New York City, in the midst of an impressive laboratory.

A middle-aged white man with blond hair and a dignified appearance was on the phone.


“Tony Stark escaped?”

“You trash!”

The blond man shouted loudly.

“Killian, we’re just a partnership, you don’t have to step in.”

When Killian heard this, he didn’t get angry and hung up the phone directly.

A red light flashed in his hand.

The phone directly turned into a black liquid, flowing on the ground, and quickly solidified.

Killian was very angry at this time.

In his life, he regarded Tony Stark as his life’s enemy.

Always looking for an opportunity to kill Tony Stark directly.

This time, he finally found a golden opportunity.

Tony Stark’s uncle, Obadi Stein, for unknown reasons, had an awkward fight with Stark.

Contacted the Ten Commandments Gang of the Oil Country directly.

For some reason, he was connected with the Ten Commandments Gang.

How could Killian let go of this good opportunity.

Contact the people of the Ten Rings directly and ask them to take out Tony Stark.

A sum of money was also specially given to allow them to buy new weapons and equipment.

It’s just that he didn’t think of it.

The Ten Rings gang of waste actually caught Tony Stark and let him run.

What a bunch of trash!

The more he thought about it, the more angry Killian became.

In the end, the whole person’s upper body was a little red, and his clothes were even burned.

The surrounding air was a little hot, and the walls next to it even showed signs of crystallization.

“Killian! If you don’t want to die, it’s best to control your emotions. ”

A crisp female voice came from behind Killian.

Hearing this voice, Killian finally managed to control himself.

The high temperature in the body also disappeared directly.

“Sorry Maya, I remembered something bad.”

A graceful smile appeared on Killian’s face.

It looks like a standard foreign gentleman.

“If you can’t control your own program, no one can save you.”

Saying coldly, Maya turned around and left.

Looking at Maya’s figure leaving, Killian’s eyes were full of haze.

Half a day later.

Killian changed back into his clothes and grabbed a new cell phone.

“I want to know how Tony Stark escaped.”

The opposite side pondered for a moment before an old voice said.

“Someone saved him.”

“What people?”

Killian asked through gritted teeth.

To save Tony Stark is to make enemies of him!

He must make this person pay!

A moment later, the old voice sounded again.

“Bruce Wayne’s illegitimate son, Jason Wayne.”

“You better not underestimate this brat.”

“There’s something not simple about him.”

It’s just that Killian didn’t finish listening to this voice, so he hung up the phone directly.

“Wayne family!!”

A suppressed sound like the roar of a beast was squeezed out from between his teeth.


Jason didn’t know that he had somehow gotten into trouble with an enemy.

After saving Tony Stark, he returned to Gotham directly in his armor.

It has to be said.

The feeling of flying freely in a steel armor is fantastic.

Even Skynet came to help him operate.

It’s a very good feeling, and it’s amazing.

Jason was a little intoxicated.

It took more than half an hour of work.

Jason returned to Gotham City from the other side of the world.

After a perfect whereabouts, Jason enters his laboratory.

As soon as he took off his battle armor, he saw his cheap old man.

Bruce wayne.

“Jason, is this the armor you researched?”

Bruce glanced excitedly at the very handsome armor in front of him.

“That’s right, this is the armor I researched.”

Jason nodded.

“What’s wrong, you want one too?”

Hearing Jason say this, the expression on Bruce Wayne’s face was a little twisted.

“Ahem, is that okay?”

Jason looked at Bruce Wayne, who was pretending in front of him, and rolled his eyes.

If you want to, just say it.

Also pretended to look like this.

However, for the sake of Bruce’s face of funding him, he will be generous.

“It’s been prepared for you a long time ago, do you want to come and see?”

“Ahem, then we’ll go and see.”

Bruce Wayne nodded reservedly.

However, looking at the expression in his eyes, it should be quite expectant.

“Follow me.”

Jason rolled his eyes and led Bruce towards the armor showroom.

“Skynet, call up the Warframe Showroom.”

Jason ordered, and the wall in front of him fell.

A transparent warehouse was born.

Dozens of pieces of steel armor are displayed in it.

Among these, there are three armors that look very much like bats.

Unusually similar to Bruce Wayne’s armor.

“Bring out the B132 armor.”

Jason said, and a bat armor moved out of the display case.

“Put it on and try it, Skynet has an assist mode, it shouldn’t be difficult.”

The operation of the Steel Warframe is inherently simple.

Especially Bruce Wayne, who has very strong mixed martial arts ability.

Very good mastery of your own body.

Wearing battle armor is naturally no longer a word.

Not to mention, Skynet also has a special auxiliary mode.

Sure enough, it took a short time to adapt.

Bruce Wayne has adapted to the operation of the Steel Warframe.

It’s going to work.

“If you want to experiment with weapons, go to the range.”

“Don’t experiment here.”

Jason said.

Bruce Wayne nodded and walked into the range.

Not for a while.

The sound of dense explosions came out of the shooting range.

Ten minutes later.

Bruce Wayne walked out of the range.

“How does it feel? 》”

Jason asked directly.

“It feels good.”

“The Warframe’s weapon system and identification system are very advanced.”

“But this armor also has shortcomings.”

“It’s so inflexible.”

Bruce Wayne took off his armor and moved his hands and feet very uncomfortably.

Jason looked at Bruce Wayne and nodded.

Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark are still different.

Tony Stark is a playboy.

And Bruce Wayne is an elite trained from ninjas.

Both the will and the ability to fight are the best among human beings.

When fighting, he naturally trusts his hands and feet more.

Instead of being like Tony Stark, completely hidden in the armor and relying on the armor to fight.

Iron Man’s body is Warframe, while Batman’s body is Bruce Wayne.

Such a Bruce Wayne wearing a steel armor that can’t move flexibly at all, it’s not uncomfortable.

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