Chapter 1056

Chapter 1056 9. Vivienne et al (modern) =========================================================================

The sky, which was clear and quiet in the morning without a speck of cloud, began to sprinkle little by little with dark clouds as the sun set.

It was a little late for dinner, but there was a series of rattling spoons in the kitchen.

About fifteen people are eating at the table.

Considering the time zone, it was not a small number.

Since there are so many occupations, it is difficult to meet each other in the morning and lunch, so there was an unwritten rule that we should at least face each other for dinner.

Of course, unwritten rules do not force people to attend, and sometimes they cannot attend if they are too busy.

“What about Hanbyeol?”

“I heard you can’t come because of your college assignment.”

“You must be very busy these days. It’s hard to see your face.”

“They say it’s like shit.”

Lee Yu-jung murmured calmly.

Jung Ha-yeon, who was nodding meaninglessly, asked back, “What?” and tilted her chin.

“Oh, the professor. Professor.”

Lee Yu-jung, who was biting a spoon, continued with her eyes wide open.

“I thought the midterm exam was over at the most, but they told me to submit my weekly test report before the final exam. That’s also a group project.”

“Oh, group project.”

“I’ve never heard him swear like that before. Professor, you’re killing this bastard. You’re saving him! You were making a big fuss.

“I think I know.”

Jung Ha-yeon smiled blandly and shook her head.

“Yoojung, how about you? Are you studying well these days?””

“Me? It’s me.….The fitness test is always perfect.”

“That’s natural. So what about studying? The theory? The written test? What about the certificate?


When Lee Yu-jung puts a wick in her eyes, Jung Ha-yeon giggles.

Relaxed meal time.

It is a leisurely and peaceful daily scene that was never imagined until just a few years ago, only in dreams.

Today, however, there was a strange atmosphere at the table.

It’s like he’s being self-conscious.

The proof was that Jung Ha-yeon sneaked a glance at someone while she was smiling.

Like this.

Suddenly I heard the spoon put down.

It was a little loud for a noise.

Kim Soo-hyun, who just finished eating, was slowly looking around left and right.


“Babe. Actually, I have a present today.”

Then Han So-young stepped in as if she had waited.

As a result, Kim Soo-hyun swallowed a horse that had reached his Adam’s apple.


At some point, Kim Soo-hyun and Han So-young began to talk comfortably.

There was no particular reason, but Han So-young wanted to talk comfortably to each other.

“Yes, the new smartphone.”

Han So-young, who said so, handed her a palm-sized box.

It was a box that looked luxurious at a glance that was well packed.

Kim Soo-hyun, who tilted his head, took his phone out of his pocket.

“It hasn’t been long since it came out either…….”

“Electronic devices are usually fast to come out fast.”

“That’s true.”

“Try using what you brought. And that’s for me…….”

Well, it’s because he brought it intentionally.

Kim Soo-hyun, who was about to hand over the original one without thinking, suddenly paused.

At the same time, Han So-young’s eyes became a little sharp.

“Oh, is this number transferred?”


“Then I think you should keep it. The daycare center teacher said she had something to say about Suna. I’m supposed to call you here.”

“I’ll take it.”

“Uh, but…….”

“It’s okay. Wouldn’t the teacher feel more comfortable with the same woman? So don’t worry too much, come on.….”

I felt like I was being tricked, but I ended up handing it over as if it were taken away.

Han So-young crumpled her phone with a very satisfied face.

Kim Soo-hyun, who was fiddling with her new smartphone, opened her mouth as she put it down on the desk.

“Thank you, I’ll use it well…… and I have something to tell you.”

Then Han So-young faltered.

“Now I want to get to work.”

“What do you mean?”

When Kim Soo-hyun spoke straight to the point, Han So-young naturally returned.

And immediately began rummaging through the handbag.

“Is it because you don’t have enough money? It just so happens…….”


Kim Soo-hyun’s voice has risen slightly.

Han So-young, who was about to take out her bank account, had no choice but to stop moving.

“That’s not it. I want to work.”


“It doesn’t have to be work. I just want to do something.”

“…Wasn’t that story over last time?”

Then Kim Soo-hyun shook his head strongly as if he was never.

“It’s so frustrating to stay at home all the time. It’s not fun to live. I miss Hallplane so much that I can’t wait.”

“Then this weekend to get some fresh air…….”

“Don’t change the subject. I’m not complaining just because I want to go out. I’m sick and tired of living in the Pillar West.”

“Column West…….We don’t think so at all.”

“That’s what I feel. Why on earth won’t you let me work?”


Han So-young, who lowered her eyes, sighed.

“You know we’re not doing this for nothing.”

“Why isn’t that funny?”

“I’m sorry. We’ll do better.”

“No, you don’t have to be sorry, you’re already doing well enough.”

“Please, let’s just live like this. What?”

“So-young, I’m going to…….”

It was the moment when Kim Soo-hyun seriously tried to pull out the knife.

I was about to pour it out of my mouth when I was about to put the brakes on it.


Big eyes and pathetic eyes.

Han So-young was distorting her face as if she were about to shed tears.

Kim Soo-hyun was dumbfounded.

It was extremely rare for Han So-young to show tears.

As a result, all the words I had in my head were messed up.

Why, don’t they say that?

Women’s tears are powerful weapons.

Kim Soo-hyun, who had been looking at him with a stiff face for a while, soon raised her breath to the point that her bangs were flying.

“Next time…….let’s talk.”

Eventually, he rose from his seat and disappeared.

After a while, the door closed in the distance, followed by a burst of breath from all over the table.

“…Was I too much?”

Han So-young said, putting artificial tears in her hands into her handbag.

His face recovered a faceless look as if it had never been.

There was no light to be sorry for.

“Well, there’s nothing we can do about it. As So-young said, we’re doing this for no reason.”

Ko received the words, smacking her lips.

“That’s right. Honestly, we’re not going to be like this.”

Zhugel Haesol, who had been silent all along, also helped.

“Well, that’s how I want it, but I don’t want you to believe it.….”

Yoo Hyun-ah, who was looking around, carefully brought it up.

However, Zhugel Haesol snorted as if he would.

“It’s not that we don’t trust Su-hyun. However.”


“Even if I don’t, the problem is that there are women who approach me on their own.”

“Right, just looking at the teacher this time, isn’t it?”

Lee Yu-jung quickly agreed.

“That’s not enough to talk. I heard there’s even a fan club cafe on the Internet.”

“I just posted a picture on social media, and it’s good in half an hour. There’s something that’s broken through 50,000.”

“I was more amazed that my brother earned eight million won for a month at a cafe.”

“Oh, eight million won for a month’s part-time job? Is that possible?”

“It turned out that there were four girls’ high schools and two women’s universities nearby. That’s why the customer must have been so busy, and the quick-witted boss treated his brother very harshly.”

“Hey, he knows how to do business.”

The table quickly became noisy.

The women, including Im Han-na and Cha So-rim, laughed bitterly, but anyway, the majority seemed to desperately oppose Kim Soo-hyun’s social activities.

I don’t know who’s going to welcome one more person.

How long has it been?

“Anyway, it’s late, so let’s get the meeting started.”

At Han So-young’s words, the noisy surroundings became quiet again.


Ahn Hyun calls it a meeting of the day, half sincere and half joking.

More specifically, it is a kind of meeting where only Kim Soo-hyun’s wife is eligible to participate.

The reason for the grand name of the meeting is obvious.

“I’ll take care of the teacher on my own.…. Is there anything special on the agenda?”

Han So-young, who was shining like a wild cat, turned her eyes.

Jeong Ha-yeon took out her notebook and lifted her glasses.

“First of all, Soohyun’s birthday is soon…….”

“Pass. I’m sure you all know that.”

“Then let’s move on to the second one. Soohyun’s parents will come tomorrow.”


Han So-young drooled.

The provisional(?) visit was not something that she should take lightly.

“Who’s on our side?”

“…First of all, Mr. Gehenna.”

Jeong Ha-yeon cheered up the phrase “first of all.”

Han So-young looked speechless.

“Huh? What’s wrong?”

Gehenna shrugged as if she was wondering why.

“…Do you really have to go out?”

“Isn’t it my turn this time?”

“That’s true, but– The other person is human, but they are also his parents. I hope you pay close attention to every word you say.”

“Ha, who do you think I am? Of course I do.”


“I know what you’re worried about, but don’t worry.”

Gehenna spoke confidently, holding her hands at her waist.

“I’ve already finished special training for tomorrow’s meeting.”

“Special training?”

“I got some help from Jegal Haesol.”


All eyes were on one place.

Zhugel Haesol, who blinked a couple of times, coughed in vain.

“First of all, what nationality do you want me to have?”


Gehenna replied as if it were nothing.

“What is the capital of Russia?”


“What’s your name?”


“What is the purpose of coming to Korea?”

“Volunteer work.”

“Do you know?”


“What if I made a mistake?”

“Oh, I’m not good at cooking.”

For a moment, Jegal Haesol suddenly fell on his desk.

Soon he starts to giggle and shake his shoulders violently.

Han So-young, who looked at it with pathetic eyes, slowly lowered her head.

And he said.

“That’s fine.”

“Hu-hoo. So I told you not to worry at all.”

It was a moment when Yoo Hyun-ah looked at Henna and shouted, “Isn’t that too much?” to answer innocent without knowing anything.


Suddenly, someone shouted through the wall.

At that moment, Im Han-na stood up from the chair, as if she had forgotten something.

“In no time have I…….I’ll get up for a moment. I’d better hurry up.”


“Oh, it’s time for Vivien to do an eating show. I have to bring you food.”

“Eating show?”

Im Hanna came out of the kitchen with a huge bowl of food.

Ko Yeon-ju’s mouth opened to confirm the amount.

“He, you’re going to eat it all?”

“Of course. You’re such a good eater.”

Having said so, Im Han-na strode and opened the noisy door.

ID Forheart, thank you for 100 gold coins! Mr. Pohart, your class is amazing!

Then the sound of the words in the room became clear for a moment and soon faded back as the door closed.

“Come to think of it…Did Vivien say he was doing an Internet broadcast?”

After a moment of silence, Ko brought it up.

“Yes! Games and mukbang shows! It’s so famous!”

Ansol answered immediately to see if he already knew.

“What are you talking about just now?”

“Oh, it’s a collection fee. If the viewers like the show, they pay for the gold coins. You can exchange the gold you received in cash.”

“Oh, my God. You even pay to watch a personal broadcast?”

“Of course. My brother watches everything.”


“Yes, they say it relieves stress.”

When Kim Soo-hyun was said to be watching, Han So-young’s two eyes, which were somewhat seductive, shivered.

Im Han-na, who had been carrying a food bowl, opened the door again and came out.

Thank you for the 18 gold coins, Dairy spider.…? Hey! What’s this ID? Who are you?

Another resonant voice rang out late in the evening.

============================ Review of the work ============================

Vivienne Korean patch 100% complete.

I hope you can enjoy this extra time as if you’re watching a daily life.

Then I’ll see you tomorrow.

Have a comfortable night. 🙂

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