“Very wise choice of Lady Ophelia.”

“You don’t have to look at me with such mournful eyes, you have to believe in the foundation, we will not lose meritorious people, you will gain far more than you lose.”

Chen Feng’s smile instantly became kind and friendly, not like the oppressive expression before.

Then Chen Feng snapped his fingers, and Miss 2B took a champagne and goblet over.

“This historic moment should be celebrated, Lady Ophelia, and may our friendship endure.”

Ophelia took the glass expressionlessly, no matter what, this result could not be changed.

But it’s still too hard for you to make her smile right away and accept that she will probably live in the dark world forever.

However, Chen Feng did not force this plump and beautiful female duke to show herself a friendly smile, after all, she is already her own person, everyone knows it, there is no need to get entangled in the details.

The reluctant Grand Duchess held up a goblet filled with champagne and a red-faced Chen Feng gently clinked glasses.

If you don’t know it, you still think that this is a rich woman with excellent appearance who is coerced by the powerful and forced to marry with assets.

If described in this way, then the dowry she carried was indeed very rich.

Ophelia drank the champagne, with a touch of crimson on her cheeks, seemed to instantly converge her emotions, and asked softly: “Then what arrangements does Lord Commander have for the Chaos Splinter?” ”

After hearing this, Chen Feng had already made up his mind and arranged it very in detail.

“First of all, Lady Ophelia and your adjutant will go to the foundation base for a period of time, and your captured men will be arranged to be detained at the nearby foundation base.”

“During this time, the Foundation will give you certain technical support to Lady Ophelia, and will plan the future course of action of the Chaos Splinter.”

“When this is all over, you will be arranged to return to the same base where the Chaos Splinter prisoners of war are held, and then Madame you will have a proper time to escape.”

“Of course, you also happened to steal some of the foundation’s secrets and technology during the jailbreak.”

“After all, the Chaos Splitters in this world are still too weak, and the vassal forces of the Foundation are simply not qualified.”

After hearing Chen Feng’s words, Lady Ophelia and Adjutant Liya were silent.

It turns out that the organization we are proud of, in the eyes of the other side, is not even qualified as a vassal force?

The faces of the two were extremely complicated and bitter.

Chen Feng didn’t care at all in the face of the extremely resentful looks of the two beauties, but continued to talk.

“Lady Ophelia, I think you can still stay young because of the containment, right?”

Sure enough, when she asked about this, Ophelia had already guessed that Chen Feng would definitely ask about this, so she nodded very naturally.

“That’s right, I became an immortal because the organization conducted correlation research on related containments.”

“If I’m guessing correctly, that containment is probably containment 008, right?”

After hearing Chen Feng’s words, Ophelia snorted affirmatively, as if recalling her previous experience, and slowly narrated it.

“That’s not actually the original 008, but a mutated 008.”

“It originated from an experiment between containment 008 – zombie virus and containment 5 million panacea.”

“A 008 strain produced a strange mutation and caused a disaster, and then a Foundation contingent encountered a strange phenomenon during containment and crossed into this world with that special 008 strain.”

“The special 008 strain for some reason appeared in a village on the territory of the Second Prussian Empire at that time.”

“Because there was an outbreak of influenza at the time, perhaps it was some strange combination that formed a peculiar mold.”

“The Chaos Splinter Group obtained this peculiar 008 strain and set up a biopharmaceutical company called Umbrella to study it.”

Subsequently, we developed a new biological virus through the special 008 strain individual, and it was through it that I and some of the people of the year obtained immortality.

After hearing Ophelia’s story, Chen Feng’s heart was lying in a groove.

“You probably named this virus T virus, right?”

Hearing this, Ophelia’s eyes widened: “Lord Commander, how did you know this secret?” ”

Then she laughed at herself a little righteously: “Also, how could you not know.” ”

Chen Feng’s heart twitched for a while, but he didn’t expect that his casual complaining came true, shouldn’t this be the end of the world line?

Because the previous system gave something under the umbrella, so the Chaos Splinter of this world established an umbrella company?

And it just so happens that a mutated strain of 008 led to the birth of the T virus?

Chen Feng remembered the characteristics of the containment 008-zombie virus, which can only be transmitted through mucous membranes and body fluids, and has a fatality rate of 100%.

And containment 500 – panacea, is a panacea that can cure all diseases, and even containment 008 can also cure.

So the T virus of this world was born? Even because of this virus, did Ophelia also gain immortality?

“With your technical strength, such an immortal life cannot be without a price, right? But it doesn’t matter, the foundation can help you solve this problem. ”

Hearing this, Ophelia smiled like a flower: “I am looking forward to it very much, Lord Commander.” ”

“These are all very reasonable requirements, after all, such leaders can better serve our great cause.”

[Complete achievements and get the first vassal force.] 】

[Complete important branch lines and subdue the Chaos Splinter Organization.] 】

【System reward settlement in progress…】

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