Chapter 1005

Chapter 1005 Omnibus – Queen Of Silhouette. =========================================================================

“Su, Nambal, Serengeti, Artemis, and so on…”It’s been almost a decade since the Southern Free Union was established in the Quran. It’s been a while, and I can’t afford the size of a small town. It’s okay to watch.”

It was a low mezzo-soprano tone, but a sensual tone that seemed to hold a weak moisture resonated through the space.

“Road, as you know, the western city was completely destroyed by a surprise attack by the Western Continent and the Vagrant Alliance. It’s not that there aren’t any survivors, but they’ve already taken the dismantling.”


At that time, the flowing words were cut off with a single stroke.

It was a heavy, murky voice mixed with phlegm.

“…Halo, Dorothy and Beth. These three cities are vacant and the east and south are drooling.”

A gentle voice of courtesy flowed out of the darkness that had been waiting for a while.

“The golden lion reigning in Barbara collapsed, and the powerless north backed down to the point where it was supported by postwar restoration.”

Then came the sound of a twittering bell.

“Information from the Central Administration yesterday…Oh, the town has already been decided. Dorothy’s going to take over the West, Beth’s going to take over the East. Then the rest of the city should be taken by the southern part of Nedang….”


“That’s where the East didn’t stop and reached to Halo. With the Hamill Clan.”


The voice that explains is calm throughout.

As if who is right or wrong is not important at all, it calmly conveys the facts.


The same was true of the man.

The Eastern justification is that we should have it since we took the lead in everything from tug-of-war to war with the golden lion.

Southerners’ struggle to stop monopolizing and step beyond the present.

Cancer fighting arising from these two differences is not a matter of consideration at all.

Judge only by the contents of the request.

That’s how Salmun Lord lived in Hall Plain.

Afterwards, the short-breathed woman raised her eyes slightly.

And he said.

“Warning the Commercial Clan…”I’m doing it.

“Mercury? You’re from the South. Is it Istanbul Low?

Salmun Lord finally brought up a relatively lengthy statement.

The woman reporting smiles.

“It’s hard to even look at it like that. I’m a free mercenary.”

“Free mercenary…” Han So-young took it well. Huh, so?”

“You know what happened on the Wailing Plains a while ago?”

“The union hired the night-streeters?”

“They’re all dead. Hamill Clan, who was the target, couldn’t even hit the bribe.”

“I know. It was a performance.”

“Yes, I know how he knew, and he moved on first. In addition, the brain agent and the mechanical rod have a blood relationship.”


As the request story comes out, the sluggish story goes on in an instant.

I slowly became interested in the indifferent and heartless tone of voice.

“Well, you want revenge for ruining the plan?”

“That’s why the Medical League is also on the Halo roster.Well, can I just say this for one thing or another?”

Start pulling several beads out of your arms, slightly raising the end horse.

Place them neatly one by one and gently place your index finger on the record bead on the far left.

Soon after, the light burst and a white silver screen was revealed on the wall, which was dark.

Shadows of hair, neatly tied with thin forearms and ribbons, shone at the end of the screen.

“This is the data from the Union.”

The gray eyes that are revealed by the darkness are staring through the screen.

The recorded footage focuses on a man in a crowded street crowd.

“That guy…”

“Yes, that’s Kim Soo-hyun of the Commercial Road.”

At that time, Kim Soo-hyun, who had been walking for a while, slowed down and slowly looked back.

“Oh, handsome, too. Yeonjoo, you got me.”

In contrast to her seductive voice, the woman put her hand on her cheek and giggled like a girl.

When Ko Yeon-ju’s name came out, the man with a ghostly expression also smiles.

It was then.

A moment in a moment.


Salmun Road, clearly visible.

Two cold eyes that look at the video exactly.

The corners of my mouth that went up for a moment.

The wrinkled eyes of middle age have become thinner.

“…look at this?”


Asking back means he didn’t recognize it.

In fact, it was so mysterious that Salmun Road was also uncertain.

But once again, I could be sure.

Kim Soo-hyun looked at the video accurately.

The sudden silence continued long.

I just stare at the video.

Salmun Road is not moving at all.


The conversation continued again when the woman opened her mouth carefully.

“Always Snowy.”


With her suddenly sharp voice, the woman, always Seol-young, straightened her posture.

“What’s the focus of the machine?”

“Yes, except for the Mercenary Lord and the Shadow Queen, the enforcer of silence?”

“Heo Joonyoung too? Again. I don’t think it’s just those three.”

“There are a lot of secret and rare classes, but that’s all. The rest is just a nobody.”

Most of the most prestigious mechanical clan members, who are well-known for their small number of elite players, have been devalued as little boys.

But a woman’s tone is arrogant.Far from it, it was still very calm.

I didn’t even feel confident.

Just like saying the obvious.


But is something bothering me?

The decision maker is moaning only and is unable to give a significant answer.

It was very rare for a user about the size of a salmun load to appear in this manner.

It wasn’t that it wasn’t tempting.

A few years ago, Ko tried to leave the murder scene at will.

As a result of trying to stop it, as many as five men had been killed.

How can I forget the incident from a loaded position?

“If only.”

After a long thought, Salmun Road finally opened his mouth.

“If that Kim Soo-hyun user is more than just a performer.”


There was a ridiculous backlash, but he quietly continued.

“What do you think the success rate would be if you were asked to do so?”

“That’s ridiculous. No matter how active you were in the war, it’s only been a year….”

“Okay. Just answer me.”

“Well, Yeonju is Rod, and if I assist her, she can hold her hand to some extent.If you think there’s one more Yeonju….”

He shrugs his humble shoulders as if he has nothing to think about.

“Well, shouldn’t we worry about being wiped out, let alone success? Of course we will.”

“I suppose so.”

Salmun Road also showed signs of acceptance.

Always watching, Seol-young suddenly smiled softly.

“Road? Don’t worry too much.”

He starts to talk softly as if he’s soothing.

“What the Union wants is a warning. It’s not an all-out war.”

That’s true.

The murder consists of all assassins.

And an assassin has his own way of doing things.

“There are so many ways.”

This means that there is no need to deal with Kim Soo-hyun.

Salmun Lord, who was nodding, opened his mouth.

“Seeing that you’re saying that…I think there’s a good scenario.”

“Of course, we have a great opportunity. Maybe it won’t come back.”

As if she had been waiting, Seol-young took out a new bead and activated it.


After a while, Salmun Lord, who checked the new video on the wall, let out a slight sigh.

Soon, he smiled and looked back at the woman.

“Well, I was wondering why you wanted to be commissioned so badly.”Was it because of him? Is this for one thing or another?”

“Hu-hoo. I hope you like it.”

Laughing off insidiously, Salmun Lord sighed for a long time.

And I watched the video again and said,

“Always Seol-young. Target is hairy.”

“I know.”

“He may be a means, but it’s unnecessary to kill him.”

“Sure, I’ll do what Rod tells me to do.”


“Yes, of course.”

A refreshing answer.

Soon, a white part of the woman’s face, which had been hidden by darkness, was revealed.

“As long as you don’t kill him, right?”

It was a sweet, sticky tone that rose gently.


One of the things a famous economist said was this.

There is no free lunch in the world.

If you define survival simply, you can say that it is a matter of making a living, but you need money to make a living.

To make that money, we have to pay in some way.

I chose to be a mercenary as a means of survival in this Holplane world.

Obtain financial rewards by commissioning and performing them.

It looks quite simple in this way, but why isn’t there a saying like this?

The world doesn’t always move the way I think.

After the war, the reputation of the Commercial Clan increased dramatically.

The postwar restoration has begun, and it would be natural for the requests to flood before now, which is somewhat stable.

A lot of work is not bad.

Aside from just compensation, various requests are now perfect for gaining experience with freshly stripped chicks.

So is the request for a new contract.

The work is not particularly difficult, but the pay is considerable compared to the difficulty.

To the point of doubt.

However, no matter how many times I read it carefully, I can’t find anything strange.

By the way, the Clan name here is a little funny.

It’s a golden marker.

I’m sure he’s a man who’s read martial arts in modern times.


“What are you looking at?”

At that time, a figure jumps out of the shadow on the floor.

It’s not surprising anymore because this has never happened before.

When I handed over the contract I was holding, I felt like I was taking it away.


Less than a second later, an exclamation was heard.

Ko Yeon-joo, who is sitting on her desk, is opening her eyes wide.

“Do you know this place?”

“Just, back in the day….”

He’s speaking very vaguely.

I almost asked if it was related to salmun, but I managed to swallow it.

Ko Yeon-joo doesn’t really like past stories.

“What kind of Clan?”

“It was a bad Clan.”

“Playing Ko?”

“No, I mean it.”

The following explanation was a bit long.

It seems to me that he was a Clan who had done evil in the dark in the past.

Above all, it was quite impressive that Clan Rod was a great color maniac and even carried out kidnapping to satisfy his desire.

However, after the war, he shook his hands clean on the streets of the night, and is now operating like any merchant Clan.

It is not unusual to have a history of working on the streets of the dark and night.

It seems normal, but it’s common for a Clan to act like a vagabond in a place where there’s no eye for it.

“Are you trying to work against the mechanical…”?”

“Hey, I don’t think you’re that stupid. I have one. Rod’s the one who takes care of my body is a master.”

“Then what?”

“I think we’re going to keep commissioning and create a line. You used to flirt with the golden lion, but now you’ve changed your target to us?”

It was a tone full of sarcasm.

As Ko said, I understand that the terms of the contract are better than necessary.

Then I’ll just have to get a request and wipe my mouth.

“Anyway, there’s no problem with the mission. Why don’t you just take a request and wipe your mouth?”

“Is there anything else that’s unique? About this Clan.”

“No, I don’t think so. I just got a new Clan One a while ago.


Why does it bother me?

I wanted to call Ansol to test my luck, but I decided to quit.

This is because I suddenly remembered that I acted out of my senses in the past and saw a rough situation.

It’s okay to say lean.

I think it’s better to follow the hunch this time.

Sending only Shin Jae-ryong and his children is also disturbing.

We’re leaving in two days.

It’s enough time to change the contract.

It would be best if I went with you, but unfortunately, I already have a request.

Thus, the name of Ko Yeon-ju was written as the contents of the change.

“Oh, my.”

There was a ridiculous sound, but Heo Joon-young was also added, and Lee Yoo-jeong, who had many unexpected elements, was excluded from the list.

Yes, this made my heart feel more relaxed.

“Please take care of the children.”

I said over the record of the changes.

“He’s worried a lot, too.”

Ko stuck out her lower lip, but accepted it without hesitation.

============================ Review of the work ============================

Cain McSchwell / omnibus Ko Yeon-ju will be held from several perspectives. Ko Yeon-ju’s point of view and Kim Soo-hyun’s first person point of view.

Iko. / NTR? Haha… ^^; The heroine never gets hit. Please relax.

CHATIEN / Memoriz is currently undergoing major revisions. Yoohyeon, I’m revising the murder part, but I have a lot on my mind. shiver shivering.

Rudejr4614 / Marr will appear in foreign books from time to time, and Ansol has an omnibus story planned separately. 🙂

Optolove / I’ve been looking for hidden story opening conditions for a while. Eventually, I whined to let the brand know, but everyone teased me and didn’t tell me. In the end, the general development director contacted me personally and told me. ㅜ.ㅠ

Archuleta / That’s not good enough this time…Please look forward to seeing what happens. 😀

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