Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 169: This wave is really not a loss

Su Lun stayed in Sabina's room most of the night, and teleported away before dawn.

After this night attack, he had to sigh, if it weren't for his own strength, this tossing, the attribute panel is afraid that a piece of data will be visible to the naked eye.

The taste of succubus is something ordinary people can bear.

Sabina also has two forms of transformation and transformation.

One is the hot and charming succubus, the other is the arrogant and arrogant gangster...

The feeling and touch of the two are completely different experiences.

She can resemble the gentleness of everybody's lady, does not lack the rich charm of rich and famous ladies, but also has the dominance of an arrogant queen...

Sabina can always switch between various roles.

She knew what Sulun needed, and she was what she was.

There will always be just the right amount of teasing.

Ordinary people have such a succubus maid, and life is light.

Fortunately, the modified body of "X Serum" is much stronger than before.

Su Lun feels...physically okay.

However, this wave is not a loss.

After all, I received the Umbrella Organization's lieutenant general, and also gained half of the Umbrella Organization Intelligence Network.


Early the next morning, Sabina woke up from her light sleep.

Lifting the quilt, her beautiful carcass was completely exposed to the air.

Without the intention of wearing pajamas, Sabina stepped barefoot on the soft carpet, walked to the waiting-length dressing mirror in the room, and looked at the beautiful carcass in the mirror that made her fascinated, and the light in her eyes became more gentle.

I don't know why she was tossing like that last night. Not only is she tireless today, she has a ruddy complexion, and her figure seems to be more plump.

Probably something was thought of, a gentle smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she murmured: "I am looking forward to the master becoming stronger~"

One of the reasons why he chose Su Lun to recognize the Lord was that he was forced to be helpless.

There is another more important reason, because she feels that Su Lun's potential is limitless.

Right now, Su Lun is the most amazing young man she has ever seen. With the strength of a Tier 1 professional, he has disturbed the old Ling Dun chickens and dogs. This is also unique.

Whether it is xinxing, means, strength, or other, they are all excellent candidates.

At least in his eyes, no one can match the so-called geniuses in the inner city.

Will the master become a powerful "devil"?

Sabina looked at herself in the mirror and smiled.

She felt that it would be nice to have a master.

In ancient times, the ability and beauty of succubus destined them to become the playthings of other powerful races. The succubus without the devil's attachment has always had a bad fate, which is fate.

As other members of the family experience.

Sabina was naked for a long time, wearing a worsted red dress for body shaping, her exquisite figure was perfectly outlined. He personally cleaned up the traces on the bed, and then went out.

Coming from downstairs.

One after another, Steam Party gangs stood up to say hello.




These cadres and younger brothers are not only to protect the gangster sister-in-law, but also to block some less-eyed suitors on Banner's order.

Sabina returned to her arrogant gangster sister-in-law and nodded to the group, "Everyone, early."

Passing in front of Tommy, she suddenly became interested, stretched out her hand to squeeze his face, and pulled her face away.

Tommy looked unhappy, struggling away, and shouted angrily: "Old witch, what are you doing!"

Sabina was not angry either, knocked him on the head, the corner of her mouth showed a smile that was not a smile, and said: "Practice your abilities well, pay more attention to it, don't let people touch it and don't know it."

With that, she went out.

A group of people also followed out.

The younger brothers also noticed that the sister-in-law seemed a little different today, and were slightly confused, so they whispered behind her.

"Sister-in-law seems to be in a good mood today..."

"Yes, it seems that the negotiations with the Oliver family went well last night."



Early in the morning, Su Lun went to the Wild Hunter's Union.

It was still early, and Stormwind Manor was full of hunters who came to receive and release missions.

Recently, the number of tasks has skyrocketed every day, and the total amount has been more than ten times that of a month ago.

The task display screens in the union hall were all brought from indoors to the open-air courtyard. Two additional giant screens were also installed, and the scrolling task information was like a train schedule, which was overwhelming to watch.

Su Lun stopped in front of the big screen of the union's mission for nearly an hour before scanning the news roughly.

But he didn't find the information he wanted.

Whether it is space spells or subtle mysterious spells, it seems that they will not be exposed.

But he also found that there are many high reward missions on the top of the light curtain to explore the central area of ​​the ruins. The pioneers are the pioneer groups formed by the big chaebol families in the inner city. They have a lot of money and are well equipped. The leader is The real master.

Not only are Tier 2 professionals, but I even saw a few messages about Tier 3 professionals leading the team.

This is impossible to see on weekdays.

Su Lun looked at him and was surprised: "It looks like Duke Raphael's baby daughter is coming. But what is in this ruin, it is worthy of the Black Tower's high-level development so urgently..."

Almost all the top professionals in the inner city are big and decent people, who are not short of money at all, and don't need to take their lives to hunt waste.

Now Dawn City is here, but the pressure on the black tower is not small.

If it was before last night, Su Lun would probably still be puzzled.

But now he has information about Sabina, and he also knows why.

He didn't read it much either, leaving his own code word message in the advertisement column.

This is the contact method agreed with Mr. Hei.

After leaving the Wilderness Hunter Union, Su Lun swaggered around to the major taverns and bought some information from the intelligence dealers.

But I didn't find what I wanted.

He knew these things and couldn't rush.

There is a lot of new information every day in the ruins reclaiming wasteland.

Besides, there is no need to worry now.

Before, there was fear of the umbrella organization lurking in various informants. Now that there is a maid like Sabina, there is no need to worry about it.

His face is not in the wanted system, it is safe to go anywhere.

You can wait for news slowly.

What's more, even if there is an accident and locked by some special means, Sabina will get the news as soon as possible and notify him.

After all, when encountering SS-level wanted criminals, only senior intelligence officers in the umbrella organization are qualified to give orders to round up.



Su Lun didn't even think about it, the secret words went out, and he received a reply from Mr. Hei in the afternoon.

He didn't even expect that Mr. Hei would also be in the camp.


Windmill Tavern.

A table by the window in the corner.

Where is Su Lun? Not long after waiting, an old gentleman in a meticulous suit walked towards him.

Mr. Hei took a seat and greeted him: "Little friend Su Lun, long time no see."

Seeing this sensitive person who is also a wanted criminal appeared in the city so swaggeringly, Su Lun was surprised, "Mr. Black, don't you worry about being discovered?"

Mr. Hei smiled and explained: "I just found an interesting little alchemy object. I am not what you see in the eyes of others."


Su Lun appeared in a daze.

Mr. Hei took a look at Su Lun, his eyes full of piercing light seemed to see through everything, and then said: "It seems that little friend Su Lun has successfully advanced to the second level. Congratulations..."

He didn't talk too much, so he took out a storage ring, "It just so happens that the alchemy cloak you want has been refined for a while."

After a pause, he also said in a meaningful tone: "Your witch's head is a rare material, and it took me a lot of work to refine it. However, the distortion tolerance required for this reproductive costume is not good enough. Low..."

When Mr. Hei said this, he didn't think that Su Lun couldn't integrate this high-quality costume.

In his impression, the young man in front of him has extraordinary rationality and calmness, and naturally he will not do things that are uncertain.

These words are more of admiration and emotion.


Su Lun smiled and went vaguely.

Looking at the storage ring on the table, I had long been expecting it.

He looked at Mr. Black and replied his respect: "I'm causing you trouble."

Mr. Hei smiled disapprovingly, thinking of something, and then said: "I heard about the noise you made in [1911 Hotel] before. The chief originally wanted to deal with the weird one on the third floor by himself, but he didn't. Want to wait for him to show up, you are almost breaking the game..."

"Huh? Who is the leader of your organization?"

Su Lun was also slightly surprised when he heard that, he didn't think that the man in the cloak before was actually the leader of the "Mirror Organization".

Listening to Mr. Hei's mention of the leader's tone, there was a hint of respect, and it was obvious that the other party had respectable strength and character.

Su Lun was even more curious about who the cloak man was.


Mr. Black smiled, as if he didn't intend to respond to this question.


The two sat and chatted a few words and drank a few glasses of wine.

At this time, Su Lun asked again: "Mr. Black, what's the matter with you entering the camp this time?"

"There are indeed some things."

Mr. Hei did not hide it, and said directly: "A big figure from the top of the Black Tower is coming. I will come to see the situation and arrange some necessary coping by the way."

Su Lun guessed what, and asked: "Princess Teresa in the Ducal Palace?"

Upon hearing this, Mr. Hei's face showed a touch of surprise: "Hey... do you know this information?"

"Um... it's a long story."

Su Lun felt that it was necessary to talk about Kanosa's situation.

In case she was killed by these big bosses as an enemy, she would suffer a big loss.

Although Su Lun is not a member of the "Mirror Organization", in the eyes of the outside world, he is.

In a sense, Sabina is also an ally.

However, he was also curious that the intelligence chiefs of the outer city of the umbrella organization were all speculative news. Listening to Mr. Hei's tone, he was actually sure that the lady from the Duke's family was coming?

Su Lun organized some language and said: "I accidentally got an ancient contract in the ruins..."

He explained a few sentences lightly, and said it roughly.

As Mr. Hei listened, there was an increasingly strange expression on the face that had never been used by Gujing Bubo.

After listening,

He looked at Su Lun and smiled meaningfully: "Communicating with little friend Su Lun, every time you can get unexpected results..."

Su Lun naturally knew that Mr. Hei had noticed that his spirit was at a loss, and he didn't mind the ridicule in this tone.

The two have dealt with each other many times, and they are considered to be very familiar.

Now that the cloak is in his hands, he did not forget what Mr. Hei said before, and asked: "By the way, Mr. Hei, you said last time that I was waiting for my second-order, what can you tell me about the mysterious method?"

Mr. Hei glanced at him, and asked instead: "Your occupation is a'Puppet Master', right?"


Su Lun nodded and admitted that although this profession is rare, it is not surprising that a polymath like Mr. Hei knows.

Mr. Hei continued: "I have learned about this very strong profession from some special channels. And I also know that the founder of the Puppeteer was once a famous figure in Dawn City... So, that founder must be in his hands. There is a subtle and mysterious method that fits this profession in particular."

Su Lun was stunned when he heard this, and asked: "Are you trying to say, do you know the clues of the ‘founder’?"

If you really are the founder of this profession, the secret method must be the most suitable.

Mr. Hei nodded and said: "At least in the information I know, there is a trace of the existence in a cursed space in the ruins. But it is a pity that the danger level of that space is ‘T-level’ according to the current intelligence."

"T grade?"

Su Lun frowned slightly as he listened.

If Mr. Hei can be said to be "T-level", the degree of danger in that space can be imagined.

However, since there is no survivor, how does Mr. Black know?

But this said, there are clues to the exclusive essence and mystery, so what else do you want?

Su Lun naturally didn't want to give up.

He felt that the old gentleman might have grasped other sources of intelligence, but he didn't ask directly. Instead, he turned around and asked: "Mr. Black, do you think I have a chance to obtain the mysterious technique?"

"Hard to say..."

Mr. Hei shook his head, guessed Su Lun's thoughts, and smiled again: "This matter, let's talk about this when the time is a little more mature in the future."

When Su Lun heard that he did not completely deny it, he also jokingly speculated: "Could it be that things will turn for the better when the lady from the Duke's Mansion arrives?"

Mr. Hei raised his eyebrows noncommitantly and said: "You are very smart. But this matter is a bit complicated, and many things are unclear. It is too early to say it now."


Now that it was all said and done, Su Lun didn't get too entangled in this topic.

But it was so hard to come here that there was a "jack of all trades" in front of him. Naturally, he would not let the opportunity go so easily.

Su Lun thought of himself [Black Hole Doll], and said: "Mr. Black, are you in a hurry to leave? If you are not in a hurry, I have some knowledge of runes that I want to ask you."

Mr. Hei has never been stingy about teaching alchemy knowledge. He listened to Su Lun sincerely asking for advice, and said: "It was a little thing at first. But I don't worry about it for a while."

Hearing this, Su Lun was not polite, and said directly: "I have mastered the space ability I have an idea, is to get a rune puppet that can absorb elemental spells. But I Something went wrong..."

He described the problems he encountered one by one.

Upon hearing the question of professional knowledge, Mr. Hei also looked very serious.

Sure enough, the polymath knew what the problem was.

He listened to Su Lun's design and nodded his approval from time to time.

After listening, Mr. Hei did not forget to praise: "Your idea is really good. However, your knowledge of runes is also too mixed. Without some solid knowledge structure, it is not easy to get involved in high-level fields in the future. ..."

Su Lun didn't mind being "educated" and said, "I am studying hard. However, the rune knowledge is extensive and profound, and there is still a long way to master..."

Thinking that Su Lun was born as Ye Luzi, it would be nice to have this degree.

When Mr. Hei said this, he cherished his talent more.

He didn't say much, he said directly: "You want to imagine the direction problem, the wind + thunder system can indeed increase the suction strength. But if you want to carry high-level runes, the material requirements for the puppet will be very high, especially the composite type. Runes, you must also consider the fusion and conflict of different elements. Moreover, if you want to make a puppet that can absorb most of the elemental spells, it is best to use Tier 3 runes. I think you can try Tier 3 [Storm Rune] + [Little Thunder Sea] combination..."


This said Su Lun listened carefully.

After listening, he realized that Mr. Hei's original research on puppetry was so deep.


Although the old dean’s teaching method is very scientific, from the shallower to the deeper, but this is all from the material, the structure, and when it comes to the third-order rune, which is only involved in the top professional field, Su Lun gradually heard it. Circled.

Basically, his knowledge of runes has been stripped away, completely fragmented. Recently, he has made up the textbook and it has improved.

But now I listen to it, I can understand a little bit, but I don't even understand it together.

Fortunately, Mr. Hei also considered this point. He explained the principle for a while, and it seemed to have opened his own inspiration gate. It seemed that it was not enough to just say it, so he waved his hand and said to Su Lun, "Go, let's find a workshop and do it."


When Su Lun heard this, he naturally readily agreed.

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