Chapter 360

Chapter 360 Trap (1) =========================================================================

Barbara’s plain, which boasted vast land and cozy beauty in the past, was now showing a very different aspect. The land, which had been in order, is desolate, and a huge fire rises through the rock soot scattered from place to place. And the smoke that rose from the flames disappeared as if it were jumping over the red sky.

Under a plain of blood-red dusk.

Soon after, the users of the Second Battalion were heard tugging on the demonstration in unison. Archers put the demonstrations they pulled almost at the same time, even though no signal from the discharge site had been dropped. By the third day of the war, users were showing a much more consistent appearance than on the first day.

Boom! Shush! Shush! Shush!

Along with a loud sound, a thousand-foot-counting arrow covers the sky in front of you. The countless arrows that flew into the air drew thin curves, and the orbit left by the afterimage of Mana soon disappeared beyond the wall.

Technically speaking, arrows are significantly less powerful than magic if they focus on ‘destruction’. But with the advantage of covering such weaknesses, it was the ability to speak quickly.

A quick second shot once again keeps the enemy on the wall in check. And while the archers did their best to draw attention, the users of the Third Battalion were able to get ready for a spleen blow.


Now, a familiar spell rings the atmosphere, and at the same time, a card thrown into the air glows brilliantly. In time, the card created a square, angular lotus curtain facing the front of the Barbara Castle Gate.

Although it is just a personal thought, if I were to pick two users who were most excited by enemies in the three-day battle, I could pick up the melody of my brother, the brainje, and the tarot card magician.

Lightning strikes empty spots based on sophisticated mana control. And the ability to give special effects to hundreds of spells at once, if I were the enemy. If you think about it, it was difficult and ignorant enough to curse.


Special effects that add speed. Then, the magic orbit of hundreds of feet through the tent changes in unison, and rushing toward the gate with more acceleration on the main speed. Then, with a single blink of an eye, the magic mass of hundreds hit the thick gate. However, there had already been a huge number of layers of protective shields, as if they had been aware of our intentions to blow up the gates.

Coochy! Coochy!

The distance from the gate was only two hundred meters. However, what a huge clash, the blistering fire that spreads out of the two collisions floats in all directions like water from a fountain, and soon becomes a spray and spreads through the air.

The one who tries to pierce somehow and the one who tries to block. The competition between the great forces soon followed by one side’s dominance.

Crack! Crack!

The magic, which broke through the shield, immediately struck Barbara’s preface, and the violent iron blast from the gate rang everywhere.

Since then, a moment has passed. The smoke from the crash slowly lifted. The shape of the gate, which was subsequently revealed, showed clear results, although it could not be pierced at once. The concave hole was carved in all directions, making it look as if it were a piece of paper. It didn’t get through by a hair’s breadth, but one more attack on a similar scale just now would certainly get through it.

There was a small cheer among the users who looked at the gate, whether there were many people who had similar thoughts with me.

It was then.


I looked up at the wall reflexively, with a sudden explosion, a sound of a violent blow to the air. No, actually, I could tell without having to look. It was the sound of a massive spell that had already been exchanged for three days.

But… I think the sound is louder than usual.’

However, that was not the only one.

Shush! Shush! Shush!

Seeing! Seeing! Seeing! Seeing!

The eastern part, which gained a constant advantage in the three-day battle, had entered the range well today to gain a clear advantage.

By the way, magic, as well as the vast number of arrows and javelins, erupted from the walls like rain. The eastern part of the country was now bombarded with attacks from all four directions, and the enemies were also concentrating on defending the walls of each fortress accordingly. As the time went by, it was possible to roughly guess how large the attack would come, but the scale in front of us was far beyond expectation.

But I could understand the situation right away. This was a kind of debacle. The meaning of the gates in the siege is very important. However, since the important defense was lost in a single magic attack, he must have been bent on protecting it somehow. It was clear that the attack on a scale that was beyond expectation now attracted an additional number of defense personnel from other walls.

“—. —. Protect!”

“───. ───. ───. Reflect Shield!”

The priests of the 4th discharge responded quickly. No, it wasn’t just the priests. Other users may have felt the attack was unusual, and the 3rd Generation wizards, who had just finished their magic, also joined the defense magic. In no time, several layers of translucent membranes were created that surround the entire eastern form.

After a while, the storm of magic, arrows, and javelin, which blew the very strong winds, fell into the eastern form without delay.


Before long, he began beating the tightly surrounded protective layer mercilessly.

Coocoocoocoocoocoocoo! Woosh! Woosh!



Perhaps because of the urgent and random shooting of magic, there were various kinds of magic visible outside the shield. The exploded fireball spread greatly throughout the shield, and the windows of the pointed ice were poking through the single layer. The storm hit the shield one after another like Sonakbi, and painful screams flow from place to place, perhaps feeling burdened by it.

The heavy fire, which the enemies adopted as a friendly counterattack, was certainly fierce. Of course, we’ll be able to afford other units as much as we’ve focused our attention on, but that’s their situation. I don’t know how many people I’ve mobilized, but the concentrated firepower this time was an unbearable burden for users divided into four parts.

As time went by, the stormy mood gradually turned into a breeze, but the firm-feeling shield was also breaking in proportion.

Users also felt it, and the proximity lines that stood on the front line lifted the shield one by one. And priests began to place small magic resistance spells on their users’ shields instead of time-consuming shields. There are some wizards who have mastered the Vigilant Spiritual Speaks, so they are going to buy even a little time for additional protection.

At the same time, Koryo Road’s amplified voice rang loudly.

“Everyone retreats behind!”

The government managed to order a retreat to minimize damage by biting the dead body. It’s a waste of the broken gates, but it seems that he decided to seek the next opportunity rather than suffer great damage here.

Soon after, users in the eastern part of the country began to step back one step at a time, maintaining their true form.

It was then.

Cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo cuckoo….

I felt that a huge flow of mana suddenly appeared with a sense of sensitivity raised to the fullest. It was a mana that was incomparable to the flow that had been shared in the avalanche.

At that moment, the dusk that had been colored on the plains suddenly began to darken. Without a reason, my throat got hot and the heat felt by my body got worse.

‘Is this…?’

A warning bell rings in my head to warn of danger. I touched my ear reflexively and clenched the translated ‘Victoria Glory’.

And then.


A huge sudden roar accompanied by a blaze swept the plains like a whirlwind. The sound was so loud that the air floating in the atmosphere and the earth stepping on it were booming.

Suddenly, he was frowning slightly at the cries of his eardrums, and soon the frightening sounds of the surrounding users flowed into his ears.

“Argh, argh, argh! Yo, it’s a dragon!”

It’s a dragon?

There is no way that a dragon can come out at this point yet. I was well aware of that, so I denied it in my head, but my eyes were looking up reflexively. Then you could see two suns floating in the western sky way above the wall.

No, it wasn’t the sun. An optical illusion of a moment caused by a glaring light. When I blinked a couple of times and looked up again, I could literally see a dragon.

It was, to be exact, a ball of fire in the shape of a dragon. The head of a dragon with two horns made at the end of its long neck. A huge body and two blades of chloride that extend from the back. And even the tail that draws the shape of a big worm. It was clearly shaped like a dragon, throwing out constant flames as a son-in-law.

Flap! Flap! Flap!

The dragon circled the sky slowly, very slowly. The dragon, which circled the sky three or four times, soon spread its flaming wings from side to side. As soon as we measured the direction, we could see that it had moved west, not front.

Soon after, the dragon, which once again gave out a trembling roar, began to move its wings wide open. Whenever the wings flapped from top to bottom, the distance between the shape of the east and the dragon continued to decrease. What that means is clear.

The dragon of chlorination is now intended to sweep the entire preamble unit away.

No. Are you trying to cut it in the middle? Or block the retreat?

The pace of retreat was significantly slower as wizards and priests focused on maintaining their defensive magic. However, giving up defense and retreating, it was also expected to be a formidable damage. The opportunity to gain a clear advantage today put the West Gate troops in a quandary for an instant.


I wanted to see the situation a little more, but the dragon of chlorine gave me no time to think. On the contrary, he was speeding up his wings as if he would not give time to respond. In time it came down gently and leveled with the plains, and soon began to dart toward the eastern genotype’

Slurp, slurp!

Flames dripping from the whole body were creating a huge fire. Whether it was accelerating continuously while coming there, or the fire caught in sight was growing in a blink of an eye. In the face of such an explosive crushing fire, I fixed the sword I had been holding to break.

I didn’t play much during the three-day battle. Since he had his own role, he did not hold a shield, but he often just watched the situation from behind. However, since it was included in the group to prepare for variables in the first place, it seems that time has come to pay for the meal. When it comes to cutting magic, I was the expert.

“Mur, Commercial Road!”

I could feel the postmortem voice holding me, but I immediately ran up the ground and left.

Maybe because I ran with all my might, I was able to move west quickly. It had come to a head before I knew it. As soon as I faced the huge fire in front of me, I felt a terrible spirit pressing the whole body.

This could be a little dangerous..’

I had no choice but to immediately revise the idea of responding only with mana. I was shaken for a moment by a more explosive momentum than I thought, but I immediately cleared myself.


Against the fire coming in, it awakens the latent power in the heart. And he chose to put Victoria’s glory in a straight line, stabbing her right in the middle of the dragon’s Perhaps by reducing the distance in opposite directions, the distance decreased in an instantaneously. And as time went by, the heat that had been felt before was gradually increasing.

As such, Victoria’s glory was about to touch the fire created by the dragon.

Fire! Fire!

Don’t touch me.

At that moment, something asleep in the heart.

– You’re a low-grade solute.

As if roaring, it began to blow up.

============================ Review of the work ============================

The three-day siege was deliberately omitted. It was because I thought it would be boring to exchange firepower between each other without any particular incident. So I decided to write only the beginning and the end. It’s time to feel the magic of the wizards, so that the main characters can be active.

I don’t intend to end this war that long.(At first, I planned about 50 times.) I intentionally made the situation like that, and from some point of view, if I find out what’s going on, I’ll have to compete as soon as possible.

Anyway, I’ll reveal the details gradually. 🙂

PS. The note will be answered in a package over the weekend. Please excuse me for this!

리 Ripple 『

1. pen36: Oh, my gosh. Congratulations on winning first place. Well, I appreciate it! _(__)_

2. Child chasing the moon: Oh, oh, oh, oh! I love you! Puck! Sorry, I’m sorry!

3. Ga-yeon: Oh. Which character did you find so attractive? Haha. 🙂

4. Our Angel: Thank you for reading all the time. 🙂

5. Nodens: I wanted to raise it as soon as possible. I haven’t been able to keep the midnight update lately. I’ll reflect on myself. ㅜ.ㅠ

6. Yooon: Oh! Are you feeling well? Don’t tell me you’re gonna have to roll it! Yooon’s health is more important!

7. Black Kong White Kong: I always read your comments. Please read it in a fun way.

8. Bullet: Unfortunately, unicorn humanization is not on schedule! ㅜ.ㅠ

9. Chrisingr: I am so sorry. There’s nothing to say about that. ^_T

10. Heavenly bloodless Godless John + Lea: Yes! Here, I declare that Goddess of Heaven and God, Mujon and Lea have become an official couple! Everyone! Please congratulate me! Wow! Clap, clap, clap clap clap!

Thank you for always reading it. I hope you can always read the article comfortably.

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