Chapter 106

Chapter 106 Don’t touch my brother. =========================================================================

A third eye can’t be avoided even if it’s a correction to the truth. After a brief internal composition of the goods, I roughly punched my head. After analyzing how the judgment was made, I could think of a way to break through this mess in my head. I immediately put my hand on the Crystal of Truth.

All the people who saw my actions became surprised faces. In particular, Yoo-jung distorted her face to the point of almost crying, and soon bit her lips. I looked back at those wells and children and opened my mouth with a calm voice.

“I fully understood what Yoojung thought of me.”


“Don’t cry, Yoojung.”

In my warm voice, Yoojung nodded once and raised her hand to steal the eye.

“If you trust me, I trust you, too. And it’s true that I hid it, but it’s all for that reason. And anyway…I was going to confess to all of you sooner or later.”

I deliberately emphasized the phrase “for you guys”. At the end of what I said, it was a moment of relief on the children’s faces. After comforting the children like that, I turned my eyes and continued.

“User Jung Ha-yeon. If this is really the best way, I’ll put in mana without a hitch.”


“But I have a situation, too.”

I paused and stared at her with a cold face. Jung Ha-yeon calmly received my attention, but her eyes were shaking slightly. Now I and she know each other. What does Jung Ha-yeon mean by taking out this item and why I accepted it?

After a brief silence, I continued in a cool voice.

“At the risk of it. And I put my hand on this crystal in front of the kids. I understand user Jung Ha-Jung Ha-yeon’s question. But I personally don’t think you’re up to this. That’s how much I want you to know how I feel about doing this.”

“…I’ll keep that in mind.”

“And I have one condition.”

“Is that a veto?”

I shook my head from side to side at her question.

“The reason why I put my hand on the Revision of Truth is not to solve my personal curiosity, but to solve the questions that my party has had so far. So, I don’t want you to ask questions that are too deep or personal.”

I started laying the groundwork. A clever woman would fully understand what I said. If you don’t like either of us, just ignore it. But I had a thing for her and allowed her to push me. And she has a thing for me, too. And we both know that we have a thing for each other. So, Jung Ha-yeon brought up “Modification of Truth.” Both were possible because I closed my eyes.

But I’ve drawn a line by attaching four limbs. Based on the ability I’ve shown so far, I’m definitely ahead of her. As such, he warned, “Don’t mess with me any more,” if he translated it into slang. She answered my warning immediately.

“You’re telling me not to be out of the public domain. I’ll keep that in mind.”

After checking that Jung Ha-yeon nodded slightly, I blew in the mana.


As soon as the “Fertility of Truth” was instilled, the crystal began to emit a slight vibration with a bluish glow. Soon the bluish light that rose into the air slowly penetrated my body, and I could see a small light flame rising into the crystal ball.

Perhaps if I told the truth, the crystal ball would show no change, but if my words were any false, the light flame would turn dark depending on the degree. I gulped down at the thought that it was just the beginning.

It is not simple to break down the truth. It’s basically a setting to judge whether it’s true or not, but there was one thing that was scary. There should be no lies in what you say out there, and when you say it, you should be sincere about what you say it. Therefore, I needed to tell the truth but to control myself vaguely. However, it was ironic that such a point worked in my favor.

Jeong Ha-yeon shook her head as if she was about to drop something, and opened her beautiful lips after checking the operation of “The Crystal of Truth”.

“Tell me your name.”

“Kim Soo-hyun.”

“What about annual leave?”

“Year 0.”

“Is Kim Soo-hyun the same user as us?”

“That’s right.”

Question and answer that happened in a flash. But this was just a warm-up, or an outpost. Simple questions ahead of what to ask. After three questions, Jung Ha-yeon looked closely at Sujeong-gu. And the color of the flame in the crystal ball remained unchanged.

She briefly shook her head and then re-opened the question with a calm.

“User Kim Soo-hyun is hiding something from us. First, I want to know why you hid those facts.”

“After entering Hallplane, I decided that I’d better hide my power for the time being.”


“I didn’t want to be in the spotlighted. If the hidden power that was only a new user at the time was revealed, there would have been a group that looked at me in a bad light.”

“Is that the only reason?”

“I wanted to build up my power. I didn’t want to get involved in anything annoying from the start.”

Jeong Ha-yeon looked somewhat understandable and shook her head. Kim Han-byeol also obtained a secret class for some reason at the time, but the Clan did not announce it to protect users. It’s not exactly the same, but I also hid my power for a similar reason. At that time I was really wary of the early gratuitous attention of the future.

“Okay, so can you tell us what you’re hiding?”

“…I can tell you. But what I’m telling you now is kind of my user information.”

I stopped talking for a moment. Then, I cleared my breath for a moment and opened my mouth.

“Instead of giving you my information. Afterwards, user Jung Ha-yeon and Shin Sang-yong will have to pay the corresponding price. Except, of course, the kids and Vivienne.”

“All right, I’ll admit it. But if that information is found to be true, and it’s worth it.”

“I, here’s the same as above.”

Jung Ha-yeon nodded without hesitation. I was relieved to hear their definite answer. I don’t think so, but if they break their promise….

I cleared my stomach and let out one of my secrets in a dry voice.

“Then I’ll tell you. First, user Kim Soo-hyun has a secret class as a profession.”


Secret class. The aftermath of the word was certainly great. All of the children stared at me with startled faces, and I could see Jeong Ha-yeon moving her Adam’s apple even though she was a little bit. I thought you might have expected it, but I guess you’re surprised. Ungsung ignored the surroundings and quickly waited for the next question.

“Ho, do you happen to know how, or what class it is?”

“It’s a combat family class. And if you ask me one more question out of personal curiosity, I’ll let go of this “fix of truth” hand.

At my stern words, Jeong Ha-yeon looked distant and smiled bitterly. But the murmur didn’t settle. At the beginning of the year, I wanted to bloom, but I didn’t have anything, so I just had to wait.

after a certain amount of time When the disturbance finally subsided, Jung Ha-yeon quickly checked the crystal ball. And she sighed as she saw the color didn’t change at all.

“I’m sure everything you’ve said so far is true. And when it comes to secret classes, the answers to the questions in the beginning match well. I’m convinced…But.”

Jung Ha-yeon, who regained her calmness again, continued with her eyes shining.

“Even so, you’re just a zero-year user. Zero-year-old user catches a superior horse leg? It can’t be happening. I’d like to ask for an explanation on this.”

“Wait a minute.”

Just as I was about to answer, Vivien raised his hand. She looked around with a blank face and pointed at me and opened her mouth.

“There’s something I have to say about that.”

“Then tell me quickly.”

At Jeong Ha-yeon’s Chae Geun, Vivien turned to me.

“When I was on the third floor, I found something interesting. Shin Sang-yong and I were able to find traces of cannabis magic boundaries there. That’s a strong enough boundary to hold.”

“I didn’t see it, but I couldn’t feel any sign of a boundary when I was there.”

Jung Ha-yeon asked back, but Vivien and Shin Sang-yong answered with a time difference.

“It’s possible. Every time the Ma people tried to get out of the lab, they were triggered. When his last spell broke through the ceiling, it just happened.”

“I was with him at the time. And I also agree with my teacher. The higher demons are powerful, but they said it was an incomplete summons in the first place. “Also, if there’s a deterrent to the boundary, it’s hard to see it as a whole senior horse race.”

When they defended me, Jung Ha-yeon tilted her head with an expressionless face. And I was barely holding back a big smile, wondering what this was all about. The party is helping me. Frankly, I don’t think it’s lagging, but it’s getting strangely better.

You have to aim for this gap. Thinking so, I calmly raised my left hand. Then, slowly raised the mana of the flower. Everyone’s eyes were focused on my hands when the clear flame that faced the Belpegor of courtesy rose.

“This is….”

I opened my mouth after giving them a moment to appreciate the flowers.

“You may have seen it on the third floor today. This force is not just the power of chlorination. It’s a different power from my job, Secret Class. And I’m telling you in advance. This force is not obtained in any dishonest way. It’s the power that angels know through due process.”

It’s not wrong. Even angels can’t question the TANA rating recklessly, but I can’t judge my perks as false, which is only a setting.

And from now on, it was an important moment.

Jeong Ha-yeon seems to have been so busy with her work that she can’t think about it yet, but since what I said now is believed to be true, there has been a huge contradiction in what I have been doing so far. If she now mentions Jeong Ji-yeon’s work, I will have no choice but to admit my charges as long as she is putting her hands on the “fixing the truth.” Then there are two things I need to do from now on.

There is no limit to the amount of time lasts. Rather, it’s not that long. As such, a stepping stone was needed to justify what had happened in the ancient Alchemist Dungeon. I remembered that I played a horsepower backflow in front of my children in the pitch black forest at the time. And the kids knew that they pushed ahead with the dungeon as it was.

But what happened at the time was nothing more than a lie from acting. I needed to take as much time as I could to ask questions after Jung Ha-yeon’s retention time was over. Then she has no choice but to show the bait to drool. And the bait I chose was the flower garden.

“Can the power of the fire be the basis for the strength that does not fit the current annual leave of the user Kim Soo-hyun?”

“Of course, the secret class is strong enough, but I appreciate this power more, so it’s a good basis. It’s not just a fire, it’s a fire with a lot of power. As you may have seen today, the power of this fire cannot be reckoned upon by me to burn the devil’s magic.”

I could see Jung Ha-yeon glancing at the crystal ball in my explanation. Whether she judged it to be true, she asked the very next question.

“I see. I wonder how you got such a powerful power…”But since you’ve gone through a legitimate process, it’s not something I should argue about. Okay, but I’m sure you said angels knew about it, right?”


“Even though the secret class is, the other power that Kim Soo-hyun currently has is so powerful. Of course, there may be exceptions beyond my expectations, but I understand that angels basically treat their users equally.”


“Then did the angels say nothing about using that power? No, it’s not related at all.”

I smiled inwardly as I saw Jung Ha-yeon, who threw the bait I had sprayed.

“There’s a connection. It’s just….”

I deliberately clouded the back of my words. When I stopped talking, which had been pouring out words until now, Jung Ha-yeon immediately recalled a curious look on her face. And after checking her expression, I was relieved for now.

She is certainly quite intelligent and clever. I was proud of her for stabbing variously to get the answers she wanted, but what was unfortunate was that I was the opponent. Well, it had to be like this in the first place, but now she was unwittingly dragged into my pace.

Despite this and that, it is only a second-year user. There was a gap that could not be filled yet with me, who had rolled for 10 years in the shade of Hallplane.

I and her questions and answers were moving in the direction I wanted them to.

============================ Review of the work ============================

Hello, I’m Ro Yu Jin.

I thought two sessions would be enough, but I think three sessions will take some time. But it’s an important part, so it’s right to point it out rather than slither it over. It’s very complicated, but at times like this, I’ll try not to be swayed and move forward with my conviction. Then I hope you enjoy the 106th episode comfortably. 🙂

PS. I’ve written a review of the change in settings in 105 times. I always felt bad, but now I feel relieved. Hah, hah, hah.

리 Ripple (104 times) 『

1. Novelist of the peninsula: Congratulations on winning first place. Oh, but I want to have a nickname for some reason. I want to change my ID. Hah, hah, hah.

2. Koya: Humble. Yoojung is also a good girl. Please don’t hate me too much. ;;;

3. Kunlai: Oh, who recommended you to be here? I’m curious. 🙂 I really can’t think of the introduction. I was absent-minded again today, ah. I’ll just write the next one first. I ended up like this. ㅜ.ㅠ

4. dddfaaf: In your comments, there are a lot of people who accept and judge based on the text. And you can see that many different comments. That’s one of my pleasures. You can take it like this, you can take it like this. You can learn a lot. 🙂

5. Refill: Whoa. That was a very long comment. You commented closest to what I intended to convey to you. Sometimes I’m surprised by the sharpness you see.

리 Ripple (105 times) 『

1. Misoochensa: I try to post it at that time. At midnight. And at noon, your lunch break. I think it’d be good to read a little after lunch. Haha. Congratulations on winning first place.

2. Mr. Beggimill: Thank you for the good opinion. We decided to use a slightly changed quality Yeongchang according to Mr. Bezimil’s opinion. Hahaha. Now that I’m looking at it, I can see a bit of a racy word.

3. [priest] Priest: Yes! I’ll take responsibility! So come here! I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m going around for a while. ㅜ.ㅠ

4. CARM: Haha…From the first episode, I searched every word in Ctrl + F and I thought I was going to die. After the 100th episode, my hands felt numb. If you have something to do, I recommend you split it up. ㅜ.ㅠ

5. Fortune: Oh. I didn’t know this word since I was young, but I can’t search for it. I was shocked for a moment. Hahaha. I will actively reflect the changes or remakes you mentioned later. I don’t think I wrote it down once or twice, but I don’t know where to start. If I knew this would happen, I think I should’ve done it with you. Thank you for the good information.

Your recommendations and comments are the driving force behind your annual leave. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too sad about not being in the re-reply.

If you have any questions, write me a note and I’ll answer them!

Then I’ll leave you alone for today.

I hope you can always read the article comfortably.

Preferences, recommendations, comments, criticisms, questions are always welcome.

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