After the creation of a controlled miniature cold fusion reactor.

Jason started manufacturing.

But before prototyping miniature products.

Jason was going to build himself a big one first.

Tony Stark built a huge reactor just below the Stark Tower.

Called the Ark reactor by him.

This reactor powers his entire Stark Building.

Even the energy can radiate several surrounding blocks, which is very terrifying.

This kind of good thing, Jason naturally has to get a few for himself.

He had already looked at the large cables that were several meters thick in Wayne Manor that were not pleasing to the eye.

Not only is it ugly, but the energy is also in the hands of others.

Although there is no one in the entire Gotham who dares to go against the Wayne family.

But in case the owl court really turns its face.

Wayne Group and Wayne Manor can be powered off in an instant.

Then Batman had to go naked.

His bat armor is in the underground garage, and in order to get the suit out, it takes a lot of energy.

So under the order of the young master of the Wayne family, a large-scale construction project began next door to the Wayne Manor.

It just took two days of effort.

What was originally a small manor was transformed by him into a very solid fusion reactor center.

In the middle of that, a large Ark reactor with a diameter of more than ten meters has been established.

As long as Jason gives an order, this behemoth can run.

Even easily functional for the entire Gotham City.

It’s just that Jason won’t be so kind.

It is also impossible to leak this technology.

Stark Industries developed the Ark reactor several years ago.

Tony Stark has also always wanted to enter the new energy industry.

This would have been a good thing for the benefit of the country and the people.

But Tony Stark could only enter the arms industry in the end.

What is this for?

Naturally, because of the Bald Eagle Empire, there are the largest oil companies in the world.

New energy is completely unacceptable to them.

Tony Stark would have a better relationship with S.H.I.E.L.D.

It may have been thrown into the wilderness long ago.

His father wasn’t dead.

Therefore, Jason is such a difficult person to cherish life, naturally will not do such a stupid thing.

So after completing the manufacture of the Ark Reflex, Jason once again plunged headlong into the newly built industrial laboratory.

The prototype of the steel armor has already been manufactured.

Maintenance also needs to be carried out by him.

It’s just that he was still in the laboratory, but a person came directly to the door.

“Oh my God! What is this. ”

As soon as Jason heard this pompous voice, he knew that it was the old man Fox who came.

At this time, he was lying in front of the Ark reactor, marveling.

Looking at the Ark Reactor, his eyes were extremely obsessed, as if he saw a big beauty without clothes.

“Jason, this, this is not back…”

Fox looked at Jason and spoke a little unfavorably.

“That’s right, this is the Ark reactor.”

Jason said incomparably calmly.

“How could you have this technique, isn’t that Tony Stark’s core technique?”

“When did you build this whole great thing?”

“How did you do your research?”

Fox’s mouth was like a cannon.

He kept asking.

Jason felt his scalp numb when he heard this, and quickly waved his hand.

“Fox, how can I answer so many questions of yours.”

“I’ll answer your first question first.”

“This is indeed Tony Stark’s technique.”

“So how did you get it, it’s a very powerful technology.”

“I think it took me three, ahem, it took me a while and I couldn’t replicate this technology.”

“It’s just too difficult.”

Fox said in a very embarrassed tone.

Jason also sighed when he heard this, and nodded in approval.

“It’s really difficult.”

“It took me three days to fully recover him.”

The expression on Jason’s face was very heavy.

It looked as if it took him not three days, but thirty years.

It’s just that Fox next to him was directly dumbfounded.

He felt the worldview he had spent decades building was under attack again.

He’s not a stupid man.

He is the Technical Director of the Wayne Group, a multinational group.

All the technicians of the entire Wayne Group were nominally his subordinates.

He also personally made Batman’s armor and various equipment.

The Batmobile, Batbreaker, Batsuit and all kinds of powerful equipment against various villains are all from his hands.

He is also a military science and technology advisor to the Bald Eagle Empire, a teacher at S.H.I.E.L.D. Academy, and more.

It can be said that he is an absolute scientific and technological bull of the Bald Eagle Empire.


He studied controllable miniature cold fusion reactors for three years.

I also observed the Stark Group up close many times, and also communicated with Tony Stark himself.

Then, he found nothing.

Nothing was done.

Jason’s Ark reactor took only three days.

Thinking of this, Fox’s heart had two lines of tears remaining.

For the first time, he knew that the gap between geniuses and mortals was so big.

Fox, who saw the whole person stiffen.

Jason was saying sorry.

The life of the open hang is so boring and boring.

After satisfying himself for a long time, Jason finally asked.

“Fox, what are you doing here with me this time.”

“I’m here for the technology of artificial intelligence.”

Fox looked at the artificial intelligence basic chip technology contract in his hand.

After looking at the Ark reactor in front of him.

Instantly, he felt that the technology in his hand was not fragrant.

Some are boring.

It’s not that the technology is bad.

But in front of you is the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, how can the boiled water in your hand still go down!

Thinking of this, Fox asked with some expectation.

“Jason, let’s see, can we.”


Jason decisively rejected Fox.

As soon as this old man pouted his ass, he knew what shit he was going to pull.

This old man must have hit his Ark reactor for attention.

How could he agree to this.

“Fox, don’t forget what happened to Stark Industries in previous years.”

Fox also instantly sobered up when he heard this.

Tony Stark also entered the new energy industry with confidence in previous years.

The result was sniped by the entire old energy giant.

The group’s business was almost cut off, and the stock fell like a urine crash.

In the end, if the military had not protected him, the entire Stark Industries would have been wiped out by those energy giants.

Wayne Group was also involved that year.

He naturally knows how powerful the energy of those established energy companies is.

Fox instantly dismissed this anachronistic idea.

“Then Jason, you can build one for the Wayne Group.”

Fox asked directly.


Jason said in defeat.

But before Fox could be happy enough, he added again.

“Wait for the extra money!”

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