Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 163: [Magician's bowler hat]

After Barbara went up, as expected, the frequency of the four weird deaths was higher.

Su Lun harvested again and again, and the formation was on the verge of collapse again.

But now the more I look at victory in sight, the more I can't care about it.

Boss dying magnification is a routine operation.

The four widowed puppets were completely free of threats, and Su Lun didn't feel the slightest gratitude, but the anxiety in his heart became more intense.

He looked at the restaurant where the ghost mist was getting thicker, and suddenly felt bad.

Anyway, there is already some other enemy in the cursed space, and there is no need to hide it. Su Lun thought about it, and took the [Shroud of the Iceman of Oz] wrapped around the abomination living corpse, and then wrapped it around his body.

Although it will consume a little life, he always feels that this will be more secure.

However, it turns out that Sulun's caution did avoid a huge crisis for him.

Just after the last harvest of the soul fragments, that ghost species [Hanged Corpse] did not have enough souls to condense successfully, and the sacrifice formation completely collapsed.

At almost the same time, there was a scream that pierced the eardrum at the end of the corridor.

It was like the sound of fingernails crossing a blackboard, and people got goose bumps.

At the first glance, a sly nun who was more than two meters high jumped down the stairs on the second floor with a murderous look!

Its speed is extremely fast, just like teleporting.

Su Lun just looked at the blue-faced sly nun at the top of the stairs a hundred meters away, and in the blink of an eye, she already appeared in front of her eyes.

Now in the huge banquet hall, the only person standing is hating the living corpse.

The old nun's goal is also very clear, which is to kill the "culprit" who ruined its formation.

It slapped it round, and the living corpse more than three meters high was directly lifted by the slap. After the sound of bone cracks and muscle tissue breaking, the huge body flew upside down, "banging" and breaking it. The load-bearing pillar smashed another wall and fell into the ruins.

"What power is this!"

Su Lun quickly lowered his gaze, and did not dare to look at the terrifying monster just a few meters away.

Didn't even dare to identify its rank.

With this terrifying power, he heard the sound of bone cracking after he hated the living corpse, and Su Lun felt that his body could not stand twice.

Moreover, at the speed of teleportation, it is impossible to hide.


Fortunately, the Shroud is a "forbidden object", which isolates all energy fluctuations.

Su Lun, who was standing next to the load-bearing pillar, escaped a catastrophe.

But the sly nun seemed to know that someone was nearby. Although she couldn't see it, she stretched out her hand and kept groping in the air...

Su Lun looked at the creepy nun who was getting closer and closer, and even if he was calm, he was crushed with cold sweat by the trembling pressure on her body. This nun has been completely demonized, this is not a normal breath at all, but the breath of that "super-order creature".

Su Lun's eyes were dignified, thinking quickly how to deal with the crisis in front of him.

His own strongest method is the black sickle.

But the old nun was so fast that it was impossible to give him a chance to slash with a knife.

He didn't even dare to touch the living corpse to test if it was still alive.

At this moment, movement was heard again at the top of the stairs.

Su Lun looked over and saw two embarrassed figures walking down.

One had a big hole in the abdomen, and one had a broken arm.

Only two?

The big hole in the abdomen is the "Magic" Edward. The wound seemed to have been scratched and hollowed out, but because of the black space power, the blood did not flow out temporarily.

And Barbara broke an arm, her face was completely bloodless, and she looked terrible...

Su Lun looked at their injuries and made a sound in his heart.

Relying on the two seriously injured, can kill this sly nun?

"The BOSS is really violent..."

Su Lun didn't dare to identify, but he probably guessed it.

If there is no madness, and the battle has been frozen for so long before, the victory will not suddenly be divided.

At this time, the movement of the two Edwards coming down was not small, and the attention of the sly nun was immediately attracted.

It didn't look for Su Lun any more, and rushed over in a rage, flashing and teleporting step by step like a card frequency.

A touch of decisiveness flashed across Barbara's pretty face, her body was full of pink aura, and she stepped forward!


As soon as the old nun caught her, Barbara's chest was pierced, and a mouthful of black blood spurted out.

But at the same time, the Edwardian double surgeon's seal behind her was changing rapidly, and a mysterious eight-pointed star formation was already lit up under her feet.

His face was pale, and it seemed that he was overloaded to perform some forbidden technique.

It was Barbara's fight for a moment, and his coagulation technique had already taken shape, his hands clapped together, and he gave a low voice: "Space Profound meaning·Qiye ban!"

As soon as this technique came out, the surroundings seemed to be suddenly turned off, and the entire corridor was completely dark.

And the space near the place where the sly nun was standing had become pitch-like sticky.

The space turned into black fluid, slowly clinging and squeezing onto the whole body of the tall and tricky nun, which caused its almost teleportation speed to be completely restricted in place.

Edward controlled the nun, but he couldn't help but sprayed out a mouthful of blood.

Probably because of the far overloading operation, he lost control of his physical injuries, and the wound in his abdomen suddenly collapsed.

Edward wants to condense the seal of the warlock again and use the ultimate move, but it seems to be very difficult...

"good chance!"

Su Lun, who was not far away, saw this, with a bit of bitterness flashing in his eyes.

He didn't care about being exposed, and he didn't hesitate to cross the void and grab it, violently involved.

I hate the living corpse and there is a faint breathing, then it means that it is not dead!

Su Lun ignored the state of the living corpse, involved the black sickle, and chopped at the sly nun's neck.

Now that Sister Sister is controlled, this is the only chance!

The black sickle slashed down, and a spatial crack was drawn with the blade, and it instantly appeared at the end of the corridor, on the neck of the wicked nun.

"Kang Dang" a head fell to the ground.

No matter how tough the body is, the sly nun will break everything in front of the space crack.

Su Lun breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

Edward was relieved.

Barbara also relaxed and closed her eyes slowly.


Now that I do it, there is no luck anymore.

Because he didn't see the gray fog, Su Lun didn't dare to care about it, so he rushed up and directly involved [You Tun Doll] and [Phosphorus Fire Doll] and began to burn the body of the sly nun.

And because he was close enough, he also easily harvested the gray fog on Barbara's body.

"Obtain the memory fragment of'Contaminated Barbara'*3"

"You stripped off a fragment of obsession and got the'High-Order Succubus Recognition Contract'..."

"You have gained some memories, mental spell proficiency +11..."

"Spirit +4.1"

Before Su Lun had time to digest the memories he had just stripped off, the unexpected accident still happened.

At this moment, the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped a lot.

Edward, who was paralyzed on the ground, had a pale face, as if he had sensed something, and he murmured in despair and unwillingness: "Is it still a failure..."

When Su Lun heard it, he almost reflexed, took out the golden card in his pocket, and ejected it.

At this time, the surrounding "ghost fog" became more and more dense.

The black air gradually gathered on the corpse of the wicked nun on the ground, extinguishing the flame.

This headless body slowly stood up again.

At almost the same time, it seemed that an indescribable will had descended on the corpse.

That momentum is getting higher and higher.

Just looking at it, Su Lun instantly felt that there was a big mountain pressing down on his eyebrows. That is a great horror that wants to overwhelm his whole person in the dust, not to look directly at, not to describe...!

But this pressure also appeared for a moment, and the overwhelming pressure suddenly dissipated.

Su Lun was so overwhelmed that he seemed to hear someone murmur: "Is it finally out..."

I don’t know how long it took,

Su Lun's eyes focused again, as if in the endless dark abyss, he saw a dim light lit up.

It is not dazzling enough, swaying like it is going to go out at any time.

But it dispelled the darkness and walked in step by step, getting brighter and brighter.

More and more real.

There was nothing else in Su Lun's vision.

He looked at a man in a golden cloak, carrying a simple hexagonal copper lamp, and slowly walked over from the end of the darkness.

The light of the copper lamp dispelled the darkness, and also sucked in the wisps of black smoke.

The surrounding scenery changed back to the original appearance of the hotel corridor.

The man in the gold-patterned cloak took out a box, condensed a group of glowing gloves with one hand, reached out and grabbed it, as if torn out a group of dark objects from the sly nun's body, and quickly stuffed the box.

"Kacha" closed the box, and the feeling that made the soul tremble disappeared completely.


Su Lun saw the visitor clearly, and he let out a sigh of relief: "Sure enough, it's coming..."

The gold-patterned cloak is naturally a sign of Mr. Black's organization.

The appearance of the copper lamp is also very familiar, naturally it is [Vulcan's Furnace Lamp].

It turned out that they took the copper lamp for the present.

What surprised Su Lun was that not only did he recognize the man in the cloak, but also when the "magic" Edward was dying, he seemed to recognize the man or the cloak.

A zeal for glory and loyalty appeared on his face, and then he got up with difficulty, and went to kneel on one knee toward the man in the cloak, performing a one-handed chest protector knightly!

The man in the cloak glanced at him and nodded, seeming to approve of his actions.

Edward's life dissipated.

This time, it was Su Lun's turn that he couldn't understand.

An NPC from a thousand years ago paid such a big gift to a modern person?

This...what is the special meaning of the cloak?

However, I didn't feel the malice, it was a friend but not an enemy.

Su Lun didn't think too much.

In fact, from the time Mr. Black gave him this card yesterday, he guessed that today's space exploration will likely end in this way.

That powerful organization must be directed at the "curse source" of this cursed space.

This big BOSS must be killed.

Without this factor, Su Lun really didn't dare to let it go before.

Although it looks thrilling, "accidents" are actually expected.

Surprised, Su Lun took a long breath of relief.

The man in the cloak glanced at Su Lun and paused for a moment, probably a little surprised that he could actually do this.

He could not hear the mood swings in his tone, and only kindly reminded him, "The space will collapse in a quarter of an hour. Be careful. Going out may be troublesome."

"Well, thank you."

Su Lun didn't say much.

The man in the cloak said nothing, carrying the box on his back, and walked up the stairs.


Su Lun watched the people walk, and then easily harvested the gray fog from Edward beside him.

"Obtain the'Contaminated Edward' Memory Fragment*2"

"You have mastered some'space magic skills'..."

"You have mastered some magic tricks..."

"Spirit +1.6"

He didn't go upstairs or go anywhere else.

Just looking expectantly at the light slowly condensing on his body.

Materials have been released, but it may not be the advanced materials he wants, it may also be an outfit...

These few minutes seemed extremely long.

However, after all, expectations come true.

A glowing hat appeared on Edward's body.

[Magician's bowler hat]

Quality: Gold

Description: In the magician's hat, who knows what is hidden in it, maybe a world?

Cursing feature: You can take out something in a certain range nearby from the top hat, but you will also randomly inhale an item of equivalent energy;

Detailed explanation: It can be used as a material for professional advancement. After the advancement, it can improve skills, large agility, medium toughness, super high perception attributes, and comprehend spatial ability; fusion requires a higher containment value, and it is recommended that the dark spiritual power value is 18000+. High success rate

Evaluation: 96% fit; this is a very rare high-quality space system material;

"Huh... finally out."

Su Lun looked at the identified attributes, and his eyes trembled.

Looked at the introduction of attributes, skills, agility, perception... and spatial ability.

This advanced material is a perfect fit for him as expected!

Moreover, the surprise is more than just now.

It's not just that there was material on Edward's corpse,

A weird puppet is also condensed on that headless’s substitute puppet]

Quality: Legend

Description: Do you dare to use the life borrowed from the **** of death?

Cursing characteristics: After the blood sacrifice, the puppet will replace the host with a mortal attack; but after the resurrection, you will hear the whispers in the next month in the next month, which are demon-induced voices; you may learn something from it High-level demon secrets, but with a high chance of causing insanity.

Detailed explanation: imitate artifacts, exchange souls with death, and get a chance of rebirth;

The "legendary" quality is another treasure of the forbidden object level.

Seeing these two things, a smile gradually appeared on Su Lun's face.

It's worth it this time to come to space.

ps. Brothers, please subscribe. The subscription drops every day, and the suspicious life dropped...

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