Chapter 1058

Chapter 1058 9. Vivienne et al (modern) =========================================================================

“You can do it, right?”

“That’s right.”

“You’re really confident, aren’t you?”

“…my dear.”

A sunny spring day.

Henna’s walk stopped as she was walking slowly.

He sighs for a long time, looking back at the man who has been anxious since earlier, right next to him.

“This is the eighth question. You don’t trust me that much?”

It was a bit of a sad voice.

“That’s not it.”

Kim Soo-hyun stirred his hands.

“It’s because it’s that important, it’s that important.”

“Didn’t you say you knew? I’ve already heard a scab in my ear.”

Gehenna grumbled annoyingly.

“I prepared a lot with Jegal Haesol for today. Don’t worry, we can cope with any unexpected situation.”

Speaking in a confident tone, Henna raised her chin with considerable arrogance.

Kim Soo-hyun, who was looking at neat, monochromatic suits and fluttering red hair, murmured quietly with an unsavory face.

“That’s why I’m more worried.….”

“Huh? What did you say?”

“No, it’s nothing.”

“Let’s go. We still have plenty of time, but in this country, it’s polite to wait ten minutes first, right?”

Gehenna folded her arms while lifting up Han So-young’s handbag.

Kim Soo-hyun, who checked his watch, shrugged.

“Yes, but I’m sure you’ve already arrived. My mother always leaves 20 minutes earlier than I promised.”

“What, what? Then it’s not the time to be like this.”

“Huh? It’s okay. As long as it’s not too late……. Crab, Gehenna?”

“Let’s go!”

Kim Soo-hyun, who was being dragged recklessly, barely raised his hand and pointed to the restaurant across the street.

“Hey, over there!”

The next moment, a Korean food sign appeared in front of Kim Soo-hyun.

Gehenna jumped the four-lane road for a moment.

It was such a terrible teleportation that no one would notice anything unusual.

“Oh, my God.”

Gehenna, reflected in the window, looked teary.

“It’s been twisted from the start.”

“We haven’t even met yet.”

“Isn’t that so? You’ll think of me as a cheeky, spoiled cat that’s late from the first meeting.”


“All right, it’s my fault, so I’ll take a glass of water.”

“…No drama tomorrow morning.”

Kim Soo-hyun turned away as if he had nothing more to hear.

And before Gehenna could protest, she opened the restaurant door and strode in.

As said, there were a half-white man dressed in shabby clothes and a fully dressed woman sitting in a fine view.

The middle-aged couple, who were waving at their son walking slowly, suddenly looked puzzled.

He saw Henna following him late.

Gehenna was certainly different from any other woman.

Far from being intimidated, his walk is both dignified and confident.


Gehenna is not a human being but a god.

It is not just such a god, but also a nine-thousand-class god called the fire of Jongmi.

He is the cowardice of hell and reigning ruler of the Sixty Army.

There is no way that such a person would be nervous about meeting her husband’s parents.

Just acquired the wrong knowledge.

Before long, when Gehenna stood next to Kim Soo-hyun, the couple stood up from their tangled seats due to the naturally transmitted dignity.

“Have you been waiting long? Oh, he’s the one I told you about before. Gehenna.”

“Oh……. Hey, nice to meet you. Su-hyun is the father.”

The half-white man, who was hesitant by the introduction, managed to greet him.

“Ba, nice to meet you. Mr. Gehenna……?”

Kim Soo-hyun’s mother also barely finished greeting.

Gehenna smiled pleasedly.

And he said.

“Come on.”





So I made a mistake.

It was absurd to change the attitude that he had always maintained for thousands of years in just a few days.

Gehenna realized her mistake when she checked the blank eyes of the human man and woman in front of her.


“Hey, this guy is not used to our language yet. Haha.”

Kim Soo-hyun smiled first and hurried to deal with the situation.

“I see.”

The middle-aged man wearing glasses smiled warmly for an appropriate excuse.

“Oh, my God. I was mesmerized by the beauty.”

The woman nodded as if she was convinced.

“Thank you, Mr. Bouin.”

Gehenna responded in a hurry.

Kim Soo-hyun was relieved inside.

Although it started out as a skit, it was better than I thought after overcoming the crisis.

“I heard you came from Russia for volunteer work…….”


The parents tried to understand that their son’s lover was a foreigner.

“That’s a lot of trouble. Are there any inconveniences in your life?”


Gehenna wasn’t the type to make two mistakes.

It was when Gehenna was away for a while that the atmosphere, which had been so carefully progressed, was somewhat relieved.

As soon as I left, I said I would go to the bathroom, my mother opened her mouth.

“What a beautiful lady.”


“To be honest, I was surprised. I don’t think it’s the same person.”

“Oh, yeah?”

Kim Soo-hyun was startled.

“Yes, by the way.”

Suddenly, the eyes of the woman staring at her son narrowed.

“How’d it go with the kid you used to meet?”


“Why, you have a wife and children who are worth your while. Director of Soyoung Group.”

“Ha, Han So-young?”

Kim Soo-hyun looked down reflexively.

The mother clapped her tongue when she saw her son squirming his chopsticks.

“I expected it, but……. You broke up.”


We didn’t break up.

Kim Soo-hyun answered inside.

“It went well in a way. The social status was so different in the first place, and so was the family. Why else would you keep dating her? Don’t feel sorry about it, it’s a good experience. The caterpillar should only eat pine needles.”

Kim Soo-hyun, who suddenly became a caterpillar, only blinked his eyes.

“It’s a little disappointing, though.”


“No, the florist lady. It was nice and nice to have a nice personality.”


“Yes, she was fine, too. There was a smart kid, wasn’t there?”


“Not him. He’s a researcher.”

“Oh, Hayeon.”

“Oh, come to think of it, how’s he doing these days? The one who makes me go.”

“What’s with the performance……”I’m doing fine.”

Kim Soo-hyun said, putting well-done leek pancakes in his mouth.

But when she realized that she was still staring with her ax open, she bowed her head again.



“The man who makes a woman cry will one day shed tears of blood.”


“There is a saying that if a woman bears a grudge, it will frost in May and New.”

“Oh, mother. Why do you keep saying that?….”

Kim Soo-hyun clouded his words with his Bolmen voice.

Actually, I was a little pricked.

“I’m not saying you are.”

Mother let go of the spoon and sighed for a long time.

“Phew……. Yoohyeon.”

“My brother?”

“Don’t you know?”

“What’s wrong, brother.

“It’s embarrassing to say. Well, not long ago, I caught you being a two-timer.”


“But you know what’s funnier? When I interrogated him later, he confessed that there were four more people. It’s really amazing, won.”



I heard the sound of drooling.

“I don’t understand how my son is. How do you meet six people at the same time? Does it make sense?”

Kim Soo-hyun had known for a long time that the Hamil Clan had a secret battle surrounding his brother.

The problem was that Kim Yu-hyun was caught in the secret.

Furthermore, he confessed because he couldn’t overcome the questioning.

It was hard to believe because I knew how well my brother usually speaks.

“In that sense, you’re better than your eldest son. At least one person at a time.”

Kim Soo-hyun started counting how many wives he had.

But soon he realized that ten fingers was not enough and gave up.

“Anyway, keep that in mind. I don’t say much because I’m not old enough to get married, but love is not about appearance. I do it with my heart.”

“Yes, it sounds like it.”

Kim Soo-hyun immediately said yes, as he always hears it every time we meet.

Because in the past, as a joke, I said, “Right. Love is done with the heart. I like women with big breasts,’ he said, because he experienced what had happened.

Accepting unconditionally was a shortcut to being quickly freed from nagging.

“Why don’t you say something? Don’t stay still.”

The arrow was turned out of the blue.

It’s also a moment to be puzzled by a sudden request.

“Hmm……. Soohyun.”

“Yes, Father.”

The man who had been eating silently showed signs of solemnity.

“That’s what your mother said. Did you just say Mr. Gehenna?

“That’s right.”

“How many are there this time? Is it the fifth or the sixth?”


“I’m not saying it’s bad to meet many women. But I understand that Hanna has been introduced to her for less than a year.”


It was a severe scolding.

“On reflection…….”

After a while of hesitation, the father suddenly made eye contact with his younger son.

And he continued to speak quietly.

“……I envy you.”


At that moment, the sound of the car rang out.

The middle-aged man turned his back and groaned violently.

It was a great smashing.

When Henna came back to her seat, she was amazed.

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