Chapter 1037

Chapter 1037 Omnibus – Sovereign Of Sword. =========================================================================

Whoosh whoosh!

The buzzing sound deafened me.


Even though I closed my eyes, I felt like my vision was going away.

It wasn’t just him.

The sound of tearing the air apart.

Rough wind sound enough to make your bangs flutter.

The sound of an explosion hitting the eardrum and the sound of the earth splitting apart.

And howling desperately under the castle….

All kinds of feelings literally stimulate Kim Soo-yeon’s five senses.

It wasn’t long before it all stopped.

After the noise stopped slowly, it became as quiet as a lie.

All you can feel is the breath of your own that you can’t let go of.

Soon Kim Soo-yeon opened her eyes.


And I was speechless at the sight before my eyes.

a living hell

I couldn’t think of anything else to say except this word.

Is this the source of the earthquake at its highest level?

The wasteland was completely turned upside down after being fragmented, and it seemed to be looking at a scattered puzzle.

At this point, it was amazing that the castle was safe.

I don’t see a single demon standing.


Aside from standing and lying down, even finding a holy body is picking the stars in the sky, looking for a needle in the sand.

It was only when I saw something floating in a pool of blood that I could guess what had happened to my enemies.

What’s left is a pile of ashes.

There was only one person standing in it.

Suddenly, a sword of deterioration came to mind, but Kim Soo-yeon shook her head.

Aside from the fact that I can’t feel the warmth.

It was impossible to show this amount of power even if he used it with power.

At that time, Kim Soo-hyun, who slowly looked back, made eye contact with Kim Soo-yeon, who was watching with a devastated face.


Kim Soo-yeon felt a sense of sudden tilt around her navel.

At the same time, the scenery of the land, which had seemed endlessly far away, gets close in an instant.

It felt familiar to me to have the energy to wrap around my entire body.

Because she used to use the same air-borne mobility.

Only this time it changed from subject to object.


Kim Soo-yeon swallowed her breath lightly due to the sticky sensation from the soles of her boots.

As I came down, I could see the horrors more clearly.

Black blood flows through the river, causing a thin stir around the area where it is stepped.

Even though the land is dry, too much liquid explodes in a short period of time and cannot be absorbed.

It was almost like a swamp, not to exaggerate.

Kim Soo-yeon, who was looking at the torn horse race, turned her head at first glance.

Kim Soo-hyun, who has already approached, shines blood-red eyes.

“What are you gonna do?”


It was an unexpected question.

It’s not “How about it?” It’s “What do you want to do?”

Kim Soo-hyun giggles and laughs at Kim Soo-yeon’s hesitant behavior.

“What do you want to do?”

Suddenly, a large grasp grabbed Lucipel’s hair, a seven-year-old demon groaning on the ground.

Kim Soo-yeon realized that she was barely opening one eye with a blood pack all over her body.

Kim Soo-hyun didn’t kill the devil on purpose.

Baal’s head was broken and destroyed, but Liris and Tanatos were still breathing.

No, it was just breathing.


“What should I do?”

The meaning of Kim Soo-hyun’s three consecutive questions.

“Kill me…”

While speaking, he avoided his eyes without realizing it.

Because I know.

What the man in front of you wants.


Kim Soo-yeon clenched her fist in a slightly teasing tone.

“They’re evil. The Devil.”

I don’t need to stress it.

He knows and she knows that there is a stained past that has not been told to anyone.

And now the situation is reversed.

“I’m sure you’ve had more trouble than I have.”


“But you’re just gonna kill him? Really?”


Kim Soo-yeon shivered.

Because it wasn’t wrong.

The two are symmetrical and have different parts.

The most decisive thing among them is that gender is different.

What kind of hardships did she go through as a woman during the one-time session that she didn’t even want to recall?

I don’t know, but there must be a lot of shameful and terrible things to say.

“I wouldn’t just kill it.”

As if it’s okay, as if it’s okay.

“What I’ve been subjected to. What you suffered. I’ll give you more than that. I did.”

The soft mid-low voice is as sweet and sweet as the devil’s whisper.

I had no intention of doing that, but it was tempting.

It makes me feel happy just to spread my imagination for a moment.

“We deserve it. You know?”

Kim Soo-yeon almost nodded for a moment.

She raised her eyes with a bright face.

And, obviously, I could see it.

Bloody eyes.

Above all, it is a musical instrument that is clumped from top of the head to toe.

It was a great evil itself that even the incarnation of evil would believe.


The face that has brightened up for a moment shows that it is hard to believe.

When I first saw him, he had such a dazed face that it was hard to see as symmetrical.

After witnessing his real skills, I thought he wanted to be like that man, an ideal figure.

But from the moment you look at it, everything is denied.

I don’t feel the same person, and I don’t want to be like them anymore.

The strange sense of incompatibility, which seemed almost impossible, finally materialized.

The identity of what was considered an utopia was not paradise, but a black.


The man in front of you–

It wasn’t human.

A monster, or more, is a ferocious being.

There’s no comparison with the devil next to you….

“Well, what should we do?”

That was the fourth question.

It was then.

“First of all….”

At the same time, Kim Soo-hyun’s hair in his hand is pulled up stronger.


Kim Soo-yeon, who took out the sword at lightning speed, puts the tip of the sword into Lucipel’s Adam’s apple.

Soon after, Kim Soo-hyun whistled a small whistle as he saw the Seven Devils, which were lit up with a handful of ashes.

“…Stop it.”

Though he spoke calmly, Kim Soo-yeon’s voice was shaking faintly.

“It’s not good if you let it live and it goes wrong. I’d rather kill here neatly.”

I can’t make eye contact while talking.

It was actually an excuse that came out of nowhere.



“…As expected.”


As the man’s mouth rose sharply, Kim Soo-yeon lowered her eyes.

I know what the other person wants.

But it did not comply.

I felt a difference in class.

The feeling of envy or jealousy has long gone away.

Even if you’re disappointed, you can’t help it.

Because she hasn’t….


Kim Soo-hyun said with a face that he understood now.

Kim Soo-yeon bit her lower lip hard according to her instinct.

“You’re different from me.”

But Kim Soo-hyun’s voice suddenly softened.

“…what, huh?

For some reason it sounded praiseworthy, not condemnation.


“You won?”

Zhugel Haesol, who was sitting on the table playing with his hands, turned his head and asked.

“So the devil didn’t win, but he lost. The Merchants Union won?

“This information just came from the east. I’m sure of that.”

The messenger who brought the news nodded again with a firm face.

“I’m sure it’s a jerk. Eastern tabloid….”

“It’s information from the Shadow Queen herself.

Zhugel Haesol, who was snorting, frowned at once.

“Oh, my God, really?”

He sent out a messenger with a gesture and took out a communication bead to shed his mana.

After a short communication, he sighed deeply.

“…They say it’s real. This is going to change the story.”

He smacked his lips and crossed his arms to continue talking.

“Wow, that’s great, by the way. Seriously, how did he win? Medical, Eastantel Low, Hamill.There’s no way they’re going to stop that kind of military power. Moreover, the power was compromised by the attack on the steel mountains.”

Zhugel Haesol, who had a brain attack, pouted her pretty lips, saying, “Is it really ground zero?”

I’ve been talking to myself since earlier.

He looked around and his eyes were fixed on the top seat.

Where you look, a woman in a white police uniform with slightly exposed shoulders looks disturbed.

A strange smile lingered around Zhugel’s mouth.

“Dear Sunghoo~ What happened to your face? Did you get a shit?”


Bandahui, who was sitting across from me, screamed.

Zhugel Haesol laughed and stirred his hands.

“Just kidding. Anyway, don’t be so sad. The victory over there is obviously unexpected, but anyway, is there only one thing we need to do?”

“…Do you have a good idea?”

Ban Da-hee’s attitude has eased a little with her opponent’s relaxed attitude.

“Huh? Good idea? There’s nothing like that.”


Zhugel Haesol, who opened his eyes round, tapped his temple with his index finger.

“Hey, you know what? I’m trying to ignore it, but if you have a brain, think about it. What?”

“This is real.”

“Let’s get rid of it and just look at the present. The Iron Mountains, though, were defeated by the devil fools they believed in. As a result, the Merchants Union has a completely new continent. But we and the East have been holding hands for a long time. Now, what are we supposed to do here?”

“I am.”

As soon as Ban Da-hee tried to make a big castle, Yoo Hyun-ah, who had been silent, opened her mouth.

Then everyone shut their mouths and turned their heads.

She still shook her head in anguish.

“I don’t feel like it, either.

“Oh, Jebaaal. Our holy pushover, Hime Sama.

Zhugel Haesol tilted his head loudly with a crying sound.

Still smiling seemed to have expected this.

Yoo Hyun-ah mumbled looking around.

“But the Devil is a public enemy…It’s.”

“Yes, of course it is.”

“User Zhugel Hasol. This time, I can’t deny the Meritary Union’s contribution. Success in attacking the Iron Mountains, which were long-cherished in the North continent, and the devil’s struggle. The swings must have been very difficult. Now that you’re stealing it….”

“Oh, that sounds like it. It’s my fault. Then shall we throw a welcome party together?”

Zhugel Haesol clapped his hands and said jokingly as if he had not expected it.

“That’s right, the new continent is going to get stronger over time. We’ll be stuck in the Old Continent, sucking our fingers and eating them. Yeah, it fits perfectly.”

A few people frowned at her over-the-top attitude, but this time, Ban Da-hee did not step up.

I know why Jegal Haesol is sarcastic.

Yoo Hyun-ah, who looked left and right alternately, sighed deeply and closed her mouth.

“…What’s the odds?”

After a not-so-short silence, Cha Seung-hyun opened his mouth heavily.

“Do you have a chance of winning? It’s useless except for the eastern shadow queen and the red fangs, but we can use it as a meat shield. I don’t think we’ll lose if we join forces with Musin, Madame, Flash, God’s Shield and Suramachang.”

Zhugel Haesol smirked, shedding a giant, Gong Chan-ho, holding a black spear.

“The Union of Materials is strong.”

“Come on, let’s be precise. It wasn’t strong, it was strong. How many times do I have to tell you? How the hell is your power going to stay the same when you’re dealing with the Devil in the Iron Mountains.


“Oh! It could be the same, of course. It could have happened out of the blue and searched for the devil, or a hero in a cartoon might have suddenly popped out and helped, right?”

Zhugel Haesol, who said so far, smiled and took out the communication bead from his arms again.

The subtle glow on the surface seemed to have received another call.

It’s me, Jegal Hasol.

“Oh, my shadow queen! I guess East was pretty excited to see you call me twice a day?”

Shut up. I’m not kidding.


– Now…


A little later.

The smile disappeared from Zhugel’s face for the first time.

============================ Review of the work ============================


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