Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 104: you know me?

     Su Lun did not expect that he would see this scene in the room outside the window. A woman with a knife was interrogating the human trafficker Dum he was looking for.

   With spider legs fixed, he instinctively pulled out the gun, wanted to aim, but instantly lowered the muzzle. He knew very well that the strength of the woman in front of him was outrageous, and even a shot would definitely not hurt her. The most important thing was that he discovered that even if the woman had discovered herself, she hadn't shown any aggressive behavior or malice.

The woman has shoulder-to-shoulder purple hair and is wearing a bunny **** tights. The upper body is covered with a gothic hip miniskirt with the left side slit to the hip bone. There are black stockings on the legs and fluffy rabbit ears.. . With the indifferent look of the knife, there is a cold-blooded sexiness all over the body.

  Looking at this costume, it should be a disguise for sneaking in.

It was also the first time that Su Lun saw the figure of this woman, and a thought flashed in her mind: "I remember that the hair color on the wanted order was silver...and, didn't she say that she is a'mechanical warrior'? It doesn't look like it. .."

  Because of the bikini-like one-piece, her graceful figure is unobstructed, and the hip line is high, which is a powerful performance of the hip and leg muscles. She stepped on black high-heeled leather boots again, which made her legs look very slender. It is because this ratio is perfect, but it is a bit unreal, as if it was artificially created according to the golden ratio.

   The woman with purple hair didn't seem to expect that a guy would suddenly appear outside the window, and her expression flashed a bit of surprise.

   The two looked at each other for a moment.


   One was holding a knife holder on the human trafficker's neck, and the other was coming in through the window and was about to climb the wall. Obviously, both sides realized that the other party shouldn't be a member of the Steam Party.

   But this "walking three million" doesn't find a place to hide, why are you here?

   Moreover, what surprised Su Lun was that the moment the woman saw her, she was clearly alert to the enemy and wanted to raise the knife, but she disappeared after a moment, and she put away the idea of ​​attacking.

   That kind of look, as if...recognizing an acquaintance?

   The two sides were so tacitly intact.

   The purple-haired woman seemed to have obtained the information she needed. She didn't even care about others watching outside the window. The white tangled rope in her hand was wiped with a knife, which directly ended Dam's life.

   The blood was on the carpet, and the strong smell of blood filled the air.

   Su Lun hung outside the window, witnessing the woman killing people indifferently, and suddenly didn't know what she was going to do.

   The other party didn't show any malice, but he didn't get the key either. It didn't make sense to go in, and he didn't think it was right to leave.

  At this time, the purple-haired woman put out her mouth and put the knife in the scabbard. Then she turned her head and asked Su Lun: "What are you doing?"

   Suren said: "Take the key and save the slave in the basement."

   The woman looked at him more when she heard this.

   She thought for a moment, bent down, and with no expression on her face tore down a bunch of keys from the waist of the corpse, threw them to Su Lun, and added: "I will stay in the house for five more minutes."

   Although the words were brief, Su Lun understood quite well. He only had five minutes to save people.

   Or five minutes later, what is she going to make a big move?

   "Thank you very much."

   But Su Lun didn't bother, he was here to save people, and he was not interested in knowing what this woman wanted.

   He turned around and was about to leave, but before leaving, he couldn't help but asked: "Do you know me?"


   The woman is very indifferent, and she doesn't care about him at all.

   Su Lun waited for a second, but didn't get an answer, and then climbed down the wall.

   But he understood the expression of the woman just now.

   She must know herself.

   No, to be precise, to know the "original owner"!

   The extraordinary abilities of this world are so strange that they may not have the ability to recognize high-precision faces, such as the appearance of eyes, skull contours, and teeth, which are difficult to change with ease.

   This woman obviously knows the original owner, but she doesn't seem to have much friendship.

   Who is she, and who is the original owner?


   Su Lun didn't think much, and took the key down the wall.

   put away the planting equipment, and then walked directly to the basement.

   opened the heavy iron door, and a foul smell came over the surface. There are about fifty or sixty people in ragged clothes, old and young, who can tell at a glance that they are poor people from the bottom of the world. They squatted in every corner of the cell, looking at the masked Surun Sese shivering.

   Su Lun didn’t talk about it, and said directly: "You go, go to the second floor after you go out, remember not to make any noise. You can go to the street outside by jumping off the wall from the window on the second floor. Whether you can escape or not depends on your luck."

   If he can help, he doesn't mind helping, but he knows that he can't take so many people away by himself.

  The people in the prison were a bit scared at first, but looking at the body of the guard on the ground, they knew that the masked man in front of him should not be a human trafficker.

   Someone tried to walk to the door, but found that Su Lun hadn't stopped him, and quickly fled outside. Upon seeing this, the people in the room swarmed out.

   Su Lun has quick eyes and quick hands, and grabbed three and a half boys at the door.

   Others watched him catch people, and didn't get too busy with their business. The huge basement ran away in an instant.

  The three Nancy people were caught, with horror on their faces, thinking that the masked man would embarrass them.

Su Lun didn’t talk nonsense. He took out the three sets of new clothes and boots that he had prepared for a long time from the storage ring, and said, “Danny entrusted me to rescue you. After jumping out of the wall, he immediately put on his clothes. Throw the dirty clothes into the sewer. Then don't run around, walk slowly along the street to the south, don't look around!"

   The orphan thieves in the Cavaliers block have been cleaned up. If these guys fled to the streets like this, they would easily be recognized and captured by the Steam Party. Su Lun didn't want to bother to save him again.

   The three of them were excited when they heard Danny's name.

   Beta: "Ah, Brother Danny is here to save us!"

   Brown: "Let me just say, Brother Danny will definitely find a way to save us."

   The little girl named Nancy looked at Su Lun and said timidly: "Thank you, sir."

  Su Lun interrupted the excitement of these little kids, and sighed coldly, "Hurry up!"

   The three and a half boys were frightened and didn't dare to delay, so they went up to the second floor.

   Su Lun walked straight out of the small building gate.

   Now that the people have been rescued, all he has to do is give them more time.

   After waiting for a few seconds, Su Lun listened, and it seemed that two Steam Party guys heard the movement and walked towards the small building.

   Then there were two low gunshots in the darkness, and the corpse fell directly on the road.

  Su Lun walked out of the small building and stood in the clearing. The two drinking whistle on the iron stairs on the second floor also spotted him, but before he could give a warning, his head exploded with snowflakes and the corpse fell off the iron stairs.

While    was killing someone, Su Lun also noticed a gaze looking at him from the third floor window, and looked up, the purple-haired woman was looking at everything in front of her indifferently.

  Su Lun glanced at her, then looked away.

   killed all the members of the Steam Party near the small building, and then he calmly walked to the toilet window and turned in again.

   put on his coat and removed the masked skull turban, like an alcoholic who normally goes to the bathroom, and returned to the club hall again.

   The entire rescue process took less than eight minutes.

   In the deck, he was greeted by the bunny girl's coquettish smile.


   Su Lun did not leave in a hurry, but drank with the girl.

   Before, he was a little worried that he was suspected, and now it happens that this "walking three million" will probably take care of everything tonight.

   However, the death of a few people in the gang is not a big deal, and a few will not die any day in revenge, conflagration, and conflict.

   What he cares more about is, what is this woman doing here?

   and why does she know the original owner?

   "Dum is a slave merchant, why did the woman come to him? She is now an S-class wanted criminal, so it is not easy to hide it. It is definitely not easy to take such a big risk to commit the crime..."

   This idea just came to Su Lun's mind, and in his heart he estimated that the five-minute time that the purple-haired woman said should be almost up.

   At this moment, the lights of the entire clubhouse suddenly dimmed, and thick smoke appeared on the ceiling.

   Someone yelled: "It's not good, it's on fire!"

   Some flammable liquid was probably ignited upstairs. The fire spread very quickly, and the thick smoke filled the entire "Black Jazz Club" in a blink of an eye.

  Su Lun watched the ceiling catch on fire, and the corners of his eyebrows raised slightly.

   With this shout, chaotic footsteps came from upstairs, and thousands of people on the dance floor on the first floor began to panic outside the door.

   Su Lun also took the bunny girl and withdrew out calmly.

When    went out, he was watching a group of Steam Party guys inspecting one by one at the door, and he seemed to guess that there might be people with unruly conspiracies running away in the crowd.

   The bunny girl panicked and took Su Lun's hand. Naturally, the "acquaintances" were not suspected, and they went out smoothly.

   "Oh my god, it's so scary, how come it suddenly catches fire..."

   "Oh, Moira, today is so disappointing, I can only come to you another day."

   "Mr. Nicholas, see you next time..."

  Su Lun didn't stay too much, so he hired a steam taxi and got in the car.

   The locomotive went south along the street, and happened to meet Nancy's three and a half boys walking along the side of the road, but they were pretending to be decent.

  Su Lun greeted them to get into the car, then picked up Danny at the corner of the street, and the group drove back towards Nancheng District.

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