Chapter 127

Chapter 127 Temporary Join =========================================================================

“It was a troubled eye. You seem to worry about me sometimes.”


It’s a worry. I narrowed my eyes. I tried to hold it in, but I felt like I was going to keep smiling. I took a deep breath with the sound as low as I could.

Ko slowly broke away from my body. And I opened up the distance from myself. I felt a strange sense of incompatibility when I saw the path of making a work while stepping back. But Ko immediately continued, as if not to give him a chance to grasp it.

“But I couldn’t let that worry go. I think it’s too dangerous to leave it as it is.You know what? Every time you look at me, I get goosebumps all over me. To the point of shuddering.”


Before I knew it, the beginning of the year I was biting was cold. The light she’s holding is also off. I spat out the beginning of the year and dropped it into my hand. Rolling the butt that came under his thumb around, I thought I had too much time. I thought I was looking at her in my own way, but she was watching me closely, one step further than I was.

Ko also lightly gathered his fingers, bounced the butt, and opened his mouth quietly.

“What’s the problem? What the hell are you worrying about that makes me get goosebumps? I was so curious, and by chance, I realized who it was.”

“When was it?”

“When I baited you with information. At that time, the user Kim Soo-hyun talked about SSUN and Hale, a regular city. It wasn’t until then that I felt it. What’s wrong with that?.”

“Who are you…?”

Ko smiled and muted at my question. And only then could I recognize the cause of the perversity. I was about to turn my head, but before that, a word of a high performer flew into my ears.


Oops. As soon as I heard her answer, I calculated her location and spacing. Then, he immediately turned to the sword he had leaned under the table. But the sword that had obviously been placed was not visible.

“Are you looking for this?”

He raised his head again at the voice of Ko, but immediately swallowed. First, she saw a smooth finger, and when it was stolen, she was waving gently, hanging the handle of the sword on her finger. I immediately grabbed a chopstick that was rolling around the table and ran to Ko.

“Ho-ho, chopsticks?”

Ko gave me a relaxed smile despite my quick action. Then, her new model disappeared as if it had sunk to the ground. I immediately activated the third eye and created a full body of mana.

I knew all the techniques used by Ko just now. Perhaps they used both a block and a black shade at the same time. However, both technologies can be responded with a third eye. Therefore, I quickly looked at the shadows around me with my own ability in motion.

The third eye doesn’t respond in the shade under the table. In that case…

“Yay, it was in the back.”

At that moment, I could see a person soaring from my shadow on the floor. Behind me, I could hear the mocking voice of a high performer and the piercing sound of tearing the air at the same time. It was a momentary moment, but I kept my composure. I’m sorry for her, but I didn’t mean to let her down because these skills have already been worn out in the first round.

I implemented Ability, which I had prepared as it was.

Just. Chuck.

“…Oh, my.”

“It’s not the back, it’s the front. The shadow queen?

I pointed chopsticks at her slender neck and whispered in my ear in a soft voice.

To sum up the situation simply, Ko tried to catch up with me through the shadow, but failed due to the Ability response. No, it was more than a failure, but it was occupied by me. In other words, I took her back by taking out the hidden Ability.

Ko stood motionless as if she had never expected this. Her dagger stopped at a reasonable distance, perhaps not to hurt me. I also didn’t mean to kill her, so I didn’t stab her anymore.

Soon after, Ko opened her mouth with a stuttering voice.

“I can’t believe it.Is this a dysentery?”

“Oh, you knew? Correct.”

“This is definitely… yes. The guy in the Eastantel Law Clan…No. I heard it’s still under development. But how could you…!”

Oh, you mean him? Yeah, I learned it from him in the first round. I thought there should be at least one life-saving plant, so I wanted to say, but I didn’t answer anything.

When I poked with chopsticks, I felt Ko’s neck shaking slightly. He seemed shocked to hear that he was easily overpowered.

Frankly, the situation just before was a bit of luck. There was a sense that Ko had not been able to do her best, but the most important thing was that I had become familiar with her combat skills and skills. In the first round I met her several times on the battlefield. Ko analyzed her combat patterns thoroughly in the Clan, as it was the work of the “Strong Ten” at the time. And thanks to the analysis, she was able to grasp her combat skills, and eventually, “The Shadow Queen” was literally executed by Han So-young’s “Princess of execution.”

That is, she wasn’t going all out, I was above her ability, I was getting all the skills of the Shadow Queen, and I was preparing with a third eye just in case. These four beats were evenly harmonized to defeat the Shadow Queen at once. If Ko had made a full-fledged attack, he would have been confident of winning, but he could not have easily solved it this easily. After all, her special ability, Abyss Crowd, is really tricky to deal with.

Of course, the female user in front of us was busy informing us of these circumstances. On the surface of it, a fifth-year user was overwhelmed by a zero-year user. No matter how unknowingly strong I am, the Shadow Queen. It is also hard to accept that a strong player who reached the 10th round was easily beaten by a zero-year user no matter how hard it is to play….


You accept it. She dropped her dagger and sword too lightly. I almost missed chopsticks for a moment at the prompt response, but I could barely catch them. I thought it was ridiculous, but in a way, I thought it was like her.

At first glance, she seemed free and uncontrollable, but once she had an enemy, she was a loyal user to the end. “Princess of execution” knew that and ripped her out of action without hesitation.

As I pressed down on my chopsticks on the back of my neck, I was in agony. Kill or not, kill or not. Thinking about the first episode, I would feel comfortable killing him, but I still felt sorry. How on earth can we make this female user our ally? How did the old ones win the hearts of this free-spirited high performer?

While I was lost in thought for a moment, I heard the despondent voice of the high performer.


“What are you talking about all of a sudden?”

“This is exactly what life felt like in your eyes sometimes. Do you want to kill me or not?It looked like he was worried.”

I couldn’t think of anything else to say at the point. There was silence for such a short time. Perhaps the silence was frustrating, Ko said, coughing in vain.

“Can I turn around now?”

“…Slowly. With both hands up.”

Ko held her hands in the air at my request and slowly turned away. Then she glanced at my chopsticks and gave me a hint. I laughed at her cuteness and dropped chopsticks equally. Of course, at the same time, he kicked the dagger and sword on the floor away. Although each other had no weapons, the situation was much more favorable to me as the rank of the new inspection day was on the EX.

“Anyway, you’re going to save me in the end. But my arm hurts.”

“Yeah. Keep holding it. It’s nice to see.”

“As expected, you were a pervert.”


I snorted and lowered my arms by myself. Ko gave me a fine glance and passed by, throwing herself right onto the bed. Maybe it was thrown pretty hard, but the bed was up and down once. Now her unexpected behavior seemed to be acceptable to all intents and purposes.

Putting her face on my bed, she muttered in a weak voice.

“Oh, I’m tired. I’m having a bad day today. I’ve overcome the crisis and I’ve been humiliated. What’s wrong with me today?

“I guess it’s not my day today.”

She grumbled coyly at my answer. He seemed nonchalant on the outside, but he seemed very upset.

After rolling around in bed for a while, she soon came out and looked at me and tapped on an empty space on one side of the bed. It wasn’t that I didn’t know her intentions. But rather than lying next to each other, he responded by just sitting on one side of the bed.

There was no need to be wary of high performance. She said, “I’m having a hard time. I’ve lost my war spirit,” he said with a look on his face.

Ko pushed her head to the side where I sat and soon laid her head on my thigh. I ended up with a bitter smile when I suddenly gave him a pillow on his knee. It was only a brief battle, but as a result, the atmosphere became very awkward. Only one thing is for sure, I saved her and her performance gave me a life. As a user who has reached the round of 10, he or she will not know such physiology.

Having enjoyed my thighs for a while, she sighed and opened her mouth.

“Phew, that’s pretty clear, anyway.”


When asked back lightly, she raised her hand and poked me in the nose with her fingertip.

“I just thought I could die. But you lived like this. You…I was definitely thinking about whether to kill me or save me.”

I didn’t give any answer. But Ko Yeon-joo glared at me with a coy face. I felt like I took my silence as a silent affirmation. Staring at me for a long time, she smacked her lips and went on.

“But in the end, as much as I chose to save my life…I can interpret that there’s something you want from me. So can you stop answering me now? You didn’t even see me until you came into Mulle. But what the hell do you want from me, and why do you want to kill me?”


“Don’t be silent and tell me what’s on the inside. Huh? I need to know what’s going on. That way I can say something.”

She kept urging me, but I deliberately kept my mouth shut up. Ko Yeon-joo is different from Hayeon or Shin Sang-yong. Again, Ko was one of the top 10 players and a proud user with a secret class. As such, it was obvious that he had his own thoughts and had a high pride as a user.

Of course, the level of the caravan I’m currently leading is followed, and the plan is highly valued, but it’s hard to simply ask them to come into the clan that I’m going to make out of it. I think it’s highly likely that she’ll refuse. Of course, if you refuse, you can kill them, but it was true that you were disappointed in a corner of your heart. Because I couldn’t imagine how much help she would have if she joined the group and Clan.

I agonized for a while, but I finally made up my mind. The conclusion was that “I can’t make a decision now”. Ko Yeon-joo is interested in me, and I wanted to see her a little more. Then I’ll need to give her time to spend with me, and with our people, and I’ll also need to create an opportunity to look closer at her and observe her closely.

After organizing my thoughts like that, I calmly raised my hand and stroked Ko’s soft hair. She closed her eyes gently as if she felt my touch.

“I think it’s too late at night.”

“Huh? Why are you using honorifics all of a sudden?”

She, who was still savoring my touch, opened her eyes again at my words and asked back.

You spoke informally first. I wanted to say that, but I held it in on purpose. I was going to offer her one condition. And she won’t be able to say no. I just thought you’d give me a life if I could.

Above all, there was a calculation that high performance would be helpful as he appeared at the end of the Cave of Scream. I put saliva on my lips and opened my mouth before they dried up.

“You seem to be out of business these days. Since this is happening, why don’t you take a break?”


Ko Yeon-ju’s nasal voice changed to a sweet note. After checking her reaction, I slowly continued.

============================ Review of the work ============================

Hello, I’m Ro Yu Jin.

Yes, I changed the processing of Ko Yeon-joo to “Pending”. He’s such an attractive character that it’s a waste to kill him like this. So I’ll have to go a little further, but I think I’ve added more weight to . Hah, hah, hah.

Oh, there are some character fan art in my yard that ID Broken Fan> posted. It would be great for readers to stop by and take a look. Personally, I really like Ko Yeon-joo and Kim Soo-hyun’s paintings. Especially, I keep looking at Ko Yeon-joo’s paintings. Hehe. 🙂

리 Ripple 『

1. Fighting Abihunter T: Congratulations on winning first place. I was surprised that you ran as soon as you uploaded it. Hahaha, congratulations again on winning first place after many competitions, and I hope you enjoyed this episode.

2. Kurozion: Yes. I’m surprised sometimes. How can I comment at the same time as soon as I post it? -_-a

3. Hohokoya1: Hard work life. I understand. Monday will be especially harder. I hope you forget those things for a while while reading my novel. I’d appreciate it even more if it gave me strength. Way to go for it! 🙂

4. GradeRown: Ha ha ha. You’re the first one to treat me like this. This is surprisingly good. I’ll take that into consideration. LOL

5. Dangryong: Yes, correct. Worries, living among them was the keyword.

6. Noroo Squirrel: Oh, no. Please don’t report it. My writing is not a drug. ㅜ.ㅠ

7. Broken Fan: Go…a high-pitched performance…grrrrrrrrrr. Whoosh. Whoosh.Oh, no. I’m not. It’s not like I’m looking at fan art. No, really. Yikes…

8. Dalcookie: I’m sorry. Please put in the ax. I’m scared… 무서워요.ㅠ

9. OZAZAZA: I asked for some time to think first. Lol. I think we’ll have a conclusion next week.

10. Shim Si-haeng: Although there is a round of 10s, there are cases where seats are empty, and new divinity is emerging to push away the existing round of 10. And…and as things happen and happen, there are a lot of vacancies in the top ten. 🙂

Your recommendations and comments are the driving force behind your annual leave. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too sad about not being in the re-reply.

If you have any questions, write me a note and I’ll answer them!

Then I’ll leave you alone for today.

I hope you can always read the article comfortably.

Preferences, recommendations, comments, criticisms, questions are always welcome.

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