Chapter 610

Chapter 610 Nevertheless. =========================================================================

The air suddenly sank.

The passing wind also cooled.

As a result of throwing a fastball from the start, all Clan One’s eyes were on me.

I can feel it just by looking at his eyes.

Don’t want to go.

I don’t want to go.

Why should I go?

Do I have to go?

Even if you don’t listen to it, the reaction of Clan members is well guessed.

But no one is talking openly.

Because I was the one who brought it up.

In fact…

I made a decision after a long thought, but I’m still not sure.

“Is this really the only way?” I looked back on myself and couldn’t find the answer.

But the water had already spilled.

If you can’t change the minds of Clan members here now, it’s obvious that things will happen later. In addition to demoralization, trust between each other can be shaken, and a fatal situation can be created that can crack the image I have kept so far.

However, I risked all those anxiety factors and brought them up. Let’s look forward to the way we really mean it.


“A long time ago. You’ll remember when the first dragon-sleeping mountain range was discovered.”

It was only then that he broke the long silence and began to speak.

“At that time, I vowed not to attack the mountain range where the dragon was asleep, and you expressed your dissatisfaction at first. …then, I said,”


“We can’t hit the mountains where the dragon is asleep. …No, I’m not confident of targeting the area.”


“I remember the complaints completely subsided about six months later. You’ve probably seen things going back to that area, and it’s taken a little while as a result, but I think you’ve finally accepted and understood what I’m saying.”


The Clan members are still silent. And I was that focused.

Everyone stares at me with their mouths closed with a blank face. I felt the need to stay alert.

“Come to think of it, I’ve always been, and so have you.

Under the status of a free mercenary, he moved with a purpose in action, and ultimately with results.

I’m not saying this behavior is wrong. Rather, I am personally proud.


After speaking up to here, I stopped talking for a moment.

I don’t know what to say from now on.

Should I appeal for recognition with a poor face and a poor voice?

No, I don’t like that.

Then should I just talk as calmly as I used to?

No, I don’t like that either.

If I could, I’d just say it as it is.

If the Clan members really thought of me so far, they wanted to protect at least the least self-esteem.

“This time, things are very different.

As you may know from experience, the Steel Mountains are incomparable to those where dragons sleep. In fact, it’s almost impossible to target a third region with our power alone….”


“Also, as I said before, our mission this time is insurance.

Even if you’re lucky enough to succeed in your attack, you can’t promise any achievements that can motivate you like before.”


“But, nevertheless.”

I swallowed my breath for a while.

“I want to be with you, on this mission.”

I opened my mouth like I was throwing up.

At the same time, Clan members’ eyes became more intense.

“As I just said, I’m not confident in targeting, and I can’t promise any reward.

…but I think I can tell you one thing for sure.”

The dice was thrown.

“If you’ll be on this mission….

I’ll take the lead and lead you.

If there’s a situation where even one clan member is in danger….

In any situation, I will never give up and save you with my life.”

Take the lead, lead the Clan members, and not a single one will give up.

The same thing as always.

“…Yes, what I can tell you is…That’s all.”

Suddenly, I felt out of breath.

No. It’s not just a feeling, it’s really out of breath. I’m just talking, but I don’t know why, but I feel like I’m having a hard time.

However, it occurred to me that this was not enough.

“Your hearts are…I’m well aware of that.

Do I have to go like that?”

I forced my mouth to shut again and again.

“As some of you know, my brother plays a very important role in the Northern Expedition. However, the Northern Expeditionary Force is currently in a very unstable situation, and I personally don’t think it’s up to a third region.”

You can’t say everything. But I’ll tell you the truth as much as I can.

“So, I want to go.”

Like the first round, if you have no choice but to watch.

“One in a million…” Northern expedition, and if your brother goes wrong….”

In the second car, if you have to face the death of your brother again.



“I don’t think I can stand it.”

Maybe, you’ll go crazy.

So, it’s been a while.

A little later.

I felt like I was warming up. I feel like my body is going to stumble if I take even one step away. Now I feel like I’m squeezing out my voice.

“It’s not compulsion, it’s not compulsion. It’s just my personal request to help me.”

Barely holding out, I continued to speak quietly.

“If you help me now without turning a blind eye to me, I won’t forget you either. I’ll trust you anytime, anywhere, and I’ll be responsible until the end of the world.”

Yes, this was the only condition I could bet on, but I couldn’t elaborate.

You need a man now. Those who risk their lives to help….’

As my brother said, if these are people who can really risk their lives to help me.

I would also be able to think of them as one ‘person’ who will go back together in the future, not as ‘users’.

I thought so, so I opened my mouth for the last time.

“That’s all.”

And I looked through the Clan members who were still silent.

“Then if you can help me, I’d appreciate it if you could stand up.”

I closed my eyes slowly, very slowly, closing my words.

…until I closed my eyes completely, there was no sign of getting up.


Finally, Kim Soo-hyun’s words are over.

Almost at the same time, a heavy stillness fell between the clan members. If I was just silent earlier, I’d say I’m suffocating now.

No one was thinking about moving recklessly.

Because everyone was feeling it. What did Kim Soo-hyun think and how he made this place and how he took it?

In fact, there is nothing to blame even if you refuse.


Strangely, the Clan members were undecided.

In any case, Kim Soo-hyun in the martial arts clan is like a nuclear weapon.

By the way, Kim Soo-hyun said something unfortunate for the first time. I did not just say it without thinking about it, nor did I ask you to follow it because it was natural, but I put my position as a “machine clan road” on the line.

Maybe that’s why?

When I saw Kim Soo-hyun standing with her eyes closed in front of her, Clan members felt a strange feeling.

One second, two seconds, three seconds….

Time goes by.

Kim Han-byul looked around with a nervous face.

Clan members are responding in different ways.

Four seconds, five seconds, six seconds….

Clan1 tilting his head, Clan1 looking, Clan1 still showing signs of disapproval, Clan1 closing his eyes deep in thought….

However, I do not see a Clan One happening yet.

Seven seconds, eight seconds, nine seconds….

Whoosh…. Whooing….

There was a sudden wind.

Whether it was because of the wind or not, someone shook their head with excitement.

Kim Han-byul chewed her lips tightly. And he pointed his finger at the thought of getting up.

And that was the moment.


“I’ll follow you. No, I’ll follow you no matter what.”

“I’m participating.”

Just 10 seconds later, two people rose at the same time.

When Kim Han-byul turned her head, she could see two men standing up from one side, each with a spear and a cane.

It was Ahn Hyun and Shin Jae-wang.

The eyes that were on Kim Soo-hyun quickly turn to the two.

“Well, I mean….”

Ahn Hyun scratched his head and opened his mouth.

“I can’t speak as loudly as my brother.

But I know this one thing. If my brother were in there, I would have made the same choice. That’s why I’m here to help you, not as a user, but as a brother and as a person.”

Ahn Hyun, who said so, turned to Shin Jae-ryong.

“Clan Lord saved my life. That’s twice, too.

Shin Jae-ryong smiled quietly and responded immediately.

“There’s no other reason. As a gracious position…I think it’s less than an embargo to turn a blind eye to a benefactor’s plight, even though he wants help.”

The same words that Kim Soo-hyun used to say when he was trapped in Mule and when he joined the rescue team.

“I can’t bear to refute that.”

Shin Jae-ryong’s words were received by Cha Sa-rim, who caused his body to rise somewhat. Cha So-rim was also a user with a history of being saved by Kim Soo-hyun when his body was dying by Richie.

When even the sound of tea broke out, many Clan members showed signs of change.

And a little later.

“Eh, damn it! If everyone does, there’s nothing to say! I’m coming! I’m coming!

The other man grumbled, but he lifted himself up with a smile. One arm is cut off, and the sleeves are fluttering due to the wind.

Kim Dong Seok.

He lost one arm to a vagabond who attacked Mule, but he was able to escape safely under the protection of Kim Soo-hyun.

Of course, Kim Dong-seok was not the only user.

“Oh, no. Then I have to get up, too.”

At that time, several users, including Park Da-som, who were equally saved, stood up.

About one-six of these thirty or so people rose up.

Let’s do that.

“Grace is like a sea, revenge like a blade.”

Clan members, who had been sitting around, finally began to react one by one.

“…I’ve used this word as a lifelong creed.”

The long-haired man, who had been sitting silently until now, rose up, breaking the silence. It was Woo Jung-min.

“And I think it’s time to return the favor.”

Woo Jung-min, Sun Yoo-woon, Won Hye-soo.

All three were killed in battle after the war with the West Continent, but they were successful in making a comeback by Kim Soo-hyun.

It wasn’t just them.

“I’ll be there, too.”

Kim Hanbyeol stood up.

“Me, me, too!”

Lee Yu-jung raised himself up. The same was true of Ahn Sol and Baek Hangyeol.

“Then, I’m in.”

After the fall of the golden lion, Park Hyun-woo was able to survive under the protection of the martial arts.

“Well, if I don’t go anyway, I’ll shake the contract.”

Vivienne also wakes up with her butt off.

So nearly half of the Clan members rose up. Some of the Clan members, still sitting, were in a shudder face.

Before long their eyes were gathered in one place.

There are Jung Ha-yeon, Ko Yeon-joo, Nam Da-eun, Im Han-na. Four women were sitting together. Perhaps, they were the women who could speak out loud against Kim Soo-hyun here.

Did he feel like he was looking at me?

“All of a sudden, I remember what a professor once said.”

Among the four women, Jung Ha-yeon opened her mouth as a representative.

“Businesses that have lost their public interest can never succeed. No matter how much you get in place, you’ll get a myriad of checks.

Of course, I can’t say that Clan Lord’s will is for public interest..”

Jung Ha-yeon, who said so.

“From a macro perspective, I think this mission is an opportunity to fill in the most deficient aspects of the machine. So I’d say yes.”

He stood up calmly with a neat body.

“Well, you’re an old lady..”

Ko Yeon-joo, who also let out her voice, and Nam Da-eun and Im Han-na, who looked at each other once, also stand up and smile.

Now there are certainly more than half of the people. That’s almost what the main users are doing.

The tide has definitely sloped.

Users who were still sitting began to wriggle their bodies.

After some time, when Kim Soo-hyun opened his eyes gently.


Kim Soo-hyun’s eyes brushed against the strong Lee Chae.

Of course, I knew a bit as well as I heard it with my ears. However, the feeling of seeing it in person can only be different.

Almost all Clan members, standing up.

Among them may be Clan One, which is forced to rise for personal reasons, or by atmosphere.

But what’s clear is that they’re up, and they didn’t turn a blind eye to Kim Soo-hyun’s request for help.

Except for one.


Although almost everyone happened, the remaining user was none other than Heo Joon-young. He is closing his eyes with a thin, long knife about his height, straight like a samurai.

It was then.

Soon, Heo Joon-young’s eyes opened slightly. A subdued look at Kim Soo-hyun.


Two slowly raised arms grabbed a knife handle facing the sky.

“I’ll follow you. …I’m bored if I’m left alone.”

Heo Joon-young raises his body slowly, slightly flexing his hand.

All 31 members of the Medical Clan stood up.

“Heh… you’re gonna wake up anyway, so why wait?”

“Shut up, just to pay the debt….”

“Well, you’re being disingenuous. A man is so coy….”

“I told you to shut up. Thunder and naked.”

When Ahn Hyun approached and touched it, Heo Joon-young blushed slightly and growled showing his teeth. Ahn Hyun giggled and escaped.

Heo Joon-young’s coy appearance was funny, and Clan One around him began to laugh, following one by one.


“Hahaha, hahahaha!”



The moment Kim Soo-hyun’s words followed, the laughter soon turned into a shout.

Whoops! Whoops!

Although there were only about thirty people, the mana-filled roar spread far to the corner of the fortress. I walked out of the tent wondering if something had happened.

Han So-young was no exception.

Fluttering, fluttering…

With a sudden roar, Han So-young, who was passing the record at the central tent, looked up and out of the entrance.


After staring outside for such a long time, he soon dropped his gaze on the road record.

Han So-young’s mouth was filled with a vague smile.

============================ Review of the work ============================

I promise to show you a different composition from the previous two regions for the next three regions. Of course, as long as there is a monster, fighting is indispensable, but it will not be carried out in sequence like the second region. That’s what it’s supposed to be.

I’ll try to write it down in a more fun way.

I’m sorry and I’m always grateful. _(__)_

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