Chapter 693

Chapter 693 Queen of Iron Blood Vs Grand Duke of Hell. =========================================================================

Recognizing the sudden situation.

It’s pouring.


It was when Han So-young, who was running with her arms wide open, collapsed due to the red tent that had been deployed for an instant.


I felt sorry for myself late. Come to think of it, didn’t you do this last time?

When I lowered my eyes slightly, I saw Han So-young with a puzzled face. I’m looking at the red curtain with confused eyes. Maybe I have that look on my face right now.

Suddenly, an awkward silence falls.

But the silence is for a while.


When you hear a cold voice that reminds you of the north wind that you say one word at a time. I realize that I am not in a situation of leisure.

His face is so red that I’m worried that it might explode. On the other hand, two eyes looking up from the floor are throwing up their bright eyes. An expression that looks as if he is about to burst into tears or burst into passion. Han So-young was staring at me with that much shyness and anger.

No. Let’s think about it in a serious way. The situation just now would be embarrassing enough for me to really want to die.


The moment the bead sounded a clear vibration, I quickly came to my senses. And I hurriedly opened my mouth looking at Han So-young burning like an active volcano.

“Wait! Eastantel Low Road.”


“I understand. You’re probably embarrassed. I would do the same. But I’m also upset. I’d like you to give me a chance to explain this situation for a second.”


Maybe the cry of desperation worked? Han So-young, who was shaking, showed a little calm. My throat is moving as if I’m swallowing something. I thought it was an unspoken permission, so I put my hand in my arms and pushed the beads in as if it were my love.

“Hey, that’s what she did.”

Whoo! Whoo!

“This is one of the things I’ve achieved a while ago. It’s an equipment with a kind of ego. That’s how smart he is. But I have a strong tendency to protect myself, so I open up these red tents all the time.”

“…self equipment?”

“Yes, yes, that’s right. Actually, something like this happened a while ago. The Clan members who ran to me then were treated like they are now. I can’t judge the situation because I’m still young. This one.”


As I spoke, I pressed the bead for no reason. The beads vibrated and lifted the fort by themselves. Although it was a moment, Han So-young’s eyes were mysterious as she saw the slowly fading red curtain.

Han So-young seemed to have judged my words as true, as she had the ability to sense them. His shoulders, which had been shaking up and down, and his eyes, which had been shining, returned to normal. But instead, this time the black crystal-like eyes began to turn red. He is biting his lower lip to see if his anger is still relieved.

Soon after, Han So-young quietly opened her mouth with the sound of heavy breathing dying down.

“I see…, that’s what happened….”

“Do you understand?”



Han So-young shook her head firmly.

“As you mentioned, I’m in a very complicated mood right now. Even if I don’t think about it, I’m embarrassed and embarrassed enough to run away. Do you admit it?”

“Yes, yes, that’s right. I admit it.”

“But I don’t think that’s a lie. I think there are some things that are unfair.”

“Of course. I never meant it.”

“But I still feel terrible. I still can’t calm down no matter how hard I try.”


What do you want?

As soon as she shouted inside, Han So-young lifted her eyes.

“So I’ll give you a chance to take all this into account.”


“Yes, I’ll give you a minute from now on to the Memorial Road.”

“One minute…?”

Han So-young took a big breath and nodded as she asked back.

“Yes, a minute’s chance. You can do anything. During the one-minute period I give you, somehow soothe me and calm myself down.”

“Yes, yes?”

“I’m tired of you pretending not to hear it. Oh, the count started a while ago.”

“Now, wait a minute. That’s… ”

“57 seconds, for your information, if you don’t show any action for the rest of the time….”

“What, cotton…?

Han So-young glared at me in a scary way and blurred her words. I gulped down without even thinking about protesting.

“You’d better be prepared.”

Finally, Han So-young kept her mouth shut. And then it just collapsed. Like I’m really doing what I want. A storm of confusion began to sweep through my head.

On the contrary, the room is still. There was an uncomfortable silence of wanting to run out at any moment. Come to think of it, how long has it been? How many seconds do we have left?

In the end, I couldn’t beat the staring gaze, so I caught Han So-young in a hurry to raise her up. There was still no response, but Han So-young rose up unexpectedly.

What do we do now?’

I couldn’t do this or that, but I just killed time, and at some point I felt that there was not much time left. This is because Han So-young was gradually squinting her eyes. Perhaps there is less than 10 seconds left. As soon as I realized that, I hugged Han So-young without realizing it.


Is it because of a sudden hug? I felt a slight stiffness in my cuddling body. Han So-young, however, seemed to be slowly losing her strength and leaned back as if she had left everything to me. A strange yet subtle color scent that comes in with a sharp prick in the nose. Soon, the back of the neck tickles and a relaxed voice comes out.

“Four seconds. You said you were free to do anything.But if you’re going to hug me, why don’t you hug me more clearly? It’s not like hugging some hedgehog.”

The moment I heard the word “four seconds,” I got goosebumps and hugged Han So-young as much as I could. The warm and touching feeling of the body was clearly conveyed. Yes. Now I fully realize that I’m holding Han So-young. A woman’s unique flesh softly embraces her mind without hesitation.


Soon after, Han So-young slowly tilted her head as she hugged me on the back. The slightly provocative eyes stare at me.

“It’s hard to get here.”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…”

“But you did a good job this time. It’s not 100 percent correct, but it’s not bad for a mechanical road.”

“Go, thank you….”

Actually, I don’t know what I’m thankful for. But I just nodded in a feeling of ecstasy.

“Anyway, I think I know what to do in the future…I’ll cover up for you today.”

“Yes, yes?”

“It means that you can’t understand even if you read my mind, so now you have to teach them one by one. Speaking of which, one more thing. Don’t pretend you don’t understand me when I say something. Again.”

“…I will.”

My heart ached for a moment, so I answered in a gentle way. Han So-young raises her mouth slightly and gently closes her eyes, leaning back.

“First of all, we’re still like this. It’s okay, right?


“Oh, my right hand moves. Then sweep my hair sweetly like you brushed me in the Steel Mountains.”

“I see.”

Literally one by one, I faithfully followed the imperative request. With his left hand clasped his waist, he began to gently sweep down silky hair with his right hand.

Han So-young finally groaned as if she was satisfied. The sticky scent that winds sweetly makes my head dizzy.

A little later.

“The mechanical load is…You’ll have to keep trying…To please me….”

Han So-young murmured like a dream with a relieved look on her face as if her tooth had been missing.


After the third round of talks, the situation surrounding Atlanta began to change rapidly. Above all, the fact that the Eastern Expeditionary Party officially announced its abandonment and that the Memorial was selected as the new representative Clan played a big role. Except for that part, everything was already set, so the process of finalizing the distribution was quick.

First of all, Eastantel Low Clan of the Southern Expeditionary Force chose the city to the east. The area was the least devastated and was a city packed with ancient facilities. It was the best-received of the four other cities, and users took it for granted that Eastantel Low took over the area.

The North has decided to take charge of the cities outside the west. In the North, unusually, one clan was not in charge of the representative clan. Just as the former Koran Union managed a city, it decided to run it in the form of a coalition in which several clans gathered. However, it was a little surprising that Gong Chan-ho was selected as the first letter of the union. Even if the face of the madam hasn’t escaped.

Hamill Clan of the West was also in charge of the northern cities. The northern city was closest to the Steel Mountains, and internally everything was a half-way city. However, the West was held in its arms by Kim Yu-hyun’s strong hope that he would like to target the Steel Mountains in the future.

Eventually, cities outside the South returned to the Military Clan. In fact, the southern city was the most underdeveloped. The only thing that was there was a large colosseum, and the rest consisted mostly of military facilities.

When the museum took over the city, there were a lot of words among users, most of whom were worried. Because while other cities were in charge on a regional basis, the machineory was simply heading to the bare ground. Of course, on the contrary, it could be a land of opportunity, but reality is always a cold hearted law.

However, Kim Soo-hyun, who was in charge of the southern city, did not care much. In the midst of everyone’s worried eyes, he reportedly returned with a slight smile and a satisfied smile. In the midst of that, a user who witnessed Han So-young kissing Kim Soo-hyun’s cheek came out in such a creepy street, and at the same time, rumors of Eastantel Low’s support emerged strongly.

Anyway, no one knew exactly what Kim Soo-hyun was thinking and how he would make the city. However, those who know what Kim Soo-hyun has been walking through and what he has achieved so far paid close attention to the southern city.

This is the end of Atlanta’s situation.

On a new continent.

In a new city.

In a new building.

A new clan is in place.

As a result, users who returned to the clan or independent, except for their affiliated clan, began to engage in fierce competition of wit.

Everyone knew.

After a long time, the existing North Continent is no longer the center of activity.

Now, we’re going to focus on this new stage called Atlanta, and we’re going to have a new one in any direction.

============================ Review of the work ============================


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