Chapter 1003

Chapter 1003 Omnibus – Queen Of Silhouette. =========================================================================

The sky was painted gray and it was as bad as rain.

“Are you going?”

Kim Soo-hyun, who is going to attend the Central Management Organization on the same day, smiled at Seraph, who followed her to the entrance.

“I have something to talk about with Lee Hyo-eul. He asked me to come early today.”

“At such an early hour…Is the situation bad?”

“The conflict between the golden lion and Goryeo is worse than I thought.Well, it’s a lot better than the first time. You can’t drag on forever.”


The depth of the water was evident.

Kim Soo-hyun laughed helplessly, as if he was happy to worry about him.

It is a scene where people who don’t know the situation think their husband who is struggling with work is a lovely wife who is worried.

In fact, however, it was not necessarily the case.

The two, who shared their first fortune on the rooftop a few days ago, fell in love with each other day and night.

Seraph wasn’t too much to decline.

Rather, he was loved as much as he wanted to be rewarded for the time he had only looked at for 15 years.

Unlike his orphaned appearance, Kim Soo-hyun often lost his mind once he started to get attached to a man while sleeping.

Thanks to him, he couldn’t even get out of the soft skin of an angel this morning.

“You didn’t even get to eat.”


“It’s cold. Let’s warm up with warm food. That way, I’ll feel at ease.”

“Oh, shall we?”

A voice that melts your heart.

And who can say no when he pulls his left arm gently.

After a while, the two men and women clung together and disappeared to the restaurant.

Soon after hearing the door close, Lee Yu-jung, who was watching the friendly figure, opened her mouth.

“They really only eat rice, but one spare battery.”

“No way. I bet my brother is having Seraf.”

Kim Han-byul, who opened her eyes, was told.

The two, who alternately looked at each other, listened to the restaurant while raising their hearing.

– Suhyun. What would you like?

– Something delicious.

Something delicious…?

I wish my body was getting warm.

Lee Yu-jung rolled up her mouth and reached out her hand.

Kim Han-byeol smacked his lips and searched his pockets.

By the way, there’s no one…Seraf? Why on the table all of a sudden?Why are you lying down? That’s the table.

– I know.

I mean, why don’.

Suhyun said she wanted to eat something delicious..

– What?

Didn’t you tell me in the bath yesterday? My body is so delicious…So…

Lee Yu-jung’s eyebrows were raised up.

As soon as a strange groan flowed, Kim Han-byul, who was listening with her left hand on her chin, smirked as if she knew it would happen.

Of course, I didn’t forget to reach out.


Lee Yu-jung threw a spare battery nervously, but Kim Han-byul, who caught it smartly, bowed politely.

“Thank you for using it every time. Sir.”

“Hey, can’t you give it back? It’s because I don’t have many left. What?”

“No, I only have two hundred now.”

“There’s a lot!”

“It’s impossible to be recharged here. And it’s her fault she didn’t notice when she was making such a fuss.”

“Oh, that’s so mean!”

Lee Yu-jung shouted angrily, but Kim Han-byul didn’t care.

Because I know I’m not mad at you.

The proof was that Lee Yu-jung stared at the restaurant with red eyes.

“You must be crazy. You’re a newlywed, but why are you having so much sex? It’s sex when it’s right in the eye, sex!”

“I know. Seraf doesn’t seem to know the word “right.”

Han So-young, who was caressing her stomach, agreed.

Suddenly, however, he began to look around, wondering why, because there was a flurry of ridiculous glances everywhere.

Even the reason was remarkable.

Han So-young tilted her head.


“Oh, my God.”

“He must have forgotten what he did in modern times. I don’t have a conscience.

“I felt sorry for you back then. You’re stuck in the hospital, you’re getting protein every day….”

There was a flood of criticism.

Han So-young, who was guilty of the crime, had nothing to say, and the surroundings quickly became noisy.

In other words, the anger directed at Kim Soo-hyun was strangely returned to Han So-young.


At that time, Lee Chae passed by Jung Ha-yeon’s eyes, who was smiling covering her mouth.

While everyone is talking loudly, one is strangely quiet.

Ko was sitting on a rocking chair and staring out in the rain.

A subdued expression feels detached by itself.

Normally, I would have led the conversation.

Do you think he’s thinking?

As soon as I thought about it, Ko’s arm moved.

He took the long thing in his hand to his mouth.

“Mr. Yeon-ju!”

When Jung Ha-yeon shouted hurriedly, she was startled and stopped moving.

He blinked for a long time and sighed when he saw an electronic cigarette in his hand.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

The cluttered air became heavy in an instant.

Because I was surprised to say sorry.

As long as you are human, you may make mistakes, but your opponent is the shadow queen.

Rather than being upset, it’s Ko Yeon-ju’s skill not to make an apology.

“Don’t worry. It looks like radish nicotine and liquid are the only.

Ko Yeon-joo shook the electronic cigarette as if to evoke the atmosphere.

Jung Ha-yeon carefully continued.

“It’s the same thing that’s bad for you. Especially during pregnancy..”

“Well, that’s true. Anyway, keep it a secret.”

Ko Yeon-joo, who readily accepted, gave strength to her hand and broke an electronic cigarette.

He got up from his chair, patted his back and smiled.

“Then I’ll get up first. I don’t feel well.”


It was not until evening that the rain began to drip.

Having spent a leisurely morning afternoon as usual, Jeong had just left the lab.

However, the walk to the room failed and stopped on the stairs.

Looking back at the lounge on the first floor, he still found Ko Yeon-joo looking out the window.

Jeong Ha-yeon, who was staring, returned from the restaurant with a cup of steaming tea.

“What are you doing?”

He sneaked up and handed over a cup of tea, but did he already know?

Ko only shrugged her shoulders with her eyes.

I felt lazy, but I got the car.

Jeong Ha-yeon, who saw her sipping, slowly took the next seat.

“Have you been doing this all morning?”


“I heard you had a stomachache. Are you feeling better?”


Far from an answer, it doesn’t even respond.

But he kept talking in a bright voice.

“Yoojung must be really upset that she lost a bet with Hanbyul.” It’s all because of you, and if I went back five years, I wouldn’t have met you.”

It worked this time.

This is because Ko, who had always been expressionless, burst into laughter.

Even though the eyes didn’t move.

“We’re going to meet, we’re not going to meet. We’re divided, what about Yeon-ju?”

“Me, too.”


“Well, I don’t really want to meet you.”

Finally, Ko opened her mouth, but it was quite unexpected.

In case she didn’t know how to answer immediately, Jung Ha-yeon smiled and asked.

“Well, why?”

Asked carefully, Ko said a beat later.

“…because I’m scared.”

It was a remark that made me doubt my ears.


The sound of rain hitting the earth slowly began to get rough while the cool silence sank.

He glanced, but his expression is still hard to read.

I don’t want to meet you.

Because I’m scared.

It was unexpected, unexpected.

The former doesn’t mean much, but the latter doesn’t make sense.

There’s no way that a high-performer would have fallen into mannerism.

Rather, it is more convincing to explain that the hormones released during pregnancy have increased emotional ups and downs.

Jeong Ha-yeon, who organized her thoughts, opened her mouth.

“Did something happen? Tell me. You’ll feel better if you tell me.”


Ko Yeon-joo denied it as if it were impossible.

“Just sometimes, very sometimes awkward.”


“It’s just, everything around me. You’re sitting in a clan, you’re hungry, you’re a wife of a man, and….”


As the rambling words suddenly became blurred, Jung Ha-yeon returned without missing them.

“That he has changed this much.”

There was a voice in a few moments.

that person

It’s not hard to tell who you’re referring to.

Jung Ha-yeon, who was about to smile, corrected her thoughts and corrected her words.

“I understand. You couldn’t have imagined it before, could you?”

“No, it’s not that bad. Hayeon probably doesn’t know.”

My voice suddenly shrank.

Feeling thirsty, Ko Yeon-joo gulped down the cold tea.

“I’m the only one who knows Kim Soo-hyun, a user that no one else knows. Because we’ve shared so many secrets over the past five years.”

It was never a boastful tone, nor a boastful tone.

I said, “I am. I’ve only seen it once.”

Rather, it was a voice with a faint tremor, soaked in emotion.

“Sometimes when the memory comes to mind…I become very unfamiliar with the present. I can’t stand it.”

Ko Yeon-joo, who said that, shut up.

Jung Ha-yeon remained silent rather than talking carelessly.

It was after a long time that the words were reopened.

“You know what? It doesn’t rain very often on Hallplane.”

It was out of the blue, but clever Jung Ha-yeon immediately recognized the other person’s intentions.

“It must have been a rainy day, too.”

Ko nodded her head.

And spoke in a much lower voice.

“Do you happen to remember that incident? It was Anhyun’s accident.”

“If it’s an accident that Hyun’s been in….”

It wasn’t just one or two, but something came to mind at once.

“A mountain range where the dragon sleeps?”

“No, not that.”


“Before the dragon went to sleep. There was one.”

The one before that?

Jeong Ha-yeon, who was muttering to herself, suddenly exclaimed.

“Oh, if that’s the case….”

Turning back time, the story goes back four years.

============================ Review of the work ============================

Actually, I was going to write it down in the series, but I deleted it, but it ended up being serialized like this.

As I said before, the omnibus high-performance story will be 180 degrees different from what you’ve seen before.

Depending on the content, some readers may frown or feel unpleasant.

이 점 미리 양해를 구하며, Queen Of Silhouette – 殺門 파트 시작하겠습니다. _(__)_

PS. The ticket is still being sent. 🙂

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