Mercenaries Under the Sky

Vol 2 Chapter 20: Xilin

Among the emperors of the Ming Dynasty, in terms of creating wealth for their subjects, if the Redstone Emperor is willing to be ranked second, then no emperor dares to say that he can be ranked first.

What just struck people is that the Redstone Emperor did not harm the interests of the people and the people to increase his wealth. Even after several years, no matter what role he played in this human comedy, even if it was indirect or direct The victims all talked about it.

--After Chapter 20 of Xilin Emperor. Redstone Emperor, Xilin's attribution was settled internally and externally, the Earl began the operation plan for His Majesty the King. At the same time, the small mercenary regiment also officially relocated the regiment to the empire capital, Cambrai City, and set up one in the tree house bar: Redstone auction special, the auction starts every Monday afternoon.

Many years later, some wealthy merchants in the city of Cambrai missed the lively scene at that time: the audience was full of dignitaries and merchants from all over the country, and the solemn auctioneers held high sticks. Related special effects items are constantly being sold.

In the imperial capital at that time, the greetings between rich businessmen had become: 1 "Did you shoot today?"

2 "What's the taste of Longxu porridge today?"

3 "If you don't want to lose your kidneys, you must also have Redstone XX."

There is no airtight wall in the world. Although Earl Chi controls the entire military power of Gyeonggi, he still cannot achieve 100% confidentiality. Until, half a year later, one day a marquis talked with the Redstone Emperor about the empire development plan in the palace study room. Before leaving, the Jazz carefully picked a few hairs from the ground and carefully wrapped around the middle finger, and Redstone saw this scene exactly. until.

After being surprised at the reason, the Redstone Emperor fell into deep self-blame: Why would he believe the Earl ’s smile? Why hasn't there been any further analysis of the superficial phenomenon in which the world has been peaceful recently and no one has ever caused trouble? Even if you are an emperor, there is no guarantee that 100% will not make any mistakes. The earl was immediately reported.

In fact, Earl Chi, who had just returned from the tree house bar auction site to Duke ’s Palace, had already prepared for this, and had prepared a set of sounding reasons.

According to the only few redstone emperor's inner attendants at the time, it was revealed afterwards that this confrontation was an attack initiated by Earl Chi, and the redstone emperor, who was originally prepared to convict the teacher, was tired of coping with it and finally had to cut the ground to beg for mercy.

In order to protect the face of the emperor, the bodyguard only made a few general points. Earl Chi came to talk about his guarding the frontier and the battlefield where many robes died. Then he raised his own stake in the Little Mercenary Corps. Just when the Redstone Emperor was about to ask about Longsu Congee, Earl Chi turned the topic to the difficult life of the orphans and widows who descended from the battlefield outside the Ice Fortress.

If the Redstone Great Emperor is not a sage king, then it will not be impressed by Earl Chi ’s words of mercy and grief; but Redstone is not only a sage, but also a Bodhisattva heart, not only a Bodhisattva heart, but also To be willing to blame yourself is that you have not done the job of the emperor. Anyone who has made these mistakes in front of Count Chi can't complain about Count Chi's downfall.

The Earl ’s righteous words mentioned that the small mercenary group adopted a total of 374 families of dead soldiers in the Ice Fortress, including 102 elderly people, 386 women, and 458 minor children (under 16 years old), a total of 946. people. According to the basic living cost of 4 gold coins per person per month, then 4000 gold coins are needed, and 40,000 a year.

To be honest, the Redstone Emperor in the Kuju Palace does not know the price of the people at all. No matter whether it is necessary to feed 1,000 people in a wholesale mode in the Ice Fortress, each person needs 4 gold coins per month. The Redstone Emperor is absolutely not You will know that the value of your own hair on the market is enough to feed 20 people.

This kind of man-made knife kills me for fish, and there is no basis for negotiation. The final result of the negotiation is that, according to the management method of the mercenary regiment by the empire, if there are more than 200 formal mercenaries, you can deal with a certain Small villages implement trusteeship; if the size is more than 1,000 people, they can implement trusteeship in certain cities and towns. 50% of the tax in the trusteeship town is directly transferred to the small mercenary group, and the mercenary group has the right to operate and trade in the local The Redstone Emperor is willing to exchange the rights of free fall of hair and free change of underwear with a town trustee. The Earl of Chi chose Xilin Island.

In the subsequent communication with Amy, Chi Hanfeng revealed three reasons why Xilin Island was chosen: 1. Grandpa Amy once proposed that there is a mad eagle on the empire coast that can become a swordsman's mount, and Chi Hanfeng is Amy has not been saddened by her mount; 2. Xilin Island does not seem to be big, but because of the rich fishing grounds, if you open the commercial road, it will undoubtedly become a pearl on the coast and have great potential for appreciation; 3. The island and the island The benefits, most people do not want to disturb, so that they can be a little emperor.

Although Amy regrets that he can no longer obtain greater profits through auction, the reason for not being able to exhaust and fish is very clear. In addition, if Xilin is managed, the orphans and widows of the Ice and Snow Fortress can be brought in. The air in Xilin is humid, much stronger Cold weather on the frozen continent. So I agreed with pleasure.

At this time, Barbas led 20 young men of the small mercenary group to the Duke's Palace.

In the past year, the Little Mercenary Corps in the Ice Fortress has accommodated 458 teenagers under the age of 16 and 123 teenagers around the age of 16 to 18. At first, it was just Barbas who was taking care of himself. Later, Long also left the military office to take care of it, and used the huge money left by Amy to invite two elders from the Holy Church and a wandering magician to educate these orphans. .

The education method is still very simple, basically following the education model of Chi Hanfeng's education on Amy and Daqingshan at that time. Waking up early is running-a kind of running with little clothes. After returning, it is cutting wood. Afternoon is divided into swordsmen. , Magician, priest and other modes of training.

After a year, the small mercenary regiment, in addition to the direct and deputy head of the army that has been doing evil outside, has finally had its first official mercenary team in the Ice Fortress branch-from 170 over 16 years old Composed of young mercenaries. After such a large scale, some small villages nearby began to seek protection, willing to pay a small amount of fees in exchange for the small mercenary regiment to be able to send people to stay, and to protect the village from beast attacks.

Barbath, who was worried about sitting in the air, saw that there was a trade at the door, regardless of the price difference between the other party's price and the price of the A-level mercenary group. The gap was too big, and he accepted it. Subsequently, he delivered the matter to Long and personally led his 20 proud disciples to show the results to the head.

At this time, receiving Xilin's work fell on Amy. Originally, Amy meant to go with Daqingshan, Chi Aotian, and Horns, but they were rejected by Earl Chi. Earl Chi thought that this trip Only Amy is enough. Other people just use this time to practice hard, so there is no need to go to so many people. In this way, Amy took several orphans who had fought with his father and comrades to Xilin.

The unsuccessful journey of Xilin was doomed from the beginning. The fact that Chi Aotian and Daqingshan are not allowed to go has already explained a lot. No matter which dragon is taken, it will immediately attract the attention of others. If Chi Aotian says his surname, everything will be worn; A member of the Imperial Army accompanied him, and this time it was also waived; the stamp was not the seal of the Duke of Chi, but a private seal.

Of course, Amy didn't notice all of this. For the mercenary king in his childhood, he was an extremely easy-going person who could achieve his goal no matter what the environment. Even if some two people looked at his back and forth, secretly whispering some intrigues.

"This time it was another challenge for him. Will the general of the Lion River catch him?" Someone with a bearded weasel gave the chick a New Year's greetings-uneasy and kindly said.

"It's okay, hey, do you believe he will suffer?" Another young man said, "You are so young, you can fail countless times without ever worrying about losing your goal."

"Yeah, yeah, they are just like when the chick was just about to get out of the eggshell, don't help them break the eggshell, otherwise they will die."

"The opposite pole, the opposite pole, just like the winter wheat that sprouted in autumn, you must not let the wheat grow up at will in the autumn, and even pull the grinder into the ground and press it to crush the premature green shoots. So that the roots below grow stronger. "

The two looked at each other, and both saw the fox's smile on the other's face.

Amy is a person who has no concept of money. Just recently, she was very ambitious. She took eight little brothers to walk and play. When she saw good things, she bought them. She carried 200 gold coins and arrived at Xilin. It has already cost more than 120 times, and these first-ever young mercenaries who had lost their father ’s life were extremely difficult. This time, this brother has been compensated back. He has not yet arrived in Xilin and has changed. In a new suit, even the sword was replaced with a brand new two-handed sword. If it were n’t for Amy who still pulls everyone up early in the morning to practice morning exercises and do basic combat training in swordsmanship, it is simply the impeccable elder brother.

Regarding Fan's refusal, Amy was extremely calm, and almost returned to Scamper as the brothers did. After seeing Earl Chi, she just said a few words: "This time It ’s a good game. The general said that he still had to discuss it. Uncle Chi, let ’s go to the auction and suggest a bigger one, and put forward the last concept, so that there should be a good price. " Brought a group of little brothers to Chi Aotian and they went to compare.

The subsequent development is for everyone to anticipate. After Earl Chi tried to create momentum, he continued to engage in the "Last Out of Print Redstone Auction" three times in a row. The Redstone Emperor had to ask the matter again, when he learned that it was a The little general forced some extremely secret things of himself to be exposed to the broad daylight and was criticized by everyone for a little Xilin. His hurt feelings can be imagined. Of course, with the wiseness of the Redstone Emperor, he would not have to replace a general for these little things, but he would force the military department to issue a very serious supervision order in a very normal way by very normal means.

One night, when the marshal of the marquis military, Wang Ke was forced to rush for 5 days and 5 nights to arrive at the General Lion ’s Palace to convey the order, it is not difficult to understand that he used it while greeting all the family members Dirty, dirty leather boots greet the gate of the general's palace and the sergeant who opened it.

Although it is inconvenient to explain the ins and outs of things to Viscount Fan, the face of Lord Marquis Tie Qing has indicated that the storm is coming. You immediately asked the small mercenary regiment to take care of Xilin. From now on, calculate the efficiency of your work in minutes! "After that, Lord Marquis went directly to the post to rest for the mansion prepared by senior officials.

When Viscount Fan personally led the team back to the Imperial Capital day and night, he obtained the first-hand information of the small mercenary group. Whether it was the Holy Dragon Knight, the Necrotic Dragon Knight or the Redstone Underpants incident, he felt his heart. Liang, of course, when he learned that the Chi Family, the three famous gates of the empire, was the main shareholder and COO of the small mercenary regiment, he knew more about the catastrophe he had committed, and now he remembered that scholar-like teenager What a lethal smile it is.

Later, what method Viscount Fan invited Amy's small mercenary regiment to return to Xilin. Because both parties tried to cover up the process, the outside world was simply unknown. It was only later that when the imperial nobles visited the Fan Viscount's house, they caught up with the Fan's lunch. They were surprised to find that dozens of people in the family lived with porridge, and even the pickles were allocated according to the head. At that time, when most of the imperial nobles made the porridge in the house of Fan Viscount in the morning, then let it cool, and then cut it into pieces with a knife, which was the most gluten and the most edible. A big prestige. Later, there were more and more stories from the Kingdom of the Hami people. When they learned that the Earl and Marquis who were also valuable dragon knights were also killed by Amyton and had to congee, they had to start judging this teenager again. The great thing.

After 3 years of winter in the magic calendar, the small mercenary group finally hailed Fan Zijue in all kinds of tears and tears, and finally invited Xilin Town. Xilin, from this day, has gradually become the most Well-known city.

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