Mercenary War

Chapter 255

The latest chapter of Mercenary War, the body of the 255th chapter of the real warrior gun, floating astronomy
Four of them killed by Gao Yang were shot in the head. The other two were shot in the neck and one was shot on the left shoulder by bullets. The bullets were shot from the shoulder and the whole left. The chest was blown up.

Although the head of the corpse on the head has been deformed, but it can be seen to be playing, the heads of the three bodies are all side-shot, only one person is shot on the front of the head, but Gao Yang shot. At the time, everyone else was facing him. Only the sniper was facing him at the front, so it goes without saying that the man who was shot in the head was the sniper who almost killed Gao Yang.

Seeing the six bodies that were shot by him, Gao Yang couldn’t help but feel that his back was cold. If not only one of these people had a sniper shooting at him, if these people did not pay attention to his movements at all, but Concentrate on the shooting in the village, facing him sideways, so that when he shot these people in turn, they did not have time to respond, Gao Yang really did not know whether he was alive, after three hundred meters The distance is completely within the range of the automatic rifle. With the shooting of these people, if two people shoot at him at the same time, the chances of his escape will be quite small.

After all, the former members of these sbs are still too weak, they believe that their comrade-in-arms will never miss, so they did not respond to Gao Yang’s shooting in time, but it is no wonder that these can not think of a pirate In the fishing village, there are even top-notch precision shooters, and this precise shooter not only did not die under the gun of their very confident sniper, but also killed their sniper.

The sniper died completely under the gunshot of Gao Yang, in the sniper’s showdown. Skills are better than people are killed. So he died a little bit. As for the other five people, the prisoner said yes, they are completely dying of their pride.

Gao Yang turned and walked away in front of the body. He didn’t plan to pick up the enemy’s mask and didn’t want to express his feelings. Now he just wants to see what equipment is available from these people. .

The equipment was brought together and placed on the beach. Gao Yang felt that it was impossible to tell who the equipment was used. But to his surprise, although the attackers are joint operations, all the equipment retains its own characteristics. At least in the case of weapons, it is easy to count the number of different dead bodies and count the number of weapons. You can know what weapon the team is using.

Six hk416/417, this is definitely the weapon used by the former members of sbs, there are thirty-two g36, and two psg-1 and two m110 sniper rifles. But what shocked Gao Yang most was that there were actually twenty l85a1 in the weapon pile.

Gao Yang is most concerned about the weapon used by members of the six former sbs. The former sbs member’s assault rifle selection is the same as Gao Yang, they are hk416, and the sniper uses the sniper hk7.62 that emits 51×417 mm nato.

As a special force in the United Kingdom that can choose the weapon itself, what kind of gun is used for sbs is normal, and it is normal to have 32 g36 assault rifles. g36 is a well-tested generation of famous guns. It’s not surprising. As for the four sniper rifles, there is nothing to say. In mercenaries, snipers have the most choices and they want to use whatever.

The only thing that makes people feel strange, even incredible, is that there will be the emergence of l85a1 assault rifles. l85a1 claims to be a real warrior. Gao Yang always thinks that only the poor United Kingdom soldiers have no choice but to use l85a1. However, the l85a1 appeared in the hands of the mercenaries, which made Gao Yang feel shocked and could not help but respect the warriors who used these guns.

l85a1又叫sa80,是United Kingdom 列装主要轻weapon ,也是少数的无托型步枪,至于为什么说l85a1是真正的勇士才敢用的枪,这是因为l85a1实在太奇葩了,没点儿勇气,还真不敢用这枪,所以敢于主动选择使用l85a1的人,就是真正的勇士。

The most famous problem of l85a1 is the card case. In the harsh environment, it is not bad to hit the shell with three or five hairs. The modern rifle that only dares to hit the shell with a bullet can make the fully automatic rifle only single shot, except l85a1 You can’t find a second gun to do this.

Another famous problem is that the magazine release button is easy to accidentally touch, and then the magazine will fall out. Sometimes, it will be inexplicable and it will fall. You don’t know where to wait for this temper. Too big a gun, so there is no soldier who has been beaten by l85a1, so surely he is not using l85a1.

As for the quality of plastic parts, the plastic parts often fall off or break from the gun. The upper cover of the air guide is not strong, and it often bounces off. It has to be wrapped with tape to be safe. The spring force is too small, and the magazine is too small. It must also be kept very clean, and often check if there are any depressions in the magazine opening, otherwise it will not give you normal bombing. It is very difficult to reinstall after the gun is dismantled, because there are too many precision parts, and there are air guiding pistons if you want Decomposition cleaning must be carried out by professional ordnance, otherwise it will be easy to get stuck after combination; etc., compared to the case and the cartridge, these are simply not called.

The safety device must be operated by the finger of the trigger machine and cannot be operated by the thumb. When the left hand pulls the machine, the hand must be extended to the right rear of the rifle. The position of the speed machine is inconvenient and the operation is too hard, etc. These involve ergonomics and are inconvenient to operate. The problem is even more of a problem.

As a soldier of the United Kingdom, what kind of gun should not be chosen by himself, use l85a1 to kill himself with a gun that is easier than the enemy’s life, and there is no way to complain about his own life, but he has the right to choose for the weapon. Special forces, such as sas and sbs, do not touch l85a1.

These l85a1 were used by the captives in the same number of teams as the captives who were killed by Gao Yang. These were former members of the United Kingdom Marine Corps and might have used the gun. So will continue to use l85a1. But Gao Yang just didn’t understand. Whether these people are super brave or stupid, willing to continue to use l85a1 super gun after leaving the United Kingdom Marine Corps.

United Kingdom as a veteran military power, the main weapon developed by the United States, in addition to their own military use, the army of other countries can not find a l85a1, of course, the United Kingdom army has to use, if you can choose. They won’t use l85a1, but they won’t sell when they are exported. This is a bit ugly.

不过话说回来,l85a1其实也不是一把都卖不出去,国际军火市场上著名的冤大头沙特就曾买过一批l85a1,不过他们在买过一批之后,第二批说啥也不肯买了,还有一个用过l85a1的国家是塞拉利昂,不过那是British 送的一小批,而且塞拉利昂拿到之后。用了几次就全给扔了,重新用回了ak。

因为l85a1的名声已经臭大街了。再加上军方很多士兵拒用l85a1,最丢人的是北约也把l85a1从指定的轻weapon 列表中去掉之后,United Kingdom 国防部终于忍无可忍,把更新换代提上了日程表,把l85a1交给德国的hk公司改进,最后制造出了l85a2,经过hk公司的改进,l8a2比a1有了很大的进步,但问题是l85a1先天不足,在l85a1基础上经过改进的l85a2,还是一把烂枪……

Gao Yang 极是好奇,他想不通为什么会有人真的勇敢到了会用l85a1,如果是因为用惯了l85a1那么用l85a2也算啊,无论怎样,l85a2至少也比l85a1强了不少的。

处于极度的好奇,Gao Yang 捡起了一支l85a1,他仔细的打量之后,发现自己没有看错,至少从外形上看,这枪就是l85a1而不是l85a2。

Gao Yang, who couldn’t figure out how to decide, tried to try the gun. Otherwise, he would be tortured by his curiosity for a long time, but he could only wait until the next day to test the gun, so as to avoid any misunderstanding caused by the gunshot. The people who settled down were finally commotion.

This is a sleepless night, Gao Yang is not far from the parked body, sitting and waiting until the sky is bright, many things can be really unfolded, even if there are enemy attacks can be found very early, Gao Yang At this time, Gao Yang dared to bring everyone back.

Although after a sleepless night, Gao Yang was not at all sleepy. He said in the intercom: “Everyone, if there is nothing, they will come to the beach, I am here waiting for you.”

In addition to Bruce still helping the wounded, others have returned to the beach, Li Jinfang and Frye have been to the beach, but Geluo Liaofu and Cui Bo just know what happened on the beach.

The bodies of both the enemy and the enemy occupied a large part of the beach. At this time, the families of the deceased had recognized their loved ones, and there was a cry on the beach.

Gao Yang A few of them were silent. After a long time, Cui Bo sighed: “Is the casualty figure out?”

Gao Yang said: “The enemy’s death number has already come out. Sixty-four people were killed on the shore and twenty-three people died on the ship. As for the casualties of the gang, there are no specific figures. Until now, there have been dead bodies. Find.”

Cui Bo After a while, he cautiously said: “Ashan, how is he?”

Speaking of Asan, Gao Yang felt uncomfortable in his heart. He shook his head and said: “Dead.”

Although Cui Bo knew that Asan could not survive, but after hearing the death of Asan, his face became extremely ugly, and after re-introducing Asan’s death, Gao Yang was also very uncomfortable in order to divert his attention. In order to prevent the atmosphere from continuing to be unbearable, Gao Yang shook his hand with l85a1 in his hand, loudly: “Brothers, see what gun is this?”

After looking at it, Cui Bo was also surprised: “l85a2? Is it wrong, it is l85a1, I am second, and the fool uses this gun?”

Gao Yang shrugged and said: “I am also curious about this problem, so I want to try and see if the gun is really as bad as the legend.” (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better.) Update faster!

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