Chapter 398 : Worth a billion!

That means.

According to the calculation of the maximum number of people for packaging and testing, 300,000 packaging and testing invitation codes can be sold.

“Mr. Tom, the “Brave World” closed beta invitation code can sell up to 100,000!” Chu Hao directly reduced the number of sales to one-third, so as not to say the number of 300,000 in one breath, the other party has a variety of Reasons for bargaining.

“One hundred thousand?” Tom Crusey thinks one hundred thousand is already a lot. After all, many games, after being officially launched, are less than one hundred thousand online. “I don’t know every package and test invitation code. You Dream Entertainment Co., Ltd. Are you planning to sell it to AMD at the price of 23?”

Chu Hao smiled and said, “Mr. Tom, didn’t you buy it at the market price? As of now, the market value of the “Brave World” packaging and testing invitation code has exceeded 10,000 Xia Guoyuan! Converted into U.S. dollars. About 1,250 U.S. dollars each! ”

If one is based on 10,000 Xia Guoyuan, then one hundred thousand invitation codes for packaging and testing. That is one billion Xia Guoyuan!

Tom Cruise was taken aback. “US,250 each? You can already buy a high-performance computer at this price! Mr. Chu, are you sure you are not exaggerating?” Tom Cruise said the idiom’exaggeration’ in the half-baked Xia Guoyu.

“Mr. Tom, you come to our Xia country’s Internet world by yourself, and you can find out after investigating. I am not exaggerating!” Chu Hao responded with a smile.

Tom Cruise is not easy to fool, “Mr. Chu, even if the “World of Braves” closed beta invitation code is still at a high price of 1,250 U.S. dollars. But if 100,000 “World of Braves” closed beta invitation codes are put into the market , It will definitely impact the market price, and whether the price of 10 dollars can be maintained at that time is still a very serious problem!”

Chu Hao smiled lightly: “In this case, Mr. Tom, it seems that we have no basis for cooperation. Our Dream Entertainment Co., Ltd. has high expectations for “World of Braves”, and the control of the closed beta invitation code will be very strict. Your AMD company does not have a high evaluation of “World of Braves”, so you seriously underestimated the price of the packaging and testing invitation code. Therefore,

I am afraid it will be difficult for both of us to reach a cooperative plan!”

Tom Cruise, as the senior vice president of AMD, in his mind, he can come to Chu Hao to negotiate with dignity and dignity, Dream Entertainment Co., Ltd. can cooperate with AMD, that is their good luck, count them Climbed to the high branches of AMD.

Unfortunately, Tom Cruise didn’t know how hot “World of Braves” was in Xia Guo, and what magic power “World of Braves” had. And Chu Hao’s knowledge of “World of Braves” is very clear. Once World of Braves is produced, it will definitely sweep the entire game market.

At that time, Dream Entertainment Co., Ltd. will completely rise 910. In the future, it may be larger than AMD. Why do you pretend to be a low profile to please AMD?

Tom Cruise was a little angry about Chu Hao’s uncooperative attitude, he said angrily: “In that case, I’m sorry, I’m bothering you!”

There was a busy tone in the receiver of the telephone, and it was obvious that Tom Cruise had hung up the phone.

Chu Hao has no regrets for not reaching an agreement with AMD. There is no need for Dream Entertainment Co., Ltd. to do the kind of things that lose money and make yelling!

Besides, since AMD can take a fancy to the business opportunity, is it possible that nVIDIA can’t see it?.

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