Chapter 662

Chapter 662 1. The difference between kimchi soup and excitement. =========================================================================

At first, Kim Han-byeol seemed embarrassed when he was asked to talk. However, when I asked him to tell me what had happened and how he had lived in hell, he came up to me and began to talk one by one.

From what I hear, my condition seems to have been very serious right after I came into hell. The Great Prince of Hell looked at me and took me somewhere.

I asked because I was curious about how the Great Prince of Hell saved me, but Kim Han-byeol shook his head. The Great Prince of Hell left in such a hurry that he was left alone, rather than seeing what happened later.

In the middle of being so helpless, a skeleton driver suddenly appeared in front of him. The skeleton knight calmed himself down and took him somewhere in a very polite manner. At some point, the Great Prince of Hell came to me and asked me this and that. And in the process, I found out that I lived. (When asked what questions I was asked, the main questions about my relationship were.)

“At first, I thought I was going to die.I didn’t really suffer anything bad. Rather, I think you were kind to me. I don’t know why, either.”

With that remark at the end, Kim Han-byeol finished his rough explanation.

I was still lost in thought and then opened my mouth.

“So you’ve been in the same place ever since?”

“As I said before, sometimes he would come and show you.”

“Not that. So if you’re restricted from activities.”

“No, there was no such thing.”

Kim Han-byul shook her head again this time.

“When I get bored, the skeleton driver always shows up. And he took me around the hell with him.”

Huh? What are you talking about?

“You showed me around? Hell?

“Yes. Well, I mean….”

Kim Han-byeol looked worried about how to say it, tilted her head and continued.

“Actually, I was surprised at first.From what I’ve been through, I think this hell is a world. Should I say that it’s a world without a house, or a world without a house?”

It’s a world without a houseless. That’s an interesting expression.

“Anyway, it was a completely different world from the hell I knew. I’ve seen people walking around with egos, and I’ve seen a lot of facilities similar to the world we used to have.”

“There’s a facility? Just tell me a few things.”

“It’s literally. I’ve seen blacksmith’s, I’ve seen warehouses, I’ve seen altar-like…Oh! There’s a record here, too.”


As I listened to what followed, I felt a little confused. I also experienced hell in the first round, so I didn’t understand Kim Han-byul’s explanation well. To be exact, I didn’t see any of the facilities that Kim Han-byul is talking about at the time.

No. Maybe I didn’t see it.’

But suddenly, I thought there might be something I didn’t know. Technically, the goal was to escape from the beginning to the end when I fell into hell after the first kick. Of course, I didn’t even think about looking around happily.

“It’s okay, bro. It’s okay. At first, I felt really unfamiliar. Don’t try to understand too much at once.”

Then Kim Han-byul comforted me by speaking in a quiet tone. As if this reaction is normal.

Suddenly, I felt how great the Grand Duke of Hell was. If Kim Han-byul’s words are truly true, it means that all eight sections that form hell are one world each. Then the Grand Duke of Hell was the ruler who ruled at the apexes of the world.

‘How many times have I fought… ‘.’

Suddenly, a bitter feeling struck me and I sighed deeply.

“Oh, brother…”

Then Kim Han-byul, who was staring at me, suddenly lowered her head. …What’s wrong with him?

“…I’m sorry.”

At that moment, Kim Han-byul suddenly said sorry.

“Huh? What are you sorry about all of a sudden?”

“Come to think of it, I’m sure you’re burning up right now.I’m the only one who’s excited..”

Kim Hanbyeol, who connects the mumbling words. Come to think of it, I’ve been looking at myself carefully since earlier, but I don’t think I looked very good all along. However, it was not because of Kim Han-byeol because of the self-praise of Helena’s death.

“And if it wasn’t for me, you wouldn’t be dragged into this place..”

I laughed bitterly when I saw him go into frustration mode. Then, Kim Han-byeol, who murmured in a gloomy way, lightly hit her on the back.

“What are you talking about? In that sense, my fault for avoiding the whip in the first place is the biggest.”

Kim Han-byul looks back at me with a face that still looks depressed.


At the moment, I was wondering whether to say the next word or not, but I thought it would be better to say it now.

“Then… I’m sorry I couldn’t save you first.”

Kim Han-byul did not seem to understand what I was saying for a moment. But soon, I could see Kim Han-byeol’s depression that had been shaded by her face was relieved. Soon, he starts shaking his head as if he is okay as if he is not.

“Oh, no!”

“…Are you not dizzy?”

Only then did Kim Han-byul, who stopped her head, stare at me with a shivering light.

“Well, can I ask you a question?”

“What do you mean new?”

“Then… Why did you hold my hand in the end?”


This is a very straightforward question. Come to think of it, why did I save Kim Hanbyul? Without me knowing? Or the thought of dying anyway?

…I was lost in thought because neither of them seemed correct. In the meantime, Kim Han-byul looked at me with a look full of reminders as if she was expecting something, and I had to feel an unexpected burden.

Eventually, I shrugged and opened my mouth.

“I don’t think I could just throw it away.”


“Why? I want you in my shoes, man. How do I know a kid who confessed that he liked me….”

“Wait, wait, wait, wait!”

It was then. Suddenly, Kim Han-byul woke up screaming and covered my mouth.

“What’s wrong with you?”

I can’t even speak properly because I blocked it so badly.

As I raised my eyes with the meaning of what this is doing as much as possible, I saw Kim Han-byul breathing with her face red. Don’t tell me you’re shy.

“Well, what does that have to do with it…!”

Kim Han-byeol opened her mouth in a good mood, but soon ended up blurring the end of her speech.

Yeah, you can’t say it doesn’t matter if you think for yourself. Perhaps there is more than enough to explain why it was saved.

“Ear (Get rid of it.)”

I tapped my hand covering my mouth to stop cleaning it up.


And I waited for a while, but Kim Han-byul didn’t put her hands away. No, rather, I felt the pressure of blocking it. He just keeps making expressions that he doesn’t know what to do.

“He’s going to come out like this.’

I wasn’t in a bad mood. The touch of the palm was soft and Kim Hanbyeol’s reaction was very fresh. But strangely enough, I thought it was disgusting (?) on one side, so I opened my mouth slightly and stuck out my tongue to lick my hand.

“Oh, my god!”

Then Kim Han-byul jumped. No, that’s not enough. Even when you scream and go round in a balladang.

Is this really Kim Hanbyul?’

He was so far from his usual attitude that I doubted for an instant that he might be a doppelganger. However, after checking with a third eye, it was clear that it was Kim Han-byul.

“You’ve already told me everything, and I’m not ashamed of anything now.”

“Come on, answer me!”

A pointed voice suddenly hit the ear while he was moaning and raising himself from his seat. When I lowered my eyes, I saw Kim Han-byul staring at me with a desperate fall. Chewing on the lower lip is making a very disfigured look.

“Dae, answer me! Quick!”


“What, what, are you kidding me?!”

“Oh, of course I appreciate it. I really appreciate Hanbyeol’s confession.”

I answered with the utmost sincerity. However, Kim Han-byeol’s expression did not get any better. Rather, he showed a breathtaking attitude and began scratching the ground. It was like seeing a cat in a rut.

“Oh, I think I’m going to get cancer….”

Soon after I heard Kim Han-byeol’s barely uttered self-talk, I instinctively felt that I had said something wrong.

I’m afraid I’m going to get cancer.

On reflection, I thought it was a strange expression for some reason, so I laughed a little without realizing it.

It was that moment.


I laughed?

I quickly smoothed my face. No, actually, it didn’t have to be. Kim Hanbyeol was staring at me with eyes that were about to cry. He seemed to be hurt by the fact that I laughed when he was dying of seriousness.

But the important thing is that I laughed. Not forced laughter, but literally from the bottom of one’s heart. Come to think of it, I felt that my head became lighter. Perhaps during a quarrel with Kim Han-byul, the complicated inner side seems to have subsided without realizing it.

‘I’m afraid you need time to sort things out.’

Did the Grand Duke of Hell bring Kim Han-byeol for this effect?

That’s something I don’t know other than myself, but the more I thought about it, the more I thought of the Grand Duke of Hell, the more I couldn’t guess.


I was finally able to face reality and accept it.

The place where I am now is hell.

And I’m still alive.

So there’s one thing I have to do now. You don’t sink down blaming yourself, but you go back and run towards your original goal.


Thinking so, I slapped my face with my hands up. I think one time is not enough, so I hit it twice, three times, and four times. Only then did I wake up with a tingling sensation in my cheeks. It feels like the helplessness that was filled with the body slowly disappears.

“What? Oh, brother?”

Then Kim Han-byul, who was staring at me a little while ago, called me in a pitiful voice. You won’t understand why he suddenly hurt himself. I’m glad you don’t think I’m a psychopath.

Crack, crack, crack!

After a slap like that, I warmed up lightly with the stiffness I felt in parts of my body. Then he approached Kim Han-byul, who was still sitting down, and said, reaching out his hand.

“Hanbyeol, let’s get up for now. Come on.”

Not “…what? Yes….” Wait a minute. So cheap. Are you trying to change the subject?”

“That’s not it, this is not the time for us to do this. I’ll go out and give you the answer you want. I promise.”

“What are you talking about all of a sudden?.”

Kim Han-byul asked back, frowning heavily. However, it was suddenly cloudy, unable to finish the sentence, and in the past, the two eyes, which had become the size of a fire lantern, brushed against each other.

Kim Han-byeol must have understood what I was trying to say as he is basically a smart user. It means, “Let’s go out”.

Soon, Kim Han-byul, who closed her round eyes three or four times, carefully held my hand.


Then, slowly raising himself, asked in a calmer voice.

Instead of answering, I turned to the direction that Hell’s Grand Prince walked.

‘Then let’s get this body out of the way for a while. When your thoughts are sorted out, come to me.”

The Grand Duke of Hell told me to find myself when I’m sort of organized. I didn’t know earlier because I couldn’t afford to pay attention, but now I can. Although the exact location was hard to tell, I could feel the energy of the Grand Duke of Hell.

It doesn’t matter in itself to go back. I know how to do it.

But the biggest stumbling block is that the Great Jade King won’t let us, or me, go easy. This is exactly what I’m facing, and what I need to solve.


Soon, I heard Kim Han-byul’s voice, so I quietly opened my mouth.

“I’m afraid I’ll have to talk to her.”

============================ Review of the work ============================

Today’s lesson.

Don’t dig your own grave even if you’re forced to lie in it.

I deleted the review. Please get rid of your anger. _(__)_

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