Chapter 322

Chapter 322 無 =========================================================================

I didn’t answer right away. Instead, he stared quietly at Vivien. She was showing her full confidence to look successful.

Come to think of it, Vivien has never let me down. It wasn’t because of her that helped solve some of the chronic physical problems.

I fiddled with Wigdrasil’s fault, and opened my mouth with pleasure.

“That’s pretty good, Vivienne. Now I know how to say something tempting.”

“Huh? Pull what? Gumi?”

“I’m saying I’m interested. By the way…Do you really need to use 16 bottles for one Baek Seo-yeon? You said eight bottles were enough for the fairy queen.”

“Oh, in a way, this potion is a double-edged sword. It’s really just one case. If Baek Seo-yeon resists after drinking this potion, it can be difficult to hit her in most ways. You told me about tolerance, didn’t you?

“I see. Then one more question. Is there any way to affect the mind except potion? You said there were two ways before. For example, like Marvolo….”

Vivien burst into laughter in a bright voice as she leapt at Ordo with her sideways eyes.

“Ah ha! I see what you’re thinking. Kim Soo-hyun. I’m sorry, but it’s impossible for me to manipulate my mind. No, it’s a process that even Marvolo, called the Great Wizard, failed.”

“Really? That’s a little disappointing.”

“But it’s not like there’s no way out. I think I can imitate some of the fun things that are out here if I use the power to fall asleep on this cane. Anyway, there are many ways. I’m in a position of suggestion, so the choice is yours. Kim Soo-hyun.”

Yeah, the choice was up to me after all. Suddenly it occurred to me that it was a good thing to talk to Vivien. I don’t know if this is the effect of the contract or her original personality, but she seemed to be seriously trying to ruin Baek Seo-yeon’s spirit.

Anyway, Vivienne’s words were still in the planning stage. You’ll have to go into action to decide the specifics.

After making up my mind like that, I decided to end the meeting and go into the meeting.

“Okay, I’ve decided. I’ll approve your plan.”

“Good, good, very good choice.”

We are planning to build a prison in the underground smoke field soon. I’ll give you permission to enter the place at will. And let me know if you need anything, whether it’s manpower or materials. I’ll support you generously.”

“Whoa. Now I think Kim Soo-hyun recognizes my true worth a little.”

Vivien put her arms under her armpits and nodded with a smug face. Stressing the sudden surge of sadism, I calmly continued.

“Yes, yes. I’ll delegate you full authority over this, so you can do it.”

“Don’t worry. Have I ever let you down?”

No, I think Vivienne was the best fit for the job of the vagabond.

I nodded my head once or twice and pulled myself up. Then, Vivienne, who was drunk with confidence, opened her eyes wide and opened her mouth.

“Are you going?”

“Yes, I think I should go into the meeting now. You don’t have to come in. I won’t touch you for a while, so just focus on your work.”



At that moment, Vivien’s face, which had just been arrogant, collapsed in an instant. She clapped her lips as if she wanted to say something, but she soon rose to her feet with a sullen face.

Why are you doing this all of a sudden?’


“Okay… I will….”

Vivienne answered in a blank voice, putting things into his pocket.

I tilted my head to see if I made a slip of the tongue, but I couldn’t think of anything.

Soon as I opened the door to go to the conference room, a weak voice flowed into my ears.

“Fool. You can touch it, but….”


What was Vivien trying to say?


“Then we’ll wrap up the meeting.”

I organized the records I had written earlier, announcing that the meeting had broken up. There wasn’t much to the meeting. Having dealt with the most important issues of the vagabonds, the rest were not too difficult.

“Everyone’s still tired, but the surroundings are very chaotic. I believe that we also need to be prepared to keep pace with this situation.”

Currently, all but Vivien and Xinjiang were sitting in the conference room on the third floor. Watching Clan members nod their heads one by one, I turned to Anhyun and Jung Ha-yeon.

“There will be things I personally entrust them to do. Think about them individually, and tell me the details you want to adjust within today.”

“Yes Clan Load. But what details should I tell you?”

“Ahnhyun, you were the settlement of the equipment, right? You can’t do it alone. You’ll need a Googee Arfrazel, and you’ll need help. I mean, tell me something like that.”


Ahn Hyun nodded and shook his head to see if he understood only then. And he looked at Ko with an insidious look, but soon turned his eyes to see if he had seen something.

“Then I’ll leave you alone. Everybody out, old man, for a moment….”

Just as I was about to say, “Stay here,” I stopped talking for a moment. Baek Hang-yul, who was sitting at the end of the table, was raising his hand. It was very unusual for him to publicly ask for a say, so I gestured to get up.

“User Baek Hangyeol. Anything you want to say?”

“K, Clan Lord. I’m sorry.”

Baek stood up trembling and apologized suddenly. It was hard to say that he was simply nervous because his face turned white. Come to think of it, I thought it was a little strange that he was sitting on the edge of his seat throughout the meeting.

“Tell me. What the hell is going on?”

“I… I should have told you yesterday.I don’t know, I forget.I’m so glad to see you..”

“Baek Hangyeol. Calm down, calm down and calm down.”

“Well, that’s…”

Gibberish. Baek Han-kyul seemed even more embarrassed when Clan members looked at him. I waited for the next word, knocking on the table at a loss for words. By the time he had tapped so many times, his words were opened again.

“Actually, when Clan members leave town looking for you…”Istantel Low gave me a little help.”

“Well, yeah. User Jung Ha-yeon requested it and said she sent someone to protect the Clan House just in case.”

I already heard it from Jung Ha-yeon. Come to think of it, I had to express my gratitude for this, so I was thinking I’d visit Eastantel Low sooner or later.

“Yes, but a week before you came back, Hayeon called Sujeong-gu. I’ve been informed that I’m alive..”


“So I was happy to tell the man who came to protect me. You happen to know Clan Lord very well, so…But he came the next day…It’s….”

“Baek Hangyeol, don’t stutter. Don’t spin around. Just get to the point what’

In the end, I couldn’t overcome the rising irritation and uttered a hard voice. I knew he had this kind of personality. Still, I was talking to Vivien, who understood immediately, and when I heard Baek Hangyeol, my heart was so stuffy.

Baek Hang-yul also felt such a hint and continued with a flinching face.

“There was a message from Eastantel Low asking for Clan Lord’s message. He told me to bring the vagrants to the Clan House in Eastantel when I get back. I should have told you that yesterday, but I forgot…I’m so sorry.”

As soon as I heard that, the first emotion that came to my mind was curiosity. If I had communicated a week ago, I would have been on my way back. But I didn’t understand how we found out that we caught the vagabonds in Istanbul.

“So I told you before we came back. How did you know that in Eastantell Row?”

“I think Hangyul said that. He told me that I met with Clan Lord and explained the situation as well.”

“User Jung Ha-yeon?”

“Yes. Hangyul said he wanted to know more..”

The answer came from Jung Ha-yeon. I bit my lips gently.

“Baek Hangyeol, did you tell him that and the bodyguards said that? Without a doubt?”

“Yes, tell your Clan Lord to bring the vagrants to our Clan House. That’s what he said. Oh, and I’m planning to have a summons soon, so attend….”

“Summoner? Who the hell said that?”

“Princess of execution….”

I was only able to get a rough picture of the situation.

Yes. Han So-young was not the one to make a mistake, nor was she the one to say so. However, it is highly likely that Yeon Hye-rim would have spat it out because of her personality.

I sighed deeply inside and looked around.

The children who didn’t know the circumstances were just rolling their eyes with blank faces, but the experienced Clan members all looked uncomfortable. Even his good personal use was showing unpleasant light.

I’ll have to look into the details first, but the machine has had a good relationship with Eastantelle Lowe so far. It was not good for Clan members to antagonize Istanbul Low due to Yeon Hye-rim’s unintended slip of the tongue. So, it was a moment when I was worried about how to pass this situation smoothly.

knock, knock

“I’m sorry during the meeting. Something urgent has come up, so I’ll be right in.”

Then, an unfamiliar voice was heard and the door began to open gently. The man who opened the door was an employee wearing a maid’s uniform and garter belt. She shrank, perhaps surprised by the chilly atmosphere surrounding the conference room, and soon opened her mouth carefully.

“There’s a user at the Clan House right now. I have a request, and I’m asking to see Clan Lord.”


“Hehe. Hehehe.”

Clan House of Eastantel Lowe.

Park Da-yeon was sitting at the lounge table, humming and writing something down. She occasionally twisted her body around and shook her hands hard, and soon put down the quill so hard that it snapped. And he looked up at the record and said,

“Good. This is perfect. Whoo-hoo.”

“What do you mean perfect?”


“Huh, huh?”

It was then. I heard a snort behind Park Da-yeon’s back, and soon someone took away the record she was holding. Park Da-yeon waved her hand to catch the record reflexively, but her opponent also held the sky-high record.

Park Da-yeon, who had been on her toes endlessly, pouted her lips with a huffing breath, as if she had admitted that she had not been able to reach her. Then, she stared fiercely at Yeon Hye-rim, who was standing in front of her.

“What? When did you get here?”

“Just now. But what, there’s nothing. You twisted your body so much that I thought it was a love letter again. Dear Mercury Lord. I was really looking forward to this.”

“A love letter is a letter of invitation to a convocation that will take place soon. Give it to me.”

“I think so. But you don’t have to send this.”

Yeon Hye-rim shrugged her shoulders, beating the record.

Soon after, Park Da-yeon, who was moving to the place where the paper flew away, turned her face slightly in the middle and asked back.

“Why? Soyoung ordered this herself. Did you get the cancellation order?”

“Didn’t I tell you? I’ve told the hairdresser before.”

As if she felt something strange, Park Da-yeon blinked with a mysterious face.

“Oh, you went to the Mechanical Clan House to see unicorns last time, right? The boy named God’s shield told me the news of the Commercial Road. So I told you then. When Kim Soo-hyun comes back, try bringing the vagabonds and participate in the call. That’s what I asked him to tell me.”

“What…? What…??”

“So you don’t have to send me all those records. I did a good job, right?”

Yeon Hye-rim raised her mouth tail and spoke in a proud voice.

At that moment, Park Da-yeon’s eyebrows wriggled hard and her lips fell off.

“Hey, you idiot!”

============================ Review of the work ============================

School starts soon. Haha. I’m excited for no reasonably. I finally failed to lose my diet during this vacation. I’m already suffocating thinking about how to go on a school + serial + north + diet. ;;;

리 Ripple (320 times) 『

1. Usain Bolt: Congratulations on winning first place. Haha. Kim Yoohyeon and Kim Soohyun used to be like that. Suhyun was such a pure child when she was young. 🙂

2. Atom: I think that looks good. Question marks and exclamation marks. I’ll keep it. 🙂

3. Bloody Girl: It’s going to be in this war part. What happened to him? Whoo.

4. Astrain: Goo Ye-ji, Cho Seung-woo. I have everything in mind. Did you like Goo Yeji by any chance? 😀

5. Little Dream: Thank you for the coupon. I will try harder in the future. _(__)_

리 Ripple (321 times) 『

1. Ma Hwang-rim: Congratulations on winning first place. And that’s your first comment! I feel like I’m seeing you since Miwolya announced her retirement. Ha ha.

2. That’s damn it: it was meant to be. You can think of it as a character that’s vague to that degree of confusion. 🙂

3. Lancelot DUROCK: Maybe just one bottle will do. It’s already planned. Whoo.

4. Faban: I see. I learned a good thing. Modification completed successfully. Thank you. _(__)_

5. CABYRI: I’m currently back in Monica.

6. Potato strip: You seem to feel very slow. I see. I’ll skip the process that can be omitted from time to time.

7. dydy0114 : dydy0114 destroyed the image of a baby unicorn. Crying.

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