Chapter 196

Chapter 196 Opportunity to Come =========================================================================

“Hey, did you hear that? I heard it opened again this time.”

“Really? Wow, that’s awesome. I can’t believe it. Isn’t that too fast?”

“I mean, um, about six months since then? I’ve never seen anything open this fast since I joined Hallplane 2 years ago.”

“Me, too. Anyway, what should I do? It’s already chaotic these days, and it’s very vague. Right?”

I couldn’t help but be amazed at the view as soon as I left the inn. Barbara’s streets, though in the middle of the night, were overflowing with users. The meaning of sleep in Hall Plain is very important. It was one of the most effective factors to restore the weary body of exploration. It was quite rare for this many users to gather at this time.

I was organizing my thoughts for a moment and turned to the two users who were chatting next to me. Both of their faces managed to be seen as average, wearing equipment that looked shabby as if they weren’t very good. However, considering that he has combat equipment, he does not seem to be a subsistence user.

I approached with caution, and talked to the person who braided his hair in pigtails.

“Wait, can I ask you something?”

“Oh, my gosh. Oh, what is it? Suddenly in the back….”

The two-pronged woman literally turned nervous with a startled face and soon stopped talking when she saw me. Soon after, her eyes were all over me and her eyes narrowed slightly. It’s been a while. For the last time I could see the gaze on my face, her narrowed forehead slowly unraveled again.

“Yes. What are you curious about?”

“Well, excuse me. I’ll answer it for you. Ask me.”

“Hey, girl. He asked me. It’s a little salty. Can you just stay still?”

The pigtails gave me a gentle voice and a pointed voice to the woman I was talking to. Then, he approached me and grabbed my arm. I triggered a third eye reflexively.

1. Name : Kim Da-hye (2nd year)

2. Class: General Sword Runner

3. Country: Barbara

4. Organizations (Clan): –

5. Real name and nationality: Dead fish, South Korea

6. Gender (Sex): Women (27)

7. Height · Weight: 161.3 cm · 58.7 kg

8. Tendency: Neutral · Obscene

[Muscle 51] [Integral 56] [Fresh 47] [Physical 49] [Magic 61] [Lucky 37]

It was an insignificant ability. When I closed the information window without regret, I could see Kim Da-hye patting my clothes gently. I didn’t feel good or bad. She touched her belt briefly with a look of ecstasy and soon opened her mouth in a nasal voice.

“Wow. It’s so soft. Where did you get this? It looks so good just by the looks of it. I think you’re very good.”


“Oh, look at my mind. You said you wanted to ask me something, right? Ho-ho.”

Suddenly, in Hall Plain, I thought that female users are generally better at noticing than male users. The equipment I am currently wearing was , and . All three had their own style, giving off an aura that low-end equipment could never produce.

I slipped her hand away, still holding my belt, and opened my mouth to ask questions.

“Nothing else, I was just wondering what was going on and what was making all this fuss about.”

“Oh, yes. The portal is open.”


“Yes, the inn at the beginning opened a portal. It’s very strong this time, so I think it’s going to go over quite a bit. The last one was 6 months ago, so if you look at the past few years, it opened really fast.”

Robbery seemed to mean the thickness and color of the blue membrane. I wanted to say, “It doesn’t matter how many people are, how thick or what color they are,” but I quickly turned to the thoughts that have dominated my head. I heard a voice behind me shouting “Wait a minute. But there was no room to answer the call.

I ran. The moment I heard the portal was opened, I suddenly felt urgent.

He squeezed through the cracks in the streets, then sprinted down the main street boulevard. As I swung my legs through the streetlights with light stones, I saw a square packed with users this time.

Looking there, I kicked my tongue inside and turned right away. There’s nothing I can’t force myself to dig in, but now I think I have to run fast to relieve this urgency.

Soon after, Barbara’s bright streets disappeared, and a view of a dark street without light came in. This place was relatively quiet compared to a busy street with relatively many users. Even if it was light, it was all the lewd-looking lights in the buildings that sometimes looked like shops. The surrounding air was filled with disgusting odors, and the ground floor was dirty.

Even while running, the smell of people, beer, dry and wet straws, mud, and the smell of men and women’s flesh were mixed to stimulate my sense of smell. The number of users has decreased significantly, which has led to fewer interruptions to career paths, but I wanted to get out of here quickly.

I didn’t run on the power of my agility, but the surrounding landscapes brushed past me very quickly. There was still some distance to the inn at the beginning, though it was certainly the size of the city and continued to run. I sped up the speed of my running, groping my memory.

The inn at the beginning opened a portal. It was never a big deal in itself. But the reason why my mind is so urgent is that the future is quite twisted. Originally, the portal to the inn at the beginning is not opened at this time. Come to think of it, the next time new users came in, it should have been after the end of the first civil war.

Why is the portal open now? Numerous thoughts wandered in my head.

I wonder how far you’ve run. Soon after, the unpleasant smells began to fade away little by little. It was a rebuttal that he was slowly getting out of the dark streets. And it wasn’t until I was completely out of the dark streets that I was able to get the cool night air deep into the lungs. I felt like I was breathing a little. At the same time, the stillness of the streets at night was being broken again by the distant murmur.


“Everyone, don’t go inside! Don’t cross the line!”

“Who are you to tell me what to do?”

“What? How dare you in Barbara now….”

“Be quiet! The portal just opened! If the blue membrane is to be lifted…!”

Before my eyes, there was an inn at the beginning. And as the pigtails female user said, the inn was surrounded by a blue membrane. I stared blankly at the inn and turned around. There were a lot of users who looked decent, which were not seen in the inn or the streets around them.

“How dare you? How dare you say that? Wow, that’s ridiculous. (Laughs)

“I can’t take what I just said. Are you trying to antagonize the golden lion Clan in Barbara?”

“They’re playing. They’re the main culprits of the trip failure. Do you think you’re something now? Are they the ones who were whining for help until yesterday?”

“What? This….”

When the voice of a husky man exploded, nearby users burst into laughter. On the other hand, women with golden lion patterns on their left chests and nearby users’ faces hardened. When I saw them, I could certainly confirm that the conflict was rising faster than expected.

I put the reason at the death of the Ten. Hall Plain, of which the ten rivers in the North continent have a greater presence than expected. There were all reasons why I put great importance on recruiting Ko Yeon-ju and the murder of Cha Seung-hyun and Ban Da-hee, who will become the semi-finals in the future.

Aside from the force that individuals have, the round of 10 has a great meaning for symbolism. Just because he has a good ability and a good class didn’t make him the quarterfinals. The two are just necessary elements. Personally, I think fame is the most important factor to reach the semi-finals. It is only then that users can sympathize with and acknowledge what kind of achievement the user has achieved and what difficulties he has overcome.

Of course, I’ve seen him perform tremendously in a short period of time with bizarre abilities from the beginning, but it was rare. In the first round, there were only a few users who made it to the round of 10.

A total of seven people participated in the expedition. All but one were confirmed dead or missing. And it was unclear whether he was alive or not because he was almost dead. Then, there were a total of three people in the 10th round, and since I have Ko Yeon-joo, the remaining two are in the non-participating class.

There were three in the top 10 who came back alive in the first round. In other words, the participating clans were still ahead in the number of the round of ten, and their symbolism was alive, which seemed to have played a role in suppressing them. But in the second round, the symbolism was completely shattered. In addition, as he is clearly ahead of the basic power, he slowly reveals his unhappy teeth that he has been hiding.

The atmosphere was becoming more and more brutal. There was no extreme weapon wielding between each other, but there was a strong flow of life in the eyes that came and went. After looking at them for a while, I turned to the inn.

I rushed over because I couldn’t believe it, but there was nothing I could do here now. Just checking and accepting what really happened. I was already disturbed by Ahn Sol, but it seemed to be more complicated.

He bit his lips and sighed for a long time. I felt in my arms habitually, but it didn’t take me the beginning of the year that I usually get caught. I felt more depressed. Still, I put my hands inside more just in case, and fortunately, some thin sticks were caught in my hands. I breathed out a sigh of relief and immediately bit the beginning of the year into my mouth.

Some users were all engaged in heated discussions about the portal to the inn being lit up in six months. In the meantime, voices criticizing participating clans could be heard occasionally, such as supplementing the number of users who were lacking due to the failure of the expedition.

Frankly, it was not surprising that the portal was lit in six months. I’ve been through that a few times during my 10-year career. Maybe the shortest cycle of all time was three months?

At the heart of my confusion was the ambiguity of the timing. A golden lion’s summons may come out tomorrow, and a portal has been opened to the point where it can be considered appropriate. It was impossible to predict how this would affect the future. This is because the inn at the beginning is of great importance in Hall Plain.

After sucking in the innocent beginning of the year for a while, I decided to go back. Conflicts among users were fading little by little due to someone’s mediation, and there was nothing more to do here.

It was a moment when I tried to pull myself together and turn around. As soon as I saw the blue membrane that came into my mind by chance, an idea flashed into my head. The third eye. In fact, nothing in this world can fool a third eye, so maybe we can get information on the inn at the beginning.

I took a deep breath and calmed down. Even a little bit was good. A little information would greatly help prepare for possible mishaps in the future. I stared at the blue membrane with my third eye activated. And at that moment, I could see a message coming up in the air.

“Start Inn”

Passing Ritual Participants: 587

Passing ritual survivors: 252 (currently day 7).

Passing Ritual Deaths: 335 (7th day now).

Number of people currently completed: 2 people (Day 5 completed.)

As soon as I read the information about the number of survivors and completion of the fifth day, I felt like I was out of breath. At the same time, I felt the beginning of the year that I was biting slipped out of my mouth.

============================ Review of the work ============================

Hello, I’m Ro Yu Jin.

It took me a while to decide on the subhead. I thought a lot about how to make this chapter and the meaning of the next chapter. Oh, and. I would like to apologize to those who were displeased after seeing the inner side of Ansol in 193rd. It was definitely something that could have gone by quickly, but I think you’ve been very annoyed by the details. However, there are a lot of people who are looking forward to that part, and I also had a promise of review in the past, so I didn’t want to move on like that. (However, I was going to talk about the behavior itself!) We ask for your understanding, such as your understanding. _(__)_

PS. The people who sent me the first work, recommendations, comments, ratings, coupons. Thank you very much, everyone. 😀

리 Ripple 『

1. Kurosion: Oh, my God. A lot of strong people have appeared these days, and I think Kurozion is showing his dignity. It’s like I’m the original number one! I think you’re doing this. LOL! Congratulations on winning first place. 🙂

2. Blue Flame: Eh, by making a promise. If I don’t get first place in the comments, I promise to take an annual leave. Hahahaha. I will never be so brave again.

3. Juan: Oh, no. The two have a spiritual connection and a platonic, so go. You must have felt great satisfaction just by holding them together! Yes, definitely.

4. dBgkgus: Thank you for the coupon. (__) We’re going to have to get the connection mode on. Ha-ha. I think the cutting hole is almost cooked, so I’ll try to learn how to do it soon. 🙂

5. hohokoya1: Thank you. Hahaha. Ah. Hanbyeol will be back soon. Soon. You’ll probably bump into the main character in the upcoming chapter. (Laughs)

6. Flute: If you’ve seen this episode, you’ve got a feel for it. What’s clear is that Hanbyeol will definitely meet. In some form. 🙂

7. Hansel and he said: Thank you for the coupon. (__) I’ll accept your annual summons this weekend. I’m afraid so. 😀

8. Lancelot DUROCK: No! What do you mean another self? How many people are using it! I think one of you was very sharp, but I don’t know who you are. ㅜ.ㅠ

9. Black Whirlwind 2: I’m glad you had a great afternoon. I hope you can have a comfortable night on this circuit.

10. Casine M: Yes, it is possible. For example, think about the first time you got Vivienne. Then her horsepower and other abilities were minus.

Your recommendations and comments are the driving force behind your annual leave. (This is the truth.)

I always read all the comments over and over again.

I hope you don’t feel too sad about not being in the re-reply.

If you have any questions, write me a note and I’ll answer them!

Then I’ll leave you alone for today.

I hope you can always read the article comfortably.

Pre-production, recommendations, comments, ratings, reviews, questions are always welcome.

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