Chapter 65: The Whole Division Blockade, Nirvana Reborn! [Subscription, customize].

Washington Capitol Hill, in front of the huge square where the Washington Monument stands, has long lost the bustle of the past, and tourists and citizens have disappeared.

Cordons were pulled up and full of heavily armed police and armed security.

Barricades and armoured military vehicles turned the heart of the Federation into a fortress of iron barrels.

With the gloomy sky, a light rain fell, and soon turned into a downpour, and the federal flag hanging in front of the monument ceased to fly in the rain.

“This is FCN Morning News, I’m host Hannah, and I’m broadcasting today’s news brief for you.”

“Since Black Thursday, large-scale infections have occurred in more than 8 states including Kentucky, New Jersey, Colorado, and New York.”

“This flu has swept through the Federation.”

“According to the research of the medical team of the Imperial State University of Technology, it was found that the virus attacks the nerve center of the person, making it easy for the patient to enter an extremely violent state and attack all humans around them.”

“Yesterday, there were serious demonstrations and riots in Los Santos, Manhattan, Vegas, New Chicago and other areas, supermarkets in a large number of cities fell into material shortages, and logistics throughout the Federation were temporarily interrupted.”

“The following cities, Los Santos, New York, Raccoon City, New Chicago… and other 24 cities declared a state of emergency and full martial law. ”

“The President of the Federal Assembly will deliver an important national address at an hour.”

“The Coast Guard has tightly controlled the east and west coasts of the Federation, and the Ministry of Transport has indicated that planes, trains, and sea transportation within the Federation will be temporarily suspended.”

“I’m host Hannah, I’ll cover it in detail for you below… May God bless the Federation. ”

The TV was turned off, the Speaker of the Federation General Assembly, Adam. Benford put down the remote control in his hand with a deep frown, and looked at the group of high-ranking federal officials in front of him expressionlessly.

His Excellency the Speaker of the General Speaker knocked on the oak desk in front of him that had been passed down for 200 years, and his eyes scanned the bottom with burning eyes.

Adam with gray hair. Speaker Benford said in a deep voice: “Gentlemen, the Federation has reached the most critical moment, but the gentlemen who have been talking about it all the time, whether it is the military, the health department, or the intelligence department, the gentlemen of the parliament, there is actually no way at all at this time?” ”

The well-dressed gentlemen were speechless when questioned, and one by one, they looked at their noses and noses, noses and hearts, and did not answer.

The dull meeting was going on, and at this time a secretary cautiously came from the side and whispered: “Your Excellency the Speaker General, the four-star general, General Sheffield has just come over on a military plane.” ”

“General Sheffield? He doesn’t sit in the hexagon, what is he doing here? ”

Adam. Benford pondered for a moment and ordered the secretary: “Let him in.” ”

After a while, I saw a typical red-necked old general with gray hair but a tall posture, accompanied by two high-ranking officers, walking in.

As soon as they met, Sheffield said straight to the point: “Mr. Speaker, Federation 1 has reached the most critical moment, now should not hesitate, we must strike hard, it is time to sign Order No. 51.” ”

Adam. Benford’s brows furrowed when he heard this, and he hesitated: “But Black Watch and the Marines said they could control the situation.” ”

Hearing this, General Sheffield sneered dismissively: “If the situation can be controlled, it will not cause the current consequences, if the spread of infection is not controlled, the Federation will become an international orphan and be isolated by the world, once the Federation loses the global supply chain, what kind of consequences will it cause, I think His Excellency the Speaker General does not want to see it?” ”

Speaking of which, as one of the four-star generals who really had real power, General Sheffield handed over a document in his hand to Adam. In front of Benford.

“Don’t hesitate any longer, Mr. Speaker General!”

After saying that, he attached his ear to Adam. In front of Benford, he added in a low voice: “The Global Strategy Bureau has made a statement to me, and within 3 days they can control the situation, including Stark Group and other enterprises, they have already decided to support the Global Strategy Bureau.” ”

“Well, you convinced me to bring the papers.”

Adam. Benford quickly took the paper, signed his name, and immediately stamped the Speaker General’s seal.

“You will not regret this decision, His Excellency Chen Feng of the Foundation has said that the Foundation will be fully involved, and you can rest easy, Mr. Speaker.”

Adam. Benford sighed, “I hope so.” ”

Adam. What Mr. Benford Speaker didn’t know was that just yesterday, Chen Feng had passed through Tony. Stark made an appointment with the military giant in front of him.

Tony. Stark’s most valuable is naturally his technological talents, but his Stark Group, as well as Howard. The value of Stark’s vast network of contacts is comparable to that.

After all, the rivers and lakes are not only fighting and killing, but also human relations, and if Tony did not have these connections, he would not have become the leader of the Avengers.

As the top military enterprise leader of the Federation for so many years, Stark Group is an indispensable member of its military-industrial complex.

It can be said that the general speaker of the Federation is only the general speaker for 8 years, but whoever controls the Stark Group can be said to be the underground emperor of the Federation for a lifetime.

Without the Stark Group, Chen Feng would still have some trouble finding General Sheffield.

However, after lobbying by the foundation, Sheffield naturally chose to stand on the side of the foundation.

Tony is willing to transfer technology to the military MKI-type mech to James. Colonel Rhodes, and henceforth, the Foundation and the Bureau of Territorial Strategy are willing to provide deeper support to the military.

Of course, after some lobbying, Sheffield’s private account also has an additional $500 million earmarked money, and the Global Strategy Bureau will invest a $100 billion tender fund for major military enterprises.

As a very principled General Sheffield, he first rejected these requests with one word, but considering that the $500 million knife was used to support veterans, and the $100 billion tender, finally Stark Group and the foundation would jointly fund the establishment of a new military enterprise with the federal military.

And two retired generals from the Federal Military Special Operations Command will serve as military advisers to a military defense company established by the foundation.

For a patriot like him, both public and private are things that do more good than harm, and in the end, General Sheffield, who was moved by the patriotic behavior of the Foundation and the Stark Group, agreed to their request very heartily and accepted the gift of cooperation.

Just in the Federal Speaker of the Federation Adam. Benford signed Order No. 51 after Adam Smith. Benford and General Sheffield shook hands amicably, and the document was quickly executed on Capitol Hill.

Five minutes later, a special car arrived at the headquarters of the Bureau of Strategic Affairs in Washington, D.C.

Two senior agents of the Global Strategy Bureau hurriedly ran to the headquarters of the Global Strategy Bureau.

“Order No. 51 is officially issued!”

“Immediately issue activation instructions to all terminals in the federation via the S.H.D host!”

“Authorization code I851.CQ633.QL320! Authorization Code Green! Authorize Start! ”

In normal times, the Bureau of Global Strategy maintains only a minimal operational presence, including the Director of the Bureau of Global Strategy, which is also vacant.

However, once activated, Chen Feng, who has the highest authority of the Global Strategy Bureau, will automatically take over the post of director of the Global Strategy Bureau.

At the foundation headquarters, Chen Feng suddenly raised his right hand, and on his right hand, the light of the watch lit up, and a code numbered 001 was extremely dazzling.

At this time, the voice of Xuefeng, who had taken over the entire Foundation network, suddenly sounded: “Commander, a special set of signals has been detected, it seems that I can activate the AI system that takes over the strategic bureau of the whole territory through your watch, do I need to activate?” ”

Chen Feng affirmatively demanded: “Confirm the activation!” ”

“Okay, please wait, I will use my subroutine to take over the system of the Global Bureau of Strategy, and my subroutine will become the AI system of the Bureau of Global Strategy.”

Immediately afterwards, an emotionless voice of the snow wind sounded: “The central system of the Global Strategy Bureau has been activated, and the commander has detected that your identity code is S01, and according to Order No. 51, the number Global Agent S01 will automatically take over the Global Strategy Bureau and become the current director of the Global Strategy Bureau!” ”

“Welcome back Chief!”

With the sound of the subprogram Xuefeng, a huge stereoscopic holographic projection screen appeared in front of Chen Feng’s eyes, which was a map containing the entire territory of the Federation.

“According to the agreement, the Federation is already under a territorial lockdown, do you activate all the territorial agents in the Federation, Director?”

Chen Feng glanced at the authorization, smiled and pressed the fingerprint of his thumb to the watch and said: “Activate the command!” Authorization code I851.CQ633.QL320! ”

“Receipt of the activation procedure completed, Order No. 51 officially entered into force, authorization passed! Project Nirvana is officially launched! ”

“Wake up program starts! All sleepers will be awakened! ”

As the Snow Wind subprogram that took over the main computer of the Global Strategy Bureau passed the activation code, an orange light with phoenix nirvana lit up.

Immediately after that, in front of the giant screen of the headquarters of the Global Strategy Bureau, on the dim watches of one agent after another of the Global Strategy Bureau agents, orange light like flames lit up!

At this time, on the huge stereoscopic holographic projection screen in front of Chen Feng, a tiny light lit up, followed by the second, third… Ten, hundreds, thousands!

Like a spark, after the countless sparks on the screen were constructed, countless points of light were constructed on the federal holographic pool map to form a phoenix symbolizing rebirth from the ashes!

A satisfied look appeared on Chen Feng’s face.

At this time, Ophelia and her adjutant Lia, who had just come over to say goodbye, just witnessed the whole process, and the two watched all this in amazement.

At this time, Ophelia finally knew why the Global Strategy Bureau had always been as if it did not exist, allowing the Chaos Splitters to expand, allowing them to dominate the king.

Because the Global Strategy Bureau has been dormant, if these dormant people are not awakened, if these 170 dead gray phoenixes are not nirvana, no one will know of his existence.

It will only think of the Bureau of Strategy as an organization on the same level as Fopole.

Although she had known such a secret before, Ophelia had been prepared, but when she really saw the dormant agents who spread throughout the Federation, Ophelia was greatly shocked.

So many agents… What an exaggeration and a huge handiwork!

Ophelia and her little lieutenant now know why the original leader of the Chaos Splinter kept warning them that the Division Strategy was an organization comparable to the Chaos Splinter.

But ever since the death of the original leader of the Chaos Splinter who crossed the world, they never took it seriously anymore, just as a dispensable legend.

Even Ophelia, an immortal, had never seen what a true all-territory strategy was.

But today, she saw what a terrifying existence the All-Territory Strategic Bureau was!

Looking at the unfathomable Chen Feng in front of them, Ophelia and the little adjutant now only felt that the image of the other party had been raised to an unimaginable level.

It’s just a territory-wide strategic bureau, but it’s just a part of the grand layout, and this part is the peak of climbing the sky!

But thinking of this, Lady Ophelia’s next reaction was overjoyed, as long as she was the closest partner of the commander, the stronger the foundation, the farther she could lead the Chaos Splinter.

You can even touch those beings that you can’t touch at all.

Thinking of this, Ophelia hated to stay by Chen Feng’s side for a few more months before leaving.

But thinking of the master’s task, she still had to glance at Chen Feng watery, and then reported in a coquettish voice: “Lord Commander, we are ready, and we can leave at any time.” ”

Chen Feng looked up at this abrasive goblin, now there was no time to listen to Madame play the piano.

He took out a Romani Conti from the wine cabinet on the side, poured three glasses, raised the glass and said: “I wish you a victorious victory, the foundation will take full action next.” ”

Lady Ophelia drank the red wine, her cheeks crimson hugged Chen Feng tightly, and whispered: “Then Lord Commander can wait for my good news.” ”

After bidding farewell to Ophelia, Chen Feng took out his foundation service gun that had already changed greatly, played with it casually for a while, and said in a low voice: “It’s time for us to go on.” ”

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