Mercenary War

Chapter 2722

The latest chapter of Mercenary War, the embodiment of the 2,721 chapters, the astronomy
Although he is not sure what Hamasani is, Gao Yang feels that since the old nest is being smashed and only 30 people are in the area, this Sirte’s Ace is saying that he has to kill all of them to get rid of the gas. of. .

Therefore, it is very likely that there will be Hamasani in the people who have just come. After all, if the highest commander of this battle is not present, it will be too much to say.

Now Satan has the mercenary circle’s most powerful long-range precision shooting ability. There are Ram, Rabbit, and Crow, which are here. Who dares not admit it.

If Hamasani can be killed, then it will be much better, and all the commanders will be lost. As Knight said, the vertical command system is conducive to power grabbing, but once the command system is destroyed, then The remaining number of soldiers has turned into pigs to be slaughtered.

Ali was taken to Gao Yang, and Gao Yang did not look at Ali. He just whispered: “What does Hamasani look like and what characteristics he has.”

“Hamasani, his beard is very thin and short, and he wears military uniform…”

Gao Yang is really angry, and he is very helpless, but he can only be very depressed: “Do you rely on a beard to recognize people?”

“You ask him about his characteristics, he is not the same as others…”

Gao Yang sighed and said in the intercom: “Rabbit, crow, have you heard that?”

“Rabbit understands.”

“The crow understands.”

“Find out Hamasani and kill him.”

Gao Yang breathed a sigh of relief and searched carefully in the sight. He found several targets that were very easy to solve, but he did not shoot.

To kill the enemy commander from a distance, at least the enemy commander feels that he will not be exposed to the sniper’s muzzle. If too many people are shot, but Shamahani does not dare to show up, then It is difficult to kill him.

“The beard is sparse and short, Fuck! What is this feature!”

Although there are sights, it is impossible to identify the beard of the target three or four hundred meters away. There is no such thing at all.

Most of the enemies outside are wearing military uniforms, so it is impossible to make a preliminary screening from the clothes, but at this time, Gao Yang found a few narrow gaps between the two buildings. The personal shadows pass through quickly.

Gao Yang immediately pointed the gun at the air raid and immediately said in the intercom: “I just saw the crowd suspected to be the commander. At my ten o’clock position, there are two pieces of broken prefabricated panels, Rabbit, Crow. , pay attention to both sides.”

“Understand, received.”

Gao Yang pointed the gun at the place where he had just seen the suspected target. The enemy now hides behind the bunker and can only shoot when the enemy reappears.

At this moment, Nate said in the intercom: “We have searched the third floor and killed the Mustafa. It has been confirmed from the prisoner. I will continue to search and attack, and finish!”

“Ram received, done well, finished.”

After that, Gao Yang didn’t talk any more, but continued to focus on where someone might appear.

In this case, it is more difficult to ambush, because there are more buildings in the distance, the enemy may only pass quickly between the two buildings, but it may also enter the building and then secretly observe from somewhere. So you can’t stop aiming at one place. You have to focus on where the enemy might appear and also observe as much as possible.

Far enough, so the field of view is large enough, and Gao Yang swings the muzzle back and forth, moving back and forth along the position where his field of vision is focused.

Suddenly, Gao Yang found that in the house he had been focusing on, there seemed to be someone moving behind a window, so he quickly pointed the gun at the muzzle.

It is now daytime, and it is very difficult to find the enemy hiding inside, but the person is too close to the window, giving Gao Yang enough lighting conditions.

Without a gun, there was a telescope on his hand, only a half of his head was exposed, and he squatted on the window and looked out.

Gao Yang feels that even if this person is not Hamasani, he can shoot, because from the observation, this person has the value worth shooting.

Gao Yang shot, but he found himself aiming at the moment he was shooting. The target he had aimed at had disappeared, but it was not the goal to disappear.

The target was hit, and a cloud of blood bursting out of his head disappeared.

Then, Phoenix sighed: “Confirm the kill!”

Even though Phoenix was given the lead, Gao Yang was slightly depressed, but his depression quickly turned into a surprise, because he saw someone appearing in the window with extreme panic.

Is it true that Hamasani?

Looking at the panic of the crowd, if no one believes that the person who was killed is not high, Gao Yang fired two more shots, killing the two people he could see, and quickly said: “If it is Hamasani, you will bring him out, regardless of the enemy of death and death, pay attention!”

Gao Yang’s reminder was very timely, almost his voice just fell, two people carried a person and ran out, through Gao Yang just found their passage gap.

Gao Yang fired a shot, he hit the front, and Cui Bo and Phoenix also fired. I don’t know who two of them hit the back, so the two people and the people they carried or the bodies were all down. On the ground.

This time, it was easy to observe. Gao Yang looked in the scope and immediately shouted: “Ali! Let’s see if the body is Hamasani! Give him a telescope!”

Ali was slammed on his head and pressed it on the sandbag. Then someone gave him a telescope. After waiting for a while, the Ali whispered: “I can’t see it. He wears a military uniform and is covered with a black one. Body armor, I think…”

When Ali was swallowing and talking, he suddenly stopped, and Gao Yang saw a man dragging the body on the ground, but before he hid in a safe place, he was shot down by Phoenix.

“It’s Hamasani. I can recognize that person. He is the guard of General Hamasani. I know him.”

Basically, Gao Yang felt a sigh of relief, then he said in the intercom: “Ram calls Wild Wolf, we killed Hamasani, it should be, finish.”

Nate did not answer immediately. After a short while, he whispered: “Very good, then we are close to victory, the above progresses smoothly, no one is hurt, please observe the enemy movements outside, finish!”

When he spoke, he could hear the fierce gunshots. Gao Yang whispered: “Do you need assistance, finish?”

“No, if Hamasani is dead, the enemy outside should be confused soon. Please pay attention and inform, finish!”

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