few academic committee professors who are not doing superconducting research and do not understand the specific details of the experiment, but seeing the quiet operation like flowing clouds, and also know that this student is not simple, apparently used to doing experiments. The accusation of data falsification is probably untenable for this student.

Tranquility is the only person in the room who knows all the circumstances. Qin Hai told her not to say anything in advance, that is, to wait for a powerful blow to Zhang Shengying at this time. She was calm. As usual, skillfully assemble the test piece, start the instrument to start the test, and then write down a set of data on the paper.

The process of the experiment was not complicated, and it took ten minutes to complete all the experiments. Under Zhang Shengying's supervision, she entered the data into a computer. Then call the statistical software to do some analysis, and send the final data curve directly to the printer.

"Mr. Du, this is the result of my previous experiment. You can compare the data in the thesis to see if there is any problem." Tranquility tore the result from the printer and passed it directly to Du Xiangwang. Although it was Zhang Shengying who attacked her, Du Xiangwang was the chairman of the reply committee. Therefore, Du Xiangwang should see this result first.

Du Xiangwang took the print result hesitantly, and opened the quiet thesis. The two contrasted each other, and his face was surprised.

"How is it, Lao Du, the result is different?" Zhang Shengying asked proudly aside.

"Xiao Zhang, you can take a look for yourself." Du Xiangwang handed the printed results to Zhang Shengying together with the paper, said calmly. Although Zhang Shengying is also a middle-aged woman in Benwu, but because she is younger than Du Xiangwang, she is still called Xiao Zhang in Du Xiangwang's mouth.

Zhang Shengying took two copies of the material and took a quick look. He couldn't help but blurt out: "How can this be!"

"Mr. Zhang, how is it?" Meng Qilong stepped forward and asked Zhang Shengying.

"This is impossible, absolutely impossible!" Zhang Shengying shouted hysterically.

"What's impossible?" Meng Qilong was a little annoyed. He grabbed both the printing paper and the paper from Zhang Shengying's hand, glanced at it, and then patted the two materials with his back, saying, "Isn't the two results exactly the same? What are you saying impossible? "

"Exactly the same?" The professors present exchanged glances with each other, all feeling that a stone had fallen to the ground. Zhang Shengying said that the data of Tranquility's dissertation is falsified. Although everyone is unwilling to believe it, they are afraid to pack tickets for Tranquility. However, everyone just witnessed the process of experimenting peacefully just now, and Zhang Shengying stared at it with a timid eye. There is no chance of fraud in tranquility. If the results of the previous experiment are exactly the same as the data in the thesis, then it means that there is no falsification at all and the honor of the school will not be dusted.

However, if Tranquility did not make fraud, why did Zhang Shengying say that she had made fraud?

Meng Qilong first made trouble to Zhang Shengying. He sank his face and asked, "Mr. Zhang, you said you have conclusive evidence to prove that the data in the peaceful thesis are fake. How do you explain the result now?"

"This ..." Zhang Shengying was completely embarrassed. The result she originally imagined was not the same. She thought that after experimenting with Du Xiangwang's equipment, Quiet should get a completely different set of data from the dissertation. At that time, Quiet Will be helpless, jumping into the Yellow River can not be washed. But who would have expected, the expected scene did not appear, and now she was embarrassed by Zhang Shengying.

"No, Lao Du, your magnetometer must be broken, otherwise this result would not be possible. The correct result should be like this ..."

Zhang Shengying said, turning over a pile of information that he had been holding, pulling a piece of paper out of it, and lifting it up high for everyone to watch.

"This result ... isn't that the result that Quiet just made?" Meng Qilong looked up, checked the thesis in hand, and asked strangely.

"What?" Zhang Shengying was a stunner again. She compared the results Liu Jun gave her with Tranquil's dissertation. She couldn't help but be foolish. Liu Jun's results were the same as Tranquil's. That is, Du The Ascension Magnetometer is perfectly fine.

"You ... it's definitely not this set of data in your original paper!" Zhang Shengying said quietly with his fingers.

Tranquil smiled coldly, and asked, "Mr. Zhang, how do you know that this data is not in my original thesis?"

"I let Liu Jun read your paper, and he said that your data was completely wrong." Zhang Shengying hesitated, shaking out Liu Jun too.

"Ms. Zhang knew that my data was wrong at that time?" Quiet asked Zhang Shengying's eyes.

Facing the quiet questioning, Zhang Shengying didn't know how to answer. It's too mean to say that you know it; it's too mean to say that you don't know it, and the experts at the scene are not stupid. Where can you not see the truth of the matter? She snorted for a few seconds before finally snorting heavily from her nose, which was an answer.

At this time, the laboratory door was pushed open, and Chen Zong came in. He first glanced at Zhang Shengying with a hateful gaze, then turned his head to Meng Qilong and said, "Principal Meng, I need to report something to you."

"Mr. Chen, now we are discussing the quiet graduation thesis ..." Meng Qilong said hesitantly.

Chen Zongze said, "The thing I want to report ~ ~ is related to the quiet graduation thesis. The thing is like this. After being reminded by the quiet classmates, I just brought a few students to the laboratory equipment. An inspection was conducted and it was found that the magnetometer in our laboratory was malfunctioning, which caused data errors in the magnetic performance experiments performed by some students and teachers, including Tranquility. "

"Fault?" Meng Qilong was startled. "How can a fault occur?"

"We checked. Someone removed the back cover of the magnetometer and adjusted the resistance of several variable resistors, which caused the reading of the magnetometer to have a significant deviation." Chen Zong said.

"Who did this? Didn't you educate students not to dismantle the equipment?" Meng Qilong asked.

Chen Zongze said: "Our students know that the experimental equipment is very valuable and cannot be dismantled at will. Besides, there are several adjustment knobs on the outside of the magnetometer. If you need to correct the zero value, you only need to adjust it outside. There is no need to disassemble the back cover. The only effect of disassembling the back cover is to intentionally damage the equipment and cause the experimenter to get the wrong result. As for the motivation for doing so, I don't think I need to make it too clear. "

Having said that, he set his sights on Zhang Shengying and said coldly, "Mr. Zhang, do you really not know anything about this?" (To be continued.)

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