Material Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 680: Terrible opponent

Morioka Yoshiki said an angry word, but Nicol's reply obviously did not mean to converge, but followed the call. Morioka Kaki is also a person who has been in the business for many years. How can he not hear the meaning? The other party dare to say this, could he really find graphene under $ 5?

"Mr. Nicol, are you saying that the graphene you currently get from the Chinese is under $ 5 per gram?" Morioka Kaki lowered his voice and asked. In fact, he did not want to hide anyone, but just used this tone to indicate that this was a personal inquiry.

"Yes, China Daqin Group sells graphene to us at a price of $ 5 per gram." Nicole formally reported to Morioka Kagimoto.

"Are you sure?" Morioka Kaji couldn't believe it, but Nicol's performance made him feel that this statement is true of the Supreme System.

Nicole was too lazy to talk with Kashiro Morioka again. He snorted and said, "I assure you in my personality that this price is indeed the supply price of Daqin Group. And as far as I know, they The supply price to several other companies is also around this level. "

After talking about this, Nicol dropped the phone. He knew that Niigata Chemical needed some time to digest this information. When they were able to reduce the supply price to this level, Morioka Kaji would definitely return Contact him. As for the price cut, he doesn't want to listen to any more nonsense.

Morioka Kaji is stupid. He doesn't know how to put the microphone back on the landline. He looked at Saburo Hanaya for a long time and didn't know what to say.

"Five dollars?" Saburo Hanaya turned to look at Yoshida Yuan. He heard Nicol's words on the phone just now, and to the extent that he doubted the other was cheating, it was no longer interesting.

"The Chinese are engaged in dumping!" Yoshida Yuan froze for a long time. Finally, there was a reason, "In order to monopolize this market, they are selling at a price lower than the cost!"

"Is this unlikely?" Morioka Yoshiki shook his head. "They don't have this need, in fact at the price of $ 8 or $ 10 per gram. They have been able to block us out of the market and there is no need to lose money to promote. The only explanation is that their production costs are indeed less than $ 5. Yoshida-kun, can you guess how they did it. "

"Unless ..." Yoshida Yuan's lips moved, and she looked like she was still off.

"Chairman, this is a piece of news I just found." Saburo Hanutani's secretary came in and passed a piece of printing paper. Nitsuka Chemical has its own intelligence department. Keep track of all kinds of intelligence related to you around the world. General intelligence, they will be submitted to the executives and related functional departments in a compiled way. And especially important information, as it is now, quickly report directly to Saburo Hanaya.

"It's the news just broadcast by China's national television station ..." Saburo Hanaya glanced at the title on the print paper and said, "The news said that the Daqin Group invested 2.2 billion yuan, which is equivalent to the construction of Cenzhou, Anhe Province, which is worth $ 265 million The carbon material plant, after two months of full-scale trial production, recently announced its official production. Relevant officials participated in the production celebration. The main product of this carbon material plant is graphene, which uses the vapor deposition process. Nissan ... 1500 kg! "

"His ..." Yoshida covered his cheeks. Planted directly on the stool. A one-time investment of 265 million US dollars directly formed a daily production capacity of 1500 kg. This is such a crazy act, but this Qin Hai actually did it.

265 million US dollars, even for Nitsuka Chemical, is a great investment. This is not to say that Xinzuka Chemical has not made such a large investment. In fact, a large ethylene plant or some other chemical plant. It is not surprising to invest 500 million or 1 billion US dollars.

The point is that graphene is a brand new product. How big the market demand is, no one can say clearly. Under normal circumstances. An enterprise should first build a small or medium-scale device, such as 100 kg or 200 kg per day, to test the market demand. If the market demand is less than this amount, then because the initial investment is small, the company will not bear too much burden. If the market demand is large, then there will be a shortage of supply over a period of time, which will also have the effect of hunger marketing and be able to obtain some additional profits.

This is how Nitsuka Chemicals thinks about, so the first set of equipment that Yoshida Yuen transformed was a scale of 200 kg / day. Previously, Yoshida Yuan heard from Wang Xiaochen that Daqin Group was only preparing to produce a daily output of 5 kg. Later, based on feedback from customers, it was speculated that Daqin Group might build a 200 kg device. Yoshida Yuan also estimated the graphene cost of Daqin Group based on this production scale. What he never expected was that Qin Hai dared to smash into nearly 300 million US dollars at once, and set up a device with a daily output of 1,500 kg.

Doesn't he worry about overcapacity?

Yoshida doesn't know. Qin Hai has full confidence in the graphene market, because he knows the properties and application scope of graphene, and knows how many areas graphene can be used for once the price drops. These areas are for graphene products. The demand is very huge, and it can completely digest the daily production capacity of 1500 kg.

Qin Hai opened the research on graphene and recruited technicians from all over the world to study the application of graphene in Hongze. It is also preparing for the expansion of the graphene market. It may take two to three years for a company like Mamun to pay attention to the impact of graphene and develop new products based on graphene. With the promotion of Qin Hai, this process took only three months. Now, various special films produced by Mamon Company using graphene as a raw material have swept the European and American markets. The supply of 20 kg of graphene per day is not enough. Now, we are actively contacting the Daqin Group to increase the supply.

Daqin Group has quietly built a 1,500 kg / day device, concealing its counterparts including Xinzuka Chemical. By the time this news finally came to light, people had been secretly producing at full capacity for two months. As to what kind of trial production was in these two months, it was an insult to everyone's IQ. Whose device is fully loaded during trial production. Based on the cost of $ 5 per gram of graphene, a full-load production is an investment of $ 7.5 million a day. Is there such a bold "trial production"?

To put it bluntly, isn't that just covering the ears and stealing the bell? I just didn't hear the bell from Xinzuo Chemical, and I was eager to fight the price war with others.

The craftsmanship is better than yours. The scale of the production equipment is 7 times yours. What do you use to fight the price war?

"Chairman, what should we do?" Morioka Kaji looked at Saburo Hanaya with a crying smile.

"Stop the production line ..." Saburo Hanaya gritted his teeth and ordered, "If reproduction continues, we will be dragged to death by the Chinese!"

The secretary immediately transmitted the order, and Saburo Hanaya turned to Morioka Yaki again and said, "Our products are no longer competitive. What we have to consider now is to stop losses as much as possible. Morioka Jun, you and your customers Contact us and say that our graphene is supplied at ... $ 5 per gram. "

"It can only be so." Morioka Kaki sighed. At a cost of $ 14.5, selling at $ 5, each gram would lose nearly $ 10. But what if you don't? The graphene accumulated in the warehouse will definitely be sold at depreciation in the end. It will not be sold at this time, and it will not be possible to sell a better price in the future.

"Yoshida Jun, do you think we still need to continue to produce graphene?" Saburo Hanaya asked Yoshida again.

Yoshida nodded and said, "Yes, unless we really want to abandon this market. Graphene must be an important raw material in the future. In addition to pure graphene, there will be various modified products. We can't give up all the opportunities for these products. The chairman please rest assured that I will lead my men to work hard to improve the process and reduce the cost to a level comparable to the Chinese. "

"You do it." Saburo Hanaya said hardly, and he knew that Yoshida's opinion was correct. Even if Nitsuka Chemical cannot compete with Daqin Group on graphene now, it will not be able to give up the graphene market in the future . This product will have more and more uses in the future. As a company with strong strength in carbon chemical industry, how can it not enter the graphene market?

Shouldn't be wrong ~ ~ I was too anxious before. I didn't expect my opponent to have such a big handwriting, and suddenly squeezed myself out of the door. If, as Yoshida requested, he could be given more time to fully optimize the production process and reduce the cost to a lower level, it would be impossible for Xinzuo Chemical to fight back in front of the Daqin Group. .

It's not too late to fix the dead sheep. What we have to do now is to deal with the backlog first, and then give Yoshida more time to solve the problem of cost. As for how much profit the Daqin Group can capture during this period of time, Saburo Hanaya is not willing to think about it, this is not something he can change.

"Qin Hai is really a terrible opponent." Saburo Hanaya murmured holding the piece of information paper.

Morioka Kaji said: "If we cannot contain the Daqin Group, within 10 years, it will challenge us in our dominant market."

"Yeah, to curb the Daqin Group, we must master the technology of graphene and win the trust of customers. As for how to do this, Morioka Jun and Yoshida Jun, please take care of you."

Saburo Hanutani bowed deeply to the two subordinates, and Morioka Yoshida and Yoshida Gen hurried up to repay the gift, a sad and solemn scene. (To be continued)

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