Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 152: Big move again

Mr. Hei probably also felt that his "delegation" was a little bit without end.

Although Su Lun did not ask, he also explained one more sentence: "You should also know now. Some like-minded friends and I have formed a loose small organization. You should have guessed the meaning of its existence. But it is positive. Because of this, some of our membership identities are very sensitive and it is not convenient to be exposed too early. Otherwise, it will arouse the vigilance of the top of the black tower... Therefore, this task, if not a last resort, will be completed by Miss 19 independently. "


Su Lun nodded as he listened, and understood what he meant.

Mr. Hei and the forces behind him must have a way of arranging to enter the city on the 19th.

However, they are ready to "make big moves" this time.

So once exposed, it will definitely be traced back to the source.

The people of the Umbrella Organization are not mediocre. The intelligence organization that claims to be all-pervasive will definitely investigate the channels for entering the camp on the 19th through clues.

No matter how good the arrangement is, it will definitely leave clues, which will be involved at that time.

The more people involved, the more exposed.

Instead, following Su Lun in, the problem is not too big.

After all, even though Su Lun is now an S-level wanted criminal, apart from the intelligence on the two disturbances, the rest is almost blank!

Even inside the Cross, no information can be found.


With two top experts escorting him, Su Lun does not have to worry about safety at all.

The three of them marched very fast, and soon they had reached the edge of the ruins city.

There have been frequent sightings of wild hunters here, Mr. Hei did not want to show up in front of others, so he left.

Only Suren and the nineteenth are left.

The two avoided the crowd and did not rush to the camp. Instead, they chose a high ground in the distance and observed it condescendingly.

After only a month of not returning, Su Lun found that the dawn camp had completely changed.

The city wall has been built nearly 30 meters high, and the area of ​​the camp has doubled.

A month ago, the tallest building in the camp had only two floors, and now there are five or six-story small steel structures. The buildings are crowded and messy, but they already have the atmosphere of a war town.

The dense steam pipeline city is jumbled with white smoke. Various mechanical fort positions have armed this city wall into a hedgehog. There is even a city defense patrol team wearing "Frost Giant Battle Armor" on the fence!

And it's not just the explosion of buildings, the number of hunters and caravans coming and going is also several times that of a month ago.

Looking around, the hunters who lined up at the gate of the city to enter the city had already lined up for nearly a kilometer.

On the 19th, he carefully observed the heavily guarded camp, his eyes were a little dignified, and he seemed to be reminding Su Lun, saying: "The'Finx Dynamic Micro-touch Early Warning System' commonly used in the inner city laboratory is installed on the city wall, and someone is climbing. An alarm will be triggered immediately."

She thought about it, and said: "The installation range of those high-sensitivity components will be very wide and not easy to detect. Even if you jump directly over it, it will be triggered with a high probability."

Su Lun listened to her serious analysis of the possibility of overcoming the wall, and said in a weird tone: "You don't want to overcame the wall and go in?"

"Otherwise how do we get in?"

On the 19th, thinking that Su Lun was really asking her, he asked in a suspicious tone.

As she said, she pointed to the line to enter the city and said, "The wanted warrants for the two of us are at the gate of the city. Of course, they may not be able to find out if you are like this. But I have to go there, even if it’s a disguise, there is a high probability that they will be found."


Su Lun listened to her serious tone and attitude, and didn't know what to say.

Sure enough, Mr. Hei was right, the lady super mechanical warrior lacked some "sophisticated sleekness".

He didn't say much, and asked.

"Do you have wigs and disguised clothes?"


"That's good."

Su Lun felt that he could not explain his plan on the 19th, so he said directly: "Go, let's change clothes and enter the city!"


Although she was confused on the 19th, she also followed Su Lun and found a remote place to change her clothes.

Su Lun took off his trench coat and leather pants, and put on a white suit with luxurious fabrics, and wore a bowler hat on his head. Coupled with that handsome aristocratic appearance, it is suitable for the rich and young, and the appearance is excellent.

He changed his clothes, watched that the 19th was about to change into a dress with boots and skirts, frowned, and shook his head and said, "No, it's not this set, it's that set."

Then he pointed to the white noble tutu skirt with lace frills, lamb-leg sleeves, and steel frame skirts.

The nineteenth looked puzzled: "If such a skirt is discovered, isn't it inconvenient to fight?"

"No need to fight..."

Su Lun didn’t know how to explain, but only said the effect he wanted, “We’ll be newlyweds in a while, and you are a lady of a fallen aristocratic family. That palace dress suits your status. Sombrero and A wig can cover your face, a tutu can cover your figure..."

On the 19th, not only the face is well-known by bounty hunters, but also the perfectly proportioned figure, which is very recognizable.

If she goes out wearing those tights suitable for combat, she can be recognized by the bounty hunter with her face covered!

Therefore, these seemingly bloated noble skirts are the most suitable.


Listening to Su Lun's words on the nineteenth, she wrinkled beautifully.

Even though she felt that there were many flaws in this plan, she didn't say much, and chose to execute it.

Probably because it is a mechanical warrior, there are not so many worldly thoughts. Moreover, she did not evade Su Lun, nor any twists and turns, she took off her previous clothes and planned to change into that dress. Also because the off-shoulder low-cut skirt cannot wear a sports vest, it simply takes off, and the delicate white and tender bionic skin is completely exposed to the air.

Since the other party didn't mind, Su Lun also feasted his eyes openly.

I have to say that the figure of the 19th is really not critical.

For others, this picture would be very ambiguous.

But for these two people, as indifferent as always.

After a while, change your clothes.

After walking a few steps on the 19th, feeling that the skirt somewhat restricted her movement, she frowned slightly, "Is that all right?"

Su Lun looked at it and was satisfied: "Yes, that's great."

Except for her sharp eyes, her appearance is no different from a normal rich lady.

This kind of palace skirt, which is loved by ladies and ladies, is designed to deliberately squeeze the waist and abdomen, and "squeeze" the ratio of the chest to the hips very exaggerated.

The nineteen figure was originally bulging forward and backward, but wearing this skirt made her figure look less natural, as if she was "squeezing out".

It just so happened to cover up her proud figure perfectly.

On the 19th, he didn't say much, and turned to look at Su Lun, "Is your ID forged?"


Falsified documents are also an important way for gangs to make money.

Although Su Lun had never used this ability on weekdays, he had mastered this skill proficiently.

The previous trophies have ready-made documents, just modify some name details.

He waved his hand, "Go, let's enter the city."


"Hold me, be close. Well, yes, put your face on my neck..."

"If someone looks at you, don't respond, be arrogant..."


Su Lun and No. 19 in disguise held hands intimately and went directly to the camp.

Instead of going to the main entrance, they walked to the side entrance dedicated to customs clearance by the Chamber of Commerce. There are hundreds of people from several caravans, and thousands of steam dogs loaded with cargo, lining up for inspection.

The guards armed with guns will quickly check every bulky cargo very carefully.

It's impossible for Tibetans or hiding black sickles.

Because people come and go, no one notices that there are two more people in the chamber of commerce.

Su Lun walked over with No. 19's slender waist, pointed in the cargo pile for a while, and then jumped directly to the gate of the city without queuing up.

He naturally handed out his ID, and greeted the fat captain on duty very well: "Hey, Captain Mum, it's been a long time."

As he said, he complained: "My caravan is still behind, but I don't want to queue up here anymore and wait for them to come in slowly..."


Captain Namome was taken aback, obviously racking his brains to remember who the "acquaintance" he was greeting to was in front of him.

But before he had time to speak, a generation of heavy money bags had already been squeezed into his hands, and there was the identity certificate that flashed by in front of his eyes.

Su Lun did not give him a chance to inquire at all. He threw his documents on the pile of documents to be examined, and directly led the line to the gate on the 19th. He did not forget to turn his head and enthusiastically said: "Captain Mohm, next time Please drink."

A group of subordinates looked at Su Lun and their captain, they seemed to know him well, and they didn't dare to stop.

Then this group of people let them into the city in such a daunting manner.


On the 19th, he embraced Su Lun's arm affectionately, as if it really looked like a newlywed couple like glue.

She is a mechanical warrior. Although she doesn't have any great acting skills, she is not nervous, and she does not let people see the flaws.

However, she did not expect to enter the city so easily?

After walking for a long time, I didn't see anyone catching up.

This was incredible on the 19th.

She was really curious, and asked in a low voice: "Do you know that gate guard?"

It turns out that you know Chengwei, so you are sure to enter the city like this?

its not right...

He is also a wanted criminal, and it is impossible for the city guard to let him in.

Su Lun shrugged casually, "No, I don't know him."

The nineteenth asked in confusion: "Then you know his name so..."

Su Lun simply explained, "I can read lips. When I was observing on the high ground before, I found that his subordinates called him this way."

On the nineteenth, he listened carefully, thoughtfully, his eyes still showed puzzled, "But...that guy actually let us in because you called his name?"

Su Lun smiled meaningfully, "Did you not see him still charge me?"

On the nineteenth, I still didn’t figure it out, "Money? Those guys dare to go into the city for that little money, who dare to release unknown people? Are they going to die?!"

She thought for a while, and thought of another "flaw", and asked: "I also read the certificate you forged, although I can't tell the authenticity without carefully distinguishing it. But we don't have a caravan at all. They will check it out later. Wouldn't you immediately doubt it?"

"Doubt? Of course they will doubt it."

Su Lun's tone was very determined, and then said: "The fat captain has extorted money bags from every small caravan. This is definitely not a legitimate income. It's not good for him."

After a pause, he said again: "Besides, I really want to doubt. They don't know me, but they may doubt you. It's okay if you haven't guessed your identity. If you really guessed it, they wouldn't dare to make trouble."


I really can't figure it out on the 19th.

Guessed yourself as a "SS Wanted Criminal", but won't it be troublesome?

Su Lun felt that the explanation was a little troublesome, so he directly asked: "But if a particularly wanted man comes in from the guard post in the inner city, what will happen to the city defense team according to the rules of the city defense team?"

The tone of the nineteenth affirmed: "The whole team shoots out!"

"That's not the case."

Su Lun shrugged, "Now we have come in, and the facts of malfeasance have been cast. Even if we are chasing afterwards, it must be a great battle, and the loss is immeasurable. Whether we catch us or not, we will be held accountable. They can’t escape. On the contrary, if they don’t say anything, who would know that the wanted man was put in this round of guards? You will be held accountable if you confess, but you can excuse you if you don’t know how to choose a normal person?"

The rules of the city guard are indeed strict, but human nature can be used.

This lady super mechanical warrior has rich combat experience, but lacks some experience outside the rules.

"But in case they just stopped us from questioning..."

"Although I'm sure there is no such'what if'. But even if it does, our credentials are worthy of scrutiny. The'Golden Camel Chamber of Commerce' is a small chamber of commerce that really exists in the inner city. Even if it is really difficult, there are a lot of excuses. response..."


When the two walked all the way, Su Lun explained to the nineteenth.

Soon, it mixed into the crowded main street without any surprises.


Now that they have entered the city, both of them have their own things to do.

There are so many people in the city, the two of them are inconspicuous.

Without inspections, the risk of exposure is not great.

What he was going to do on the 19th was very dangerous, and Su Lun didn't plan to mix things up, and didn't ask much.

The two plan to leave it alone.

He looked at the most luxurious hotel in the distance and said, "I will stay at the Rose Hotel and register as Nicholas. Then I will open another room with another name on the front of the room. If you run into trouble , You can come over."

Nodded on the nineteenth: "Yeah."

Entering the city in such an unbelievable way, there is still no danger, and now she really has enough trust in certain abilities of Su Lun.

When parting, she thought of something and said: "By the way, there is one more thing you have to pay attention to."

Su Lun: "Huh?"

On the 19th: "I previously assassinated Major General House, the chief intelligence officer of the Umbrella Organization in the outer city, and obtained some top-secret information. But after I analyzed it, I also found a problem ~ on top of House In fact, the Umbrella Organization actually has a lieutenant-level intelligence officer who has never been exposed, code-named "Sleepwalker." The ruins should have come this time. There are not many clues, the only certainty is that ‘He’ has access to a lot of secret information. I speculate that He has close ties with the major forces in this camp, and his status should not be simple. You be careful. "


Su Lun listened with a deep thought.

In the umbrella organization, the higher the rank, the higher the ability and strength.

With such a latent lieutenant-general intelligence officer, he really needs to pay more attention.

The two didn't say much at all, walking in the crowd, and then separated in one direction.

Su Lun looked for a chance to change into a wilderness hunter outfit, and went to the Rose Hotel to open a room.

Then he wore a half-face gas mask and went to the "Wild Hunters' Union".

He wants to ask if there is any feedback on the information he commissioned...

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