Chapter 111

Chapter 111 Dark past =========================================================================

Three days after the expedition. Two days to explore the ruins lab. I’m coming back to Mulle for three days. In only eight days we were able to complete our return. The arrival time was just past the afternoon. Similarly, other users returning from exploration around the dosa were glancing at us and walking away. Perhaps everyone in the party was wondering where they had been since they were all beggars.

However, everyone’s appearance was dull, but only their faces were bright. Perhaps because of the much gained from the expedition, the expressions were vivid, giving off an atmosphere as if the general of improvement was returning. Soon after, Yoo-jung opened her mouth with an excited face as she saw the still shabby north door ahead.

“Ugh…I’m finally back. I can’t wait to go in, eat warm food, wash up, lie down and sleep.”

“Heh. Me too..”

An-hyun, who was listening to their conversation, looked solemn as An-sol responded with a smile. I could see what he was thinking inside his heart by putting a lot of strength on his shoulders and stiffening his neck. I decided to play a little prank.

“Ahnhyun, what are you going to do first when you go back?””

When he went to the side of the string and spoke to him, he replied with a solemn face.

“Of course I’m thinking of training first. The idea of eating, playing and sleeping just back from an expedition is wrong.”

“That’s a very desirable attitude. She’s definitely a rare class girl.”

“Hu-hoo. That’s normal, isn’t it?

Ahn Hyun opens his mouth waving his head as if it’s obvious.k.a face of course. And to the side, Yoo-jung and An-sol were staring at him to the full. Soon after, Yoo-jung, who couldn’t stand Ahn’s arrogant expression after a while, ended up spitting out harsh words.

“You’re playing. You’ll train well. I’ll just eat like a pig.”

Despite Yoo Jung’s intense criticism, Ahn Hyun’s face was nonchalance itself.

“Well, it smells like a regular user somewhere. I think that’s a very ugly smell mixed with envy. I think it’s better to move between you and Vivien.”

When Ahn Hyun replied in a very noble tone, I could see the fire popping from Yoojung’s eyes.

“Crazy guy, stupid guy.

“I hear a jealous animal crying somewhere. By the way, it’s very sunny today. Hahaha.”

“Yes, yes, you both stop.”

At my words, An-hyun nodded with a relaxed face, and Yoo-jung showed her teeth moving up and down, crushing her lips. I was going to touch it a little anyway, so I shook my arm blocking the gap between the two. Shin Sang-yong and Vivien laughed quietly at the sight of such children.

I turned my eyes to Jung Ha-yeon for a moment. She’s been in a daze ever since she left the ruins lab. The party didn’t talk to her, and she rarely opened her mouth first, either. Yoo Jeong-do, who had been so close to each other, was treating Jung Ha-yeon as if she was not there anymore.

To be honest, I couldn’t see it in a good mood. Miwoo or Gowoo, either way, have been selected as Clan One who will be with me. Even if it is too much to stay like a family for the time being, the atmosphere should come out when you go on an expedition after meeting in Mule for the first time. Moreover, since she intends to apply for the creation of a clan after this expedition, she also becomes an original member of the clan.

Anyway, I thought it would be better to take a good rest today and talk about it separately tomorrow or tomorrow. I’ve returned from my expedition, but I’ve had a lot of work to do before I go on my next expedition. However, they can be solved one by one if they only invest their time, and they also set a long period of time to stay in the city due to maintenance.

Twisting my tired body, I passed through the North Gate. Listening to the salutes of the guards, I took my first destination to an inn.

The inn I’m looking for in the town of Mule is always the same. A modest lady. The facilities are not that good, but the food tasted good, with the exception of those who are unnecessarily crowded with users (except those who are flirting with Ko Yeon-joo). Of course, there are plenty of such inns and only superficial reasons. The real reason I go to the inn was the recruitment or murder of a high performer. Come to think of it, the time was approaching to deal with her.

In the worst case scenario, you could fight her alone. I climbed the stairs of the inn that arrived before I knew it, hoping it wouldn’t happen.

When I opened the tightly closed wooden door, I could see the back of Ko Yeon-ju cleaning the table.


This is Ahn Hyun’s drooling voice. She must have already felt a presence, so she stole the table and turned leisurely. Soon after she checked my face, she greeted me with a welcome greeting.

“Oh, it’s been a while.”

“Long time no see.”

Entering the inn gate of “The Quiet Lady,” I breathed in the air looking at only a few invisible users. Come to think of it, many vagrants will be purged within this month. It may still be in the planning stage, but users who had already smelled it were slowly leaving the northern cities.

Ko was still wearing revealing clothes. A top similar to a V-neck that shows more than half the chest and a smooth thigh above the knee are missing bottom missing. She put her hands together with a look of joy to the guest after a long time.

“Would you like to have a meal first…Or a bath? Or I….”

As soon as I got here, I cut off the words of Ko Yeon-ju again, saying that I was tired.

“I’ll take a shower after eating. I’d like three special rooms, please. I’ll have my usual meal.”


I thought I heard her kicking her tongue, but I decided to let it slide. With the silent protesting gaze from Ahn Hyun next to us, we settled at a nearby table. Soon after, everyone sat so loudly that their chairs squeaked, and they sighed one by one.

“Phew… But Soohyun.”


“Why did you have three rooms? Two is enough.”

“One thing I have to do separately. There’s room for special handling.”

Vivien tilted his head at my words. I was going to use one of the rooms. There are many things to do in the future, but above all, there was a need for space to work.

I could think of a possibility after seeing the elixir in my neck. Maybe if I’m right, I can at least raise my physical strength by one point.

I shook my head as I was thinking about this and that. You said you’d take a rest today and focus on recovering your body, but you’re thinking about things again. It seemed that he could not get rid of the habit of always pushing his body to the limit in the first round.

Most of the children were hanging their necks on the table before they knew it. The accumulated fatigue during the battle and the forced return seems to have exploded at once. I didn’t say much, because I was being somewhat easy on the city.

As time went by, I could see Ko Yeon-joo carrying food.

“Hey, can I have a drink?”

“…drink a little.”

I accepted the request of the well because I thought a light drink would be fine. Listening to Yoo-jung’s words, the group also added alcohol to each of their tastes, whether it was tempting. I also wanted to soothe my dry throat, so it was natural that I joined the order.

I could finish the meal lightly. The party quickly ate the food in front of them without saying anything. Everyone seemed to want to hurry up and fill their stomachs and go up and rest.

After the meal, female users chose to take a bath and male users chose to go straight to the room. Looking at them like that, I decided to pay Ko Yeon-joo and wash her up.

After washing up, when Ahn Hyun and Shin Sang-yong entered the old special room, they were seen snoring. Ahn Hyun, who was training, was showing brutality, even drooling and kicking the blanket. I clasped my tongue, quietly covered myself with a blanket and laid myself comfortably on the rest of the bed next to me.



A little more, a little more, but I ended up raising myself up. When I looked at the window, it was dark outside. I lay back down and tried to sleep somehow, but less than a minute later, I got out of bed.

Habit that has been ingrained throughout the years is scary. He acts unconsciously even if he tries to fix it. I usually slept only for an hour or two, but now my body was moving on its own. What’s more problematic is that I consider this a problem myself and that a corner of my mind is a necessary process.

It’s been about three or four hours since I lay in bed. Although it’s a lot more leftover than usual, it’s a lack of sleep considering the time. At this rate, I thought I would get seriously hurt one day.

Capabilities are not all-around. I do when I do, but I need to rest to function when it’s important. Even though I knew it, I eventually grabbed the sword I had put next to me. I felt like I could soothe my restless stomach by moving my body or controlling my mind.

As I turned my eyes, I saw Ahn Hyun who kicked the blanket and showed his belly. Shake your head, lower your clothes again, and put the blanket back up. Even if I think about it myself, I feel like I’m really a parent, so I can feel the bitterness in my mouth.

The two who were sleeping soundly, turned the handle to open it. The door seemed to be especially loud today. After slightly closing the door that had been reopened, I immediately moved to a special room where no one was there yet.

There was no room on my floor now except for the party. To tell you the reason, the answer is that there is no reason for other users to use the special room, and there are no users who can afford to use the special room in Mul.

If it was hard to wield a sword, I would meditate, so I opened the door of another rented room and put it back. And…


“You’re here for sure.”

“…What are you doing alone?”

When she opens her mouth with a puzzled face, Jung Ha-yeon tilts her head slightly.

Jeong Ha-yeon, who was supposed to be used for business, was sitting in the room with a clean impression as usual. On the table, I could see a bottle of alcohol and stir-fried vegetables. When I stared at her face for a moment, Jung Ha-yeon shrugged and opened her mouth.

“Why are you looking at me like that? Can’t I do something like this?”

“…I don’t think that’s the problem. Well, there’s nothing you can’t do.”

“Hoot. Don’t be stiff. Come in and sit down. I thought it would be ugly to drink alone, but you came at a good time.”

It does not look like Jeong Ha-yeon in terms of her outward behavior. Once I pulled the chair across from her and put it on my butt. After confirming that I was sitting down, she lightly turned over the alcohol she was holding.

“I was kicked out.”


“…Just kidding. They’re not like that. So don’t make that face.”

Jeong Ha-yeon’s voice was mixed with a bit of drunkenness. She smiled and corrected her speech when I made a face at once when she said she had been kicked out. And as soon as he complained, he continued.

“But there’s a bit of an uncomfortable atmosphere. I have nothing to say if you say you’ve earned it.”

Well, I guess so. He said there was an uncomfortable atmosphere. I think I need to talk to Yoo-jung soon. But those are not the things that matter now.

At first, Jung Ha-yeon clearly said, “You’re here again.” That means I was expecting to come to this room. Although she has spent few days with her, she has clearly shown a consistent routine. Even so, the prediction of my coming here today was certainly a gambling speculation.

When I kept my mouth shut, Jung Ha-yeon filled an empty glass with alcohol and stuck it out to me. I got a glass with a sour face. Before drinking, I asked her in a calm voice.

“What were you going to do if you didn’t come today?”

“Well, I thought there was definitely a possibility. If you don’t come, you can sleep alone. It’s comfortable and nice No matter what the result is, it’s not bad. That’s how Hallplane wizards think.”

I could hear seductive tone of words, not the usual pure voice. As she kept holding her glass, Jung Ha-yeon nodded slightly as if to hurry up and drink. I analyzed the ingredients of the liquid in the cup with my third eye and then emptied them into my mouth.

“You’re hot. It’s not that weak of a drink….”

Watching her twirling around again, I cut her off in a low voice.

“For your information. I don’t like to change the subject.”

“…I think I’ve become a little sentimental. I understand you’re doing this because you’re drunk.”

She only smiled beautifully at my harsh words. However, my eyes staring at Jung Ha-yeon are just indifferent. I could tell instinctively. I say I’m drunk myself, but I’m lying. That face was never a drunk face. If so, it means that he is acting for some reason.

It wasn’t her who opened the door first.

“…Kim Soo-hyun.”

“Tell me.”

“I’m free tonight…?”

Jeong Ha-yeon called me once and put her chin on one side. Soon he talked to me with a sleepy look. A dark night. A room just for the two of us. A table between me and her. Her colourful breath is heard, and her occasional sweet sigh is heard.

Staring at my eyes for a long time, she slowly opened her fine lips.

“If I have time…Can you listen to me tonight?”

============================ Review of the work ============================

Hello, I’m Ro Yu Jin.

What should I tell you?

The one who said something nice.

The one who encouraged me.

The one who said he’d wait for me.

All I can say is thank you.

I will do my best as I have decided to catch two rabbits this time.

Thank you (__)

PS. Ripple will continue from the next episode.

PS2. Can you tell me the level of Noble? ㅜ.ㅠ

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