Mecha Hurricane

Chapter 334: hostage

Knowing that the soldiers of Star Vessian did not dare to attack him vertically, Xia Yi wanted to thank those experts who developed weapons. //78 novel network high-speed update//If they hadn't made the beam weapons so powerful, as long as they didn't encounter obstacles, they would have been flying for thousands of kilometers, and they would disappear slowly, then they would have been beaten long ago. .

At my current position, any beam attack may hit the city below. I'm really lucky.

Xia Yi's current speed has dropped to the normal free fall speed, and the space fighter can rush over in a few seconds. When the positions are level or they are below themselves, then attacking will not hurt the city below at all.

"The devilish laughter at this speed will definitely not ignite again." Xia Yi suddenly took his hand to his side, stretched his body into a straight line again, and accelerated toward the ground.

She doesn't want to slow down anymore, anyway, there is absolutely no problem in rushing into the city.

The soldiers of Weiss star drove the space fighter, staring at her without taking any means, and smashed it directly to the ground. Even if the mecha was on his body and fell from a height of several thousand meters, it would have to be shattered. It's not a cartoon made for children to watch. It's no problem to drop it casually.

They didn't come to see how this guy of unknown origin fell to his death in front of his eyes. Let's talk about killing him in the air first. So four space fighters followed closely and descended through the clouds to a height where they could see the city.

At this moment, they received an urgent cry,

When they reached the air control area, the soldiers of the space fighter quickly reported their army number. Kata City is one of the three major cities in Weiss City, although it is not as prosperous as the other two cities. But it has an important identity and is the political center of Weiss.

Not only the Prime Minister's Office is here, but also the United Nations Council. So compared to other cities, it has an air control area. Without the permission of the United Nations Security Bureau, even military fighter planes and warships cannot fly here at will.

Now these four space fighters have obviously broken into the air control area. And they found themselves locked down by mortars from the ground. As long as anything is wrong, the security bureau will attack them and eliminate the danger.

This made them anxious, so they quickly said: "We are chasing an agent of the Nada military. He is about to fly into the city. Please continue to pursue!"

"Agents? Apart from your four space fighters, there are no flying objects in the control area." They had already checked it out in the control area, but they didn't find any other aircraft at all.

The center of the ship's mother is on the edge of the city, which is the periphery of the control area, and even ordinary ships do not appear in the control area. Moreover, the height of the cyclone in Kata City is only allowed to be within 500 meters, and there is nothing in the high altitude.

"It's not a flying object. It was a person who rushed down directly. You can see it directly with the naked eye. If you don't believe me, don't use the instrument. Stick your head out and take a look with your eyes." , and also look at people. Wouldn't someone fly in without power? If someone uses an unpowered glider, they can fly freely over Kata City.

The people in the Security Bureau were very upset when they said this, and they said it like a fool. So someone looked up and looked out the window. He really found a small black spot in the air, he was stunned for a moment and quickly called the monitor.

A light mecha appeared on the light screen, nothing flying was useful, it just descended rapidly under normal gravity. Someone is really flying in the air, but how is this guy going to land?

"You will immediately pursue and give you temporary authority to air traffic control. Quickly, he is going to fall!" The security personnel were too late to use the mortar, the target was too small, and it was too close to the city. They shouted and asked the space fighter to catch up quickly, not to mention the beam attack, just hit him with the fighter.

On the other hand, the Security Bureau immediately dispatched a light-energy land vehicle to rush over there with the Security Bureau personnel. The National Guard also got the news and quickly went to the place where the target person was going to fall.

Kata City has a large circular square with a large group of seven-colored crystal statues and fountains in the middle, and there are supermarkets all around. It is the most lively place in Kata City, prosperous and not crowded. There are many cute and small shops beside the statue fountain, selling drinks and desserts. Let the shopping people have a drink here when they are tired, and take a rest while watching the beautiful fountain.

Today is still a lively day. Everyone is not afraid of the attack of the Nada army because of the independence of Star Wess. All hid at home. If you want to build it, you will have to pass the day. Anyway, everyone has heard from the news a long time ago that a battle group sent by the Nada Army has long been surrounded by a group, and it will be destroyed in a few days.

What's more, it was so far away from Kata City that they didn't feel any difference in life at all. The job is still the job, and the money that should be spent still has to be spent, so that when there is a real fight, there is nowhere to buy what you want, and there is nowhere to spend the money.

"Hey, what's in the air?" Someone looked up unintentionally, and suddenly found something floating down from it.

"It looks like a piece of fabric, no one's black lace **** have been blown away, it's so ridiculous." The things in the air couldn't be seen clearly, and someone laughed.

Originally, I was sitting here to pass the time, so more people looked up and guessed what it was. Some said underwear, some said it was a blown cap, and some said it was a meteorite.

As the objects in the air got bigger and bigger, everyone finally saw what it was. Many people couldn't help but exclaimed, "That's a mecha! Someone fell from the sky!"

"Ah!" Seeing that the place where it fell was the fountain area, the people who were still sitting there, threw the cup and overturned the table, and ran to the side in a panic. No matter whether this person is dead or alive, as long as he is smashed by him, there is absolutely no way to survive.

No one ran away, and with a bang, the man smashed into the middle of the fountain. The beautiful crystal shattered in an instant, and even the ground vibrated, and among the debris and dust, something round seemed to flash.

Everyone was stunned by this scene. Many people stared at it with their mouths open. When the dust cleared, they saw that the beautiful fountain had been completely destroyed. Countless crystal fragments piled up into a hill, and the roofs of several shops next to it flew off. The tables and chairs placed in the open air also fell to the ground crookedly, and one chair flew to a place more than 10 meters away. .

Just when everyone didn't understand what was going on, the crystal suddenly moved, and a mecha came out of it with a bang.

Everyone was shocked in their hearts, they were still alive!

"It's really exciting, let's play it again." Xia Yi stood up from the crystal shard. Fortunately, she tied a shield to the outside of the mecha and activated it at the moment of falling to block the impact. It was impossible for the defender to block all the impacts, and the other impacts were broken down by the magic smile, and then she held on a little bit, and now she can stand here and speak alive.

Moxiao said in a cold voice, "If you want to play, I will dance again to see what happens to you."

Xia Yi chuckled, "You're a real person, you don't have any sense of humor."

Magic Laughter doesn't care if he has a sense of humor, and it doesn't need to make friends.

"Okay, let's do business if you have nothing to do." Xia Yi twisted his neck, the fall was really heavy, and his bones were about to fall apart. Looking around, there are at least a thousand people staring at him, and so many people have kept quiet. It seems that his appearance is really beautiful.

Her eyes swept through the crowd, and suddenly stopped on a person. It was a man in a formal suit that looked very close-fitting and a bunch of equipment that wasn't cheap. Mainly because of his eyes, he still wears those kind of anti-aging glasses, which look like glasses used when myopia has not been cured. In fact, all the functions are already voice devices.

Rich people, and they are still very concerned about information!

Xia Yi rushed over with a single stride, and caught him out of the crowd as soon as he stretched out his The other party looked flustered for a while, then calmed down immediately and asked calmly, "What are you going to do? ?"

"The psychological quality is good." Xia Yi laughed. This is the best way to avoid yelling and asking what you want.

She put her hand on the other person's shoulder at once, then slipped the mask away, showing a very disguised smile, and asked with a smile, "Sir, may I ask, have you been following the news these days?"

The man said inexplicably, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"I heard that the Nada army has a battle group here, has there been any news in the past few days? I see that you are so knowledgeable, and the things on your body are very valuable. You must be a successful person, and you will definitely pay attention to all kinds of news. Yes." Xia Yi smiled.

"What do you want to know?" This man is not an idiot. He knew that he was wrong as soon as he heard it. This guy is definitely not a soldier of Weiss. Just falling from such a high sky, and still alive, is not a person to deal with.

The hand on his shoulder might break his neck at any time. The person who wears the armor will never be a good person, and he must not die with him.

It's really good to cooperate, Xia Yi smiled with satisfaction: "I want to know how their situation is, can you tell me?"

"No..." The successful person didn't even have to think about it, he just wanted to say that there was no problem.

But the words hadn't been said yet, only a few words were spoken, and there were alarms and shouts from behind.

"Ah?" Xia Yi looked up, and the surrounding crowd was driven away by a group of people wearing security uniforms. Seven or eight light-energy land vehicles drove over, the warning lights above flashed constantly, and a bunch of beam weapons aimed at her.

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