Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 165: Black hole doll

Su Lun put down the puppet and gently grabbed the void in front of him with one hand.

It’s no longer the feeling of touching the air,

It was as if the space had turned into a thin film when he caught him blindly, and it could be torn apart lightly.

He gathered the dark spiritual power in his palm, and a group of pitch-black void holes appeared in front of him.

Then he reached in.

The magic is that one meter away, a palm stretched out slowly.

He knew very well that his palm was not separated from his arm, but there was a distance of one meter in between.

"Tsk tsk, it turns out that this is the feeling of mastering the space..."

Su Lun couldn't hide his joy when he saw this. His hands instantly changed sixteen types of sorcerer marks, and the dark spiritual power in his body was running, and a "black hole" of the same height appeared in front of him.

He got up and walked directly in.

Then, after taking this step, the front foot has stepped a few meters away, and the whole person also appeared a few meters away.

This is the real "space teleportation",

And not because of the fast speed, the displacement that the eye can't catch.

Su Lun recollected what he felt just now, and a smile overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Although the operation is very jerky, this is the first time he has experienced the feeling of "teleshift".

It wasn't that he had entered a space-time tunnel, it was just that the "canvas" of space was folded, and he only took a step, going from one coordinate in the space to another.

But at the same time, in this attempt, he also found shortcomings.

Su Lun pondered for a moment, and analyzed to himself: "The distance of the space teleportation is directly related to the power of the dark spirit poured in. If you want to accurately control the landing point and the second seal teleportation, you need to improve. A lot of proficiency..."

"But where should I learn those space warlock seals and skills..."

Su Lun frowned, feeling a little headache.

If it hadn't stripped some skills from Edward's fragments before, it would take him a lot of time to explore the simplest spatial displacement ability.

What's more, what he is even more greedy is the "hand rubbing black hole" technique!


Thinking of this, Sulun Puppeteer suffered another occupational disease. Suddenly, his inspiration flashed, "My main body currently cannot handle the complicated warlock like'hand rubbing the black hole'. Be a spatial puppet, and then get an inhalation device. Isn't it possible to achieve similar results?"

He has mastered the space ability now, and it is no problem to make a real space prop.

For example, space puppet?

That's not the inferior space of ordinary rings, but the "folding space" that can really fit living corpses and sickles!

It's like a magician's hat, it can be taken at any time, and it can receive everything that a normal space can carry.

With thoughts, the first reaction in his head was a little dwarf holding a purple gourd.

"Or, get a rune puppet version of the Calabash Seven Brothers?"

Su Lun suddenly had inspiration in his mind.


Su Lun now masters the spatial ability, making storage rings is as easy as blowing bubbles.

But what he needs now is not a storage ring, but a "folding space" for living corpses and forbidden objects.

The inferior space of an ordinary storage ring is like a bubble in the water, which bursts as soon as it is pressed.

The "folding space" is like bubbles floating on the water, not limited by water pressure; as long as it has enough capacity, it can expand almost indefinitely.

It was a few days later.

Only then did Su Lun successfully made the space carrier, and collected the sickle and the living corpse.

But hating the living corpse needs air to breathe, and he must also open a mouth on the space carrier.

For the convenience of carrying, Su Lun also thought of a hat, and in the end he also got a magician's "bowler hat".

Because he felt that using Edward's magic to cover up magic was a suitable method. Can exercise casting skills at any time without being easily noticed by others.

But he didn't go out in a hurry, but continued to tinker with his new ideas.

He wants to make the [Black Hole Doll] as expected.

This day.

The bunker is full of various puppet parts, alchemical objects and rune materials.

This temporary hiding place has become a puppet workshop.

Su Lun was working on a puppet arm.

In fact, many designs of machinery and puppets are the same.

His current mechanical level is barely proficient, and he is also handy when using puppets. He made a trigger-type mechanical design for the puppet arm. As long as the arm is triggered, the arm can be unfolded and turned into the shape of a fan leaf. Looking at it again, the unfolded six fan blades form a complete six-pointed star formation...

While doing it, he was still muttering something in his mouth.

"The arms of this weird puppet are made into hollow tubes, and the inner wall is inscribed with'Whirlwind Rune', which can be activated to generate suction. When you encounter elemental spells, you can directly absorb them..."

"Inscribe the "Reverse Whirlwind Rune" in your mouth. When you inhale it, you can spit it out. Or, can you get a pressure storage device?"

"If the energy source of the rune is, you can directly use the curse crystal as a ‘battery’..."


"It's done!"

Not long after, Su Lun spliced ​​the puppets together and produced the first version of [Black Hole Doll].

He used silk thread to control the puppet, tried to move it, and it felt good.


"Next, it's time to witness the miracle..."

Su Lun looked at his new work and was fairly satisfied.

Then he took out another sentence [Phosphorus Fire Doll], and planned to spray it to test whether the effect of [Black Hole Doll] was as expected.

Multi-tasking caused Su Lun to pull the silk thread with his left and right hands at the same time, and the two sly idols were gladiators on the field, and they fought.

A flaming red rune glowed, and it was vomiting phosphorous fire;

One spreads its arms into a fan shape, the cyan wind runes surging, and a whirlpool of suction is instantly formed...

I tested it first and everything was okay.

As soon as the small fire sprayed, it was directly absorbed into the space in the widow's stomach.

However, as the amount of firepower increased, the problem appeared.

[Black Hole Doll] After absorbing the flame, the body suddenly appeared cracks caused by high-temperature baking; and the suction power of both arms was not completely able to absorb the increasing flame.

There was a "clang".

The puppet was overwhelmed and burst into pieces.

Su Lun frowned as he looked at the sly puppet fragments on the ground, dragging his chin and thinking.

"The suction power is not enough... If you encounter high-level surgery, this throughput is not enough. The single'second-order whirlwind rune' can't satisfy the full absorption and coverage of the front. Moreover, the flame will also burn the space. , This requires high material strength for the puppet."

He thought, and carefully recorded an experiment note in his notebook: "On December 13th, the black hole doll's first experimental test failed. The second block of phosphorous fire, limb fragmentation occurred... Analyzed the reason, the material strength was not up to the point. , The defects are as follows..."

However, an experiment did not dampen Su Lun's confidence.

The small fire can absorb, which at least proves that his idea is feasible.

He soon thought of an improvement plan.

"For the strength of the puppet, too high-level materials are not easy to find. However, the quality of the alchemist puppet left by Lloyd, the "juggler" before, is sufficient. It is still a finished product, and a modification can meet the demand. But for runes, it’s a little troublesome..."

"If you have more suction power... you can try to convert the puppet arm into a more complicated spiral structure of the mechanical jet propulsion device. But runes are the key point, and compound runes can produce greater attraction. +Thunder dual element should be good. It's best to be an'energy recovery system', so that the absorbed energy can directly become the power of the strange puppet..."

Su Lun frowned when he thought of this.

He suddenly realized that his reserves of knowledge could not support his creativity.

He himself is not yet proficient in the problems of runes, especially in the high-level rune fields of the second and third levels, and he has not stripped out much experience before.

Know some, but it is still far from the level of creating rune combinations.

But he can't do it himself, he can ask a helper.

"It seems that I have to ask Mr. Black next time. He is proficient in various runes and should be able to help me solve this problem. [Qiansi] The planting should have been done long ago..."

Thinking of this, Su Lun's frowned brow suddenly relaxed.

He began to pack up the tools and materials in the bunker.

Finally planning to go out.

After digesting the materials, the stage position is now stable.

The key is that the space ability is almost explored, only then is qualified to go out "wave".

This has been more than half a month without receiving outside news, but don't think about it, maybe there is an "S" on his wanted order.

Those who want to get the bounty of other people's leaders, it is estimated that they will be able to line up from Dawn City to Old Lingdun.

There hasn't been any qualification before.

But now...

Su Lun felt that it should be almost done.

Although he is still a quasi second-tier, he hasn't even learned the colony outfit and advanced skills.

But ordinary second-tier professionals hardly threatened him.

High skill, high agility, high perception...

In a head-on confrontation, Su Lun's data can crush more than 90% of the same tier, even those old second-tier.

Even in the face of Tier 3 professionals, although he can't beat him, he has the black sickle and the ability to teleport, and he has a certain degree of escape...


After Su Lun packed up his things, then pinched with both hands, the warlock seal was formed in an instant.

As if opening a door, he lifted it with one hand, and a space door appeared in front of him.

I stepped out and saw that the figure was already outside the bunker.

"Space teleportation" needs to consume a lot of dark spiritual power, the farther the distance, the consumption will almost double.

The more frequently you cast spells, the more it consumes.

But Su Lun now needs to practice his proficiency in teleporting spatial control, so he is not stingy with dark spiritual power.

Moreover, he has a huge advantage.

That is his dark spirit power, which is much more abundant than the average Tier 2 professional.

"X Serum" changes the body's tolerance to dark spiritual power.

This also means that not only the first level, but every level in the future, he will have a higher tolerance to dark spiritual power than ordinary people, and the body can store and absorb more dark energy.

Su Lun felt that the "high cost blue" skill of Space Teleport would be stronger in his hands in the future.

After walking a few steps, he teleported a few meters.

After walking for a while, it teleported a few meters.

As long as the dark spiritual power in the body remains on a safe line, he will keep practicing.

He wants to test the precise consumption of various teleport situations...

In order to accurately calculate to the minute in future battles.

If anyone sees it, they must be shocked. It flickers in the faint mist, like a ghost species...


After half a day, Su Lun avoided some wilderness hunting groups and returned to the dawn city camp.

However, he didn't rush in, but hung upside down on a rock wall, condescendingly looking at everything in the city.

The city has been completely new again than it was half a month ago.

The buildings and steam chimneys are so high that they are far above the city walls. There are densely packed wilderness hunters, the streets are crowded, and the noise can be heard from far away...

A scene of prosperity and excitement.

Although they were far apart, Su Lun could still see clearly.

The number of guards at the city gate is thirty-five. The defense on the east side of the city wall is relatively weak. You can even clearly see that the white paint sprayed on the mechanical armor of the city guard who is focusing at this moment is "BS-2213". ...

Before changing, this distance is absolutely impossible to see clearly with the naked eye.

Su Lun’s eyes reflected the busy traffic in the city, and he murmured: “The eyesight has been greatly improved, the night vision ability, and the ability to distinguish high-frequency targets have also been strengthened. Sure enough, after the advancement, [All-Knowing Eyes] ]’S talents have also been advanced."

Extraordinary talents can become stronger with development and career advancement.

He had noticed an abnormality in his eyes on the way to the camp before.

On the way back, I encountered a distorted lightning eagle.

The diving speed of this flying monster is faster than that of bullets. Normal people see it catching prey, especially in the case of bad light, it will be like a card frequency, a flash of 100 meters...

This is commonly referred to as "physical teleportation".

It is because the change of the light image captured by the eyes is shorter than the nerve response time, and there is a lack of visually captured light image in the middle, and it will look like a teleport.

But Su Lun discovered that his current vision could clearly capture the lightning eagle's figure.

This has a great impact on the battle.

Let me give you an example.

He dodged the bullet before the predicted muzzle direction.

But now, he can clearly capture the entire trajectory of the bullet, not just the two moments when it is shot and hit.

This is very useful in combat, especially for melee professionals who can "physically teleport".

Su Lun's current eyesight can even be like slow-motion playback, clearly capturing every movement detail of a fast target. After seeing the action clearly, you can predict and react in advance.

Can fight, can escape.


[The Eye of All-Knowing] The ability has been strengthened a bit, but [Death Reaper] does not seem to have changed.

Thinking of this, he suddenly thought of the second awakening of the talent Qian Tiao had told him before.

In the words of the young gambling addict, that is the real qualitative change.

Thinking of this, he also had some expectations in his heart. What will these two "S-rank" talents look like after the second awakening?

But I didn't think too much about it, because the second awakening was hard to come by.

If you are often on the verge of life and death, the probability will be higher.

Su Lun felt that normal people probably didn't want to awaken any abilities in that way.

After a short while, after observing the route of the road in case of an accident, he walked towards the camp.


Although Su Lun will not be distorted in a high dark spiritual power environment, he also needs to return to the city to buy some supplies. He also wants to contact Mr. Hei to get his [Qiansi] alchemy planting equipment and ask some questions.

Moreover, now that Su Lun has advanced to Tier 2, there are still two unresolved needs, one is the secret method of mental power, and the other is the technique of various space spells.

The ruins of Dawn City are huge, and it is impossible for him to find what he needs by himself.

And the Wilderness Hunter Union is a good place.

Su Lun planned to go into the city to visit the Wilderness Hunter's Square to see if there is anything that can be picked up.

If you don’t meet, you can post a reward for finding "space spells".

The Wild Hunter Guild may be able to provide the information he needs.

Maybe the omnipotent hunters encountered the "magic" Howard in other cursed spaces, or through other channels, and obtained some space spells.

But before that, Su Lun had one more thing to do.

He intends to find the gangster sister-in-law Sabina to "talk".

When it comes to intelligence, who knows more than the lieutenant intelligence officer of the umbrella organization?

I was not sure of fighting before, and I was not sure to escape after fighting, but now...

It's time to avenge the sneak attack that night.

Besides, Su Lun also intends to try the [High-level Succubus Recognition Contract] obtained in the Cursed Space, is it useful for that woman...

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