Mediterranean Hegemony Road

Vol 4 Chapter 99: Political Induction vs Strait Navigation

The Winter Palace in St. Petersburg, although it is already mid-summer, it seems that it is still the cold winter moon. There is no batch of warmth. The gloomy face of Nicholas II directly pulled the temperature down! & 1t; /

Since the beginning of summer, Nicholas II has never been in a better mood. There is no way for the front line of bad news to continue, especially in the last half month, and the situation on the battlefield has taken a drastic turn. & 1t; /

Just after Nicholas II received the battle report again, the rough growl sounded again: "Waste, all is a bunch of waste! & 1t; /

Even if it was 700,000 pigs, the Germans could not catch it in such a short time, but the 700,000 Russian army actually became a German captive in just three days! & 1t; /

Now the whole world is watching our joke. A group army turned into a capitulation? & 1t; /

God! We have created the largest surrender ever! Has the great Russian empire really fallen? It's just ... "& 1t; /

No wonder Nicholas II would be so angry. In a short period of half a month, the total loss of the Russian army was as high as 180,000. The northern army was finished. The western army was also teetering. The southwest army suffered heavy losses in the winter offensive. It hasn't recovered yet and has been hit hard again. & 1t; /

On July 3, 1916, the Germans penetrated the northern Russian defense line. & 1t; /

On July 6, the northern front with a total strength of more than two million people was divided into two, and the northern defense line of the Russian army collapsed! & 1t; /

On July 9, the 6th Army of the German Army completed the penetration of the Northern Front, and nearly one million Russians fell into the German siege. & 1t; /

On July 1o, the Germans again broke through the defense lines of the Russian-Western Front. & 1t; /

On July 1o, the commander of the Russian Northern Army, General Alexei Andreyevich Polyvanov, ordered the troops surrounded by the pack to break out, and eventually ended in failure! & 1t; /

On July 15th, in the case of running out of food, the Second Army of Russia was forced to surrender to the Germans. Together with them, some of the Army of the First, Fourth, and Fifth Army, with a total number of 700,000. & 1t; /

... & 1t; /

The Russian army has set another world record. The number of troops surrendered in one battle exceeded 700,000! & 1t; /

The loss of the army Nicholas II can not care, the key is that the battle on the eastern front has been unable to return to the sky. Although the frontline Russian army still has more than 3 million troops at this time, it is also unable to continue to block the allies' front! & 1t; /

Xiang Xiang stiffly said, "Your Majesty, now we still have to find a way to deal with it!" & 1t; /

Nicholas II sneered and said, "Aftermath? How can I do it? Do you still have a way to defeat it?" & 1t; /

Apparently, Nicholas II has now been stimulated, and his anger has buried his reason. The defeat of this battle is not just an ordinary defeat! & 1t; /

This meant that his ambitions had died. The performance of the Russian army on the front line made everyone see the real and false of the Russians. In this case, still want to dominate the Big 6? & 1t; /

Do n’t talk about hegemony, you ca n’t even subdue Bulgaria to establish the Slavic Empire. The Austro-Hungarian Empire is an obvious example. Hungary and Austria have similar strengths and have become dual empires, and then consume a lot of national power in internal consumption. This is sure. Not what Nicholas II wanted. & 1t; /

The Minister of the 6th Army thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty, find a way to stop losses! Now immediately pull back all the troops on the front line, and we will build the defense line again. & 1t; /

Although we do not have the ability to defeat the Germans alone, as long as the Allies win the final victory, we will win as well! & 1t; /

Now our priority is not to investigate why it failed, but to build a line of defense again to block the German-Australian front! "& 1t; /

Perhaps it was enough, Nicholas II calmed down and ignored the Minister of the Sixth Army. Instead, he turned his attention to the Chief of Staff and asked, "What plans does the General Staff have?" & 1t; /

Cold sweat has flowed from the forehead of the chief of staff. As long as people with a little military knowledge know that the Russian army missed the best time to retreat. & 1t; /

It would not have been easy for the Germans to win if the original defense had been withdrawn before the Allies counterattacked. & 1t; /

Unfortunately, for the so-called politics, the Russian army chose to build a line of defense in situ to block the German-Australian coalition attack, abandoned the fortress trench that had been built previously, and ultimately paid a bitter price! & 1t; /

Now it is obviously impossible to defend on the defense line that has been built before. Many parts of the original defense line have fallen now! & 1t; /

The retreat of the entire army proposed by the Minister of the Sixth Army to establish a line of defense again has become the best choice for the Russians. & 1t; /

The chief of staff said with a quivering voice: "His Majesty, the General Staff plans to send the two million troops just mobilized in the country to re-establish a line of defense in the highlands of China and Russia, but this will take time. & 1t; /

Therefore, the staff plans to let the frontline troops alternate cover and retreat, resisting delays one after another. And give up northern Romania and hand over defense to Bulgarians! & 1t; /

When the winter comes, we will start a counterattack to recover the lost ground. At that time, I believe that Britain and France are ready. Bulgaria should also settle the Ottoman Empire. At that time, the Germans had three heads and six arms. "& 1t; /

I have to say that Mao Xiong is domineering. When the staff made a strategy, they dared to give up millions of square kilometers of land, and Europe was the only one. & 1t; /

Nicholas II's face was very embarrassing now. He had to admit that the plan of the staff was very high. The true strength among the allies was the Germans. & 1t; /

Austria-Hungary and Italy did not perform well in this world war, and any one of the four-nation agreement was better than them. & 1t; /

Now the equivalent of the German family is heads-up British + o. 8 French + o. 6 Russia, still dominates the European Big 6 and has to be admired! & 1t; /

However, the Germans' weaknesses are also obvious. The two fronts have led to the dispersion of forces, and the positions cannot be ignored, and no decisive victory can be achieved on both fronts. & 1t; /

At the same time, the Allies have an absolute advantage in the navy and blocked their overseas material transportation channels. Now in addition to the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, and Norway, the five countries can continue to trade, and the Germans' other international trade channels have been cut off. . & 1t; /

Once there is a protracted war and there are not enough strategic supplies, the Germans will definitely not be able to sustain it! & 1t; /

But the most correct choice in the military does not mean that it is also politically correct, and it is likely to be disastrous! & 1t; /

Obviously, the abandonment of a large number of territories, even if only for a short period of time, may have a negative impact on the foundation of the tsarist government. & 1t; /

Nicholas II also became due at this time. He didn't know what to do, and was unwilling to ask: "Is there no other way?" & 1t; /

The Chief of Staff thought for a while and said, "Unless the British and French immediately counterattack the Western Front immediately, forcing the Germans to transfer their troops from the Eastern Front, there is still a chance!" & 1t; /

... & 1t; /

When the Russians were preparing for a strategic retreat, the Germans as far away as Berlin were now hesitating whether they would bring the Russians down in one go. & 1t; /

Don't look at the glorious results they have achieved on the front lines, but the losses of the German-Austrian coalition are not small. In just one month, the number of casualties has reached nearly 600,000, and it is still increasing by 20,000 to 30,000 per day! & 1t; /

In this way, when they kill the Russians, the German-Australian coalition will also suffer heavy losses. If you want to kill the French in the later wars and win this war, it will be difficult to achieve! & 1t; /

So German Chief of Staff Fackingham suggested to William II that the Russians should be seduced to draw political ties while they were now full of vitality, so as to induce the Russians to withdraw from the war. & 1t; /

History is always an amazing coincidence. After the defeat of the Russian Eastern Front in history, the Germans threw an olive branch in an attempt to get the Russians out of the war. The two sides also made secret contact. Unfortunately, the wind was leaked and was mixed by Britain and France . & 1t; /

At this time and space, the situation of the Allies is more severe than in history. It is naturally not surprising that some people advocate enticing the Russians to withdraw from the war. & 1t; /

William II asked carefully: "Is it possible for the Russians to withdraw from the war?" & 1t; /

The impact of this incident was too great. Once the Russians withdrew from the war, the German-Australian coalition could enter the Western Front battlefield and attack Britain and France in a sudden attack. & 1t; /

The Western Front suddenly increased by two or three million troops. Britain and France are definitely unable to stop it. Once the defense line collapses, the French will be finished. This can basically declare that the Allies have won the war. & 1t; /

Prime Minister Theo Baden von Bateman Holwig thought for a while and said, "Whether it succeeds or not, it is worth a try! & 1t; /

We can even acquiesce that the Russians annexed Romania, or that they enticed them to attack Afghanistan and threaten the British in India! "& 1t; /

Now the German-Russian contradiction is not serious. The two sides can completely compromise, and paying the Russians to withdraw from the war will not harm the core interests of the Germans. & 1t; /

William II thought about whether there was any problem, and he said, "Well, send someone to talk to the Russians first, and the conditions are good to discuss. & 1t; /

As long as the Russians can withdraw from the Allies, we support their acquisition of India, and even if they want to continue to expand in the Far East, we can acquiesce! & 1t; /

Even if they want to get Constantinople and enter the Mediterranean, it is acceptable, but they need to do it themselves! "& 1t; /

Everyone's face changed, and the conditions for William II's opening this time were too generous. If it was proposed before the outbreak of the World War, there is really a great possibility for the Russians to add the ally. & 1t; /

The six army ministers of Juncker aristocracy objected: "Your Majesty, may we give the Russians so much benefit, have we not fought this war in vain? Instead, we fought hard and hard, but the Russians took the biggest cake. It really is ... "& 1t; /

William II interrupted: "It depends on the Russians not having such a good appetite! In this war, our strategic goal is to kill the French and then negotiate with the British to end the war! & 1t; /

Once the Russians invade India, let the British think for themselves! It would be better if they could fight India and consume each other's strength. "& 1t; /

... & 1t; /

Can the wishful thinking of the Germans start? This problem requires time to verify. From the perspective of interests, it may be more cost-effective for the Russians to withdraw from the war to preserve their strength. & 1t; /

The prerequisite is that the bears do not have the ambition to dominate the Big 6 of Europe, otherwise there is no possibility of easing between Germany and Russia. & 1t; /

As soon as Germany and Russia contacted, Ferdinand received the news. As an onlooker, he looked at all these things quietly, as if he knew nothing. & 1t; /

He knew that even if the Russians were to withdraw from the war now, they must also pull Bulgaria together to withdraw, otherwise they would fight against the more powerful Germans after the war! & 1t; /

One of the most important reasons for the British and French to persuade the Russians in history is that the Germans are too powerful. Once they have integrated the European Big Six, the Russian Empire can only exist as a second-rate country! & 1t; /

In the end, Ferdinand decided to stab the Germans, disclose the information to Britain and France, and let them mix them up. & 1t; /

Anyway, with diplomatic means, since the Prime Minister of Bismarck, German diplomacy has been offline, and now there is no John Cow in them to succeed! & 1t; /

... & 1t; /

Ferdinand asked with concern: "Is the chief of staff ready for our army? When can we board 6 Italy?" & 1t; /

Chief of General Staff Imia Dimitev said with certainty: "Your Majesty, the army has already been prepared. With your order, we can attack at any time!" & 1t; /

Ferdinand nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well, order Lieutenant General Walicot as soon as possible to fight 6 and let him choose the exact time and place!" & 1t; /

Ferdinand has a self-knowledge. He knows that due to the prophetic factors, his strategic level may be 9o points, but the actual military command capability may only be 5o points, so he never gets involved in the command of frontline troops. & 1t; /

Especially for such a boarding 6 operation, there are even more issues to be considered, including weather, wind and waves at sea, changes in the enemy ’s military deployment, etc., which may affect the success of boarding 6 and it is even more difficult to intervene. & 1t; /

"Yes!" The Chief of General Staff replied forcefully. & 1t; /

After the brief military meeting, Ferdinand's lingering heart eased again. Presumably after the Italians withdraw from the war, the main faction among the Russians will certainly be encouraged! & 1t; /

After all, this is a political battle. As long as the 6th success, the Allied Coalition forces will burn the war to Rome, and the erratic Italian government will most likely give in. & 1t; /

It doesn't matter if the Italians fight hard to resist. Anyway, Bulgaria's only six infantry divisions participated in the Allied 6 Army, and the remaining sixteen infantry divisions were British and French colonial cannon fodder units. & 1t; /

Cannon fodder can be consumed at will, which is already a consensus of everyone. After all, for John Bull, even the loss of one million colonial troops would not have the same impact as the loss of 10,000 indigenous troops. & 1t; /

... & 1t; /

In July of midsummer, Ferdinand was hiding under the tree to enjoy the cold, and now he misses the air-conditioned days very much. Where is it like now, the old-fashioned electric fan hula hoared and kept irritating his ears. & 1t; /

Konstantin suddenly came to the palace and brought him good news, or the good news of the Russians was more appropriate! & 1t; /

"Your Majesty, we have cleared the Dardanelles and can now resume navigation. The Bosphorus is expected to clear up and resume normal navigation in two months time!" & 1t; /

Ferdinand suddenly got up from the teacher's chair and said, "OK! Give the St. Petersburg Telegram immediately and tell them the good news!" & 1t; /

After the outbreak of the World War, the Ottoman Empire knew that its navy was weak, and it blocked the Dardanelles and Bosphorus Straits, cutting off the Russian sea transportation by force. & 1t; /

Without this sea route ~ ~ the supplies provided by the British and French can only be transferred via the railways in Bulgaria, obviously this will delay a lot of time. & 1t; /

The transportation task that originally took only two or three days to complete by sea, and it is impossible to complete it by railway transshipment without ten days and a half months! & 1t; /

This also takes into account the railway's capacity. Many times when supplies arrive, you have to wait in line for the train. & 1t; /

Now, the Dardanelles Strait is open to traffic, and the supplies can reach Constantinople directly, and then re-transit, saving at least half of the time, no need to wait in line for the train! & 1t; /

Obviously, this is no doubt good news for the Russians, which means that the material assistance they receive later can be greatly increased! & 1t; /

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