Chapter 392

Chapter 392 Epilogue 3/4: May you rest in peace.’ =========================================================================

A quiet Barbara night.

The red sunset, which had been hovering from time to time, disappeared, and grey duskers were replacing the twilight.

As time went by, Seok-eum dug deep into the city and sprinkled dim light. And every time darkness fell everywhere, it became mellow.

I crept up my gaze and stared at the window. There is a bright moon in the sky seen out of the window. Like a silver tray, the round moon shone in a silver-white moonlight that lit up the dark room.

The commotion, which had been felt only an hour ago, gradually subsided as the moon rose. As a result, the hive-like inn also fell into darkness and silence at night.

“Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…”. hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe..”

A feeble hum in a still silence. As I slowly lowered my eyes on the window, I see Ko Yeon-joo smiling gently with her eyes closed. Feeling so good about the radish, she was humming pleasantly in her arms.

I closed my eyes gently, feeling the gentle touch of my head.

After breaking up with Woo Jung-min, I met Ko in the square and went straight to the control room. And after work, she headed to the inn she had arranged, and coincidentally, Ko said, there was only one room empty.

To be honest, I could tell that Ko’s personal intentions were full of him.It was actually good. It wasn’t that awkward to share a bed with her now.

I dug between the loose collars and buried my head in the moonlit grave of milk. At that moment, the hand that was holding my head stopped. Then a thin breath tickles the top of my head and holds my head even harder.

“Whoa… How cute….”

Although I was suffocated by the pressure on my face, it was still good. The soft and warm feeling on the face…It was cozy and cozy enough to make me forget everything at this moment.

Soon as I gradually took over my head, I thought I shouldn’t sleep, but I couldn’t stop myself from getting sleepy. No. Is it correct to say that I didn’t block it?

It was a moment when I was about to fall asleep.

“Can’t we do it now?”

“I’d like to move seats.”

At that word, I looked around. Although it was in front of the inn, fewer people were seen on the street.


I shrugged as if I knew what it was meant to be free to do so. As she took a step earlier, a fearful light flashed through her eyes. Perhaps what happened in “a modest lady” remains a trauma.

Soon, Yoo Hyun-ah turned around and started walking somewhere, and I looked at her back and took steps. Before I knew it, my hands were smoothing the handle of the sword.

In fact, it was inside the city, and although it was a small number, users were wandering around. There is no justification for me unless Yoo Hyun-ah is an obvious enemy. Killing her here now was frankly followed by a lot of overkill.

You don’t have to overdo it in a place where you have a lot of eyes. It could be a situation where justification comes out as it did then.If you don’t think it’s good enough, there’s a way to kill someone secretly.

Although there is no justification, the relationship between me and Yoo Hyun-ah has already gone beyond enmity. At least that’s what I was thinking.

As Yoo Hyun-ah stopped walking, I also stopped walking. Her move was near Warp Gate.

As the time zone is the time zone, not many users are seen here. However, in that it is a space where users come and go periodically, one can think of one’s brain as well.

It was not long before Yoo Hyun-ah turned around. I felt a sense of mana just in case, and I waited for her.



But even after five minutes, no words are heard.

It was only when Yoo Hyun-ah felt a little nervous beyond that boredom that she opened her mouth.

“From that day on….”


“I’ve never forgotten a single day of that day.”

The voice I heard, though very restful, was calm.

“You know…? How I’ve lived ever since…What happened to you know what happened….”

And I had to feel curious about the words that followed.

I don’t know what Yoo Hyun-ah will think of me, but it was a video. I’ll put myself in a different position..

No. How did I act when I actually met Belpegor who was directly or indirectly involved in the death of my brother and Han So-young?

“Do you know? What?”

But at the sound of asking again before I could think, I shrugged.

“I don’t know. I don’t know.From what I see now, I think I have a rough idea….”


“Are you still in Mule? Then you’ve been pretty rough with the vagrants.”

“…Yes, that’s right. I’ve been through a rough patch. Shameful things that I can’t even say as a woman.”

Yoo Hyun-ah readily admitted. Then he gently raised his head and faced my gaze. It was only then that her eyes, staring straight at me, were soaked in indescribable sadness.

“I see.”

“…is that it?”

“Well, do I have to mourn you? Between you and me?”

“It’s because of you…”

Yoo Hyun-ah stopped talking for a moment and shouted for the first time.

“You don’t know? Or are you pretending you don’t know? It’s your fault. It’s your fault I’ve been subjected to that.”

“Why is that my fault?”


“Am I to blame for the vagabond assault?”

I didn’t stop there, I continued once more.

“The vagabonds attacked, and you’ve been through a rough patch. But why is that my fault?”

“He, it’s….”

In my words, Yoo Hyun-ah became speechless. The reaction showed that he was on the nail.

I shook my head with a sigh.

“Still, that’s the personality you’re leaving behind.”

Then I could see Yoo Hyun-ah biting her lips tightly. Her face was infused with feelings of resentment.

But that was all. There is only a reaction of resentment, but there is no ferocious behavior.

For me who expected the situation when Yoo Hyun-ah came to visit me, it was a depressing development.

Yoo Hyun-ah, who took a deep breath in time, opened her mouth with a clear voice.

“Yeah, that’s great. Then why did you do that?”

“Why did you do that? If you’re talking about the situation at that time…I’m sure you’ve been notified of the results.”

Notification means a survey conducted by the Golden Lion. At that time, I was found not guilty of self-defense, and the result would have been sent to Yoo Hyun-ah.

“I’m not asking for that piece of paper.”

“That’s all I have to say.”

“Ha. Do you really think so?”

“Then what?”

When she hit it right away, Yoo Hyun-ah had a despondent look on her face.

“Don’t you have the slightest sense of morality? Do you think everyone else would say the same thing if they knew about this?”

“Are you threatening me?”

“I’m not threatening you! I’m asking you what you think, what you really think.”

“That doesn’t sound like it. Anyway, try it. If you want to.”

“You’re so!”

So, it was a moment when Yoo Hyun-ah’s voice was raised.

“I don’t think it’s going to be much different than now…”.”

At one word, Yoo Hyun-ah stopped talking as if she had opened her mouth. In the meantime, it seems that the breathing that he has cleared up at the most is suffocating.

But what I said was true.

Hallplane is a world where ‘user information’ comes first. That is basically a world where you can do anything with “power.” In that sense, I and Yoo Hyun-ah now had a gap of heaven and earth.

In other words, there was nothing Yoo Hyun-ah could do against me now. I had some expectations when I came to visit me, but my head didn’t go crazy.

I opened my mouth quietly.

“I was wondering what you were saying…Anyway, if you’re just here to complain, I’m sorry.”


Yoo Hyun-ah repeated what I said to herself, and bowed her head.

It was then.

“I know. It’s not going to change anything.”

Yoo Hyun-ah, who was standing quietly, immediately heard a horse.

Then immediately before I could say it, he continued.

“Then let me ask you one question.”


“Should I have killed him?”

Finally, the question.

At the same time, I opened my eyes slightly. Yoo Hyun-ah, who raised her head again, was approaching me step by step, even though she was squealing.

Yoo Hyun-ah asked me once again.

“Seunghyun oppa. Dahee. They were really nice people. But did you have to kill them?”


And I answered vaguely.

In fact, “Well,” was what I meant.

Perhaps when I first started the second round, I would have answered, “Yes.” At that time, I was obsessed with the feeling of being chased, the consciousness of killing somehow. Moreover, the Holy Queen, who shook off the first episode.

But as time went by, Clan members formed, met Han So-young, met my brother, and lost Clan members.

Then, my thoughts began to change gradually.

This was a change that I’ve noticed recently.

Of course, the notion of obvious “enemies,” such as vagrants and demons, has not changed.

But other users. I mean… High performance was a good example. Originally, she was my enemy, but now she is a stronger ally and helper than anyone else.

Suddenly, the conversation that I had when I played the melody and fortune telling passed through my mind.

‘No… ‘Cause you’re the king. The four queens, though….’

Oh, is it three people? One pushed himself away. What a pity….’

The card I saw at the time was a woman shedding tears of blood on the background of the holy light.

I thought of Yoo Hyun-ah’s user information in a calm mood.

1. Name : Yoo Hyun-ah (3rd year)

2. Jinmyeong • Nationality: Walking on Thorny Path • South Korea

3. Propensity: Wound • Pure

‘Still pure.’

I stared at Yoo Hyun-ah with a new heart. In the meantime, she has been steadily narrowing my distance.

“How did this happen? At first… I just wanted to get along with you….”

One step.

“I’m not here to complain. No, I won’t. I won’t do it, so answer me.”

Two steps.

“Why did I have to do that then.

Three steps.

“I don’t know if I should have.”

Four steps.

“I’ll never forgive you….”

Before I knew it, Yoo Hyun-ah was right in front of me.

And a little later.

The trembling lips fell off with difficulty.

“But I wanted to hear a word of apology.”

At last, a tear trickled down from her eyes.

At the same time, Yoo Hyun-ah collapsed right in front of me.

And I looked down at Yoo Hyun-ah slowly, very slowly. The new mind I felt earlier, now turned into a new one and was looking at her.

Its identity was a new surprise to Yoo Hyun-ah, who had been considered a hypocrite.

I once went crazy. As a result, I have fallen into slaughter.

Won Hye-soo is crazy now. As a result, I lost my mind.

But Yoo Hyun-ah’s current state, none of it applies.

Although one of the tendencies turned into a wound, one remained the same. This means that Yoo Hyun-ah still hasn’t lost her inner innocence.

Is she the Holy Queen?.’

No matter what anyone said, Yoo Hyun-ah was a big user who made a mark in the history of Hallplane. I didn’t know why she was so talented at the time, but I thought I’d know vaguely by now.



Before I knew it, all the remaining signs disappeared. I don’t know when I’ll be caught again, but this is the right time.

I was finally able to realize it.

We’re people who don’t understand each other’s common sense.

I opened my mouth quietly.

“I have a question, too.”


I don’t mean to apologize. And my thoughts about Yoo Hyun-ah have not changed. She said she couldn’t forgive me. That was something I agreed with.

What’s more, even though I understand a little bit now….

To reverse what has already happened, we have come too far.

Also, would anything change if I apologized? Will that change Yoo Hyun-ah’s inner self?

My answer was “No, it is not.”

Now Yoo Hyun-ah was like being on the edge of a cliff.

I look down, and Yoo Hyun-ah looks up. In no time did the tears flow from the tearful eyes, filled with a pathetic glow.

“What do you want from me?”

“Can you apologize to me?”

“What if I apologize? What are you going to do next?”

“…I don’t know.”

As expected, Yoo Hyun-ah shook her head. And I shook my head after her.

“We’ve come too far.”

Whether you understood it as my answer, Yoo Hyun-ah bowed her head.

“I’ve heard your answer.”


“As expected, you don’t understand.”

I closed my eyes gently. And admitted it.

Yoo Hyun-ah was not a hypocrite.

Good, pure.

Before long, a low voice was heard through the tears dotted on the floor.

“I just… I just want to die now.”


“Can you kill me? Just like you did back then.”

“…if you want.”

I finally lifted the weight and pointed it down.

I don’t see a medical examination. In the void, nothing but a still crying queen was seen.

Soon lifting the weight slowly, I thought.

If only the situation surrounding me hadn’t been. No, if I had met you a little later.


You might have been doing well with Yoohyeon.

It’s something that might have worked together to achieve the same goal.

Holy queen, Yoohyeon.

‘May you rest in peace.’

At the same time as I thought so, I lowered the sword as hard as I could.

============================ Review of the work ============================

“Suhyun, are you here?”

“Are you still up?”



“…Are you hurt?”


“Because I smell blood….”

“…I’m not hurt.”

“…Yes, I’m glad.”

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