Chapter 166 : The darkest moment in the history of hackers!

They were sent to court one after another and sentenced on charges of “endangering national security” and “theft of state secrets”. In these cases, most of the hackers were found by FBI personnel of the M Empire after being revealed by familiar friends.

When Chu Hao learned of these news, he knew that the “hacker hunter” project had finally started. Unexpectedly, the M Empire government made such a big determination this time and arrested so many hackers in one fell swoop, and many actions were carried out across borders.

Chu Hao thought of the suspicious hacking mission. He speculated that this should also be one of the 870 tricks of the M Empire government.

According to internal information, some time ago, the major hacker organizations suddenly had new members joining, and the skills of these members were very good, and they were quickly recognized by the members.

Becoming a core member of the hacker group proved afterwards that it is these people who cooperate with the staff of the M Empire government inside and outside, and their actions will be so smooth.

A few days later, the officials of the M Empire announced the results of this operation, and announced that they would draft a combat plan to combat Internet crimes. They would also unite with other countries in the world (cdce) to combat hackers. crime.

In addition, it was also announced that the M Empire will set up a special security team to specialize in computer security issues such as anti-hacking and software copyright protection.

The special security team will be composed of 48 senior computer technology experts as special computer security prosecutors, and will be organized into 9 teams.

The “Hacker Hunter” project caused great panic in the computer underground world. For a time, the online world calmed down as never before, including those real hackers. Under normal circumstances, they dare not act rashly, because everyone does not know the definition of the M Empire. What is the standard of hacking crime.

This period is known as the “darkest moment” in the history of hackers.

This action of the M Empire government has been protested by many hacker organizations. During this period, they have launched attacks on the relevant websites of the M Empire government. The web pages of the M Empire Black Palace, NAA and other websites have been modified many times. .

However, these were nothing more than petty troubles. After the venting was over, the voice of protest gradually became quieter.

After all, to be precise, the vast majority of M Empire’s attacks this time are “hackers”, which are not accepted by the majority of hackers.

Someone in the Undead Army was also arrested, but because the Undead Army did a good job of confidentiality, no one else was affected.

After Chu Hao received the Undead Legion, he modified it in a targeted manner, and many people chose to leave.

Chu Hao also didn’t stop him, since everyone’s goals are no longer the same, naturally they can leave freely.

Those arrested this time were all those who did not listen to Chu Hao’s advice and did not abide by the rules of the regiment. They are not sorry for their deaths.

All in all, this time the M Empire government’s actions have dealt a great blow to hackers. The M Empire government has done enough propaganda in this regard, provoking the public’s hatred of hackers, and even public anti-hacking public service advertisements appeared on the M Empire TV station.

In addition, other countries have responded to the M Empire and increased their control in this regard.

On the Internet, people’s topic about hackers has been brought up again. What kind of hackers are and whether they need to exist, etc. have once again aroused people’s controversy.

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