Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 143: Puppet theater

"Not enough, send another twenty slaves in!"

"Very well, the witch madness is complete!"

"Ready to behead..."


Su Lun heard clearly that the way people like the Oliver family wanted the "Weeping Witch" to be violent was to send the slave group in.

The magic woman dreams of killing people, but also needs to be distracted. Sending more people in at one time, overloading the operation, the witch has to passively enter the second stage of violent state, in order to kill more people.

Unfortunately, his Sulun should have been the "fertilizer" for ripening the witch's rage.

But now, he is awake.

He also knows very well that if he really wants the Oliver family to kill the witch, and once the curse space is broken, how do you think those guys will deal with these livelihoods?

Before, there was only a Tier 2 professional named Bloom, the leader of the "Sharp Sword Group", and Su Lun was sure of whether he was fighting or fleeing.

But now there are only five second-tier professionals in front of him, and two first-tier are both very tricky field-controlling warlocks. Under normal circumstances, it was discovered, these people were surrounded, and Su Lun had no right to escape.

Besides, besides these seven, there must be enemies besides the cursed space.

It seemed that Su Lun was fine for the time being, but in reality it was already very critical.

But it's not all bad news.

The good news is that Sulun is now in the fog outside the monastery, and the guys who are besieging the witch did not realize that he has woken up.

And in the thick fog around him, some figures were vaguely seen standing there blankly. These were all "fertilizers." It was the moment he glanced at the past, and several figures disappeared. They should have been killed in the dream world, and then repelled by the cursed space.

When Su Lun saw this, he knew what to do in an instant.


The silver-haired nun, who was more than five meters tall, was already full of oppression. Now she has entered a violent state, braving her whole body, and making people afraid to look directly at her.

Her silver hair fluttered in the wind, like a sharp blade, just as the hair fluttered by, it easily cut the original stone wall pillars of the monastery.

The hair is scattered into needles, and the hard floor is full of honeycomb holes, which can be pierced like raindrops;

Gathered into a bunch, they can hit the target like a weapon.

And because it has now entered violent loading, the silver hair strands are no longer restricted in terms of number or length. For a while, the entire monastery seems to be woven into a cage with silver hair, and the seven people are firmly trapped in it.

Seeing this, Su Lun narrowed his eyes slightly.

He knew that this was also the purpose of these people, to stimulate the witch to enter the second order, just to get these silver hair that can grow infinitely.

But he knew that it was not the time to shoot.

The monster was not injured, and the seven players in the field were obviously not completely restrained.

After all, they came prepared, even in the face of the lord-level weirdness, a few people are completely at a disadvantage.

The Steam Party’s "Mechanical Tyrannosaurus" Toynby transformed into a human-shaped Tyrannosaurus, relying on his mechanical prosthesis armed to the teeth, and a single person entangled a lot of hair;

The commander of the battle knife regiment, Bloom, wrapped his two-handed sword with the wind element in one hand, and swung it like a big windmill, and the "spears" gathered with bunches of silver hair clashed with fire.

And the cadre of the Crow Gang, "Blood Raven" Longfellow, used a curse technique even more weird. The dark-green six-pointed star was shining brightly under his feet, holding a furry crow in his hand, biting off the crow's head in one bite, and making a oozing bone chewing sound. And after this sound, the witch trembled all over, as if her own bones were also being eaten...

Even Su Lun, who was not far away, felt his scalp numb when he heard the terrifying sound.

However, the most exaggerated is the "Juggler" Lloyd who was the main force of the siege.

It was the first time that Su Lun saw the battle of an orthodox puppet master.


The witch who was watching was completely frenzied and entered the second stage. Then Lloyd shouted: "Prepare, I will control it, you guys kill it as planned!"

As soon as his words fell, he quickly pinched a set of sorcerer seals with both hands, his eyes were like torches: "Regeneration, release!"

Once the cloak was resolved, the master puppet's body immediately changed.

It gave people the feeling that he suddenly lost his anger, as if he was no longer a living person, but became a puppet.

What's even stranger is that the exposed skin of his body exploded. It looks like a puppet doll made of black woolen thread.

And when the last Sorcerer's mark in his hand fell, the "threads" in the puppet's body suddenly skyrocketed, and the black lines soared out like living creatures...

After Lloyd Kieyin untied the cloak, he barely stopped, and Kieyin again, muttering words in his mouth.

What he displayed impressively was his secret technique of fame——【Puppet Profound Truth·Puppet Theater】.

A set of thirty-six types of mysterious magician seals was dazzling. As soon as his seal was completed, a huge blue six-pointed star alchemy array covering the entire monastery suddenly lit up in the sky. After the light lit up, a huge cross phantom frame slowly condensed entities from the alchemy array.

At the same time, it seemed to echo the black thread on his body, and the huge cross in the sky also implicated countless black thin threads, which is good in the wind...

These black lines fell, and the puppets that had been arranged around the monastery beside Lloyd also "clicked" and "clicked" to their feet.

In an instant, it seemed that the entire monastery had become a large puppet theater, and everything in the field was implicated by black lines.

A pair of black hands behind the scenes control everything.

Moreover, the purpose of the black line is not only to manipulate puppets, but more importantly, to "control"!

The black line falling on the sky cross is still invading, like the black tide gradually invading the silver world.

Although the number is not as large as the silver hair of the witch, the momentum is not weak.

Those puppets manipulated by the black thread rushed towards the witch, and in a blink of an eye they were firmly controlled by the silver thread, wrapped in a ball.

But this is exactly what Lloyd wanted.

The two silk threads were entangled and intertwined, and the black thread gradually became completely entangled with the silver hair, like a tangled mess, the tighter the tie.

More than a dozen puppets, like more than a dozen nails, firmly nailed the witch in place, making it more unable to move.

Even if the silver hair can be elementalized to avoid the black thread, but the witch can't shrink back, can only wrap it more and more. Once she gave up her defense, her body would immediately be entangled by these black threads.

The silk threads of the two sides are entangled in this way, like a group of entangled snakes, and the scalp is numb.

Lloyd's control purpose has gradually been achieved.


"This black thread is actually ‘Tismo xia worm’?"

Su Lun identified the black threads and found that the threads were not dead, but alive!

This is an iron-eating parasite discovered and named by an ancient alchemist named "Tismo Xing". It has an extremely tough body that can be stretched to a hundred meters, and because it feeds on metal, the worm body is extremely tough and difficult to damage with swords.

Just these two characteristics are already excellent silk thread materials that puppet masters dream of.

Seeing this scene, Su Lun felt that he was getting smaller...

I thought that the silk thread of the master puppet was dead, but it turned out that it could be operated like this.

This "juggler" actually took his body as a host and fostered so many living parasites...

But watching this scene, Su Lun's gaze also became interested, and he muttered in his heart: "Silk thread controls the field, it turns out that the silk thread of the puppet master can still be used in this way. But then again, that guy can actually make so many silk threads at the same time. Is it the reason for the secret technique, or the reason for the cloak..."

This is far more advanced than Suren's mechanical gloves. No matter how sophisticated the mechanical gloves are, they can pull out more than ten steel wires at the same time at most.

But this "juggler" Lloyd was taking black lines all over his body, and the number was not an order of magnitude at all.

But the number is enough. After all, the iron worm still hasn't escaped the shackles of the "physical thread". It is a malpractice to be caught and cut off like this.

But what if you change to a witch's hair that can transform from reality to reality?

Su Lun thought of this, and suddenly looked forward to it.

I finally understand why the young master of the Oliver family is so concerned about this witch...


The hair and the black thread were intertwined, and the tall blood nun was completely controlled on the spot.

The black and silver threads pulled each other, and the two sides wrestled, and all the buildings where they passed were cut into pieces.

Facing the weirdness that was already at the lord level, the "Juggler" Lloyd was obviously struggling to fight head-on. There was no stalemate for a moment, but a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

But at the same time, he also shouted: "Do it!"

Hearing that, several other Tier 2 professionals have also sealed their seals, and they seem to be ready to perform a big killer move...

However, they often didn't expect that at almost the same time, Su Lun also started to hear this.

He had been divergent and focused suddenly, as sharp as a knife.

At the critical moment when several people were about to kill the witch, he raised his gun without hesitation, and aimed at the head of the blue-robed female warlock using "Slow Light".

But how keen is the perception of Tier 2 professionals?

Among the five Tier 2 professionals present, except for the "Mechanical Tyrannosaurus" Toyn reacted a bit slower than the reaction, the other four caught the anomaly in an instant.

Seeing someone raising their muzzle in the mist outside the monastery, a thought came into their minds at the same time: "Someone attacked!"

Although they were shocked that someone had awakened from the dream, they also responded in an instant.

As Su Lun raised his spear, Bloom, the commander of the sword regiment, stomped his feet, moving several meters horizontally, and instantly stopped in front of the blue-robed female warlock.

How did they not know that now is the critical moment to besieged the witch, and there is no room for error at all. Once this "slow light" technique is terminated and the witch returns to normal speed, their situation will be very dangerous!

Seeing that the attacker's method was a musket, Bloom also breathed a sigh of relief.

With just a musket, he is confident that he can swing a knife under his crotch. With him in front of you, no matter how subtle this shot is, you can't even think of hurting people!

"Tsk tusk...The melee professional really reacted fast enough."

Seeing this, Su Lun seemed to have expected it a long time ago, and the corner of his mouth swept across an arc, and he shot without hesitation.

And while pulling the trigger with his right hand, the five fingers of his left hand also slammed into the void, and at the same time controlled the invisible living corpse beside him to slash it down!


The special explosion of the exclusive alchemy bomb resounded throughout the monastery.

The tongue of fire gushed out from the muzzle, and the movement of the bullet concealed the wind breaking with the sickle.

Na Bloom also keenly captured the "small movements" of Su Lun's left hand.

But even so, he didn't choose to avoid it, but instead chose to block.

Because he knew that as long as he avoided it, the warlock behind him would definitely be shot.

What's more, just a gunman, even the "master of guns" can't kill him with this shot.

As long as you get through this shot and wait for others to react, it will be the death of the shooter!

However, he hadn't realized that he was facing the "S-Class Wanted Sulun" on the bounty list in Old Lingdun, nor did he know that he had the [Supnos' Black Scythe of the Night] in his hand. Killer!

This Bloom can block alchemy bullets, but is not qualified to block the cracks in is the moment when the gun is shot, the sound of the bullet breaking wind attracts everyone's attention, but the next second is a pitch black The crack in the space quietly appeared in Bloom's forehead.

Even though he was protecting the vital brain with a weapon in his hand, this knife unreasonably cut off his double-edged sword, which is called a famous sword.

The crack in the space continued, and Bloom's head was cut off by half, and then it disappeared.

And just at this time, a bullet passed through the crack in the skull that was cut in half...

The blue-robed female warlock with her hands continuing to cast the spell, with no time to react, stared in astonishment as the head of the person in front of her was suddenly cut in half, and then...a bullet grew bigger and bigger in her field of vision, accurately hitting the eye socket. The world was plunged into darkness.


With a blast, the blue-robed warlock's head exploded into a cloud of blood and crashed to the ground.


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