Chapter 129: Tony Meets Tony

Scott Lang said: “Maybe, we can go meet us at this time, that… I mean you guys.

At this time, he was still squatting in prison, not even Ant-Man, let alone joined the Avengers.

Tony, Captain America, and Dr. Banner all looked at Scott Lang.

Scott Lang Busy says:

“I just said casually, I know, we can’t interfere in this time and space, just kidding.

They came through time, they just snapped their fingers to get the Infinity Stones back, and then sent the Infinity Stones back.

This process cannot interfere with the past time and space, because none of them know, if they interfere with the past time and space, it will cause the space and time they are in to disappear.

“Actually, this suggestion can be considered.” Tony said suddenly.

This time, Captain America, Dr. Banner, and Scott Ronzizi looked at Tony.

You were the one who said at the time that you could never interfere in the past, and now the first one to defect is you, the big-eyed guy? Does your Iron Man have a stand?

Tony pointed to the sky and explained: “This time and space has changed from what we remembered, so if we interfere or not, the future will be different, and we have neither disappeared nor memory changed.”

What do you mean? Captain America and Scott Lang were at a loss. 557

Dr. Banner understood a little more and said:

Tony “You mean to say.. Interfering with this time and space will not cause our future time and space to disappear?”

Tony nodded and said, “Also, no matter what, we must bring the Infinity Stones back!”

Captain America thought for a moment before agreeing, “Then let’s do it, who are we going to now? Fury?”

“Captain, you won’t forget, the S.H.I.E.L.D. at this time is Snake Shield.” Tony reminded.

Suddenly thinking of something, Captain America’s eyes lit up and said, “Maybe we can pretend to be Hydra and deceive the Infinity Stones?”

“Late! Captain, are you going to shout ‘hail.hydra’ in Alexander Pierce’s ear?” Tony said.

“It’s not impossible.” Captain America shrugged.

Tony said: “Captain, although I am very interested in such a scene, it is very likely to trigger a battle between us and us in this time and space, I don’t want to fight by myself, and although interfering in this time and space, I don’t want to fight. It will cause our future time and space to disappear, but the best (baei) is to minimize interference, so I suggest to see me in this time and space, and let me borrow space gems and mind gems for a day in the name of research.”

“What about the Time Stone?” Banner asked.

Hearing the time gem, Tony had a headache.

After thinking about it, he said, “Get the space gem and the mind gem first. As for the time gem, we can’t do it. We will bring Strange from this time and space to come again. I believe that in the face of the future Supreme Mage, the ancient A mage can meet us.”

“Then let’s go see you in this time and space first.” Captain America said.

“Let’s go.” Tony said.

The four left.

They didn’t know that the conversation between them was all heard by the two people in the mirror dimension.

Gu Yi, and Gu Yi’s eldest disciple, Mo Du.

Seeing the four leave, Mordo couldn’t help but ask: “Teacher, they came from the future? But why does Tony not know how to enter the Sanctuary?

Tony is the disciple of the ancient one and the mage of Kama Taj, so the future Tony is naturally also a disciple of the ancient one, the mage of Kama Taj, and if he wants to enter the sanctuary, for the mage of Kama Taj, very simple.

“It’s the future, but it’s not the future.” Gu Yi replied.

Mo Du was a little confused and didn’t understand what his teacher meant. After thinking about it, he asked, “Teacher, aren’t you going to see them?”

Gu Yi replied: “Compared to me, they have gone to meet more correct people.” After that, Gu Yi turned around and entered the sanctuary.

This time, Modu was even more stunned.

At the end of the Battle of New York, the Chitauri did not inflict more than 10,000 casualties in New York.

The Cosmic Rubik’s Cube was taken away by Lu Xiao, and for this, Tony and Nick Fury had a big fight, but in the end it was over.

And if the cube is gone, Thor and Loki will not be able to return to Asgard.

The Rainbow Bridge was smashed by Thor. When he came to Earth this time, Odin used dark energy to send him here.

Thor was very free and easy, handed Loki to S.H.I.E.L.D., and then went to London to fall in love. As for Odin’s instructing him to bring back the Rubik’s Cube to repair the Rainbow Bridge? How is it important to fall in love?

Banner, who was hit by the Sleeping Charm, fell asleep. When he woke up, he found that everything was over. He was a little embarrassed, scratched his head, and left S.H.I.E.L.D.

Natasha is providing psychological counseling for Hawkeye Barton. After all, the reason why Loki can open the space channel is that Hawkeye Barton should have three points of credit, and he also killed many colleagues of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Tony, who broke up with Nick Fury, returned to the top floor of the Stark Building, which was his private residence.

Tony went straight to the bar and poured a glass of wine.

Just as he was about to drink, he moved his hands and became vigilant.

All his private residences are under the management of artificial intelligence Jarvis. As long as he enters the door, Jarvis will say hello at the first time, but this time, he did not hear Jarvis’s greeting.

“Jarvis?” Tony asked.

“Hello, Mr. Stark, may I help you?” a voice said.

Tony’s heart is tight!

This voice is not Jarvis!

“Who are you?! Where’s Jarvis?!” Tony asked, and he was ready to go to the Myriad Realms shop at any time.

He dare not wear the steel armor, because Jarvis has 100% control over all his armors, and now, Jarvis seems to have been hacked by another artificial intelligence, so the steel armor naturally does not Possible exceptions.

“I’m Friday, and Jarvis has been shut down by Mr. Stark. Friday” said.

“When did I shut down Jarvis? Also, where did you come from?” Tony asked, bewildered.

“Mr. Stark, I am you

Just as Friday was about to explain, he was interrupted by a voice: “Friday, I’m your boss, not this guy.”

PS ‘Friday’ is an artificial intelligence created by Tony after Jarvis was destroyed by Ultron and eventually transformed into a vision, with a different voice than Jarvis.

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