[Mecha] Heterogeneous Alliance

Chapter 29: [exchange]

Su Suye's smile that had originally been on his face suddenly took in.

The person in front of him still didn't look up, and Su Suye could only see the white hair and meticulous uniform under his military cap. His gaze slipped onto the epaulettes unconsciously-he had been like this since he was a child, and couldn't help but stare at his father's epaulettes. There are now a total of four gears above, plus a blade-like arc, symbolizing the rank of general.

There were only three gears on the father's epaulettes. When he was carried on his father's shoulder, he would touch it back and forth every time, but he didn't dare to pick out these shiny little things.

In Su Suye's silence, General Su Zongzheng finally stopped working and raised his eyes blankly.

General Su didn't often laugh, and his deep facial features became sharper because of his age, especially those eyes, which were so cold that he just wanted to hang his head to avoid him.

"I don't have any plans in this area yet." Su Suye stood straighter unconsciously, but his voice was still a bit dry.

Su Zongzheng let out a smirk from his nose, leaned back on the back of the chair, and asked calmly: "Oh? It sounds like you already have an arrangement?"

"I am going to the front line in District 4."

This was an answer that surprised Su Zongzheng, but it was also the only excuse for righteous words.

He frowned, his eyes fixed on Su Suye, and after watching him for a while, he suddenly smiled again: "You? To the front?"

Su Suye looked back at his father's coercive gaze, and squeezed a smile: "Yes, I heard that when I was on the Tianlu, there is a shortage of people in District 4 recently."

"The rebels occupying Oberon are indeed very arrogant recently, but..." Su Zongzheng made no secret of his sarcasm, "Can you really survive in Oberon?"

"Please don't forget, I also survived in Zone 5." Su Su's words were stabbed in the night, and Su Zong's eyes flashed coldly.

The young man immediately lowered his eyelashes and lowered his posture: "Lead the lead and serve the country. This is what you have always expected me to do? And the underground organization that has been targeting the Su family...seems to come from Oberon."

"Are you still investigating that matter?" Su Zongzheng said coldly.

Su Suye curled her lips: "It seems that you also think that Oberon's group is the same group who attacked his mother."

Su Zongzheng did not answer directly, staring at the young man for a long time, and said flatly: "Even if you go to District 4, your marriage will not be cancelled."

Su Suye’s lip line stretched, showing a stubborn expression again, and responded in the same calm but cold tone: "I know you are the best at marriage business, and you don't need to remind you several times."

"Shut up!" Su Zongzheng shouted in a deep voice, his five fingers tightly grasping the cup on the table, as if he might throw it on his son's face at any time.

Su Suye didn't stop there, but aggressively asked: "Isn't it enough to sell my sister? Now it's finally my turn? Because I'm a trash and can't bring other benefits to the Su family, you can't wait to take me. Is the gene waiting for a good price?"

"Su Suye." Su Zongzheng said the young man's name coldly.

The other party did not back down, and even smiled at the corner of his eyes: "Thank you for giving me such a weird and good name. I am regarded as a freak and it is fair to say." After a pause, he calmed down a bit: "You... just... When my conscience finds out, I finally have the heart to win glory for the country."

Su Zongzheng obviously regretted his loss, rubbing his eyebrows, and after a long time he said in a low voice, "I see."

Su Suye exhaled, turned and walked outside the door.

When he reached the door, he suddenly stopped and glanced in the direction of his father. He said in a low voice: "I hope I can see you alive. Please stay up late and pay attention to your body."

Su Zongzheng tightened his lips and glanced at the tea cup beside him. He himself might not have noticed that Su Suye's awe-inspiring expression just now resembled him at the moment.

"I know." After a while, General Su waved his hand, and once again turned his attention to the electronic document in front of him.

Su Suye lowered his eyes and smiled when he saw this, and said abruptly: "Sometimes I think, if..."

When his father raised his head, the young man shook his head voluntarily, and turned his back to press the safety door switch.

Passing through the triple protective door without squinting, Su Suye found not surprisingly that Shao Wei was already waiting for him.

"I'm back alive," Su Suye whistled pompously, and smiled at the young officer, "You seem to be disappointed."

Shao Wei declined to comment on this, but said nonchalantly: "My **** mission should end here. I'm just here to talk to you."

Su Suye nodded and asked casually: "It stands to reason that this is true. But are you interested in going to the Oberon front in District 4?"

Shao Wei's complexion condensed, but he did not question him cautiously.

"Your military rank is enough to command a company there. I don't mean anything else, but you seem to have always wanted to make achievements on the front line."

Shao Wei was silent for a moment and shook his head: "I will follow the arrangement of the superior."

Su Suye was not surprised, and shrugged: "That's good, then please wish me luck."

"You..." Shao Wei raised his eyebrows in shock.

"Yes, I'm going to meet Oberon's rebels for a while." Su Suye obviously enjoyed the opponent's astonishment. He slowly flattened the cuff that had just been uncovered, and glanced at Shao Wei with a smile." Are you surprised?"

Shao Wei pressed the brim down and asked restrainedly: "What are you doing there?"

"One thing for one thing," Su Suye didn't hide it, "I don't want to get married according to my father's wishes, so I just go to the front."

The major was dumbfounded.

According to Su Suye’s impression of a child, finding someone to get married is much more attractive than going to the 4th district desperately! Oberon is the largest rebel stronghold in the empire. Most of the entire satellite is controlled by the armed forces. The frontline exchanges fire all the year round. Isn't he just going so casually to find death?

Su Suye turned around and walked a few steps, Shao Wei gritted his teeth and quickly followed.

The cold white light above his head distorted the face of the young man in the suit. He glanced at Shao Wei and didn't laugh this time: "Most of the imperial citizens I met can be divided into two types. One kind of people look down on me and think I am unreasonable. A clown is a waste of resources." He said After a meaningful pause, Shao Wei was taken aback, and then realized that he was included in this category.

"Although the second kind of people think I am weird, they are still willing to flatter me, because my genes and origin are profitable."

This is a fact. The Fourth Reich advocated a eugenic policy, and first-class citizens with excellent genes have always been ideal marriage partners.

Su Suye sneered at Shao Wei's embarrassed expression, and said to himself, "It was either rejected or used. You see, I live a lonely life."

Shao Wei didn't know how to respond.

Su Suye's words and deeds have always been extremely performative. At this moment, these words and sighs, whether they are exaggerated acting skills or sincere, it is impossible to tell.

Without waiting for Shao Wei to react, Su Suye speeded up his pace and pulled away, and did not forget to leave a fluttering sentence: "Don't believe those words just now, I am teasing you. I just want to go and always want to kill me. Revolutionary fighters have an in-depth exchange."

The major was so angry that he almost stomped his feet and gave a grumpy tusk, apparently annoyed that he was listening to the nonsense.

Su Su walked in the wind, passing through the maze of aisles of the command ship until the porthole near the edge.

The curved window deformed his reflection.

Su Suye looked blankly into the deep space outside the window, and slowly pressed his palm to the glass surface. The red marks on the palm of his hand when he was talking with his father temporarily relieved the pain, he closed his eyes, and finally smiled.

Of course, there is no other choice to go to Zone 4, but it is better than making others please their hearts.

After all, the only way he can vent his anger towards the world is to make others angry at him.

Su Suye was already looking forward to Oberon's trip.

"Si non-reserves, congratulations on completing the second phase of training. The second phase of the mission is assigned as follows: it will be assigned to the second squadron of the Mecha Formation of the Thirteenth Army, and will participate in the combat missions of Oberon and its surroundings as a reserve of the Mecha Mothership The boarding time is 57 minutes later."

After the system sound was broadcast, Si Fei did not immediately close the display bar.

She stared at the task coordinate diagram for a moment, and frowned. The reserve force of the mech formation mothership is equivalent to the orderly soldiers, which is very suitable for the fledgling recruits, but the mission location is actually Oberon...

This name will inevitably appear in the national conditions education of the reserve forces every time, and it is connected with certain keywords: the rebels’ nest, the Uranus satellite, the terrain is complex, and ground mobile armor must be deployed to cooperate with air strikes.

Reminiscent of Gexia's previous frontline situation, she couldn't help but doubt the true face of this so-called second-stage mission.

Her doubts were quickly confirmed:

"Ah, I'm also in Oberon! But not as good as you. The one responsible for patrolling the safe area." Yang Mian was quite excited.

The canteen on the training day ended with a loud voice. Si Fei focused on distinguishing:

"I'm at the Oberon ground base... I heard it's dangerous there."

"Is better than me in the frontline logistics team?"

After listening to it, there are not a few reserve soldiers assigned to the front line of District 4.

Si Fei saw Tian Jue by accident. He was sitting with another group of tall boys, chatting and laughing.

The second stage of training did not proceed as a team, and Tian Jue completely broke off contact with Yang Mian and Si Fei. Han Er's death obviously did not leave him too much shadow, and his dark face was flying.

Yang Mian followed Si Fei's gaze, blinked like a sting, and lowered his head.

Si Fei glanced at the countdown to boarding in his vision: "It's not early. I have to sort things out. You have to be careful in Oberon."

The boy then got up and replied with bright eyes: "Well, so do you, see you later."

It is hard to imagine that Yang Mian from six months ago would show such a confident look.

Si Fei looked at each other with a smile, and separated outside the cafeteria.

Said to organize things, Si Fei knew that he had nothing to take. The only thing she could take away from the ship except clothing was probably an unregistered laser hand|gun. Although there was no inspection of personal belongings on board, Si Fei brought a few extra coats for safety in order to hide the weapon.

The transport spacecraft carrying this batch of reserve troops in Area 3 left the Yaoguang on time and scattered to the destination.

On July 19, 2157, the 13th Army of the Fourth Reich was deployed near Oberon in District 4, and the largest rebel encirclement operation of the year was about to begin.

The author has something to say: Thank me for just diving and eating mines that the girl will spit out dirt!

I will open a new map directly in the next chapter, I don’t like to write about the transition chapter, and you probably don’t like to read it →_→

Welcome to the fetv1 8 o'clock start of the year drama "Young Marshal": the love between father and son...

Su Suye: This style of painting is wrong, I will switch back to the battlefield in a second →_→

Shao Wei: Why didn't anyone notice me? I was promoted! I am a major! !

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