Maybe a Fake Gintama

Chapter 189: Respect professional ethics!

Huh? Jiang Cheng showed a look of disdain, Because it was the first one to be created, so it is called Unit Zero? The person who named you is an idiot, right? Since you were the first one to be created, why not call it Unit 0? Where is Unit 1? You can also call it Unit 1.

Although I don't know why it wasn't called Unit 1, I know why it wasn't called Unit 1. Xiaoyu explained.


Preventing Infringement.

I see……

Show me the atmosphere, the atmosphere! Is now the time to talk about that?! the ordinary uncle yelled, and then the corners of his mouth slightly raised, showing a standard villain's evil smile, If you want to survive, hand over Unit Zero to We. Otherwise...

Huh? Xiaoyu turns out to be your uncle! Jiang Cheng showed a shocked expression, and then slowly analyzed: I see, because uncle you are a maid lover, that's why you have so many maids, but one day, Xiaoyu finally couldn't stand your torture day and night, especially when there was poop stuck on the crotch cloth, so she ran out secretly...

As he said that, Jiang Cheng wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, So that's it. It's really not easy for Xiaoyu.

What are you thinking about! It's not like that at all! the ordinary uncle scolded, I'm talking like a pervert! She is a robot! How could I do that to a robot!

Data analysis shows that the probability is 99.8%. Xiaoyu said.

Don't talk nonsense to me!

The chance of getting stuck in feces is 99.8%, Xiaoyu added.

Next time, don't talk separately to me! Speak clearly to me at once! The ordinary uncle scolded, No, there is no poop attached at all!

The pink-haired maid on the side took two steps back silently after hearing this, and then glanced at the ordinary uncle's butt.

[Data analysis, analysis successful,]

[The crotch cloth is stained with first-grade unclean matter,]

[Suggestion: Clear immediately! ! ! 】

Jiang Cheng suddenly heard an alarm sound coming from somewhere, and then saw the maid behind the ordinary uncle raising the mop in her hand...

Hey, uncle! Watch your back! Jiang Cheng shouted.

Back there? The ordinary uncle looked disapproving, Do you want to divert my attention and take the opportunity to escape? Don't be stupid, that kind of...

Before the ordinary uncle could finish speaking, the maid waved the mop down...

boom! ! !

The entire ground was smashed into a piece, and Jiang Cheng was stunned. Of course, the life or death of that ordinary uncle was unknown.

I didn't expect it to be solved in this way. Although it's a little early, but... The blond young man glanced at the unconscious uncle lying on the ground, and then looked at Jiang Cheng again. To be precise, it should be It was Xiaoyu hanging on Jiang Cheng's calf, Fu Rong, come back.

This voice... Jiang Cheng was shocked, Why is it exactly the same as mine! Who are you?!

He is the last robot built by the doctor: Unit 150-2. Xiaoyu explained.

Can a robot just use other people's voices?! Pay me the royalties, you bastard! Jiang Cheng cursed.

[Project Furong] still lacks a key link. That thing should be where you are. The golden young man ignored Jiang Cheng's words and continued, Hand over the [Seed].

Hey, hey, I'm so ashamed, Jiang Cheng whispered to Xiaoyu, I always feel like I'm the one doing the talking. Do you understand this feeling?

I don't understand. Xiaoyu replied succinctly.

That's right...but I can't blame you.

After all, you are just a robot. Jiang Cheng sighed softly and comforted.

Robot...? Xiaoyu's voice was broken.

So, this is the biggest difference between humans and robots. Jiang Cheng explained, Humans don't look at one thing with a fixed mindset, but robots are different. They just do things mechanically based on the implanted data. Put things into perspective.”

Xiaoyu can't understand. Xiaoyu said aloud, Is the difference between humans and robots really big? What is the difference? Humans, robots, humans, robots...

Suddenly, Xiaoyu was stunned, and a certain database hidden deep in his brain began to awaken. That was... that was the memory or data of being with the doctor.

I also want to be a robot... Dr. Lin sat on the ground and lamented, showing sadness and sadness on his face.

Doctor, why do you say such things? Xiaoyu, standing behind the doctor, asked aloud, Why do you look so painful? And why are you so sad?

[I don’t understand, as a robot, I don’t understand...]

Well, Jiang Chengsama, why would someone want to become a robot? Xiaoyu suddenly said.

Huh? What kind of problem is this? How could there be such a person? Jiang Cheng waved his hands casually and said, but just after he finished speaking, Jiang Cheng realized that Xiaoyu actually shed tears, What's going on? It seems that the bad thing is very thorough. , oil will leak from that kind of place.

These are...tears! Zero Two murmured, then snorted, A robot won't shed that kind of water droplets. I see, the [seed] is indeed in your body, so please hand it over.

Tears? Jiang Cheng raised his eyebrows with a look of disapproval, What are you talking about? This is a robot, how can it shed tears? It's just an oil leak.

Zero Two gestured to the robot maids around him with his eyes. A group of maids understood and began to slowly surround Jiang Cheng.

What's wrong? Although I can't say I hate it, I have no feelings for maids anymore. Jiang Cheng said casually, Of course, that being said, if someone is treating me, I can still reluctantly go to the maid coffee. Just sit in the hall for a while. Again, it’s only if someone is treating you!”

Take it. Zero Two decisively gave the order.

Then, led by the pink-haired maid, a group of maids rushed towards Jiang Cheng.

Hey, that's not how you attract customers, right? If you're too enthusiastic, you won't be able to attract customers. Jiang Cheng stretched out a finger and said seriously.

Hurry up and hand over the [seed]! Black mole light wave! the pink-haired maid said while running with a mop, her expression very excited.

Who is this? Jiang Cheng asked doubtfully, Isn't this expression too fake? But I can't attract customers.

This is Furong No. 01305. Xiaoyu explained, It is the latest model of robot housekeeper developed by Furong PROJECT. Also known as [Cleaning Sister], it is a robot with enhanced cleaning capabilities. However, due to excessive mysophobia, she was The robot was returned because the buyer complained [it was too noisy].”

I see. Jiang Cheng nodded, but still stood there without moving.

It's better to escape quickly in this situation. Xiaoyu reminded.

Escape? Why? Aren't they employees of the maid cafe? Jiang Cheng asked doubtfully, then looked at Zero Two and said loudly, Well, are you the manager? I'm so sorry! I really don't have time today. ! Because I have to go to the church to unload my equipment soon!”

With that said, Jiang Cheng took a step back slightly, dodging the blow from the cleaning sister, and then shouted to Ling Erhao: Well, if you can, you can give me the address of the store. I will definitely go there when I have time. Guests! Also, although it is a bit offensive, your employees are somewhat unqualified. If they are too enthusiastic, they will be very offensive to the guests.

With that said, Jiang Cheng jumped up and dodged another blow from his cleaning sister, I actually just opened a maid-themed shop recently, and the business is actually pretty good. If you want to exchange experiences, I won't be stingy!

At this moment, Jiang Cheng was finally cornered by a group of maid robots.

No matter what you say, you can't force your customers into a corner, right? Jiang Chengyu said earnestly, In this situation, customers will also have a headache. By the way, your store manager really didn't teach you anything. You should...

Before Jiang Cheng could finish speaking, a group of robot maids rushed towards him.

boom! ! ! !

The walls collapsed directly into rubble, and this good house became a ruin, filled with smoke.

[Searching, no target found. 】

Hey, for a maid, your movements are a bit stiff. Jiang Cheng stood behind the maids and said, The movements should be more gentle. Men like gentle maids, not such violence. Of course, there are some men with special hobbies who like violent ones, but they are only a very small number. As employees, you should be more careful in guessing the hobbies of your customers!

Just as Jiang Cheng finished speaking, all the maids turned around and pounced on him again.

In this way, Jiang Cheng observed the movements of each maid and pointed out the mistakes at the same time.

The legs are raised too high! Although inadvertently exposing your panties will excite the guests, you are too deliberate!

I told you to be gentle with your movements!

The way you hold the mop is wrong!

Take a smaller step!

Be gentle on your expression! It's best to always have that faint smile on your face!

Although the shy expression is correct, you can't be shy all the time! Just once every five minutes!

Are you the tsundere type? If so... I suggest you watch Hayate the Combat Butler from beginning to end. It should be of great help to you.

Mother-in-law type...I really can't help with this...

Half an hour later.

Thank you for your guidance! A group of maids bent down and shouted to Jiang Cheng, All the data has been recorded! We will work hard!

In short, if you learn these things, your store should be able to survive. Jiang Cheng nodded and said, Then, come on...

After saying that, Jiang Cheng turned around and prepared to run away...

Maybe this is a fake Gintama

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