Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 175: Indiscriminate killing

The way the space scroll was unblocked allowed Su Lun to produce a large number of rune puppets in a short time. Before the enemy could turn his muzzle, he had already summoned a hundred puppets.

When the enemy noticed the movement, when he turned his head, he had already moved the silk thread and pulled away the mechanism of the puppet.

The puppets stood in two rows, with eighty [You Tun Dolls] in the front and twenty [Phosphorus Fire Dolls] in the back.

At the moment when the silk thread moved, the jaws of the two kinds of puppets suddenly opened, and then one sprayed black oil and the other sprayed light blue phosphorous fire.

Seeing the surprised expressions of the Oliver family, Su Lun's eyes flashed sharply, and he whispered softly, "Try my physical fire method..."

Simple and rude.

For a time, twenty red-faced crooked puppets sprayed out a beam of fire, the phosphorous fire touched oil, and in a blink of an eye they turned into twenty raging fire dragons, hitting the crowd and spraying them.

Twenty and then eighty, it became eighty fire dragons in an instant.

The improved "You Swallow Doll" has a super jet power, the black tube in their mouth is like a high-pressure water gun, spraying black kerosene from dozens of hundreds of meters away.

Originally, this jet distance was almost no threat to most professionals. As long as you keep a distance, you can easily avoid it.

But in the space restricted by the seal enchantment, there is nowhere to avoid it!

And because the puppet is controllable, twisting his head is all kinds of messy sprays.

The blue phosphorous fire does not extinguish when it meets water, and it rises even more when it meets the wind. Wherever the fire dragon passes, there are flowing flames everywhere. For a while, a few blocks of this seal ignited a raging fire.

Except for a few warlocks who can control fire, almost no one can resist.

This round of eighty fire dragons sprayed, and the enemy's formation was immediately dispersed.

More than a hundred people fled in all directions, one by one they started shooting.


"Kill him!"

With an order, the gunshots were heard loudly.

Su Lun was completely unafraid, as the hundreds of puppets in front of him almost blocked all possible angles of shooting. His puppet controls the rune puppets to fly around, a picture of a group of demons dancing.

These round-up team members are indeed the elite of the Oliver family. After a moment of panic, they also looked for bunkers and began to counterattack. These guys have sophisticated firearms and superb shooting skills. Even though the puppets are flying around the sky flexibly, they are crackling with hundreds of gunpoints aimed at them.

Although the dolls have strong runes and enchantments, the low-level dolls are made of wood material so that they can withstand too dense bullet impact, especially in the crowd with individual artillery and some mechanical flying claws. It was almost a dozen bursts.





After a round of shooting, the black face [You Tun Doll] flying in the front kept bursting open.

However, it's not just as simple as bursting.

As if the compressed gas tank was blown out, the sky exploded into a ball of flames.

Flowing phosphorous fire splashed around.

Su Lun looked at the exploding puppet, not only didn't feel a pity, but smiled just as he wanted.

This is quite a lot of the small-capacity puppets of the previous kind, but the spatial puppets he transformed with the spatial technique.

With this explosion, the sealed space inside the doll also exploded. It was like a popped oil drum with a "bang" sound, and the black phosphorous fire was deep-fried all over the sky.

The phosphorous fire splashed, contaminated, and could not be extinguished at all. For a time, only the wailing of pain was heard everywhere.

"Ah... Hurry... Help me take off my body armor!"

"Damn it, my robotic arms are all red. Who will help me to remove the mechanical bones!"


Whether it is textiles or machinery, if they are contaminated with phosphorous oil, they have to wait for the oil to burn out. Not everyone is a fire method. Being able to deal with these sticky fuel oils, a little bit of it means burns.

Moreover, the threat is more than that.

[You Tun Doll] was blown up, and it seemed that he had no directional spit ability, and the threat was much smaller.

But the explosion can be more direct than sprayed with a nozzle, and the burning area spreads rapidly, reaching an extent that it cannot be extinguished at all.

In this restricted space of hundreds of meters, there are phosphorous fires everywhere.

At first, the people of the Oliver family hadn't noticed the abnormality yet, but there were more puppets shattered, and there were unquenchable phosphorous fires everywhere. Some people found the problem and shouted: "Be careful, these flames are toxic when burning! Wear a gas mask!"


poison gas?

No, not only that.

Phosphorus fire does produce deadly poisonous gas, but this is not the main reason why Su Lun uses so much kerosene.

But in fact, Su Lun didn't expect them to burn or poison anyone.

It is to create thick smoke to obscure the field of vision, and to quickly burn the oxygen in this space!

The burning of kerosene also consumes a huge amount of oxygen.

I don’t think so outdoors, but in a confined space, these dozens of tons of fuel will consume the oxygen in the air in a very short moment.

This is the tactic that Sulun thought of when he heard from Sabina that the Oliver family was going to use the "space blockade" against him.

The confined space is not only suitable for [Puppet Theater], for his [Phosphorus Fire Doll], it is also an extremely advantageous home court.

Although this is a world full of alchemy, and ancient alchemists have long been able to prepare and separate oxygen in the air.

But laboratory research and civilian use are two different things.

In the concept of most people, there is no single concept of oxygen.

Filter-type gas masks are sufficient to solve most toxin problems, but they cannot solve hypoxia. (Ordinary gas mask, don't mention sodium peroxide or something).

Soon, someone had difficulty breathing.

"Ah, I seem to be poisoned!"

"Help me..."


The wailing continued, but it became smaller and smaller.

The drastically reduced oxygen content in the air made them gasp greedily.

Then they found it more and more difficult to breathe, making them instinctively want to take off the gas mask and take a few breaths.

But it was discovered that the gas was inhaled again.

In a blink of an eye, his complexion was pale, and he fell to the ground and foamed at the mouth.

The more than one hundred elite of the Oliver family poured a large piece of it in a blink of an eye like it was cutting wheat.

Even for professionals, a hypoxic reaction soon appeared.

There were also magic warlocks who understood the situation and shouted: "Don't shoot, don't hit those puppets that spray oil! Cast spells to replace the air, otherwise we will all die here!"


The gunfire stopped abruptly.

Su listened to those people's exchanges, took out the compressed gas tank without any haste, and attached his face mask.

Ordinary hunters may not understand the cause of breathing difficulties, and most likely think it is poisoning. But this is after all the elite group of the Oliver family, and it is also mixed with the academic alchemists of the inner city.

It is not surprising that they can see through.

Using the principle of equivalent exchange to replace other poisonous gas with fresh air is the correct response...

But will Suren give them that chance?

Seeing someone cast any wind technique, he raised his hand and shot him to death.

Those who failed to kill must be elite magic warlocks. These guys were busy replacing the air, and naturally they couldn't spare their hands to deal with Su Lun.

It was this trick that directly destroyed 90% of the enemy's number advantage in an instant!

Since the other party stopped shooting, Su Lun didn't intend to let it go like this. He pulled a silk thread in his hand and chuckled softly: "Blast!"

The dozens of [You Swallow Dolls] that were still intact burst instantly, and kerosene splashed everywhere.

Now... the fire cannot be stopped.

Moreover, the burning of phosphorous fire also produces a large amount of high-temperature black smoke!

Because there is less and less oxygen in the sealed space, the phosphorous kerosene is incompletely burned, and more and more floating particles of dense smoke are produced. The high temperature and dense smoke interfered with all optical detection methods, and even the best night vision devices were useless.

This is a physical visual impairment that is more effective than smoke bombs.

The high temperature and dense smoke can't escape, the sealed enchantment of the purple light curtain is like a glass cover, covering these streets in it.

Visibility is getting lower and lower,

One hundred meters...

Fifty meters...

Ten meters...

In a blink of an eye, the black mist enveloped most of the spatial perception, and even in some areas, he couldn't even see his fingers.

Nobody can see it now,

The fight is perception!

The reason why Su Lun did this is because among Tier 2 professionals, his perception ability has an absolute advantage.

Not to mention that after the ability of the omniscient pupil has evolved, he can still see a greater distance than others in the dense smoke. Coupled with the two abilities of super keen hearing perception and malicious perception, he can easily capture the enemy's position.

Now, the enemy's numerical advantage is completely gone.

Can't see the target clearly, no matter how good marksmanship and equipment are, it's useless.

After doing all this, taking advantage of the opponent's formation in chaos, Su Lun Lengyan closed, extinguished the light source on his body, and did not shoot again.

He ignored these fire-breathing puppets, and once again used Space Teleport, and appeared in a pile of people tens of meters away.

Because of the extremely low visibility, the professionals of the Oliver family haven't noticed that one more person has suddenly appeared on the team.


The commander of Oliver's team obviously also has very rich combat experience. After he discovered that his vision was obscured by black smoke, he immediately guessed Su Lun's purpose.

"Beware of the enemy's sneak attack!"

"Three formations, back to back!"

"Don't shoot lightly!"

With an order, the three living professionals back to back to cover each other.

This position is really difficult to sneak attack.

However, Su Lun did not intend to do it himself.

As soon as the scroll opened, more than a dozen quirky dolls appeared out of thin air.

This time it was not a fire-breathing puppet, but a [Nightmare Doll].

This is a combination of the previous 【Wailing Doll】and 【Smiley Doll】. After Su Lun mastered the double rune inscription technology, he made a new puppet. This ability to have both auditory and visual hallucinations at the same time is very tricky.




As soon as the quirky puppet appeared, his hands and feet split, revealing a sharp, dark, poisoned dagger.

As soon as Su Lun took control of the eight-armed spider spear, more than a dozen puppets flew towards the crowd at the same time.

[Nightmare Doll] Although the scope of mental wailing is still not very wide, for professionals, it must be within a range of one or two meters to reach the point where it can affect the mind.

But...the horror is the hordes!

The weird smiles blended into one, like ten thousand aunts babbling in their ears, instantly causing a mental breakdown.

And the puppets are not afraid of life and death, and they can't shrink them with swords and guns.

After the witch's hair is fully elementalized, there is no trace of manipulation at all.

More than a dozen puppets are more than a dozen Sulun.

He jumped into the crowd, and the strange laughter instantly made people confused.

Then, at the moment of absence, there was a chaos.

For a time, screams continued in the darkness, and gunshots were loud.

Su Lun is like a ghost, ruthlessly harvesting the lives of those who are still alive.

Kill in one pass!

It was just these two face-to-face skills that Oliver, more than a hundred people, had not had time to be fierce, most of them were killed by poison gas, and a little bit by the puppet stabbed to death, all in a blink of an eye.

The space barrier that was originally intended for the turtle in the urn has become a reminder for these chasing soldiers.



The wailing and screams were endless.

Those Tier 2 professionals of the Oliver family have a lot of life-saving methods. Although they are temporarily safe, they are not able to prevent Su Lun from killing.

This thick smoke blocked everyone's vision.

With more than a dozen movements, they couldn't tell where the real "Su Lun" was.

They acted rashly, fearing that a spatial crack suddenly appeared from somewhere and cut off their heads.

What's more, now everyone knows that Su Lun is already a Tier 2 professional, no one dares to underestimate it.

Not to mention that the black sickle is in hand, even if it is a frontal confrontation, everyone is a second-tier professional, why should others be weaker than you?

And at this moment, they also recognized a fact.

Are they here to besieged this "SS Wanted Su Lun" this time?


Now it seems...

From beginning to end,

It was Na Sulun who was leading the snake out of the cave.

Having figured this out, the few second-tiers who were alive were all in cold sweat.

The five companions who died in the previous pursuit were not a coincidence at all, but everything was in the calculations of Na Sulun.

Although they don't know why that Suren's murderous intention is so heavy.

But the fact is that if they don't want to do anything, it is very likely that the whole army will be destroyed.

And now embarrassingly, I thought it was the space enchantment that trapped Su Lun, but they were the only ones who were controlled!

They didn't expect that Su Lun had awakened a very rare spatial ability.

At this time, there was another quiet and cautious communication voice from the communicator.

"Damn, we have to find a way to determine the position of Na Sulun and kill him, otherwise we are afraid that we won't be able to hold the barrier opening... Mr. Lloyd, what should we do now?"

Before I could answer, someone in the communicator suddenly said faintly: " didn't realize that our plan of action from beginning to end is in the hands of Sulun?"

"You mean..."


Halfway through there was no sound in the communicator for a moment.

Everyone understands that their communication channel has been tapped.


Su Lun heard that there was no sound in the communicator, and knew that what he was tapping was finally discovered, and chuckled in his heart: "I just found out..."

But it doesn't matter.

The plan went better than expected.

At this point, those guys can't reverse the turn.

The only thing Su Lun is not sure about now is whether he can kill all the second tiers in this space before the enemy's large forces arrive.

Of course, the enemies are all famous and veteran Tier 2 professionals, so naturally it is impossible to catch them all.

Su Lun looked at the silk thread falling from the top of his head, and narrowed the corner of his eyes. "The puppet show has begun..."

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