Chapter 757 : Player panic shortage!

The current server of Dream Entertainment is just an ordinary enterprise-level server. When the hackers from Worsang and the Southern Korea attacked collectively, the official website of Dream Entertainment immediately became stuck or even inaccessible.

The official player forum was also strongly affected, and a large number of players were unable to access the official forum. The official player forum of Dream Entertainment has more than 1 million IP visits every day. Such a huge amount of visits and the inability to provide visits in a large area caused many players to panic.

Some of the players who were affected immediately moved to the Vagrant Starry Sky and posted in the Brave World column, indicating that the official website of Dream Entertainment may have been attacked by hackers.

The No. 1 server, Izuel, a low-level pseudo artificial intelligence system. We are making every effort to mobilize various resources and use an endless defense system to resist the attacks of hackers from the two countries as much as possible.

However, the offensive and defensive warfare of hackers largely depends on the computing performance of the hardware. The situation of using laptops against supercomputers does not yet exist.

Chu Hao’s cell phone vibrated in the press conference hall of Qing City Government Office in Zhongyu District. In order to meet the requirements of the signing ceremony, Chu Hao adjusted the phone to the vibration mode.

‘Sir, dream entertainment web server, application server, data server, computing server. All were attacked by hackers from Wasang and Southern Dynasties. Calculating according to the current situation, the ideal estimate is about 7 minutes, and the conservative estimate is only 5 minutes. After the server restarts, the other party has a more than 90% chance of successfully entering the server. and

And get the corresponding permissions. Do you want to cut off the connection between the server and the Internet?’ Izuel asked Chu Hao for his order.

Chu Hao frowned, although he knew about the hacker world of Wasang and the Southern Dynasties. Unite together and prepare to invade dream entertainment. But he didn’t expect it. The hacker alliance of the two countries was actually picked at such a critical moment!

According to Chu Hao’s estimation, they should wait for a better time and wait for Dream Entertainment to release new news to recover the negative impact caused by the voice system. At that time, if you can successfully combat dream entertainment. Definitely better than the timing now.

Chu Hao does not believe that those behind the scenes of Dream Entertainment cannot guess that Dream Entertainment will release new news to restore the negative impact of the voice system.

‘Damn it!’ Chu Hao turned his head slightly. He glanced at Meng Xun, then glanced at Bai Qiang who was in the audience, and gave Bai Qiang a concealed wink.

Bai Qiang’s right hand, also concealed, swayed slightly, beckoning Chu Hao not to mess around.

Chu Hao is anxious, but now is not a good opportunity to leave. He can only reply to Yizuel with text on his phone, “Yizuul, resist with all my strength! Activate the broiler network, including all first-level broilers, including the second server, to resist together attack!’

‘Yes, Sir!’

Beiyu District.

Jian Wu was sitting gloomily opposite Dai Guanghua. On a young face, with a look of hatred, there was also a touch of satisfaction in 5.1.

“Dai Guanghua, I want you to be in front of the camera, confess your guilt, and sincerely apologize to my parents, sincerely admit that you are a scum!” Jian Wushuang stood up, pulled a chair, and placed it in the ventilation duct Next, take down the wireless camera inside and connect it to Dai Guanghua’s office computer. .

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