Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 140: The legend of the clock tower weirdo

The ruins of Dawn City are perilous as in the legend.

After the first wave of attacks on giant bats and the loss of a few people, the wilderness hunting team encountered several waves of monster attacks, and there were also casualties.

There was also a wave in which he encountered monsters that even Su Lun felt a little tricky.

It was a humanoid with four legs with strong claws and a deformed head with a brain growing outside. It burst out of the fog like lightning, then killed people and rushed into the fog. The speed was so fast that the ordinary gunman didn't even have the opportunity to pull the trigger, and he disappeared again.

The identification information shows that it is a monster [snapshot] deformed by the assassin professional.

The essence of aberration is that the body has been mutated due to the dark energy that it cannot bear.

The dark spiritual power in this ruin is more than ten times that near Old Lingdun, and the degree of mutation of monsters is much higher than that in other places.

Therefore, even if it is a Tier 1 monster, certain attributes are several times stronger than ordinary Tier 1 professionals, such as speed!

Fortunately, there is a second-tier professional in the team.

After a few people died, Bloom, the leader of the "War Knife Regiment", personally chased into the fog, solved the monster, and then the crisis was lifted.

However, the good news is that the monsters in the ruins are very strong, and the probability of producing cursed materials is very high.

Even the "drunkard regiment", a small regiment that follows the large army, has also harvested a lot of materials.

And for Su Lun, the super high concentration of dark spiritual power of this ruin made his breathing become stronger!


The journey that would have been normally completed in three or two hours ended up in a short half-day.

In the afternoon, they finally came to the "Red Brick Tower Block" marked on the map.

The buildings in Dawn City are mixed with various styles. This is a cross street. To the east is a broken red brick tower, which looks like an ancient bell tower. There are spires, flying buttresses and some broken stained glass, which is very Gothic.

And the monastery where the witch's hair was found is opposite to the west, it is also very dilapidated, but it is a Romanesque dome. The main building is white, but the main hall and cloister have collapsed in large areas...

Su Lun glanced with the omniscient pupil and revealed that it was [a tattered monastery].

No special tips.

Judging from the known information, there must be a "wailing demon" hunting humans nearby.

Someone found the corpse near here before, and also took away the hair strands from the corpse alive. In other words, the female devil may be a wandering monster, or it may be a cursed space triggered by special conditions.

Suren didn't dare to care, and didn't get close to the monastery.

Then he looked down at his hand, made a very awkward movement of fingers, then looked around. Then he lowered his head and repeated it two more times, and his brows eased. After confirming something in his heart, he squinted and muttered: "It's not a dream..."

He hasn't forgotten that this "Crying Witch" is good at killing people in dreams.

And even if Sulun wanted to get close to the monastery, he couldn't get close.

Because the second-order leader of the "War Blade Group" has already begun to send a team to go deep into the monastery to investigate the situation.

They were a wilderness hunting group funded by the Oliver family. The purpose of this trip was to find clues to the "Weeping Witch" for the young Danze, and the dilapidated monastery became a key search target.

But Su Lun thinks this is also very good.

Someone can detect mines for him, at least first to figure out what kind of existence the witch really is.


Arriving near the intended destination, the hunting groups began their own search missions.

The "drunkard group" belongs to the joint waste hunting and equality contract group, and can move freely after arriving at the destination.

Benson greeted the team members, and also greeted Suren: "Go, Brother Jonny, let's look for some buildings over there."

The monastery cannot be visited, and there are large buildings around it.

Although there have been hunters patronizing here, no one can guarantee that the treasures will be scraped away from the way others have walked.

Wilderness hunting is similar to gold panning. It takes enough patience and luck to find gold in the gravel pile.

And because the city was suddenly destroyed, the ruins preserved many of the daily necessities of the residents of this city a thousand years ago.

Maybe there are undiscovered cellars, jewellery boxes in collapsed rubble, private money buried in the ground...

As long as you look for it patiently, you will always be rewarded.

Having said that, Benson led the team members to remove the backpack and tent, and began to lightly pack the treasure hunt.

The fog concentration on the street is very low now, and I can see from a long distance, but no monsters are found.

Everyone spread out and went to find the baby based on experience.

Tommy looked very excited when he came to hunt in such a dangerous place for the first time. But instead of following Benson, he turned his head to look at Suren beside him and asked, "Mr. Jonny, can I be with you?"

Su Lun curiously asked: "Why?"

Tommy's eyes turned cleverly: "Because I think it's safer to be with you!"

Su Lun smiled, this kid is quite clever, "It's up to you."

Hearing his agreement, Tommy smiled and shouted at Benson who had walked across the street: "Daddy, I'm with Mr. Jonny!"

Benson didn't care either, and waved his hand: "Okay!"

Su Lun didn't have much interest in hunting for treasures. He was not short of money for the time being, so he searched very perfunctorily.

And because he knew there was a "Crying Witch" nearby, he kept looking at these broken walls and wanted to see if there was a problem.

In a short time, the hunting team will have a harvest.

Suddenly there was a hearty laugh.

"Hahaha... I found a money box!"

The one who spoke was Bernal, a magic warlock in Benson's team who was good at "gold-seeking".

That kind of rare auxiliary spell has no combat effectiveness, but it is perfect for finding metal buried in the ground. Go all the way and cast spells, just like a personal metal detector.

Benson also smiled: "Oh, that's good."

A small box of ancient silver coins can sell for one hundred and eighty thousand.

After a good start, everyone in the drunkard group became very interested.

Su Lun and Tommy also searched for a building and plunged in.


This street has been scraped by previous wilderness hunters. If you want to find the treasure, you have to dig deep in those buried in the ruins, or hidden in more hidden places.

If you don't know the special spells like "seeking gold", you need to spend a lot of energy.

Su Lun was already very salty, leading Tommy, a novice, two "amateur-level" wilderness hunters wandering around in the ruined buildings.

He didn't report any treasures he hoped to find, but he found that Tommy's ability to find treasures was actually very good!

The two walked to a pile of collapsed rocks. Tommy seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly stopped, pointed to the ground and said: "Mr. Jonny, I think there is something under you."

Su Lun: "What is it?"

Tommy frowned, as if trying to perceive something, and said: "I don't know, it just feels..."

"Okay, then dig and see."

Listening to this description, Su Lun became even more wondering what talent this guy had awakened.

Prophet? It's not very similar.

Feeling okay anyway, the two began to dig.

Because of the assistance of a robotic arm, the digging is also extremely fast.

After waiting, they threw away the broken bricks and found an alchemy staff inlaid with a blue gem.

Probably there should be a corpse next to the staff, but years have corroded it into a tawny trace.

Tommy exclaimed excitedly: "Wow...Mr. Jonny, we really got a baby!"

Su Lun identified it. Although it took too long, the rune effect of this staff had dissipated, but the materials alone were very valuable. He said: "The wand is inlaid with'Smashed Star Gems.' For such a large piece, the auction house price will not be less than 800,000."

When Tommy heard the price, his eyes lit up, "Wow...we just found 800,000?!"

Su Lun also felt incredible: "Yes."

But at this moment, he suddenly noticed something, suddenly he drew his gun like lightning, and pulled the trigger toward a dark figure who had crawled in on the ceiling behind him.

A "bang" shot.

A monster fell in response.

Before Tommy could react, he watched an aberrant lizard crawling on the ceiling fall from the top of his head.


Gunshots sounded from time to time, and some sporadic aberrations hidden in the buildings were killed by the hunters. But the absence of large-scale battles means that there are not many monsters and there is no threat.

This made Su Lun feel more careful.

This situation is abnormal in Dawn City, where the distortion monsters are shopping in groups.

For example, in areas where tigers are infested, other animal groups will be few.

Su Lun and Tommy wandered around the ruins, and after a short while, they came under the collapsed red brick tower.

It has been searched many times, and probably nothing of value is left.

At this time, Tommy found something, pointing to the collapsed building and said: "Mr. Jonny, why do I think that clock tower is a little weird?"

Hearing this, Su Lun also became interested, and Tommy said "feeling", there will be problems in all likelihood.

This is a square bell tower, and the erosion of the years leaves it with only a base of seven or eight meters. Looking at the gravel on the floor, Su Lun estimated that when the building was intact, it would be at least a hundred meters high.

Apart from the broken masonry, there are also some broken and corroded oversized watch parts.

For example, a giant bell that seems to weigh more than ten tons.

Although it is metal, no one can take it, and there is no need to take it. This thing is worthless.

Su Lun focused his gaze on the collapsed ruins and identified them one by one, but found nothing unusual.

With doubts, he turned his head and asked, "Tommy, where do you think there is a problem?"

Tommy thought about it and said, "That bell bell."


Su Lun frowned as he listened and stared at the ten-ton bell again, trying to find something.

From beginning to end, from the inside to the outside, almost no detail was overlooked.

He even looked at the rust shape deliberately.

However, after watching this for a few minutes, I still didn't find any clues.

No matter how you look at it, it shows [an old corroded bell].

"Does it require some special conditions to see the peculiarities?"

Su Lun thought of the cursed space at No. 88 Ginkgo Street before, and needed to think about it before it existed.

Or... is Tommy wrong?


Just as the two circled the bell and looked around, Su Lun didn't notice that a ten-man team from the "War Knife Group" in the distance went to the monastery to explore, suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

A few seconds later, Su Lun's eyes suddenly identified a different information from the huge bell that hadn't looked strange before.

[Legend of the Monster of the Clock Tower]

Explanation: A cursed space with a special trigger method will only appear when the Weeping Witch appears. Ring the bell, and the space will involve people who hear the bell within 100 meters nearby; normally, this is a cursed space with a dangerous degree of A, but it is a D-class for you. Enter the bell tower, complete the weirdo’s last wish, and then come out. Special reminder, don't let him feel your disgust, otherwise it will irritate ‘it’.

"Really a special trigger?!"

Su Lun looked at the information, and his thoughts flew.

But the identification of intelligence showed that this was not the cursed space of the crying witch he predicted.

It is the companion space that only appears when the witch appears? ? ?

Su Lun frowned when he looked at him, but he was only D-class, which meant that there was almost no danger.

Without waiting for him to think about it, at this moment, Su Lun also heard the sound of a heavy object falling nearby.

Tommy on the side also exclaimed: "Mr. Jonny, look at it, there are so many dead bodies here!"

Su Lun's gaze also took the opportunity to look at it, and just a short distance away, ten corpses appeared out of thin air!


Su Lun's eyes shrank, and he immediately realized something.

The corpses appeared out of thin air, which meant that they were repelled from the cursed space.

He looked at his hand again and made a strange finger-circling motion.

No abnormality was found, he was relieved, "It's not a dream..."

Looking around with the pupil of omniscience, there was nothing unusual.

The ten corpses had the emblem, which was a **** saber. And these faces are somewhat familiar, aren't they from the "War Knife Group"? Su Lun still remembers that this seems to be the "seventh division" of the sword regiment.

The corpse had a peaceful face, but there were a few crystal threads on the corpse that penetrated the body.

"Weeping Witch!"

Su Lun immediately understood what.

No wonder that [Legend of the Bell Tower Weird] cursed space appeared, and its trigger condition was the appearance of a witch!

Su Lun noticed this and suddenly looked in the direction of the monastery, "It's not a wild monster, that is to say, there is also a special cursing space triggered there!"

At this moment, Tommy also found the silver hair. He curiously pulled one out of the corpse and asked, "Mr. Jonny, what do you think this is?"

Su Lun knew this thing naturally.

However, these ten corpses had nearly thirty hairs, which was more than all of Su Lun's hands.

Only then did he understand that the original hair was like this.

However, this thing is not easy to handle.

Just as Tommy was pulling silk from the corpse, a group of people nearby saw something and walked over quickly. A long distance away, the leader of the team stopped Tommy's desire to continue to draw his hair in a cold voice: "Boy, that thing is not something you can touch!"

Listening to this tone, Tommy was frightened and stood blankly on the spot at a loss.

As Su Lun listened, his eyes suddenly became cold.


Originally, Su Lun didn't expect to be able to get these hair strands by normal means.

After all, these ten live corpses are all members of the "War Sword Group". Naturally, they will not let outsiders take away the things that they take their lives to test out.


What's the matter with this "malicious" which is like a man's back?

Su Lun looked up at the group of people. He remembered correctly that it was the second division of the "War Knife Regiment". The captain of the afro head that opened seemed to be called "Bomb Madman" Collins.

Tommy on the side was a little puzzled, and asked: "Captain Collins, what do you mean?"

Collins naturally recognized that the two of Suren were members of the "drunkard group", but looking at the corpse, he seemed to be very irritable, "I said... don't touch these **** threads!"

Tommy's face flushed, and he argued: "We didn't say to take..."

At this time, Collins had no patience at all, and glared at both Tommy and Suren: "Get out!"

That adult gave the order to die, and this time he must find the "Weeping Witch" or a sufficient number of hairs.

Otherwise, even if all the members of their group died here, they would not be able to go back!

Now... not enough!

This means that someone will continue to die!

Su Lun, who was silent on the side, had already determined something at the moment, and he greeted Tommy next to him as usual, "Go, Tommy."

After he turned his head, the expression under the mask suddenly became playful, "Maliciousness has become killing intent... It looks like I really guessed it."


When Su Lun came before, he wondered why the Oliver family's wilderness hunting group had enough strength to bring three scattered groups out together.

It is said to be mutual responsiveness, but in fact, no matter how powerful or equipped the "War Blade Group" has Tier 2 professionals, there is no need to bring some "disobedience" groups out.

The most reasonable explanation is that this group of guys have no good intentions, instead of caring about human feelings.

Otherwise, knowing that there is a "Weeping Witch" here, I haven't disclosed the news at all.

Probably it is also holding multiple teams, with more people thinking about Lei.

After all, a completely unknown cursed space is to be explored with life.

Just like these ten corpses in front of me.

Looking at this situation, the head of Benson also suffered from "acquaintances." (I was not sure that there must be a witch here, and other places in the ruins may not be safer than here. It is still an acquaintance, and it is meaningless to remind Benson.)

But even if he had guessed some signs in advance, Su Lun followed.

One is that he thinks he has to come and see it anyway, it's the same as anyone else.

Secondly, the opponent is really malicious, and Su Lun also feels that he is just harvesting a wave of experience and spoils.

With the abominable corpse and the black sickle in his hand, the "battle knife regiment" was not enough to make him feel that it was an irresistible threat.

Now that the corpse appears out of thin air, it means that they have tested out how to trigger the "Cursed Space of the Crying Witch"...

Looking at the malicious intent again, the intention is self-evident.


However, killing people like this "inexplicably" doesn't seem very good either.

There were so many people on the other side, and when they fought head-on, Su Lun might not be able to take advantage of it.

And although he speculated that it was all facts, after all, "malicious perception" is unclear.

When the time comes, really start, the few scattered groups will probably still look confused and don't know who to help.

As a last resort, Su Lun didn't want to be hostile to these unknowing scattered hunters.

But he didn't plan to wait for someone to point the gun to his head before doing it.

So, he thought of another way.

He ignored the corpse and went straight to the huge bell, then took out an iron tool and rang the bell violently.


Since it is not convenient to kill here.

Then change place.

And Su Lun felt that he might have caught some important clues about the "Crying Witch", and he must first go to this cursed space to take a look.

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