Chapter 134: Gu Yi’s Dissuasion

“Teacher.” Seeing Gu Yi, Tony of this time and space respectfully gave a disciple salute and said.

Gu always nodded to Tony.

Venerable “, hello.” Lu Xiao greeted.

How can some strange one suddenly appear.

“Store manager, we meet again.” Gu Yi smiled.

In the future, Tony, Captain America, and Dr. Banner, although they had never met Gu Yi, but saw Tony called ‘Teacher’, they also guessed the identity of the bald woman in front of them.

“Supreme Master, we are…

As soon as Captain America spoke, Gu Yi said:

“Avengers from the future, right? I know the purpose of your trip, but I’ll talk about it later, okay? I want to talk to the store manager first.”

“Okay.” Captain America responded. After all, he had to ask for others, so his attitude should be more correct.

“Your Highness, are you looking for me for something?” Lu Xiao was curious, Gu Yi came to find him? Could it be that he wants to buy something? Then just go to the store.

Glancing at Tony and the future Avengers, Gu Yi said, “Manager, let’s talk in another place.

He raised his hand, opened the mirror image 557 dimension, and walked in.

Lu Xiao also walked in.

Gu Yi and Lu Xiao disappeared in front of everyone.

“Looks like they’re going to say something they don’t want us to hear, Captain, guess what they’re going to talk about? Could we have something to do with it? For example, we’d have to pay a lot of money to lend the Time Stone to us. Us?” Scott Lang said.

Ant-Man Scott Lang is the mouthpiece of the Marvel Universe alongside Spider-Man and Deadpool. As long as he has time, he can’t help but want to talk, and his mouth is open and very casual.

Before Captain America could speak, Tony reminded:

The teacher “and the store manager have entered the mirror image dimension. Although we can’t see them, they are here, not only can they see us, but also hear our voices.”

Scott Lang shut up for a moment.

It is rude to talk about other people behind their backs, and they are heard. If Gu Yi gets angry and doesn’t lend them the Time Stone, then he will become a sinner in their time and space.

within the mirror dimension.

Gu Yi paid no heed to Scott Lang’s remarks.

“Sir, what’s the matter?” Lu Xiao wondered, what matter, he had to come to the mirror dimension to say it.

Gu Yi looked at Lu Xiao and said, “I used the time gem to observe the future just now.

Using the time gem to observe the future and chatting with himself in the parallel universe are the two hobbies of the ancient one, Lu Xiao knows, but why did he suddenly mention this to himself, could it be…

Lu Xiao thought of a possibility, his eyes lit up, and he asked, “Have you seen me in the future?

Lu Xiao is still very curious about his future self.

“No.” Gu Yi shook his head and said, “I can’t observe any future for the store manager.”

Lu Xiao’s interest suddenly diminished, not too surprising.

There may be many reasons why the Time Stone cannot observe the future self, perhaps because of the store in Wanjie; perhaps because it does not belong to Marvel itself; or perhaps it is because the future self has jumped out of the constraints of time.

“What did His Holiness observe?” Lu Xiao asked.

Although Gu Yi didn’t observe him, Lu Xiao’s interest was greatly diminished, but Gu Yi definitely couldn’t come to him because of some trivial matter. Could it be that a Deadpool from a parallel universe killed him in the MCU universe, Gu Yi wanted him to Help get it done?

“I observed the coming of God!” Gu said with a complicated expression.


Lu Xiao was stunned for a moment, thinking of something, his heart tightened, and he asked tentatively, “O-A-A?!”

0-A-A, full name: ONE-ABOVE-ALL.

He is the creator of Marvel’s almighty universe, the almighty creator of all things, and the god of all things.

(baei) Almighty Universe—is a general term for all universes of multiverse, multiverse, parallel universe, and outer universe, including all ideologies, spaces, laws, dimensions, and an almighty core universe that includes all known and unknown things.

The existence of 0-A-A, with Lu Xiao’s current cognition, can’t understand what kind of existence it is, but the lowest is the existence of heaven.

Could it be that he was being targeted by this kind of existence?! If so, Lu Xiao was ready to run away immediately, and made up his mind that he would never come to Marvel World again.

It wasn’t Lu Xiaonian, it was inevitable.

This kind of giant can’t be provoked.


Gu Yi looked blank, she had never heard this name before.

Shaking his head, Gu Yi explained: “What I said ” is the life court.”

Hearing that it was not 0-A-A, Lu Xiao heaved a sigh of relief, only because the Court of Life was also a big boss.

Although it was far worse than O-A-A, Lu Xiao couldn’t be bothered.

The power levels of the Marvel world are – planetary level, heavenly father level, single universe level, multiverse level, super universe level, omnipotent universe level, transcendental universe level, and 0-A-A.

The Life Court is an almighty cosmic boss.

And it has also been authorized by D-A-A to supervise and maintain the balance of the omnipotent universe.

In the prehistoric world, it is the Taiyi Golden Immortal who has been endowed with the power of a saint by heaven.

“How could this one come?” Lu Xiao was puzzled.

The work of the Life Court is very busy. After all, there are a lot of messes in the Marvel world, so the traversers may not be able to take care of them (there are many traversers in the Marvel world), how can they take care of themselves?

Gu Yi looked at Lu Xiao and said, “Because there are many universes that should not be born, in order to maintain the balance of the almighty universe, “He came.

Gu Yi’s words seem to have a point.

But Lu Xiao was a little emotional. Many universes that should not have been born appeared? What does it have to do with himself?

But soon, Lu Xiao realized that this matter was really related to him.

If you reach a deal with the future Avengers and get a time shuttle device, you are going to mess around with the time line to get infinite gems in exchange for trading points.

In the Marvel world, the appearance of each timeline represents the birth of a parallel universe.

“Sir, if the universe that should not have been born did not appear, would the Tribunal of Life still come?” Lu Xiao asked.

“Other little things will not disturb the “chi”. “Gu Dao.

Lu Xiao scratched his head, why is this plan to fix himself? “Is it going to be a disaster before it starts?”

Do you want to run away?

Suddenly, Lu Xiao thought..

Even if it doesn’t appear on its own, the MCU universe will also give birth to a parallel universe.

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