Chapter 1014

Chapter 1014 Foreign War 4. Heaven and Hell. =========================================================================

“At that time, I… I couldn’t do anything.”

The rain was still pouring.

Jeong Ha-yeon, who had been concentrating for a long time, was startled by the sound of rain hitting the window.

It was when the story was cut off and seconds passed.

“I couldn’t do anything. ‘Cause the job was perfect.’

Ko, who was staring out of the window with profound eyes, added a word.

Jung Ha-yeon nodded quietly.

As she remembered, the events of the time had been moved on smoothly.

Salmun and the Golden Mark fell, and the Merchanty gained fame on the contrary.

I thought so, but I can’t believe there was a story like this..

If it was shocking, it was shocking.

“Are you afraid, Yeon-ju? What he did then….”

It was a pitiful voice.

Ko, who was about to say something, breathed out a long breath and closed her half-open mouth.


Shake your head slowly.


He only fiddles with a cup of tea as if he doesn’t know.

“How should I put this…I felt that his darkness was the tip of the iceberg….”


“I don’t know, I just couldn’t figure it out…I was scared to have such a deep darkness.”

“In those days….”

Jeong Ha-yeon, who was just following along, smiled softly.

When Ko Yeon-joo, who slightly raised her eyes, glanced, she said, “Now I know.”

“Come to think of it, yes.”


“Yeonju, you’ve found a new meaning of life in modern times, haven’t you?” Like him.”

“What is it says.

Ko, who replied blandly, suddenly turned to the lobby.

Jeong Ha-yeon turned her eyes. Oh! Screamed quietly.

Kim Soo-hyun was running to see if he had finished his work today.

Swing his arms.

“My babies. Did you have fun with your mom today?”

As soon as she arrived, she knelt down in front of Ko Yeon-joo and began rubbing her cheeks on her belly.

Jung Ha-yeon’s giggling smile eased for a momentarily.

What should I say?

I couldn’t help feeling a little awkward when I was about to see Kim Soo-hyun after hearing the story.

“Oh, my God. You can’t even see us now, can you?”

Surprisingly, however, Ko didn’t show the slightest hint as if he did when.

Kim Soo-hyun was gently stroking the head, who was pouring kisses on his male belly.

with a very loving look at it

Chung Ha-yeon, with her chin on her back, looked at Ko Yeon-joo and Kim Soo-hyun alternately.


It was still raining.

Omnibus – Queen Of Silhouette(完).


Foreign War 4. Heaven and Hell.

These days, there was an unseasonable atmosphere in the Medical Castle.

It is a tension that can be considered as a war cloud.

Because in a week, women will be pregnant for 10 months.

Giving birth to a baby takes at least 40 weeks from the date of menstruation, so it was no wonder to give birth right now.

Of course, people who don’t know the situation can say what’s the big deal.

But the important thing is that there are more than one pregnant woman.

Ko Yeon-joo, Kim Han-byul, Nam Da-eun, Lee Yoo-jeong, Im Han-na, Jung Ha-yeon, Jegal Haesol, Cha So-rim, Han So-young.

Above all, the nine were both pregnant at the same time on a trip with Kim Soo-hyun.

It has been confirmed several times through pregnancy testing machines, hospitals, and menstrual cycles.

Even if there is a difference of minutes and hours.

In other words, it would be less likely, but it would be quite a challenge if nine wives gave birth at the same time.

It’s not too much to be nervous about this.

“Hmph. Hmph.”

Shin Sang-yong had an incredible face.

The two astonished eyes look at Yi Yu-jung sitting on the rocking chair.

It is not surprising that the ship that was called the size of Namsan Mountain is in full bloom now that it has passed the Oryuk Gaewol.

But that Lee Yu-jung.

I can’t get used to wearing earphones in my ears, knitting my hands, and smiling graciously.

…Wouldn’t Lim Han-na know?

“Well, should I take some nutritional supplements? I’ve been seeing nothing lately.”

Sun Yoo-woon pressed down on the nose and passed by to see if it was for Shin Sang-yong.

Naturally, Lee Yu-jung’s ears were pierced, and soon the needle of the string of wood that was winding the thread burst.

“What? Why? I can’t do this?”

“Fortunately, I don’t need any nutritional supplements.”

“Hey, you’re going to die. Are you going to tell my brother?”

“Well, I’m a little scared if that’s true.”

Sun Yoo-woon calmly ran away.

Lee Yu-jung, who had been wriggling for a while, looked sad when she saw a needle in a tree line that she had broken.

“What the hell is this? The jeogori I’m going to give my kid….”


Shin Sang-yong tilted his head.

I wanted to ask you how a bundle of fur, like electric wires, looked like a jeogori.

No, I didn’t think it would make sense to make a jeogori with such a thick thread at first.

I just thought.

“S, you were knitting a sweater.”

“Huh? Oh! Sangyong oppa! It’s not a sweater. It’s a jeogori.”

Lee Yu-jung smiled beautifully and opened up what she was holding.

Shin Sang-yong tried to turn a blind eye to a bunch of hair like Bongdu’s.

On the other hand, I felt sorry for the baby who was about to be born.

Even a newborn baby would definitely be greatly disappointed to see that.

“Well, that’s a big deal, by the way.”

“Huh? What?”

“Lo, Rod seems to be worried a lot.”

“Oh, I guess so.”

Lee Yu-jung is easygoing even though she is one of the parties who provided the cause.

“There’s nothing we can do about it. She’s pregnant at the same time. I’ll blame my husband’s sperm for being strong. What can we do, right? Sangyong oppa?”

Shin Sang-yong’s face turned red because he is not used to this story yet.

Meanwhile, Lee Yu-jung talked to herself, laughed and giggled.

“But the trip was a bit extreme at the time.”

“Hey, a trip?”


“What, what did you do…?”

Shin Sang-yong was very nervous.

This word, which feels like a honeymoon, has been almost a taboo.

More specifically, none of the men knew who was who.

Of course I can guess to some extent, but it wasn’t without curiosity.

It was one of the main topics of discussion for men in the industry what the hell they did that led to simultaneous pregnancy.

For example, Jin Soo-hyun’s claim that he would have made the bed stretch out in a row, and then moved sideways and hit it one by one. “No. Ahn’s claim that he would have chosen nine people as his preference, like sandwiches,’ was taken as a fairly plausible hypothesis.

It was a bit provocative, though.

Is that even possible in the first place anyway?

Shin Sang-yong held his breath, saying, “I’m academic curiosity.”

“Oh, what did you do on your trip?” It’s nothing.”

Unexpectedly, Lee Yu-jung said without hesitation.

I was so nervous that I thought it was ridiculous.

“I just played a little bit.”

“No, play? What kind of game?”

“There is. Heaven and hell.”

“WHERE, Heaven…Hell…?”

Play has a name?

Shin Sang-yong gulped down thinking that something was in full swing.

“First of all, let’s grab a big villa with no one. And everyone takes off their clothes and goes naked!”

Lee Yu-jung, who threw the knitting to her knees, spread her arms wide from side to side.

Shin Sang-yong coughed hard.

“Playing games in the villa. No, survival. Yeah, it’s a survival game. I can use the tools I took.”

“Seo, survival? Do, tools?

“Yes, yes. That’s where Suhyun can decide. That is, we are given a choice. And we can only do certain things to be chosen.”

“…What is some kind of behavior?”

Shin Sang-yong asked because it seemed ambiguous.


Lee Yu-jung answered simply.

Shin Sang-yong was still lost in thought.

Nine beautiful women seduce naked women everywhere in the villa.

The man at the center of it….

“That’s what heaven meant.”

At that time, Lee Yu-jung stretched out four fingers and held out.

“For your information, I’m Oh, and so on! I’ve got a hell of a back!

Shin Sang-yong barely asked back because he seemed very proud for some reason.

“Do you have a ranking, Sue?”

Lee Yu-jung, who had been blinking her eyes constantly as if she was expecting compliments, sighed after checking Shin Sang-yong’s expression.

“Of course! I told you. It’s a survival game. There’s a reason why you’re allowed to use the tool.”

So the ranking will be decided as soon as temptation succeeds.

I had no idea what the tool was like.

“The cat’s ears and tail that I prepared worked. I should have seen Yeonjoo’s face. Of course, Yook is not a bad ranking either.”

Lee Yu-jung said it with excitement.

“But it was a little surprising that Kim Han-byeol turned a blind eye.”

Suddenly, he folded his arms and looked coy.

“There’s no way he could have competed naked. I asked you what tools you used, but you wouldn’t tell me.You’re so cheap!”

“Is that so?”

“Oh, come to think of it, it’s a drug made of glycerin for chemicals. Do you happen to know what it is?”

“Hwa, chemical glycerin? That’s representative cosmetics and enemas….”

Shin Sang-yong’s face, which was about to say medicine, has hardened rapidly.

This is because he suddenly realized why Kim Han-byul did not say it.

Fortunately, Lee Yu-jung couldn’t hear it because her voice was small.

“Anyway, Kim Han-byul did a good job, but the real dark horse was Shaolin.””

“Cha, Mr. Cha So-rim?”

“Yeah. Probably third, right? Who knew that solemn sister would have brought a diaper and a rattle?”


Shin Sang-yong gradually felt dizzy.

Because it was such a shocking story for him to accept, pure and pure and pure.

Now, I just wanted to get out of my seat as soon as possible, regardless of curiosity.

“Well, by the way, why is hell called hell?”

“Oh, it’s simple. After the play, my brother gets ripped off from the back to the old.”

He desperately changed the subject, but Lee Yu-jung doesn’t give a chance.

Why don’t they say that?

It was up to you when you came in, but not when you left.

“He, is that so?”

I’ll go now, which soared to the tip of my throat.

The head and body said no, but the mouth was dishonest.

“Well, but the biggest hit was Haesol, the main character of the work class. Oh, my God. Can you imagine? What does that proud, high-nosed Zhugel have for you?!”

It was then.

Lee Yu-jung, who had been spitting, suddenly stopped talking with her mouth open.

A thin, fine hand was placed on the left shoulder.

Behind her stood Zhugel Haesol, who boasted her charming legs as always.

“Lee Yoojung~?”

When a soprano-toned voice flew in, Lee Yu-jung began to sweat.

“Uh, sister…”

“Don’t you think we don’t need to talk about useless things?”

Zhugel Haesol looked at Shin Sang-yong, who was next with his head down.

“Is there a guy who might appear in a simulation game for a pretty girl? I’m telling you in advance that there might be a misunderstanding, but I was forced to do so. Let me be clear about this.”

“Come on, sister! You’re forced to do it’s….”

“That’s why it’s half forced. It’s me who took part in that ridiculous game and seduced me.”


At that, Lee Yu-jung shut her mouth.

“Whatever it is, forget what you just heard. You’d better do that. Don’t you dare talk around the neighborhood. But I think it’s okay to talk about Ko Yeon-joo. What’s important here is that I’m guessing. That means I won’t take responsibility.”

Zhugel Haesol said all this at a very high speed.

However, when Lee Yu-jung said she didn’t talk about Ko, she clapped her tongue with regret.

Shin Sang-yong felt like crying.

Soon after, Zhugel Haesol patted the ship as if he had finished his business.

“By the way, has anyone seen my baby? I can’t see where you’ve been since this morning.”

Turn your head around and ask.

It also seemed a little nervous.

“Why? Why are you looking for my wonderful husband?”

Lee Yu-jung spoke defiantly.

Zhugel Haesol glanced down at the boat.

And he said with a straight face.

“A little bit…” I felt a sense of acidity.”

============================ Review of the work ============================

Let’s go back to a light and funny story from today.

I hope the cute kids who are about to be born will relieve this gloomy atmosphere. 🙂

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