Chapter 504 : The metal exoskeleton system is done!

“Izuel, make a planned task. Start timing at the current time, and the time period is forty-eight hours. If after forty-eight hours, I do not contact you, then you will immediately migrate from the first server to the second server through data migration. Then from the second server, access the new connection server that is now established. The new connection server, define

The number is supercomputer Yan or Yan. Chu Hao operated the No. 1 server, connected to the supercomputer Yan, and then ordered.

“Sir, do you check the performance of Yan?” Izuel’s tone is cold, based on the basic logic application module of the GMM shallow neural network model, comparing the previous commands after connecting with the second server, making independent judgments and then asking.

“No self-inspection is required. Izuel, if your data is migrated to the supercomputer, the supercomputer activates the security mechanism and scans and checks your programs, and then authorizes you to access the Internet for network cloud storage. At the same time, you can use the black Magic Software, publishes a message continuously on major forum websites around the world. Promotes Dream Entertainment CEO

, Was hijacked and placed under house arrest by the Rongcheng Military Region, and the Rongcheng Military Region wanted to forcibly occupy the dream entertainment. Understood 1.?” Chu Hao made plans for Izuel.

“Sir, the planned task has been established, and the time period is forty-eight hours. Currently there is 47:58:22 left.” A countdown time is displayed on the monitor of the No. 1 server.

Chu Hao thought about it and shook his head: “Modify the scheduled task, add conditions, and authorize the new situation of data transfer. The behavioral dynamic recognition engine detects that a stranger is operating on the No. 1 server and immediately transfers the data. Modify the time period, suspend the timing plan, and confirm. The new suspension time is 00:00:00 on January 16th. If before the early morning of January 16th, I

Did not contact you to perform the task of disseminating news. ”

“Sir, the scheduled task has been changed.” On the monitor, a software window popped up, listing the questions Chu Hao just said.

Chu Hao nodded in satisfaction, and left a backhand through Izuel to prevent the Rongcheng Military Region from jumping over the wall and doing something unfriendly.

If that’s the case, Chu Hao also has a certain guarantee.

This can be regarded as a “gift” for the Rongcheng Military Region, I hope the Rongcheng Military Region will like it!

At ten o’clock in the morning, Chu Hao called Li Guai’s number, and then said loudly: “Little Lizi, ask Xiao Yuanzi to answer the call!”

“Oh, Brother Chu, can you stop calling me Xiaolizi. If Ruoyun hears, my great image will be shattered” Li Guwei complained weakly.

“~Alright, Comrade Xiao Li, hurry up and call Xiao Yuanzi.” Chu Hao said with a black smile.

Li Guai replied in tears: “Brother Chu, you should call me Xiaolizi! Comrade Xiaoli cough cough, I am not a comrade!”

Comrade, you understand?

Li Guai took the phone and shouted to Li Yuan who was lying on the bed holding a book, “Xiao Yuanzi, Brother Chu’s call!”

Li Yuan waved his hand and said, “Let the boy Chu Hao wait and tell him that I am watching the Love (Zhao Lehao) Collection, and I have no time to talk to him!”

Li Guai smiled and told the original words intact. Chu Hao suddenly hummed: “Little Lizi, you tell Xiao Yuanzi that the metal exoskeleton system is ready, and ask him if he is free!”

Li Guai’s cell phone was turned on with the loudspeaker, and Li Yuan heard Chu Hao’s words clearly and came out of the loudspeaker. He turned over and grabbed the phone from Li Guai, and asked in surprise, “Brother Chu Hao, did you just say that the metal exoskeleton system is ready?”.

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