Mediterranean Hegemon of Ancient Greece

Vol 8 Chapter 5: Roman expansion

In the Latin region of central Italy, Dessex's concern, Camilos, received an order from the Roman Senate: to serve as the leading general, to lead the troops who stayed in Rome to defeat the Walsi coalition.

Although he repeatedly resigned, saying that he is too weak and unfit to lead the troops, he hopes to make this task more suitable for the candidates, but the Roman people strongly demand him to serve because they do not actually expect him to take the lead and kill the enemy. He strongly believes in his practical experience and talents. He believes that he will definitely bring a brilliant victory to Rome.

Camilles had to accept it.

Considering that Camillaus could not fight to kill the enemy, the Senate also equipped him with a young military officer, Lucius Freus, as his partner.

The two led the remaining two legions in the city, a total of 12,000 Roman civic soldiers, joined thousands of allied soldiers, and then led the army to the southeast, and soon rushed to the territory of Prenist.

Coming to the Wolsey coalition, Camilles ordered the army to stop camping. He wanted to delay the time of fighting with the enemy. On the one hand, he does not want to fight with the morale of the enemy at this moment, waiting for the enemy to slack off, or forcing the enemy to take the initiative to attack their camp; on the other hand, one of the reasons why he delayed the appointment of the Senate was that he was It's cool, still having a fever, weak body, and wanting to wait for the body to improve a little, then compete with the enemy.

Who knows that another young military and political official, Freuz, is eager to fight with the enemy. Camillaus is unable to play because of illness, just to let him take the battle.

So he privately slammed the team officers in the army, let everyone fight for Camerous's petition. Camilles saw that it was hard to ignore. He didn't want others to think that he was out of jealousy and didn't want young people to win. Merit, won the award, so he reluctantly agreed: let Luchius Florius lead the army, he led a small number of soldiers to stay in the camp.

Out of fear of the war, he sent people to investigate the progress of the battle and report to him at any time. And he was lying on the bed, but he was sleepless.

When he learned that because the Roman army formation had not been arranged, Freuz rushed to attack, and the enemy was defeated in one fell swoop. When the squad was fleeing to the camp, he forgot the pain, jumped out of bed and organized the rest. The soldiers quickly prepared for the defense.

He personally ran to the front of the camp, and kept yelling at the soldiers who had retreated from the battlefield and asked them to pick up their weapons and repel the enemies that followed them.

The squadron saw that the prestigious, white-haired veteran was nailed to the front of the gate like a meteorite. He couldn’t help but be ashamed. He turned around and fought with the defenders in the camp and eventually drove away. enemy.

After this toss, Camillaus had a cold sweat, and the cold was actually better than half, and he could not help but thank Minerva for his blessing.

The frustrated and sturdy military and political official, Freuz, came to Kamilus to plead guilty.

Camillaus did not sternly criticize the ruthless young general, but patiently asked him about the whole process of the battle.

After thinking about it, he said to Freuz: "Tomorrow we have to lead the army to go out and fight the enemy!"

Freuz thought he had misunderstood: "We have just experienced the failure of the battle..."

"It is precisely because of this failure that the Roman citizens who admire the glory urgently need a victory to wash away this shame!" Camilles said firmly.

Inspired, Freuz nodded.

Soon, the news of "morning morning battle" spread throughout the camp.

The soldiers heard that the highly respected Lord Camilles would lead them to a decisive battle tomorrow to wash away the shame of this defeat. All of them are no longer dejected, but they are gearing up and swearing to the gods to avenge their shame.

The next day, after Camilles led the army out of the camp, he stopped moving forward and quickly began to line up.

The Walsh Allied Forces heard that the Romans who failed in the battle yesterday went out of the sturdy camp and were pleasantly surprised. They all led the army in a hurry.

Not waiting for them to fully develop their formation, Camillaus ordered: the whole army attack!

The Roman soldiers who were eager to revenge launched a storm on the Wolsey coalition, and Camilles focused his attack on the weaker Hernione.

After a fierce battle, the turmoil of the Wolsey coalition was completely at a disadvantage, and the Helsnikis were first defeated, which led to the collapse of the entire army.

Camilles ordered: the whole army continues to pursue, do not relax!

The Roman army took the opportunity to occupy the enemy's camp. Most of the Wolsey coalition soldiers were either killed or captured, and the Roman soldiers celebrated the victory.

But after a day of rest, it was reported that another Latin ally, Bonbone () was captured by the Helsinki.

Camillaus immediately decided to return the heavy infantry to Rome, then led the light infantry, and rushed to Burne all the way, launched a surprise attack on the Helsinki.

The Herniskis who had just occupied the town were unprepared and quickly defeated, and most of the soldiers were killed.

Camilos returned to Rome with a large number of spoils and captives.

The Roman people cheered on him.

At his suggestion, the Roman Senate turned the Roman army that had returned from the north to the Etruscans and attacked the Equis and the Hernikis in the east.

Two months later, the Equis, the Helsinkis, and the Masi, who had suffered major losses in the previous wars, were repeatedly attacked and could no longer resist the choice of surrender.

After clarifying the main enemy in the east and southeast, the Romans began to look to the south of the Wolsey.

The Welsh people are an ancient race in Italy. They lived in the upper reaches of the Ligus River in northeastern Italy hundreds of years ago. They couldn’t compete with the Celtics as they continued to invade the Celts. They were forced to migrate to the southwest of Italy, and eventually they settled on the fertile land of southern Latin, where they lived peacefully for hundreds of years, but because of the rise and expansion of the Romans, the people of Wolsey could not There is no ongoing armed conflict with this power that has become a close neighbor of the North.

In the past 100 years, the two sides have had wars many times. At the beginning, the Walsi people still had the upper hand. After the Roman conquest of the surrounding Latin city states and the establishment of the Latin League, the strength increased, and the Wolsey attack on Rome gradually became difficult.

And in 358 years of Roman state (ie 396 BC), the Roman general Camilles led the army to attack the Etruscan powerhouse in the northern part of the upper Tiber River - Wei Ai, this time the conquest Not only completely occupied the surrounding land of the Taipei River Basin, but also shocked the surrounding ethnicity and power.

So, the Wolsey and the Rome signed a peace agreement.

But four years later, the Celtics captured the city of Rome, the strength of Rome fell, leading to the dissolution of the Latin League, the Wolsey people took the opportunity to tear up the agreement, and joined forces around Rome, constantly invading the Roman territory and allies until this time was carded The army led by Mulhouse was completely defeated.

The lost Volvos have not breathed from the defeat, the Roman army has invaded the territory of the Wolsey, and surrounded the strong state of the northwest of Wall - Willetley (velitrae).

The Walsi people gathered for the rescue while considering the request for reinforcements from other forces. It is because the Romans have become stronger and stronger after the military reforms in recent years. Several wars between Wolsey and the Romans They ended in failure and they were afraid of the Romans.

In fact, the closer and more powerful force from Wolsey is the Samonet, but this powerful mountain race is always extremely aggressive against the surrounding forces. In the past years, Wolsey and the Samonais have also had wars many times. Walsh's several towns near the mountains of Samona, such as Sora and Cepeatae, were also adopted by Samo. How did the Walsi people dare to ask for help from this violent hostile force?

Therefore, after discussion, the Wolsey Alliance agreed that only the powerful kingdom of the South, Diaonia, was the most suitable object of assistance, but Wolsey had no formal diplomatic contact with Dionia and was afraid of being rejected. So the Wolsey thought of a way.

The Wolsey League sent messengers to the south by boat and came to Campania. There is a Campania League in the Campania region that looks more powerful it and Wall The relationship between the West is not bad, and there are often trades between the two sides.

The Campania League was originally a coalition of Greek colonial city-states in this region. The purpose was to protect the security of the city and to defend against foreign enemies. The main enemy was the Samonais in the eastern mountains. Later, some Etruscan city states, which were also infested by the Samonets in the eastern Campania Plain, also joined.

The Etruscans used to be Italy's most powerful force, occupying the northern part of Italy and the middle of the majority. Later, because of the invasion of the Celts, its power was greatly weakened, and many territories were constantly being used by other races. Invading, its forces began to shrink back to the north. However, in the eastern part of the Campania Plain, there are several Etruscan city-states headed by Capua and Sesara.

After joining the Campania League, Capua also competed with Naples for the dominance of the alliance. However, 20 years ago, after the Samonais captured Capua, the alliance had been dominated by Naples.

Therefore, the Wolsey messenger went directly to the city of Naples, presented Wolsey’s request for help to his council, and euphemistically reminded the Napoli: the Romans were aggressive, once Worthy was conquered by it, The Campania area, which is not far from the west and fertile, may be its next target.

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